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Line 1167: FROM inl_ship_types_vl st

1163: l_active_from_date,
1164: l_active_to_date,
1165: l_count_alw_ln_types,
1166: l_count_alw_src_types
1167: FROM inl_ship_types_vl st
1168: WHERE (x_ship_type_id IS NOT NULL
1169: AND st.ship_type_id = x_ship_type_id)
1170: OR st.ship_type_code = x_ship_type_code
1171: ;

Line 1395: inl_ship_types_vl cfot,

1391: AND(UPPER(hp.party_type)
1392: IN (SELECT
1393: UPPER(cfopt.party_type_code)
1394: FROM
1395: inl_ship_types_vl cfot,
1396: inl_alwd_party_types cfopt
1397: WHERE
1398: cfopt.parent_table_id = cfot.ship_type_id
1399: AND cfopt.parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_TYPES'

Line 1415: inl_ship_types_vl cfot,

1411: AND UPPER(pu.party_usage_code)
1412: IN
1413: (SELECT UPPER(party_usage_code)
1414: FROM
1415: inl_ship_types_vl cfot,
1416: inl_alwd_party_usages cfopt
1417: WHERE cfopt.parent_table_id = cfot.ship_type_id
1418: AND cfopt.parent_table_name = 'INL_SHIP_TYPES'
1419: AND cfot.ship_type_id = p_ship_type_id)

Line 1664: inl_ship_types_vl shv

1660: (SELECT COUNT(1)
1661: FROM hz_party_sites hps2,
1662: hz_locations hl,
1663: fnd_territories_vl ftv,
1664: inl_ship_types_vl shv
1665: WHERE hps.location_id = hl.location_id
1666: AND ftv.territory_code = hl.country
1667: AND shv.ship_type_id = p_ship_type_id
1668: AND hps.party_id = p_party_id