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2 /*$Header: ARH2RESS.pls 120.10 2007/10/23 09:36:29 rgokavar ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This package contains the public APIs for party relationships.
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product HZ
7  * @rep:displayname Party Relationship
9  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY HZ_PERSON
10  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY HZ_PARTY
12  * @rep:lifecycle active
13  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Relationship APIs, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
14  */
18 TYPE relationship_rec_type IS RECORD(
19     relationship_id                 NUMBER,
20     subject_id                      NUMBER,
21     subject_type                    VARCHAR2(30),
22     subject_table_name              VARCHAR2(30),
23     object_id                       NUMBER,
24     object_type                     VARCHAR2(30),
25     object_table_name               VARCHAR2(30),
26     relationship_code               VARCHAR2(30),
27     relationship_type               VARCHAR2(30),
28     comments                        VARCHAR2(240),
29     start_date                      DATE ,
30     end_date                        DATE,
31     status                          VARCHAR2(1),
32     content_source_type             VARCHAR2(30) := G_MISS_CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE,
33     attribute_category              VARCHAR2(30),
34     attribute1                      VARCHAR2(150),
35     attribute2                      VARCHAR2(150),
36     attribute3                      VARCHAR2(150),
37     attribute4                      VARCHAR2(150),
38     attribute5                      VARCHAR2(150),
39     attribute6                      VARCHAR2(150),
40     attribute7                      VARCHAR2(150),
41     attribute8                      VARCHAR2(150),
42     attribute9                      VARCHAR2(150),
43     attribute10                     VARCHAR2(150),
44     attribute11                     VARCHAR2(150),
45     attribute12                     VARCHAR2(150),
46     attribute13                     VARCHAR2(150),
47     attribute14                     VARCHAR2(150),
48     attribute15                     VARCHAR2(150),
49     attribute16                     VARCHAR2(150),
50     attribute17                     VARCHAR2(150),
51     attribute18                     VARCHAR2(150),
52     attribute19                     VARCHAR2(150),
53     attribute20                     VARCHAR2(150),
54     created_by_module               VARCHAR2(150),
55     application_id                  NUMBER,
56     party_rec                       HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.PARTY_REC_TYPE := HZ_PARTY_V2PUB.G_MISS_PARTY_REC,
57     additional_information1         VARCHAR2(150),
58     additional_information2         VARCHAR2(150),
59     additional_information3         VARCHAR2(150),
60     additional_information4         VARCHAR2(150),
61     additional_information5         VARCHAR2(150),
62     additional_information6         VARCHAR2(150),
63     additional_information7         VARCHAR2(150),
64     additional_information8         VARCHAR2(150),
65     additional_information9         VARCHAR2(150),
66     additional_information10        VARCHAR2(150),
67     additional_information11        VARCHAR2(150),
68     additional_information12        VARCHAR2(150),
69     additional_information13        VARCHAR2(150),
70     additional_information14        VARCHAR2(150),
71     additional_information15        VARCHAR2(150),
72     additional_information16        VARCHAR2(150),
73     additional_information17        VARCHAR2(150),
74     additional_information18        VARCHAR2(150),
75     additional_information19        VARCHAR2(150),
76     additional_information20        VARCHAR2(150),
77     additional_information21        VARCHAR2(150),
78     additional_information22        VARCHAR2(150),
79     additional_information23        VARCHAR2(150),
80     additional_information24        VARCHAR2(150),
81     additional_information25        VARCHAR2(150),
82     additional_information26        VARCHAR2(150),
83     additional_information27        VARCHAR2(150),
84     additional_information28        VARCHAR2(150),
85     additional_information29        VARCHAR2(150),
86     additional_information30        VARCHAR2(150),
87     percentage_ownership            NUMBER,
88     actual_content_source           VARCHAR2(30)
89 );
91 G_MISS_REL_REC                              RELATIONSHIP_REC_TYPE;
93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 /*#
96  * Use this routine to create a relationship between two parties or entities. This API
97  * creates records in the HZ_RELATIONSHIPS table. The record defines the relationship that
98  * exists between Parties of type PERSON, ORGANIZATION, and other entities that are
99  * defined in the FND_OBJECT_INSTANCE_SETS table.
100  * You can view relationships in either direction, because an additional relationship
101  * record is created to store the reverse relationship. The relationship code,
102  * relationship type, subject and object types must be a valid combination already defined
103  * in the HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES table. The two relationship records have the same
104  * relationship_id, but you can distinguish between them by the directional_flag column.
105  * If you use a hierarchical relationship type (hierarchical_flag = Y) to create a
106  * relationship, then the relationship information is denormalized to the
107  * HZ_HIERARCHY_NODES table with the level, effective date, and so on. The API ensures
108  * that no circular relationship is created, so that all of the relationships using that
109  * relationship type are hierarchical.
110  * @rep:scope public
111  * @rep:lifecycle active
112  * @rep:displayname Create Relationship
113  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.Relationship.create
114  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Relationship APIs, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
115  */
116 PROCEDURE create_relationship (
117     p_init_msg_list               IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
118     p_relationship_rec            IN      RELATIONSHIP_REC_TYPE,
119     x_relationship_id             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
120     x_party_id                    OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
121     x_party_number                OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
122     x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
123     x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
124     x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
125     p_create_org_contact          IN      VARCHAR2
126 );
128 -- bug 3801870. Overloaded the procedure create_relationship to
129 -- support backward compatibility.
130 -- Bug 6521493 Annotation added
131 /*#
132     * Use this routine to create a relationship between two parties or entities. This API
133     * creates records in the HZ_RELATIONSHIPS table. The record defines the relationship that
134     * exists between Parties of type PERSON, ORGANIZATION, and other entities that are
135     * defined in the FND_OBJECT_INSTANCE_SETS table.
136     * You can view relationships in either direction, because an additional relationship
137     * record is created to store the reverse relationship. The relationship code,
138     * relationship type, subject and object types must be a valid combination already defined
139     * in the HZ_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES table. The two relationship records have the same
140     * relationship_id, but you can distinguish between them by the directional_flag column.
141     * If you use a hierarchical relationship type (hierarchical_flag = Y) to create a
142     * relationship, then the relationship information is denormalized to the
143     * HZ_HIERARCHY_NODES table with the level, effective date, and so on. The API ensures
144     * that no circular relationship is created, so that all of the relationships using that
145     * relationship type are hierarchical. This signature of API internally calls
146     * overloaded API signature with p_create_org_contact parameter value as 'Y'.
147     * @rep:scope public
148     * @rep:lifecycle active
149     * @rep:displayname Create Relationship
150     * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.Relationship.create
151     * @rep:doccd 115hztig.pdf Relationship APIs, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
152     */
153 PROCEDURE create_relationship (
154     p_init_msg_list               IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
155     p_relationship_rec            IN      RELATIONSHIP_REC_TYPE,
156     x_relationship_id             OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
157     x_party_id                    OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
158     x_party_number                OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
159     x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
160     x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
161     x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
162 );
165 /**
166  * PROCEDURE create_relationship_with_usg
167  *
169  *     Creates relationship with party usages.
170  *
172  *
174  *   IN:
175  *     p_init_msg_list                Initialize message stack if it is set to
176  *                                    FND_API.G_TRUE. Default is FND_API.G_FALSE.
177  *     p_relationship_rec             Relationship record.
178  *     p_contact_party_id             Contact party Id.
179  *     p_contact_party_usage_code     Contact party usage code.
180  *     p_create_org_contact           Decide if we need to create org contact or not.
181  *   IN/OUT:
182  *   OUT:
183  *     x_relationship_id              Relationship ID.
184  *     x_party_id                     Relationship party Id.
185  *     x_party_number                 Party number.
186  *     x_return_status                Return status after the call. The status can
187  *                                    be FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS (success),
188  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR (error),
189  *                                    FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR (unexpected error).
190  *     x_msg_count                    Number of messages in message stack.
191  *     x_msg_data                     Message text if x_msg_count is 1.
192  *
193  * NOTES
194  *
196  *
197  *   05-15-2005    Jianying Huang   o Created.
198  *
199  */
201 PROCEDURE create_relationship_with_usg (
202     p_init_msg_list               IN     VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
203     p_relationship_rec            IN     RELATIONSHIP_REC_TYPE,
204     p_contact_party_id            IN     NUMBER,
205     p_contact_party_usage_code    IN     VARCHAR2,
206     p_create_org_contact          IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
207     x_relationship_id             OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
208     x_party_id                    OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
209     x_party_number                OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
210     x_return_status               OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
211     x_msg_count                   OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER,
212     x_msg_data                    OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
213 );
216 /*#
217  * Use this routine to update a relationship. Because there are forward and backward
218  * records for each relationship, the API updates two records in the HZ_RELATIONSHIPS
219  * table. You can also update the denormalized party record for the relationship (if it is
220  * present) by passing the party's id and object version number.
221  * @rep:scope public
222  * @rep:lifecycle active
223  * @rep:displayname Update Relationship
224  * @rep:businessevent oracle.apps.ar.hz.Relationship.update
225  * @rep:doccd 120hztig.pdf Relationship APIs, Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide
226  */
227  PROCEDURE update_relationship (
228     p_init_msg_list               IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
229     p_relationship_rec            IN      RELATIONSHIP_REC_TYPE,
230     p_object_version_number       IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
231     p_party_object_version_number IN OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
232     x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
233     x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
234     x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
235 );
237 PROCEDURE get_relationship_rec (
238     p_init_msg_list               IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
239     p_relationship_id             IN      NUMBER,
240     p_directional_flag            IN      VARCHAR2 := 'F',
241     x_rel_rec                     OUT     NOCOPY RELATIONSHIP_REC_TYPE,
242     x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
243     x_msg_count                   OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
244     x_msg_data                    OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
245 );