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Line 68: from fnd_lookups

64: -- populate PRICING_BASIS
65: update pon_auc_price_elements_int pape
66: set pape.pricing_basis = (
67: select lookup_code
68: from fnd_lookups
69: where lookup_type = 'PON_PRICING_BASIS'
70: and meaning = pape.pricing_basis_name
71: )
72: where pape.batch_id = p_batch_id

Line 860: from fnd_lookups

856: when
857: (
858: selected_datatype not in (
859: select lookup_code
860: from fnd_lookups
861: where lookup_type = 'PON_AUCTION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE'
862: )
863: )
864: then into pon_interface_errors

Line 1225: fnd_lookups fl,

1221: from
1222: pon_price_elements pe,
1223: pon_price_element_types pet,
1224: pon_price_element_types_tl petl,
1225: fnd_lookups fl,
1226: pon_item_prices_interface ip
1227: where
1228: ip.batch_id = p_batch_id
1229: and pe.auction_header_id = p_auction_template_id

Line 2208: from fnd_lookups

2204: when
2205: (
2206: selected_datatype not in (
2207: select lookup_code
2208: from fnd_lookups
2209: where lookup_type = 'PON_AUCTION_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE'
2210: )
2211: AND Nvl(selected_action,'INSERT') = 'INSERT'
2212: )