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2 --$Header: gmsfcsyb.pls 120.9 2011/02/25 08:26:38 lamalviy ship $
4 -- To check on, whether to print debug messages in log file or not
5 L_DEBUG varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('GMS_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
7 object_type   varchar2(10) := ' PACKAGE ';
8 object_name   varchar2(30) := ' GMS_FC_SYS';
9 sub_program   varchar2(30);
10 stage         number;
11 errcode       varchar2(10);
12 errmesg       varchar2(100);
14 -- Bug 5726575
15 -- =====================
16 -- Start of the comment
17 -- API Name       : create_burden_impacted_enc
18 -- Type           : Public
19 -- Pre_reqs       : None
20 -- Description    : Added a new procedure create_burden_impacted_enc,
21 --                  to create adjusting ADLs and entries in GMS_BC_PACKETS
22 --                  for document_type ENC.
23 --
24 -- Called from    : funds_check_enc
25 -- Return Value   : None
26 --
27 -- Parameters     :
28 -- IN             :p_request_id
29 --                 p_packet_id
30 --                 p_sys_date
31 --                 p_sob_id
32 --                 p_project_id
33 --                 p_rows_inserted
34 -- End of comments
35 -- ===============
36 procedure create_burden_impacted_enc (p_request_id number,
37                                       p_packet_id number,
38                                       p_sys_date in date,
39                                       p_sob_id in number,
40                                       p_project_id in number default null,
41 				      p_enc_group  in varchar2 default null, --Bug 5956414
42                                       p_rows_inserted out nocopy number) --5726575
43 is
44   l_max_adl_line_num number;
45   l_profile_set_size number;
46   l_default_set_size number := 500;
47   cursor brdn_impacted_enc1 is -- Modified for bug:8232859
48     select adl.award_set_id,
49            adl.adl_line_num,
50            adl.raw_cost,
51            adl.project_id,
52            adl.task_id,
53            adl.award_id,
54            adl.expenditure_item_id,
55            adl.cdl_line_num,
56            adl.ind_compiled_set_id,
57            adl.gl_date,
58            adl.line_num_reversed,
59            adl.adl_status,
60            adl.fc_status,
61            adl.reversed_flag,
62            adl.burdenable_raw_cost,
63            adl.cost_distributed_flag,
64            adl.accumulated_flag,
65            gei.encumbrance_item_date,
66            gei.enc_distributed_flag,
67            gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
68            gei.net_zero_adjustment_flag,
69            gei.transferred_from_enc_item_id,
70            gei.amount,
71            gei.ind_compiled_set_id enc_ind_compiled_set_id,
72            gei.denom_raw_amount,
73            gei.acct_raw_cost,
74            adl.capitalizable_flag,
75            adl.bill_hold_flag,
76            adl.billable_flag
77     from gms_encumbrance_items_all gei,
78          gms_encumbrances_all ge,
79          gms_award_distributions adl
80     where gei.encumbrance_id = ge.encumbrance_id
81       and gei.encumbrance_item_id = adl.expenditure_item_id
82       and adl.adl_status = 'A'
83       and adl.document_type = 'ENC'
84       and gei.enc_distributed_flag = 'N'
85       and nvl(reversed_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
86       and line_num_reversed is null
87       and gei.adjustment_type in ('BURDEN_RECOMPILE', 'BURDEN_RECALC') -- Bug 6761516 added 'BURDEN_RECALC'
88       and gei.request_id = p_request_id
89       and adl.project_id = nvl(p_project_id, adl.project_id)  --Bug 5956414
90       and ge.encumbrance_group = p_enc_group --Added for bug:8232859
91       and adl.ind_compiled_set_id is not null
92       and adl.fc_status = 'A';
94         cursor brdn_impacted_enc2 is -- added for bug:8232859
95  	     select adl.award_set_id,
96  	            adl.adl_line_num,
97  	            adl.raw_cost,
98  	            adl.project_id,
99  	            adl.task_id,
100  	            adl.award_id,
101  	            adl.expenditure_item_id,
102  	            adl.cdl_line_num,
103  	            adl.ind_compiled_set_id,
104  	            adl.gl_date,
105  	            adl.line_num_reversed,
106  	            adl.adl_status,
107  	            adl.fc_status,
108  	            adl.reversed_flag,
109  	            adl.burdenable_raw_cost,
110  	            adl.cost_distributed_flag,
111  	            adl.accumulated_flag,
112  	            gei.encumbrance_item_date,
113  	            gei.enc_distributed_flag,
114  	            gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
115  	            gei.net_zero_adjustment_flag,
116  	            gei.transferred_from_enc_item_id,
117  	            gei.amount,
118  	            gei.ind_compiled_set_id enc_ind_compiled_set_id,
119  	            gei.denom_raw_amount,
120  	            gei.acct_raw_cost,
121  	            adl.capitalizable_flag,
122  	            adl.bill_hold_flag,
123  	            adl.billable_flag
124  	     from gms_encumbrance_items_all gei,
125  	          gms_award_distributions adl
126  	     where gei.encumbrance_item_id = adl.expenditure_item_id
127  	       and adl.adl_status = 'A'
128  	       and adl.document_type = 'ENC'
129  	       and gei.enc_distributed_flag = 'N'
130  	       and nvl(reversed_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
131  	       and line_num_reversed is null
132  	       and gei.adjustment_type in ('BURDEN_RECOMPILE', 'BURDEN_RECALC') -- Bug 6674999 added 'BURDEN_RECALC'
133  	       and gei.request_id = p_request_id
134  	       and adl.project_id = nvl(p_project_id, adl.project_id)  --Bug 5926419
135  	       and adl.ind_compiled_set_id is not null
136  	       and adl.fc_status = 'A';
138  type l_brdn_impacted_enc_tab is table of brdn_impacted_enc1%rowtype index by binary_integer;
140   type adl_tbl is table of gms_award_distributions%rowtype index by binary_integer;
141   l_negative_ln_adl_tbl adl_tbl;
142   l_positive_ln_adl_tbl adl_tbl;
143   l_brdn_impacted_enc l_brdn_impacted_enc_tab;
144 begin
146   if l_debug = 'Y' then
147     gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Start of create_burden_impacted_enc', 'C');
148   end if;
150   p_rows_inserted := 0;
152   if l_debug = 'Y' then
153     gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Inserting into GMS_BC_PACKETS for the records which failed funds check previously.', 'C');
154   end if;
156   --Inserting into GMS_BC_PACKETS for the records which failed funds check previously.
157   insert into gms_bc_packets (packet_id,
158                               set_of_books_id,
159                               je_source_name,
160                               je_category_name,
161                               actual_flag,
162                               period_name,
163                               period_year,
164                               period_num,
165                               project_id,
166                               task_id,
167                               award_id,
168                               result_code,
169                               funding_pattern_id,
170                               funding_sequence,
171                               fp_status,
172                               status_code,
173                               last_update_date,
174                               last_updated_by,
175                               created_by,
176                               creation_date,
177                               last_update_login,
178                               entered_dr,
179                               entered_cr,
180                               expenditure_type,
181                               expenditure_organization_id,
182                               expenditure_item_date,
183                               document_type,
184                               document_header_id,
185                               document_distribution_id,
186                               TRANSFERED_FLAG,
187                               account_type,
188                               request_id,
189                               bc_packet_id,
190                               person_id,
191                               job_id,
192                               expenditure_category,
193                               revenue_category,
194                               adjusted_document_header_id,
195                               transaction_source,
196                               award_set_id,
197                               ind_compiled_set_id)
198   Select p_packet_id,
199          p_sob_id,
200          decode(substr(gei.transaction_source,1,4),
201                 'GMSE', gei.transaction_source,
202                 decode(gei.transaction_source,
203                        'GOLDE', 'Labor Distribution',
204                        'Project Accounting')),
205          'Encumberances',
206          'E',
207          glst.period_name,
208          glst.period_year,
209          glst.period_num,
210          adl.project_id,    -- Bug 9191719
211          adl.task_id,
212          adl.award_id,
213          NULL,
214          null,
215          null,
216          null,
217          'P',
218          p_sys_date,
219          FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
220          FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
221          p_sys_date,
222          FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
223          pa_currency.round_currency_amt(decode(sign(adl.raw_cost),1,adl.raw_cost,0)),
224          pa_currency.round_currency_amt(decode(sign(adl.raw_cost),-1,-1*adl.raw_cost,0)),
225          gei.encumbrance_type,
226          nvl(gei.override_to_organization_id,ge.incurred_by_organization_id),
227          trunc(gei.encumbrance_item_date),
228          'ENC',
229          gei.encumbrance_item_id,
230          adl.adl_line_num, --Changed
231          'N',
232          'E',
233          p_request_id,
234          gms_bc_packets_s.nextval,
235          ge.incurred_by_person_id,
236          gei.job_id,
237          pet.expenditure_category,
238          pet.revenue_category_code,
239          Decode(gei.net_zero_adjustment_flag,
240                'Y', decode(gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
241                            NULL, gei.encumbrance_item_id,
242                            gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id),
243                NULL),
244          gei.transaction_source,
245          adl.award_set_id,
246          adl.ind_compiled_set_id
247   from gl_period_statuses glst,
248        -- gl_sets_of_books sob,  -- Bug 9191719
249        -- pa_projects p,         -- Bug 9191719
250        -- gms_project_types gpt, -- Bug 9191719
251        pa_expenditure_types pet,
252        gms_award_distributions adl,
253        -- gms_encumbrance_groups_all  geg,   -- Bug 9191719
254        gms_encumbrances_all ge,
255        gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
256   where gei.request_id = p_request_id
257     -- and ge.encumbrance_group = geg.encumbrance_group   -- Bug 9191719
258     and ge.encumbrance_id = gei.encumbrance_id
259     and adl.project_id = nvl(p_project_id, adl.project_id)   -- Bug 9191719
260     and ge.encumbrance_group = nvl(p_enc_group, ge.encumbrance_group) --Bug 5956414   -- Bug 9191719
261     and gei.encumbrance_item_id = adl.expenditure_item_id
262     and nvl(adl.document_type,'ENC') = 'ENC'
263     and nvl(adl.adl_status,'A') = 'A'
264     and gei.enc_distributed_flag = 'N'
265     -- and adl.project_id = p.project_id   -- Bug 9191719
266     -- and p.project_type = gpt.project_type   -- Bug 9191719
267     -- and gpt.sponsored_flag = 'Y'   -- Bug 9191719
268     -- and sob.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id   -- Bug 9191719
269     and glst.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id
270     and gei.encumbrance_item_date between glst.start_date and glst.end_date
271     and glst.application_id = 101
272     and glst.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
273     and gei.encumbrance_type = pet.expenditure_type
274     and gei.adjustment_type in ('BURDEN_RECOMPILE', 'BURDEN_RECALC') -- Bug 6761516 'BURDEN_RECALC'
275     and adl.fc_status = 'N';
277   p_rows_inserted := p_rows_inserted + sql%rowcount;
279   --Get batch size.
280   FND_PROFILE.GET('PA_NUM_CDL_PER_SET', l_profile_set_size);
281   if ( nvl(l_profile_set_size, 0) = 0 ) then
282     l_profile_set_size := l_default_set_size;
283   end if;
285   if l_debug = 'Y' then
286     gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Batch size is: ' || l_profile_set_size, 'C');
287   end if;
289     if p_enc_group is not null then -- added for bug:8232859
290      open brdn_impacted_enc1;
291     else
292     open brdn_impacted_enc2;
293     end if;
295   loop --BULK COLLECT Logic
297      if p_enc_group is not null then -- added for bug:8232859
298  	          fetch brdn_impacted_enc1 bulk collect
299  	           into l_brdn_impacted_enc
300  	          limit l_profile_set_size;
301  	  else
302  	         fetch brdn_impacted_enc2 bulk collect
303              into l_brdn_impacted_enc
304              limit l_profile_set_size;
305       end if;
306     if nvl(l_brdn_impacted_enc.count, 0) = 0 then
307       exit;
308     end if;
309     for i in 1..l_brdn_impacted_enc.count loop
311       if l_debug = 'Y' then
312         gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Processing ENC_ID: ' || l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).expenditure_item_id, 'C');
313       end if;
315       --Create -ive ADL
316       select max(adl_line_num)
317       into l_max_adl_line_num
318       from gms_award_distributions
319       where award_set_id = l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).award_set_id;
321       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).award_set_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).award_set_id;
322       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).adl_line_num := l_max_adl_line_num + 1;
323       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).raw_cost := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).raw_cost * -1;
324       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).document_type := 'ENC';
325       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).project_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).project_id;
326       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).task_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).task_id;
327       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).award_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).award_id;
328       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).expenditure_item_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).expenditure_item_id;
329       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).cdl_line_num := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).cdl_line_num;
330       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).ind_compiled_set_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).ind_compiled_set_id;
331       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).request_id := p_request_id;
332       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).line_num_reversed := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).adl_line_num;
333       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).resource_list_member_id := NULL;
334       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).adl_status := 'A';
335       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).fc_status := 'N';
336       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).line_type := 'R';
337       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).capitalized_flag := 'N';
338       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).capitalizable_flag := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).capitalizable_flag;
339       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).reversed_flag := NULL;
340       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).bill_hold_flag := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).bill_hold_flag;
341       --l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).burdenable_raw_cost := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).burdenable_raw_cost * -1; --If we are putting this then take care of gms_award_exp_type_act_cost table.
342       l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).billable_flag := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).billable_flag;
344       if l_debug = 'Y' then
345         gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Creating -ive Line.', 'C');
346       end if;
348       --Create -ive ADL
349       gms_awards_dist_pkg.create_adls(l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i));
351       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).award_set_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).award_set_id;
352       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).adl_line_num := l_max_adl_line_num + 2;
353       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).raw_cost := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).raw_cost;
354       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).document_type := 'ENC';
355       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).project_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).project_id;
356       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).task_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).task_id;
357       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).award_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).award_id;
358       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).expenditure_item_id := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).expenditure_item_id;
359       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).cdl_line_num := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).cdl_line_num;
360       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).ind_compiled_set_id := NULL;
361       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).request_id := p_request_id;
362       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).line_num_reversed := NULL;
363       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).resource_list_member_id := NULL;
364       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).adl_status := 'A';
365       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).fc_status := 'N';
366       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).line_type := 'R';
367       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).capitalized_flag := 'N';
368       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).capitalizable_flag := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).capitalizable_flag;
369       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).reversed_flag := NULL;
370       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).bill_hold_flag := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).bill_hold_flag;
371       --l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).burdenable_raw_cost := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).burdenable_raw_cost;
372       l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).billable_flag := l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).billable_flag;
374       if l_debug = 'Y' then
375         gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Creating +ive Line.', 'C');
376       end if;
378       --Create +ive ADL
379       gms_awards_dist_pkg.create_adls(l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i));
381       if l_debug = 'Y' then
382         gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Updating reversed flag.', 'C');
383       end if;
385       --Update reversed_flag on original line.
386       update gms_award_distributions
387       set reversed_flag = 'Y',
388           request_id = p_request_id
389       where award_set_id = l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).award_set_id
390         and adl_line_num = l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).adl_line_num
391         and adl_status = 'A';
393       if l_debug = 'Y' then
394         gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Inserting into gms_bc_packets.', 'C');
395       end if;
397       --Insert into GMS_BC_PACKETS
398       insert into gms_bc_packets (packet_id,
399                                   set_of_books_id,
400                                   je_source_name,
401                                   je_category_name,
402                                   actual_flag,
403                                   period_name,
404                                   period_year,
405                                   period_num,
406                                   project_id,
407                                   task_id,
408                                   award_id,
409                                   result_code,
410                                   funding_pattern_id,
411                                   funding_sequence,
412                                   fp_status,
413                                   status_code,
414                                   last_update_date,
415                                   last_updated_by,
416                                   created_by,
417                                   creation_date,
418                                   last_update_login,
419                                   entered_dr,
420                                   entered_cr,
421                                   expenditure_type,
422                                   expenditure_organization_id,
423                                   expenditure_item_date,
424                                   document_type,
425                                   document_header_id,
426                                   document_distribution_id,
427                                   TRANSFERED_FLAG,
428                                   account_type,
429                                   request_id,
430                                   bc_packet_id,
431                                   person_id,
432                                   job_id,
433                                   expenditure_category,
434                                   revenue_category,
435                                   adjusted_document_header_id,
436                                   transaction_source,
437                                   award_set_id,
438                                   ind_compiled_set_id)
439       Select p_packet_id,
440              p_sob_id,
441              decode(substr(gei.transaction_source,1,4),
442                     'GMSE', gei.transaction_source,
443                     decode(gei.transaction_source,
444                            'GOLDE', 'Labor Distribution',
445                            'Project Accounting')),
446              'Encumberances',
447              'E',
448              glst.period_name,
449              glst.period_year,
450              glst.period_num,
451              adl.project_id,  -- Bug 9191719
452              adl.task_id,
453              adl.award_id,
454              NULL,
455              null,
456              null,
457              null,
458              'P',
459              p_sys_date,
460              FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
461              FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
462              p_sys_date,
463              FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
464              pa_currency.round_currency_amt(decode(sign(adl.raw_cost),1,adl.raw_cost,0)),
465              pa_currency.round_currency_amt(decode(sign(adl.raw_cost),-1,-1*adl.raw_cost,0)),
466              gei.encumbrance_type,
467              nvl(gei.override_to_organization_id,ge.incurred_by_organization_id),
468              trunc(gei.encumbrance_item_date),
469              'ENC',
470              gei.encumbrance_item_id,
471              adl.adl_line_num, --Changed
472              'N',
473              'E',
474              p_request_id,
475              gms_bc_packets_s.nextval,
476              ge.incurred_by_person_id,
477              gei.job_id,
478              pet.expenditure_category,
479              pet.revenue_category_code,
480              Decode(gei.net_zero_adjustment_flag,
481                    'Y', decode(gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
482                                NULL, gei.encumbrance_item_id,
483                                gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id),
484                    NULL),
485              gei.transaction_source,
486              adl.award_set_id,
487              adl.ind_compiled_set_id
488       from gl_period_statuses glst,
489            -- gl_sets_of_books sob,     -- Bug 9191719
490            -- pa_projects p,            -- Bug 9191719
491            -- gms_project_types gpt,    -- Bug 9191719
492            pa_expenditure_types pet,
493            gms_award_distributions adl,
494            -- gms_encumbrance_groups_all  geg,  -- Bug 9191719
495            gms_encumbrances_all ge,
496            gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
497       where gei.request_id = p_request_id
498         -- and ge.encumbrance_group = geg.encumbrance_group  -- Bug 9191719
499         and ge.encumbrance_id = gei.encumbrance_id
500         and adl.project_id = nvl(p_project_id, adl.project_id)  -- Bug 9191719
501         and ge.encumbrance_group = nvl(p_enc_group, ge.encumbrance_group) --Bug 5956414  -- Bug 9191719
502         and gei.encumbrance_item_id = adl.expenditure_item_id
503         and nvl(adl.document_type,'ENC') = 'ENC'
504         and nvl(adl.adl_status,'A') = 'A'
505         and gei.enc_distributed_flag = 'N'
506         -- and adl.project_id = p.project_id  -- Bug 9191719
507         -- and p.project_type = gpt.project_type  -- Bug 9191719
508         -- and gpt.sponsored_flag = 'Y'  -- Bug 9191719
509         -- and sob.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id  -- Bug 9191719
510         and glst.set_of_books_id = p_sob_id
511         and gei.encumbrance_item_date between glst.start_date and glst.end_date
512         and glst.application_id = 101
513         and glst.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
514         and gei.encumbrance_type = pet.expenditure_type
515         and gei.adjustment_type in ('BURDEN_RECOMPILE', 'BURDEN_RECALC') -- Bug 6761516 added 'BURDEN_RECALC'
516         and adl.award_set_id = l_brdn_impacted_enc(i).award_set_id
517         and adl.adl_line_num in (l_negative_ln_adl_tbl(i).adl_line_num, l_positive_ln_adl_tbl(i).adl_line_num);
519       p_rows_inserted := p_rows_inserted + sql%rowcount;
520     end loop; --for i in 1..l_brdn_impacted_enc.count loop
521   end loop;  --BULK COLLECT Logic
523       if p_enc_group is not null then -- added for bug:8232859
524  	     close brdn_impacted_enc1;
525  	   else
526  	     close brdn_impacted_enc2;
527  	   end if;
529   if l_debug = 'Y' then
530     gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Ending create_burden_impacted_enc.', 'C');
531   end if;
533 end create_burden_impacted_enc;
535 -- Bug 4961220 : Created the autonomous procedure load_enc_pkts
537 PROCEDURE load_enc_pkts                (p_enc_group	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
538 			                p_project_id    IN 	NUMBER,
539 			                p_end_date	IN 	DATE,
540 			                p_org_id	IN 	NUMBER,
541 					p_sob_id        IN 	NUMBER,
542 					x_packet_id     OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER,
543 					x_count         OUT    NOCOPY  NUMBER
544                                           ) IS
547 l_request_id    	NUMBER := fnd_global.conc_request_id ;
548 l_rows_inserted         NUMBER;  --Bug 5726575
550 /* ----------------------------- Update baselined budget_version_id  ----------------------------------- */
552 x_budget_version_id number(15);
554 Cursor Cur_for_bvid_update is
555     Select distinct award_id,
556                     project_id
557     from   gms_bc_packets
558     where  packet_id = x_packet_id;
562 /* ---------------- Update of Requset Id on  gms_encumbrance_items_all --------------------- */	--1472753
564 if p_enc_group is null then -- added for bug:8232859
566  	         update gms_encumbrance_items_all
567  	         set request_id = l_request_id
568  	         where encumbrance_item_id in (
569  	         select gei.encumbrance_item_id
570  	         from
571 		         -- pa_projects p,          -- Bug 9191719
572  	                 -- gms_project_types gpt,  -- Bug 9191719
573  	                 gms_award_distributions adl,
574  	                 gms_encumbrance_groups_all  geg,
575  	                 gms_encumbrances_all ge,
576  	                 gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
577  	         where  /*geg.encumbrance_group =   nvl(p_enc_group,geg.encumbrance_group) -- Bug:8232859
578  	         and   */geg.encumbrance_group_status_code = 'RELEASED'                                -- Bug Fix 1364085
579  	         and   ge.encumbrance_group  =  geg.encumbrance_group
580  	         and   ge.encumbrance_id     =  gei.encumbrance_id
581  	         and   adl.project_id        = nvl(p_project_id, adl.project_id)  -- Bug 9191719 /* bug 11806701: changed p.project_id to adl.project_id */
582  	         and   gei.encumbrance_item_date        <= nvl(p_end_date, gei.encumbrance_item_date)
583  	         and   nvl(gei.override_to_organization_id,ge.incurred_by_organization_id)
584  	                         = nvl(p_org_id,nvl(gei.override_to_organization_id,ge.incurred_by_organization_id))
585  	         and   gei.encumbrance_item_id = adl.expenditure_item_id
586  	         and        gei.enc_distributed_flag = 'N'
587  	         -- and        adl.project_id        = p.project_id  -- Bug 9191719
588  	         and   adl.document_type     = 'ENC'
589  	         -- and         p.project_type        = gpt.project_type  -- Bug 9191719
590  	         -- and         gpt.sponsored_flag    = 'Y'  -- Bug 9191719 :  no need to check this as all tables in context are Grants tables
591  	         and   nvl(adl.adl_status,'A')= 'A');
593  	 else
594 	update gms_encumbrance_items_all
595 	set request_id = l_request_id
596 	where encumbrance_item_id in (
597  	select gei.encumbrance_item_id
598  	from
599 	        -- pa_projects p,          -- Bug 9191719
600  	    	-- gms_project_types gpt,  -- Bug 9191719
601         	gms_award_distributions adl,
602         	gms_encumbrance_groups_all  geg,
603         	gms_encumbrances_all ge,
604 		gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
605  	where geg.encumbrance_group =   p_enc_group -- Bug:8232859
606   	and   geg.encumbrance_group_status_code = 'RELEASED'				-- Bug Fix 1364085
607   	and   ge.encumbrance_group  =  geg.encumbrance_group
608   	and   ge.encumbrance_id     =  gei.encumbrance_id
609   	and   adl.project_id        = nvl(p_project_id, adl.project_id)  -- Bug 9191719  /* bug 11806701: changed p.project_id to adl.project_id */
610   	and   gei.encumbrance_item_date        <= nvl(p_end_date, gei.encumbrance_item_date)
611        	and   nvl(gei.override_to_organization_id,ge.incurred_by_organization_id)
612 			= nvl(p_org_id,nvl(gei.override_to_organization_id,ge.incurred_by_organization_id))
613        	and   gei.encumbrance_item_id = adl.expenditure_item_id
614    	and	gei.enc_distributed_flag = 'N'
615   	-- and	adl.project_id        = p.project_id  -- Bug 9191719
616   	and   adl.document_type     = 'ENC'
617   	-- and 	p.project_type        = gpt.project_type  -- Bug 9191719
618   	-- and 	gpt.sponsored_flag    = 'Y'  -- Bug 9191719 :  no need to check this as all tables in context are Grants tables
619   	and   nvl(adl.adl_status,'A')= 'A');
621    	 end if;
622 /* ---------------- Update of Requset Id on  gms_encumbrance_items_all --------------------- */	--1472753
624 	        select gl_bc_packets_s.nextval into x_packet_id from dual;
626  		insert into gms_bc_packets (
627 				  packet_id,
628                                   set_of_books_id,
629                                   je_source_name,
630                                   je_category_name,
631                                   actual_flag,
632                                   period_name,
633                                   period_year,
634 				  period_num,
635                                   project_id,
636                                   task_id,
637                                   award_id,
638 				  result_code,
639 				  funding_pattern_id,
640 				  funding_sequence,
641 				  fp_status,
642                                   status_code,
643                                   last_update_date,
644                                   last_updated_by,
645                                   created_by,
646                                   creation_date,
647                                   last_update_login,
648                                   entered_dr,
649                                   entered_cr,
650                                   expenditure_type,
651                                   expenditure_organization_id,
652                                   expenditure_item_date,
653                                   document_type,
654                                   document_header_id,
655                                   document_distribution_id,
657 				  account_type, request_id,
658 				  bc_packet_id,
659 				  person_id,
660 				  job_id,
661 				  expenditure_category,
662 				  revenue_category,
663                                   adjusted_document_header_id,
664 				  transaction_source,
665 				  award_set_id
666 				  )
667  		Select
668                         x_packet_id,
669 			p_sob_id,
670 			--decode(gei.transaction_source,'GOLDE','Labor Distribution','Project Accounting'),	--Bug Fix - 1364133
671 			decode(substr(gei.transaction_source,1,4),'GMSE',gei.transaction_source,decode(gei.transaction_source,'GOLDE','Labor Distribution','Project Accounting')), -- Bug 3035863
672 			'Encumberances',
673 			'E',
674 			glst.period_name,
675 			glst.period_year,
676 			glst.period_num,
677                         adl.project_id,     -- Bug 9191719
678                         adl.task_id,
679                         adl.award_id,
680 			 NULL ,
681 			null,
682 			null,
683 			null,
684 			'P',		-- Bug 2163845
685                         sysdate,
686                         FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
687                         FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
688                         sysdate,
689                         FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID,
690 			pa_currency.round_currency_amt(decode(sign(gei.amount),1,gei.amount,0)),
691 			pa_currency.round_currency_amt(decode(sign(gei.amount),-1,-1*gei.amount,0)),
692                         gei.encumbrance_type,
693                         nvl(gei.override_to_organization_id,ge.incurred_by_organization_id),
694                         trunc(gei.encumbrance_item_date),
695 			'ENC',
696 			gei.encumbrance_item_id,
697 			adl.adl_line_num, --Bug 5693864 1,
698 			'N',
699 			'E',
700             		l_request_id,
701             		gms_bc_packets_s.nextval,
702 			ge.incurred_by_person_id,
703 			gei.job_id,
704 			pet.expenditure_category,
705 			pet.revenue_category_code,
706                         Decode(gei.net_zero_adjustment_flag,'Y',
707                                    Decode(gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
708 			                  Null,gei.encumbrance_item_id,
709                             	          gei.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id
710                                           ), null ),	 -- fix for bug : 2927485
711 		        gei.transaction_source,
712 			adl.award_set_id
713        		   from gl_period_STATUSES glst,
714 			-- gl_sets_of_books sob,   -- Bug 9191719
715 			-- pa_projects p,          -- Bug 9191719
716 			-- gms_project_types gpt,  -- Bug 9191719
717 			pa_expenditure_types pet,
718             		gms_award_distributions adl,
719             		-- gms_encumbrance_groups_all  geg,  -- Bug 9191719
720             		gms_encumbrances_all ge,
721 			gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
722 		where   gei.request_id=l_request_id
723               	  -- and   ge.encumbrance_group  		=  geg.encumbrance_group
724       		  and   ge.encumbrance_id     		=  gei.encumbrance_id
725       		  and   adl.project_id        = nvl(p_project_id, adl.project_id)  -- Bug 9191719
726                   and   ge.encumbrance_group           = nvl(p_enc_group, ge.encumbrance_group) --Bug 5956414  -- Bug 9191719
727       		  and   gei.encumbrance_item_id 	= adl.expenditure_item_id
728       		  and   nvl(adl.document_type,'ENC')  	= 'ENC'
729 	  	  and   nvl(adl.adl_status,'A')		= 'A'
730      	  	  and	gei.enc_distributed_flag 	= 'N'
731 	     	  -- and	adl.project_id        		= p.project_id  -- Bug 9191719
732 	   	  -- and 	p.project_type        		= gpt.project_type  -- Bug 9191719
733 	  	  -- and 	gpt.sponsored_flag    		= 'Y'  -- Bug 9191719
734 	  	  -- and	sob.set_of_books_id	   	= p_sob_id  -- Bug 9191719
735 	  	  and	glst.set_of_books_id   		= p_sob_id
736       		  and   gei.encumbrance_item_date between glst.start_date and glst.end_date
737 	  	  and	glst.application_id	   	= 101
738 	  	  and	glst.adjustment_period_flag	= 'N'
739 		  and   gei.encumbrance_type = pet.expenditure_type 		-- Bug 2069132 (RLMI Change)
740                   and   nvl(gei.adjustment_type, 'X') not in ('BURDEN_RECOMPILE',  'BURDEN_RECALC'); --Bug 5726575
741 		                                                                -- Bug 6761516 added 'BURDEN_RECALC'
743     		x_count := sql%rowcount;
744 			IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
745 				gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Encumbrance record count '||x_count,'C');
746 			END IF;
748                 --Bug 5726575
749                 create_burden_impacted_enc(l_request_id,
750                                            x_packet_id,
751                                            sysdate,
752                                            p_sob_id,
753                                            p_project_id,
754 					   p_enc_group, --Bug 5956414
755                                            l_rows_inserted);
756                 x_count := x_count + l_rows_inserted;
758                 IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
759                   gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Encumbrance record count after create_burden_impacted_enc: ' || x_count, 'C');
760                 END IF;
762 		for records in cur_for_bvid_update
763 		loop
765   			Begin
767     				select budget_version_id
768     				into   x_budget_version_id
769     				from   gms_budget_versions
770     				where  project_id = records.project_id
771     				and    award_id = records.award_id
772     				and    budget_status_code = 'B'
773     				and    current_flag= 'Y';
775     				update gms_bc_packets
776     				set    budget_version_id = x_budget_version_id
777     				where  project_id = records.project_id
778     				and    award_id = records.award_id
779     				and    packet_id = x_packet_id;
781  			Exception
783     				When others then
786          				update gms_bc_packets gms
787     					set 	gms.status_code = 'R',
788 	       					gms.result_code = 'F10',
789     						gms.RES_RESULT_CODE = 'F10',
790 	      					gms.RES_GRP_RESULT_CODE  = 'F10',
791 	       					gms.TASK_RESULT_CODE = 'F10',
792     						gms.AWARD_RESULT_CODE = 'F10'
793 	       				where 	gms.packet_id = x_packet_id
794            				and   	gms.project_id = records.project_id
795            				and   	gms.award_id = records.award_id;
796 			end;
797 		end loop;
798 		COMMIT;
800   When others then
801   	IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
802 	  gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('load_enc_pkts - In When Others Exception','C');
803 	END IF;
804 	RAISE;
805 END load_enc_pkts;
807 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
808 -- Procedure to do Fund check on Encumbrance Items
809 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
811  Procedure funds_check_enc(errbuf	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
812 			   retcode	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
813 			   p_enc_group	IN	VARCHAR2 default null,
814 			   p_project_id IN 	NUMBER	 default null,
815 			   p_end_date	IN 	DATE	 default null,
816 			   p_org_id	IN 	NUMBER	 default null
817                            )
818  is
820     l_sob_id        	NUMBER(15) ;
821     x_packet_id     	NUMBER ;
822     x_count         	NUMBER ;
823     x_e_code	    	VARCHAR2(1) := null;
824     x_e_stage	    	VARCHAR2(10) := null;
825     x_return_code   	VARCHAR2(3);
826     x_e_mesg	    	VARCHAR2(2000) := null;
830 	IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
831 		gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('****project***'||p_project_id,'C');
832 		gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('****exp group***'||p_enc_group,'C');
833 		gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('****end date***'||p_end_date,'C');
834 		gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('****org id***'||p_org_id,'C');
835 	END IF;
838 	-- Bug 1980810 : Added to set currency related global variables
839 	--		 Call to pa_currency.round_currency_amt function will use
840 	--		 global variables and thus improves performance
841 	--		 For Actuals this call is done in Funds check process (gmsfcfcb.pls) itself.
842 	--		 For Manual enc. as we are using PA rounding call, we are setting it here.
844 	 pa_currency.set_currency_info;
847 		select set_of_books_id
848 		into l_sob_id
849 		from pa_implementations;
852         load_enc_pkts                  (p_enc_group     => p_enc_group ,
853 			                p_project_id    => p_project_id,
854 			                p_end_date	=> p_end_date,
855 			                p_org_id	=> p_org_id,
856 					p_sob_id        => l_sob_id,
857 					x_packet_id     => x_packet_id,
858 					x_count         => x_count);
861     		If x_count > 0 THEN
862 			IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
863 				gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('Calling gms funds checker','C');
864 			END IF;
866        			If not GMS_FUNDS_CONTROL_PKG.GMS_FCK( l_sob_id,
867       		             	              		x_packet_id,
868                               	              		'E',                     -- DEFAULT 'R'
869     	           	 	              		'N',                     --x_over DEFAULT 'N'
870 				              		'Y',                      --x_partial DEFAULT 'N'
871     	             		              		fnd_global.user_id,       -- x_user_id,
872                    		              		fnd_global.resp_id,
873 			 	              		'Y',
874 				              		x_return_code,
875 			 	              		x_e_code,
876 			 	              		x_e_mesg)   then
878             			errbuf	:= x_e_stage||': '||x_e_mesg;
881           		End if ;
883       		End if ;
884 			IF L_DEBUG = 'Y' THEN
885 				gms_error_pkg.gms_debug('exception x_count-'||x_count,'C');
886 			END IF;
889   When others then
890        RETCODE := '2'; -- Changed from 'H' to '2' for Bug:2464800
891        errcode := SQLCODE;
892        errmesg := sqlerrm;
893        ERRBUF:='Error in '||object_type||object_name||sub_program||'at stage '||
894                  to_char(stage)||' '||errmesg;
895 End funds_check_enc;
898 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
899 -- Procedure to submit Fundscheck Encumbrance Items called from GMSTRENE.fmb
900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
901 Function submit_funds_check_enc( p_enc_group   IN      VARCHAR2 default null,
902 			          p_project_id		NUMBER	 default null,
903 			          p_end_date		DATE	 default null,
904 			          p_org_id		NUMBER	 default null) return NUMBER
905 IS
906  v_reqid     number;
907  complete    boolean;
908  phase       varchar2(30);
909  status      varchar2(30);
910  dev_phase   varchar2(30);
911  dev_status  varchar2(30);
912  message     varchar2(240);
913  BEGIN
914         sub_program   := ' COSTING ';
915 	v_reqid:= fnd_request.submit_request('GMS','GMSFCENC','','',FALSE
916           	                              ,p_enc_group
917                                               ,p_project_id
918                                               ,to_char(p_end_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
919                                               ,p_org_id
920 					      ,null
921 					      ,'ENC');
922       	if(v_reqid=0) then
923 		return v_reqid;
924      	else
925     	    commit;
926             complete := FND_CONCURRENT.WAIT_FOR_REQUEST(v_reqid,10,0,phase,status,
927                                                         dev_phase, dev_status,message);
928  	    return v_reqid;
929      	end if;
930 END submit_funds_check_enc;