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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 26

/*	SELECT	nvl(sum(nvl(a.burdened_cost,0)),0)
	INTO	new_cost
	FROM  	pa_proj_ccrev_cost_v a
	WHERE 	a.project_id = X2_project_id
	AND   	a.task_id= nvl(X2_task_id,a.task_id)
	AND   	TRUNC(nvl(X2_accrue_through_date,sysdate)) >= trunc(a.pa_start_date);/* BUG#3118592 */
Line: 33

/* Split select into two parts for bug 4251205 */

/* Commented for bug 4860032 Forward port of bug 4646775 */

/*IF X2_task_id is NULL THEN
	SELECT	nvl(sum(nvl(a.burdened_cost,0)),0)
	INTO	new_cost
	FROM  	pa_proj_ccrev_cost_v a
	WHERE 	a.project_id = X2_project_id
	AND   	TRUNC(nvl(X2_accrue_through_date,sysdate)) >= trunc(a.pa_start_date);
Line: 46

	SELECT	nvl(sum(nvl(a.burdened_cost,0)),0)
	INTO	new_cost
	FROM  	pa_proj_ccrev_cost_v a
	WHERE 	a.project_id = X2_project_id
	AND   	a.task_id= X2_task_id
	AND   	TRUNC(nvl(X2_accrue_through_date,sysdate)) >= trunc(a.pa_start_date);
Line: 59

        select sum(BURDENED_COST)
        INTO    new_cost
        from (
        SELECT  sum(nvl(ta.tot_burdened_cost, nvl(ta.tot_raw_cost,0)) +
                                              nvl(ta.i_tot_burdened_cost, nvl(i_tot_raw_cost,0))) BURDENED_COST
                pa_txn_accum  ta
        WHERE   ta.project_id = X2_project_id
        AND EXISTS
        select 1
        from pa_periods pp
        where nvl(X2_accrue_through_date,sysdate) >= trunc(pp.start_date)  --Removed to_date
        and pp.period_name = ta.pa_period
        AND EXISTS (select 1 from pa_tasks t
              where t.task_id = ta.task_id
              and exists (select 1 from pa_tasks t1
                          where t1.task_id = t.top_task_id
                          and decode(l_calling_process,'Revenue',t1.ready_to_distribute_flag,
                                                       'Invoice',t1.ready_to_bill_flag,0) = 'Y')
                   ) /* Exists clause added for bug 7299493 */

        UNION ALL
        SELECT  sum(nvl((cdl.burdened_cost + nvl(project_burdened_change,0)), nvl(cdl.amount,0))) BURDENED_COST
        FROM    pa_cost_distribution_lines_all  cdl
        WHERE   cdl.resource_accumulated_flag = 'N'
        AND     cdl.line_type = 'R'
        AND     cdl.project_id = X2_project_id
        AND EXISTS
        select 1
        from pa_periods pp
        where nvl(X2_accrue_through_date,sysdate) >= trunc(pp.start_date)  --Removed to_date
        and cdl.pa_date between pp.start_date and pp.end_date
        AND EXISTS (select 1 from pa_tasks t
              where t.task_id = cdl.task_id
              and exists (select 1 from pa_tasks t1
                          where t1.task_id = t.top_task_id
                          and decode(l_calling_process,'Revenue',t1.ready_to_distribute_flag,
                                                       'Invoice',t1.ready_to_bill_flag,0) = 'Y')
              ) /* Exists clause added for bug 7299493 */
Line: 106

        select sum(BURDENED_COST)
        INTO    new_cost
        from (

        SELECT  sum(nvl(ta.tot_burdened_cost, nvl(ta.tot_raw_cost,0)) +
                                              nvl(ta.i_tot_burdened_cost, nvl(i_tot_raw_cost,0))) BURDENED_COST
                pa_txn_accum  ta,
                pa_tasks  t
        WHERE   ta.task_id = t.task_id
        AND     t.top_task_id = X2_task_id
        AND     t.project_id = X2_project_id
        AND     ta.project_id = X2_project_id
        AND     ta.project_id = t.project_id
        and exists (select 1 from pa_tasks t1
              where t1.task_id = t.top_task_id
              and decode(l_calling_process,'Revenue',t1.ready_to_distribute_flag,
                                           'Invoice',t1.ready_to_bill_flag,0) = 'Y')   /* Exists clause added for bug 7299493 */

        AND EXISTS
         select 1
         from pa_periods pp
         where nvl(X2_accrue_through_date,sysdate) >= trunc(pp.start_date)  --Removed to_date
         and pp.period_name = ta.pa_period
        SELECT  sum(nvl((cdl.burdened_cost + nvl(project_burdened_change,0)), nvl(cdl.amount,0))) BURDENED_COST
        FROM    pa_cost_distribution_lines_all  cdl  /* Added _all for bug 5953670*/
                /*pa_tasks  commented for bug 6521198*/
        WHERE  EXISTS (	select 1 from pa_tasks t
                	     WHERE cdl.project_id = t.project_id
                       AND     cdl.task_id = t.task_id
                       AND     t.project_id = X2_project_id
                       AND     t.top_task_id = X2_task_id
                       and exists (select 1 from pa_tasks t1
                                   where t1.task_id = t.top_task_id
                                     and decode(l_calling_process,'Revenue',t1.ready_to_distribute_flag,
                                               'Invoice',t1.ready_to_bill_flag,0) = 'Y')   /* Exists clause added for bug 7294641 */
        AND     cdl.resource_accumulated_flag = 'N'
        AND     cdl.line_type = 'R'
        AND     cdl.project_id = X2_project_id
        AND EXISTS
        select 1
        from pa_periods pp
        where nvl(X2_accrue_through_date,sysdate) >= trunc(pp.start_date)  --Removed to_date
        AND     cdl.pa_date between pp.start_date and pp.end_date
Line: 223

	SELECT 	NVL(e.bill_trans_rev_amount,0) trans_rev_amount,e.bill_trans_currency_code,
	FROM 	pa_events e,
		pa_billing_assignments bea,
		pa_billing_extensions be
	where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
	and	e.project_id = X2_project_id
	and    	nvl(e.task_id,0) = decode(X2_task_id,NULL,nvl(e.task_id,0), X2_task_id )
	and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
	and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev'
	and	e.revenue_distributed_flag||'' = 'N';
Line: 242

SELECT sum(nvl(dri.projfunc_revenue_amount,0)) /* change this column from amount to projfunc_revenue_amount for MCB2 */
INTO   accrued_ccrev
FROM   pa_draft_revenue_items dri
WHERE  dri.project_id = X2_project_id
AND    nvl(dri.task_id,0) = decode(X2_task_id, NULL, nvl(dri.task_id,0), X2_task_id )
AND    (EXISTS (	select '1'
			from 	pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines erdl,
				pa_events e,
				pa_billing_assignments bea,
				pa_billing_extensions be
			where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
			and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
			and	e.project_id = erdl.project_id
			and	e.event_num = erdl.event_num
			and	nvl(e.task_id,0) = nvl(erdl.task_id, 0)
			and	erdl.project_id = dri.project_id
			and	erdl.draft_revenue_num = dri.draft_revenue_num
			and	erdl.draft_revenue_item_line_num = dri.line_num
			and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev')
       OR dri.revenue_source like 'Expenditure%');
Line: 270

/*	SELECT 	sum(nvl(e.revenue_amount,0))
	INTO	pending_ccrev
	FROM 	pa_events e,
		pa_billing_assignments bea,
		pa_billing_extensions be
	where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
	and	e.project_id = X2_project_id
	and    	nvl(e.task_id,0) =
				NULL, 	nvl(e.task_id,0), X2_task_id )
	and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
	and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev'
	and	e.revenue_distributed_flag||'' = 'N';   */
Line: 407

       SELECT (DECODE(et.event_type_classification,
		 'WRITE OFF',-1 * NVL(e.bill_trans_rev_amount,0),
		 'RLZED_LOSSES',-1 * NVL(e.bill_trans_rev_amount,0),
             NVL(e.bill_trans_rev_amount,0))) trans_rev_amount,
            (DECODE(et.event_type_classification,'INVOICE REDUCTION', -1 * NVL(e.bill_trans_bill_amount,0),
            NVL(e.bill_trans_bill_amount,0))) trans_bill_amount,
FROM	pa_events e,
	pa_event_types et
WHERE	e.event_type = et.event_type
AND	e.project_id = X2_project_id
AND	nvl(e.task_id,0) = nvl(X2_task_id, nvl(e.task_id,0))
AND	e.completion_date <= nvl(X2_accrue_through_date, sysdate)
AND	NOT EXISTS (	select 'cost-cost event'
		    	from	pa_billing_assignments bea,
				pa_billing_extensions be
			where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
			and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
			and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev');
Line: 433

/* SELECT 	sum(decode(et.event_type_classification,
		'WRITE OFF',	-1 * nvl(revenue_amount,0),
		'INVOICE REDUCTION', -1 * nvl(bill_amount,0),
INTO	X2_revenue_amount,
FROM	pa_events e,
	pa_event_types et
WHERE	e.event_type = et.event_type
AND	e.project_id = X2_project_id
AND	nvl(e.task_id,0) = nvl(X2_task_id, nvl(e.task_id,0))
AND	e.completion_date <= nvl(X2_accrue_through_date, sysdate)
AND	NOT EXISTS (	select 'cost-cost event'
		    	from	pa_billing_assignments bea,
				pa_billing_extensions be
			where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
			and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
			and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev'); */
Line: 588

    SELECT NVL(e.bill_trans_bill_amount,0) trans_bill_amount,e.bill_trans_currency_code,
    FROM    pa_events e,
	    pa_billing_assignments bea,
	    pa_billing_extensions be
    WHERE	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
    AND	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
    AND	e.project_id = X2_project_id
    AND	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev'
    AND	nvl(e.task_id,0) = decode(X2_task_id,
	    NULL, nvl(e.task_id,0), X2_task_id)
	    (select 'billed'
	     from   pa_draft_invoice_items pdii
	     where 	pdii.project_id = e.project_id
	     and  	pdii.event_num = e.event_num
	     and 	nvl(pdii.task_id,0) = nvl(e.task_id,0));
Line: 619

SELECT	sum(nvl(e.bill_amount,0))
INTO	pending_ccinv
from 	pa_events e,
	pa_billing_assignments bea,
	pa_billing_extensions be
where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
and	e.project_id = X2_project_id
and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev'
and	nvl(e.task_id,0) = decode(X2_task_id,
					NULL, nvl(e.task_id,0), X2_task_id)
	(select 'billed'
	 from   pa_draft_invoice_items pdii
	 where 	pdii.project_id = e.project_id
	 and  	pdii.event_num = e.event_num
	 and 	nvl(pdii.task_id,0) = nvl(e.task_id,0)); */
Line: 705

  SELECT sum(nvl(dii.projfunc_bill_amount,0))
  INTO   billed_ccinv
  FROM	 pa_draft_invoice_items dii
  WHERE  dii.project_id = X2_project_id
  AND    (EXISTS 	(select '1'
			from 	pa_events e,
				pa_billing_assignments bea,
				pa_billing_extensions be
			where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
			and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
			and	dii.project_id = e.project_id
			and	dii.event_num = e.event_num
			and	nvl(dii.event_task_id,0) = nvl(e.task_id,0)
			and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev')
          OR EXISTS (	select 	'1'
		   	from 	pa_cust_rev_dist_lines erdl
			where 	erdl.project_id = dii.project_id
			and	erdl.draft_invoice_num = dii.draft_invoice_num
			and	erdl.draft_invoice_item_line_num = dii.line_num));
Line: 733

  SELECT sum(nvl(rdl.projfunc_bill_amount,0))
  INTO	task_billed_ccinv
  FROM	pa_cust_rev_dist_lines rdl,
	pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
	pa_tasks t
  WHERE	ei.task_id = t.task_id
  AND	ei.expenditure_item_id = rdl.expenditure_item_id
  AND	rdl.project_id = X2_project_id
  AND	t.top_task_id = X2_task_id
  AND	rdl.draft_invoice_num IS NOT NULL;
Line: 745

  SELECT sum(nvl(pdii.projfunc_bill_amount,0))
  INTO   task_billed_ev_ccinv
  FROM   pa_draft_invoice_items pdii
  WHERE  pdii.event_task_id = X2_task_id
  AND    pdii.Project_ID = X2_Project_ID    --  Perf Bug 2695243
  AND    EXISTS (select '1'
			from 	pa_events e,
				pa_billing_assignments bea,
				pa_billing_extensions be
			where	be.billing_extension_id = bea.billing_extension_id
			and	bea.billing_assignment_id = e.billing_assignment_id
			and	pdii.project_id = e.project_id
			and	pdii.event_num = e.event_num
			and	pdii.event_task_id = e.task_id
			and	be.procedure_name = 'pa_billing.ccrev');
Line: 832

 SELECT DECODE(e.revenue_distributed_flag,'N', NVL(e.bill_trans_rev_amount,0),0) trans_rev_amount,
        DECODE(pdii.event_num,NULL, NVL(e.bill_trans_bill_amount,0),0) trans_bill_amount,
 FROM	pa_events e, pa_event_types et, pa_draft_invoice_items pdii
 WHERE	e.project_id = X2_project_id
 AND	pdii.project_id (+)= e.project_id
 AND	pdii.event_num (+)= e.event_num
 AND	nvl(pdii.event_task_id,0) = nvl(e.task_id,0)
 AND	nvl(e.task_id,0) = nvl(X2_task_id,0)
 AND	e.event_type = et.event_type
 AND	et.event_type_classification||'' = 'AUTOMATIC';
Line: 856

SELECT 	sum(decode(e.revenue_distributed_flag,
		'N', nvl(e.revenue_amount,0),
		NULL, nvl(e.bill_amount,0),
INTO	current_event_revenue, current_event_invoice
FROM	pa_events e, pa_event_types et, pa_draft_invoice_items pdii
WHERE	e.project_id = X2_project_id
AND	pdii.project_id (+)= e.project_id
and	pdii.event_num (+)= e.event_num
and	nvl(pdii.event_task_id,0) = nvl(e.task_id,0)
AND	nvl(e.task_id,0) = nvl(X2_task_id,0)
and	e.event_type = et.event_type
and	et.event_type_classification||'' = 'AUTOMATIC';
Line: 948

/** Bug # 505759 , changed the select to use (100/pc.customer_bill_split)
    rather than (pc.customer_bill_split * .01)

/* MCB2: Change the name  from total_accrued_amount to projfunc_accrued_amount,
         total_billed_amount to projfunc_billed_amount, and total_baselined_amount to
         projfunc_baselined_amount  */

-- Following changes are made for FP_M : Top Task customer changes
l_Enable_Top_Task_Cust_Flag := PA_Billing_Pub.Get_Top_Task_Customer_Flag (
                                        P_Project_ID => l_Project_ID );
Line: 967

   SELECT  sum(nvl(psf.projfunc_baselined_amount,0)
               - nvl(psf.projfunc_accrued_amount,0)),
	       - nvl(psf.projfunc_billed_amount,0))
   INTO    lowest_revenue_amount,
   FROM    pa_summary_project_fundings psf,
	   pa_agreements_all a
   WHERE   a.agreement_id = psf.agreement_id
   AND     psf.project_id = X2_project_id
   AND     psf.task_id = X2_task_id
   AND     DECODE (X2_calling_process,'Revenue',
		  a.invoice_limit_flag||'') = 'Y' ;
Line: 982

   SELECT  min(sum(nvl(psf.projfunc_baselined_amount,0)
	       - nvl(psf.projfunc_accrued_amount,0))
		   * (100/nvl(pc.customer_bill_split,100)) ), /*Bug 5718115*/
	       - nvl(psf.projfunc_billed_amount,0))
		   * (100/nvl(pc.customer_bill_split,100)) ) /* Bug 5718115*/
   INTO	lowest_revenue_amount,
   FROM	pa_summary_project_fundings psf,
	pa_agreements_all a, /* Changed table from pa_agreements to pa_agreements_all for MCB2 */
	pa_projects p,
	pa_project_customers pc
	a.agreement_id = psf.agreement_id
   AND	p.project_id = psf.project_id
   AND	a.customer_id = pc.customer_id
   AND	pc.project_id = p.project_id
   AND	nvl(psf.task_id,0) = nvl(X2_task_id,0)
   AND	psf.project_id = X2_project_id
   AND	DECODE (X2_calling_process,'Revenue',a.revenue_limit_flag||'','Invoice',a.invoice_limit_flag||'') = 'Y'
   GROUP BY pc.customer_id, pc.customer_bill_split;
Line: 1040

	SELECT sum(decode(X_which, 	'I', nvl(rdl.projfunc_bill_amount,0),
		      	'R', NVL(rdl.projfunc_revenue_amount,0),NVL(rdl.projfunc_revenue_amount,0)))
	INTO	Ramount
	FROM	pa_cust_rev_dist_lines rdl
	WHERE	rdl.expenditure_item_id = X_eiid
	AND	(X_adj = 'ADJ'
		        AND (rdl.line_num_reversed IS NOT NULL
			     OR X_ei_adj = 'Y')
		OR  (X_adj = 'REG'
		     	AND 	(rdl.line_num_reversed IS NULL
				and	rdl.reversed_flag IS NULL
				and X_ei_adj = 'N')));
Line: 1099

    SELECT  Decode(SUBSTR(distribution_rule,INSTR(distribution_rule,'/')+1),'COST','x','y')     /* Added Decode for Bug 2389765 */
    INTO   l_dummy
    FROM   pa_projects_all
    WHERE  project_id        = X_project_id
    AND    substr(distribution_rule,1,instr(distribution_rule,'/')-1)
           IN  ('COST','EVENT')
    AND    exists ( select 'x'
                    from   pa_events e,
                           pa_event_types et
                    where  e.project_id  = X_project_id
                    and    e.event_type  = et.event_type
                    and    et.event_type_classification = 'SCHEDULED PAYMENTS');
Line: 1120

      SELECT v.budget_version_id
      INTO   l_cost_budget_version_id
      FROM   pa_budget_versions v
      WHERE  v.project_id = X_project_id
      AND    v.current_flag = 'Y'
      AND    v.budget_status_code           = 'B'
      AND    v.version_type IN ('COST','ALL');
Line: 1132

      SELECT budget_version_id
      INTO   l_cost_budget_version_id
      FROM   pa_budget_versions pbv
      WHERE  project_id = X_project_id
      AND    budget_type_code = 'AC'
      AND    budget_status_code = 'B'
      AND    current_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1147

      SELECT v.budget_version_id
      INTO   l_rev_budget_version_id
      FROM   pa_budget_versions v
      WHERE  v.project_id = X_project_id
      AND    v.current_flag = 'Y'
      AND    v.budget_status_code           = 'B'
      AND    v.version_type IN ('REVENUE','ALL')
      AND    v.approved_rev_plan_type_flag = 'Y' ; /* Added for bug 4059918 */
Line: 1160

       SELECT budget_version_id
       INTO   l_rev_budget_version_id
       FROM   pa_budget_versions pbv
       WHERE  project_id = X_project_id
       AND    budget_type_code = 'AR'
       AND    budget_status_code = 'B'
       AND    current_flag = 'Y';