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2 /* $Header: faxfa1b.pls 120.6 2009/03/27 01:51:17 bridgway ship $ */
4  PROCEDURE get_deprn_info(bks_asset_id		in number,
5 			  bks_book_type_code		in varchar2,
6 			  bks_depreciation_check	in out nocopy varchar2,
7 			  bks_current_period_flag	in out nocopy varchar2,
8 			  bks_calling_fn			varchar2,
9 			  p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
10  IS
12   cursor deprn_check is
13     select 'Y'
14     from fa_deprn_summary ds
15     where ds.book_type_code = bks_book_type_code and
16           ds.asset_id = bks_asset_id              and
17           ds.deprn_source_code = 'DEPRN'                and
18           ds.deprn_amount <> 0   and
19 	  rownum <2;
21   -- Bug:5172007
22   cursor check_current_period is
23     select 'Y'
24     from   fa_deprn_summary ds,
25            fa_deprn_periods dp
26     where  dp.book_type_code= bks_book_type_code      and
27            ds.asset_id = bks_asset_id                 and
28            ds.book_type_code= bks_book_type_code      and
29            ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS'             and
30 	   dp.period_close_date is null               and
31            ds.period_counter = dp.period_counter - 1;
33   BEGIN
35     bks_depreciation_check := 'N';
36     bks_current_period_flag := 'N';
38     open deprn_check;
39     fetch deprn_check into bks_depreciation_check;
40     close deprn_check;
42     open check_current_period;
43     fetch check_current_period into bks_current_period_flag;
44     close check_current_period;
46 /*  exception
47     when others then
49 		CALLED_FN => 'fa_fin_adj1_pkg.get_deprn_info',
50 		CALLING_FN => bks_Calling_Fn,
51 		 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec); */
53   END get_deprn_info;
55 -- syoung: added x_return_status.
56 procedure cal_rec_cost(
57 		bks_itc_amount_id		in number,
58 		bks_ceiling_type		in varchar2,
59 		bks_ceiling_name		in varchar2,
60 		bks_itc_basis			in number,
61 		bks_cost			in number,
62 		bks_salvage_value		in number,
63 		bks_recoverable_cost		in out nocopy number,
64 		bks_date_placed_in_service	in date,
65 		x_return_status		 out nocopy boolean,
66 		bks_calling_fn			varchar2,
67 		p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
68 is
69   cursor no_itc_yes_ceiling is
70     select least(bks_cost - bks_salvage_value,
71 		 nvl(ce.limit, bks_cost - bks_salvage_value))
72     from fa_ceilings ce
73     where ce.ceiling_name = bks_ceiling_name
74     and bks_date_placed_in_service
75     between ce.start_date
76     and nvl(ce.end_date, bks_date_placed_in_service);
78   cursor yes_itc_no_ceiling is
79     select bks_cost - bks_salvage_value -
80 	   bks_itc_basis * ir.basis_reduction_rate
81     from fa_itc_rates ir
82     where ir.itc_amount_id = bks_itc_amount_id;
84   cursor yes_itc_yes_ceiling is
85     select least(bks_cost - bks_salvage_value -
86 		 bks_itc_basis * ir.basis_reduction_rate,
87 		 nvl(ce.limit, bks_cost - bks_salvage_value -
88 			       bks_itc_basis * ir.basis_reduction_rate))
89     from fa_ceilings ce, fa_itc_rates ir
90     where ir.itc_amount_id = bks_itc_amount_id
91     and ce.ceiling_name = bks_ceiling_name
92     and bks_date_placed_in_service
93     between ce.start_date
94     and nvl(ce.end_date, bks_date_placed_in_service);
96     calc_error	exception;  -- syoung: added this exception.
98   begin
99     if bks_itc_amount_id is null then
100       if bks_ceiling_type = 'RECOVERABLE COST CEILING' then
101 	open no_itc_yes_ceiling;
102 	fetch no_itc_yes_ceiling into
103 	  bks_recoverable_cost;
105   	if (no_itc_yes_ceiling%notfound) then
106 	  close no_itc_yes_ceiling;
107 	  -- syoung: conditional messaging.
108 	  if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_ADD.Default_Assets' or
109 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.COST' or
110 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.SAL_VALUE_VAL' or
111 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.DPIS_VAL' or
112 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL3.CONV_CODE_VAL' or
113 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL4.CEILING_NAME') then
114 	      fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_REC_COST');
115 	      app_exception.raise_exception;
116 	  else
117 	      raise calc_error;
118           end if;
119 	end if;
121 	close no_itc_yes_ceiling;
122       else
123 	bks_recoverable_cost := bks_cost - bks_salvage_value;
124       end if;
125     else
126       if bks_ceiling_type = 'RECOVERABLE COST CEILING' then
127 	open yes_itc_yes_ceiling;
128 	fetch yes_itc_yes_ceiling into
129 	  bks_recoverable_cost;
131   	if (yes_itc_yes_ceiling%notfound) then
132 	  close yes_itc_yes_ceiling;
133 	  -- syoung: conditional messaging.
134 	  if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_ADD.Default_Assets' or
135 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.COST' or
136 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.SAL_VALUE_VAL' or
137 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.DPIS_VAL' or
138 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL3.CONV_CODE_VAL' or
139 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL4.CEILING_NAME') then
140 	      fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_REC_COST');
141 	      app_exception.raise_exception;
142 	  else
143 	      raise calc_error;
144           end if;
145 	end if;
147 	close yes_itc_yes_ceiling;
148       else
149 	open yes_itc_no_ceiling;
150 	fetch yes_itc_no_ceiling into
151 	  bks_recoverable_cost;
153   	if (yes_itc_no_ceiling%notfound) then
154 	  close yes_itc_no_ceiling;
155 	  -- syoung: conditional messaging.
156 	  if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_ADD.Default_Assets' or
157 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.COST' or
158 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.SAL_VALUE_VAL' or
159 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.DPIS_VAL' or
160 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL3.CONV_CODE_VAL' or
161 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL4.CEILING_NAME') then
162 	      fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_REC_COST');
163 	      app_exception.raise_exception;
164 	  else
165 	      raise calc_error;
166           end if;
167 	end if;
169 	close yes_itc_no_ceiling;
170       end if;
171     end if;
173     x_return_status := true;
174 /*  exception
175     when others then
177 		CALLED_FN => 'fa_fin_adj1_pkg.cal_rec_cost',
178 		CALLING_FN => bks_Calling_Fn,
179 		 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);  */
180  --syoung: added exceptions
181   exception
182   when calc_error then
183       FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
184 		CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1_PKG.Cal_Rec_Cost',
186 		  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
187       x_return_status := false;
188   when others then
189       if not (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_ADD.Default_Assets' or
190 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.COST' or
191 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.SAL_VALUE_VAL' or
192 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL.DPIS_VAL' or
193 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL3.CONV_CODE_VAL' or
194 	      bks_calling_fn = 'FA_BOOKS_VAL4.CEILING_NAME') then
195 	FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_SQL_Error(
196 		CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1_PKG.Cal_Rec_Cost'
197 		,  p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
198         x_return_status := false;
199       end if;
201   end cal_rec_cost;
203  -- syoung: included x_return_status.
204  procedure update_and_check_amts(
205 		bks_depreciation_check		in varchar2,
206 		bks_current_period_flag		in varchar2,
207 		bks_recoverable_cost		in number,
208 		bks_deprn_reserve		in number,
209 		bks_ytd_deprn			in number,
210 		bks_cost			in number,
211 		bks_salvage_value		in number,
212 		x_return_status		 out nocopy boolean,
213 		bks_calling_fn			varchar2,
214 		p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
215 is
216    amt_error	exception; -- syoung.
217 begin
218   if bks_depreciation_check <> 'Y' then
219     if (bks_recoverable_cost >= 0) or
220 	(bks_recoverable_cost < 0 and
221 	bks_deprn_reserve <= 0 and
222 	bks_ytd_deprn <= 0) then
223       if (bks_recoverable_cost <= 0) or
224 	  (bks_recoverable_cost > 0 and
225 	  bks_deprn_reserve >= 0 and
226 	  bks_ytd_deprn >= 0) then
227 	if (abs(bks_recoverable_cost) >= abs(bks_deprn_reserve)) or
228 	   (bks_current_period_flag = 'N') then
230           /* mwoodwar 01/18/00.  CRL stub call - don't do the check for CRL. */
231           if (nvl(fnd_profile.value('CRL-FA ENABLED'), 'N') = 'Y') then
232             null;
233           else
235 	  if (bks_cost < 0 and bks_salvage_value <> 0) then
236 	    -- syoung: conditional error messaging.
237 	    -- add more conditions later when using mass reclass preview
238 	    -- or for other trx engine modules.
239 	    if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_REC_PVT_PKG5.Set_Redef_Transaction') then
240 		FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
241 			CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1.Update_And_Check_Amts',
243 			 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
244 		raise amt_error;
245 	    else
246 	      fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_NEG_SALVAGE_VALUE');
247 	      app_exception.raise_exception;
248 	    end if;
249 	  else
250 	    if bks_cost > 0 and bks_salvage_value < 0 then
251 	      -- syoung: conditional error messaging.
252 	      -- add more conditions later when using mass reclass preview
253 	      -- or for other trx engine modules.
254 	      if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_REC_PVT_PKG5.Set_Redef_Transaction') then
255 		  FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
256 			CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1.Update_And_Check_Amts',
258 			 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
259 	   	  raise amt_error;
260 	      else
261 	          fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_POS_SALVAGE_VALUE');
262 	          app_exception.raise_exception;
263 	      end if;
264 	    end if;
265 	  end if;
267           /* End of CRL condition. */
268           end if;
270 	else
271           -- syoung: conditional error messaging.
272           -- add more conditions later when using mass reclass preview
273           -- or for other trx engine modules.
274           if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_REC_PVT_PKG5.Set_Redef_Transaction') then
275             FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
276                         CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1.Update_And_Check_Amts',
277                         NAME => 'FA_BOOK_INVALID_RESERVE',
278 			 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
279             raise amt_error;
280 	  else
281 	    fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_INVALID_RESERVE');
282 	    app_exception.raise_exception;
283 	  end if;
284 	end if;
285       else
286 	-- syoung: conditional messaging.
287 	if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_REC_PVT_PKG5.Set_Redef_Transaction') then
288 	    FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
289 			CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1.Update_And_Check_Amts',
291 			 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
292 	    raise amt_error;
293 	else
294 	    fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_ALL_POSITIVE');
295 	    app_exception.raise_exception;
296         end if;
297       end if;
298     else
299       -- syoung: conditional messaging.
300       if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_REC_PVT_PKG5.Set_Redef_Transaction') then
301 	  FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
302 			CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1.Update_And_Check_Amts',
303                         NAME =>  'FA_BOOK_ALL_NEGATIVE',
304 			 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
305           raise amt_error;
306       else
307           fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_ALL_NEGATIVE');
308           app_exception.raise_exception;
309       end if;
310     end if;
311   end if;
313   x_return_status := true;
314 /*  exception
315     when others then
317 		CALLED_FN => 'fa_fin_adj1_pkg.update_and_check_amts',
318 		CALLING_FN => bks_Calling_Fn,
319 		 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec); */
320 exception
321     when amt_error then
322 	x_return_status := false;
323     when others then
324         if (bks_calling_fn = 'FA_REC_PVT_PKG5.Set_Redef_Transaction') then
325  	    FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_SQL_Error(
326 		CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1.Update_And_Check_Amts'
327 		, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
328 	    x_return_status := false;
329         end if;
331 end update_and_check_amts;
333 procedure chk_val_before_commit(
334 		bks_cost			in number,
335 		bks_pc_fully_retired		in number,
336 		bks_pc_fully_reserved		in out nocopy number,
337 		bks_depreciation_check		in varchar2,
338 		bks_current_period_flag		in varchar2,
339 		bks_recoverable_cost		in number,
340 		bks_deprn_reserve		in number,
341 		bks_ytd_deprn			in number,
342 		bks_salvage_value		in number,
343 		bks_book_type_code		in varchar2,
344 		bks_date_placed_in_service	in date,
345 		bks_rate_source_rule		in varchar2,
346 		bks_deprn_method_code		in varchar2,
347 		bks_life_years			in number,
348 		bks_life_months			in number,
349 		bks_basic_rate			in number,
350 		bks_adjusted_rate		in number,
351 		bks_itc_amount_id		in number,
352 		bks_ceiling_type		in varchar2,
353 		bks_depreciate_flag		in varchar2,
354 		bks_calling_fn			varchar2,
355 		p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
356 is
357 /* BUG# 1487644
358    this doesn't work when the entire fiscal year is not defined
359    removing joins to deprn periods and going strictly against FY
360    -- bridgway  11/14/00
361  */
362   cursor same_fiscal_year is
363     select 'Y'
364     from fa_book_controls bc,
365 	 fa_fiscal_year fy
366     where bc.book_type_code = bks_book_type_code
367     and   bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
368     and   bks_date_placed_in_service between
369 	  fy.start_date and fy.end_date
370     and fy.fiscal_year = bc.current_fiscal_year;
372   CURSOR cbachand_part_ret IS
373     SELECT 'Y'
374     FROM fa_transaction_headers th,
375 	 fa_book_controls bc,
376 	 fa_deprn_periods dp
377     WHERE th.book_type_code = bks_book_type_code
378     AND	  th.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
379     AND	  bc.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
380     AND   th.transaction_type_code = 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT'
381     AND   dp.period_counter = bc.last_period_counter +1
382     AND   th.transaction_date_entered between
383 	  dp.calendar_period_open_date and nvl(dp.calendar_period_close_date,
384 	  sysdate);
386   cursor check_rate is
387     select 'Y'
388     from fa_flat_rates fr, fa_methods mth
389     where mth.method_code = bks_deprn_method_code
390     and   mth.life_in_months is null
391     and   mth.method_id = fr.method_id
392     and   fr.basic_rate = bks_basic_rate
393     and   fr.adjusted_rate = bks_adjusted_rate;
395   cursor check_life is
396     select 'Y'
397     from fa_methods mth
398     where mth.method_code = bks_deprn_method_code
399     and   bks_life_years * 12 + bks_life_months = mth.life_in_months;
401   cursor check_deprn_flag is
402     select 'Y'
403     from fa_formulas f, fa_methods mth
404     where mth.method_code = bks_deprn_method_code
405     and   mth.method_id = f.method_id (+)
406     and   ((mth.rate_source_rule = 'PRODUCTION') or
407            ((mth.rate_source_rule = 'FORMULA') and
408             (instr (f.formula_actual, 'CAPACITY') <> 0)))
409     and   bks_depreciate_flag = 'NO';
411   check_flag		varchar2(3);
412   cbachand_flag		varchar2(3) := 'N';
414   h_status		boolean;  -- syoung: dummy boolean.
416   h_formula_actual	varchar2(4000);
418   message_name		VARCHAR2(50);
419   expected_exc		EXCEPTION;
421 begin
423   /* 1. Modified to call another error message routine
424      2. Added the code to check the return status of update_and_check_amts(
425 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)
426      3. Added the exception block which was commented out. - aling
427   */
429   if bks_cost is null then
430     message_name := 'FA_BOOK_NO_FINANCIAL_INFO';
431     raise expected_exc;
432     --fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_NO_FINANCIAL_INFO');
433     --app_exception.raise_exception;
434   end if;
436   if bks_pc_fully_retired is not null then
437     message_name := 'FA_SHARED_RETIRED_ASSET';
438     raise expected_exc;
439     --fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_RETIRED_ASSET');
440     --app_exception.raise_exception;
441   end if;
443   if bks_pc_fully_reserved is not null then
444     bks_pc_fully_reserved := null;
445   end if;
447   update_and_check_amts(
448 		bks_depreciation_check,
449 		bks_current_period_flag,
450 		bks_recoverable_cost,
451 		bks_deprn_reserve,
452 		bks_ytd_deprn,
453 		bks_cost,
454 		bks_salvage_value,
455 		h_status,	-- syoung: added this local.
456 		'fa_fin_adj1_pkg.chk_val_before_commit',
457 		p_log_level_rec);
459   if not h_status then
460 	message_name :=  '';
461 	raise expected_exc;
462   end if;
464   if bks_depreciation_check <> 'Y' then
465     open same_fiscal_year;
466     fetch same_fiscal_year into check_flag;
468     if (same_fiscal_year%notfound) then
469       if abs(bks_ytd_deprn) > abs(bks_deprn_reserve) then
470 	message_name := 'FA_BOOK_YTD_EXCEED_RSV';
471 	raise expected_exc;
472 	--fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_YTD_EXCEED_RSV');
473         --app_exception.raise_exception;
474       end if;
475     else
476       if bks_ytd_deprn <> bks_deprn_reserve then
478 /* For Bug 839397. YTD deprn and deprn reserve may legitimately be different if
479  a partial retirement has occured before depreciation runs. This can occur when
480  the method is Following Month and the partial retirement occurs in the period
481  when depreciation is set to begin. cbachand 8/12/99 */
483         OPEN cbachand_part_ret;
484 	FETCH cbachand_part_ret INTO cbachand_flag;
485 	IF cbachand_flag <> 'Y' THEN
486 	message_name := 'FA_BOOK_RSV_EQL_YTD';
487 	raise expected_exc;
488         END IF;
489 	CLOSE cbachand_part_ret;
490 	--fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_RSV_EQL_YTD');
491         --app_exception.raise_exception;
492       end if;
493     end if;
495     close same_fiscal_year;
496   end if;
498   if bks_rate_source_rule = 'FLAT' then
499     open check_rate;
500     fetch check_rate into check_flag;
502     if (check_rate%notfound) then
503       close check_rate;
504       message_name := 'FA_SHARED_INVALID_METHOD_RATE';
505       raise expected_exc;
506       --fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_INVALID_METHOD_RATE');
507       --app_exception.raise_exception;
508     end if;
510     close check_rate;
511   elsif bks_rate_source_rule = 'FORMULA' then
513     SELECT f.formula_actual
514     INTO   h_formula_actual
515     FROM   fa_formulas f, fa_methods m
516     WHERE  m.method_id = f.method_id
517     AND    m.method_code = bks_deprn_method_code
518     AND    rownum = 1
519     ORDER BY m.method_id;
521     if instr (h_formula_actual, 'CAPACITY') = 0 then
522       open check_life;
523       fetch check_life into check_flag;
525       if (check_life%notfound) then
526         close check_life;
527         message_name := 'FA_SHARED_INVALID_METHOD_LIFE';
528         raise expected_exc;
529         --fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_INVALID_METHOD_LIFE');
530         --app_exception.raise_exception;
531       end if;
532     end if;
534   else
535     if bks_rate_source_rule <> 'PRODUCTION' then
536       open check_life;
537       fetch check_life into check_flag;
539       if (check_life%notfound) then
540 	close check_life;
541 	message_name := 'FA_SHARED_INVALID_METHOD_LIFE';
542 	raise expected_exc;
543 	--fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_INVALID_METHOD_LIFE');
544         --app_exception.raise_exception;
545       end if;
547       close check_life;
548     end if;
549   end if;
551   if bks_itc_amount_id is not null and
552      bks_ceiling_type = 'RECOVERABLE COST CEILING' then
553     message_name := 'FA_BOOK_CANT_ITC_AND_COST_CEIL';
554     raise expected_exc;
555     --fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_CANT_ITC_AND_COST_CEIL');
556     --app_exception.raise_exception;
557   end if;
559   check_flag := 'N';
561   open check_deprn_flag;
562   fetch check_deprn_flag into check_flag;
564   if check_flag = 'Y' then
565     close check_deprn_flag;
566     message_name := 'FA_BOOK_INVALID_DEPRN_FLAG';
567     raise expected_exc;
568     --fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BOOK_INVALID_DEPRN_FLAG');
569     --app_exception.raise_exception;
570   end if;
572   close check_deprn_flag;
575   when expected_exc then
576         FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
577                 CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1_PKG.chk_val_before_commit',
578                 NAME => message_name,
579 		p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
580         raise;
581   when others then
582         FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
583                 CALLING_FN => 'FA_FIN_ADJ1_PKG.chk_val_before_commit',
584                 NAME => 'FA_SHARED_INVALID_METHOD_LIFE' ,
585 		p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
586         raise;
588 /*  exception
589     when others then
591 		CALLED_FN => 'fa_fin_adj1_pkg.chk_val_before_commit',
592 		CALLING_FN => bks_Calling_Fn,
593 		p_log_level_rec             => p_log_level_rec, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec); */
595 end chk_val_before_commit;
598 procedure check_changes_before_commit(
599 		bks_row_id			in varchar2,
600 		bks_amortize_flag		in varchar2,
601 		bks_prorate_convention_code	in varchar2,
602 		bks_orig_deprn_reserve		in number,
603 		bks_orig_reval_reserve		in number,
604 		bks_orig_ytd_deprn		in number,
605 		bks_cost			in number,
606 		bks_recoverable_cost		in number,
607 		bks_adjusted_rec_cost           in number,
608 		bks_date_placed_in_service	in date,
609 		bks_deprn_method_code		in varchar2,
610 		bks_life_years			in number,
611 		bks_life_months			in number,
612 		bks_salvage_value		in number,
613 		bks_basic_rate_dsp		in number,
614 		bks_adjusted_rate_dsp		in number,
615 		bks_bonus_rule			in varchar2,
616 		bks_ceiling_name		in varchar2,
617 		bks_production_capacity		in number,
618 		bks_deprn_reserve		in number,
619 		bks_ytd_deprn			in number,
620 		bks_reval_reserve		in number,
621 		bks_adjusted_cost		in number,
622 		bks_orig_adjusted_cost		in number,
623 		bks_reval_ceiling		in number,
624 		bks_depreciate_flag		in varchar2,
625 		bks_unit_of_measure		in varchar2,
626                 bks_global_attribute1           in varchar2,
627                 bks_global_attribute2           in varchar2,
628                 bks_global_attribute3           in varchar2,
629                 bks_global_attribute4           in varchar2,
630                 bks_global_attribute5           in varchar2,
631                 bks_global_attribute6           in varchar2,
632                 bks_global_attribute7           in varchar2,
633                 bks_global_attribute8           in varchar2,
634                 bks_global_attribute9           in varchar2,
635                 bks_global_attribute10          in varchar2,
636                 bks_global_attribute11          in varchar2,
637                 bks_global_attribute12          in varchar2,
638                 bks_global_attribute13          in varchar2,
639                 bks_global_attribute14          in varchar2,
640                 bks_global_attribute15          in varchar2,
641                 bks_global_attribute16          in varchar2,
642                 bks_global_attribute17          in varchar2,
643                 bks_global_attribute18          in varchar2,
644                 bks_global_attribute19          in varchar2,
645                 bks_global_attribute20          in varchar2,
646                 bks_global_attribute_category   in varchar2,
647 		bks_adjustment_required_status  in out nocopy varchar2,
648 		bks_calling_fn			varchar2,
649 		p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
650 is
651   cursor exist_to_book_cur is
652     select 'Y'
653     from fa_books bk
654     where bk.rowid = bks_row_id;
656   cursor pro_conv_cur is
657     select 'Y'
658     from fa_books bk
659     where bk.prorate_convention_code = bks_prorate_convention_code
660     and   bk.rowid = bks_row_id;
662   cursor no_changes_made is
663     select 'Y'
664     from fa_books bk
665     where bk.rowid = bks_row_id
666     and   bk.cost = bks_cost
667     and   bk.recoverable_cost = bks_recoverable_cost
668     and   bk.date_placed_in_service = bks_date_placed_in_service
669     and   bk.deprn_method_code = bks_deprn_method_code
670     and   nvl(bk.life_in_months, 99999) =
671 	  nvl(bks_life_years * 12 + bks_life_months, 99999)
672     and   bk.prorate_convention_code = bks_prorate_convention_code
673     and   bk.salvage_value = bks_salvage_value
674 /* BUG# 1514366
675     the rates are already passes in decimal format - no need to convert
676     also removing the global attributes from this statement as they have
677     not financial impact.
678     -- bridgway 11/26/00
680     and   nvl(bk.basic_rate, 99999) = nvl(bks_basic_rate_dsp/100, 99999);
681     and   nvl(bk.adjusted_rate, 99999) = nvl(bks_adjusted_rate_dsp/100, 99999);
682 */
683     and   nvl(bk.basic_rate, 99999) = nvl(bks_basic_rate_dsp, 99999)
684     and   nvl(bk.adjusted_rate, 99999) = nvl(bks_adjusted_rate_dsp, 99999)
685     and   nvl(bk.bonus_rule, 'NULL') = nvl(bks_bonus_rule, 'NULL')
686     and   nvl(bk.ceiling_name, 'NULL') = nvl(bks_ceiling_name, 'NULL')
687     and   nvl(bk.production_capacity, 99999) =
688 	  nvl(bks_production_capacity, 99999)
689     and   bks_deprn_reserve = bks_orig_deprn_reserve
690     and   bks_ytd_deprn = bks_orig_ytd_deprn
691     and   nvl(bks_reval_reserve, 0) = nvl(bks_orig_reval_reserve, 0)
692     and   bks_adjusted_cost = bks_orig_adjusted_cost
693     and   nvl(bks_adjusted_rec_cost,0) = nvl(bk.adjusted_recoverable_cost,0)
694     and   nvl(bk.reval_ceiling, 0) = nvl(bks_reval_ceiling, 0)
695     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute1,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute1,'NULL')
696     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute2,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute2,'NULL')
697     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute3,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute3,'NULL')
698     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute4,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute4,'NULL')
699     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute5,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute5,'NULL')
700     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute6,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute6,'NULL')
701     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute7,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute7,'NULL')
702     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute8,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute8,'NULL')
703     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute9,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute9,'NULL')
704     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute10,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute10,'NULL')
705     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute11,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute11,'NULL')
706     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute12,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute12,'NULL')
707     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute13,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute13,'NULL')
708     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute14,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute14,'NULL')
709     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute15,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute15,'NULL')
710     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute16,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute16,'NULL')
711     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute17,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute17,'NULL')
712     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute18,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute18,'NULL')
713     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute19,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute19,'NULL')
714     and   nvl(bk.global_attribute20,'NULL') = nvl(bks_global_attribute20,'NULL');
716   cursor no_changes_to_dep_flag_uom is
717     select 'Y'
718     from fa_books bk
719     where bk.rowid = bks_row_id
720     and   nvl(bk.unit_of_measure, 99999) = nvl(bks_unit_of_measure, 99999);
722   cursor no_changes_to_dep_flag is
723     select 'Y'
724     from fa_books bk
725     where bk.rowid = bks_row_id
726     and   bk.depreciate_flag = bks_depreciate_flag;
728   cursor adjustment_reqd_flag is
729     select 'Y'
730     from fa_books bk,
731          fa_transaction_headers th,
732          fa_deprn_summary ds
733     where bk.rowid = bks_row_id
734     and   bks_depreciate_flag = 'YES'
735     and   bk.depreciate_flag  = 'NO'
736     and   bk.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
737     and   th.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'
738     and   th.book_type_code = bk.book_type_code
739     and   ds.asset_id = bk.asset_id
740     and   ds.deprn_reserve = 0
741     and   ds.book_type_code = bk.book_type_code
742     and   ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
745   exist_to_book_flag		varchar(2) := 'N';
746   check_flag			varchar(2);
747   no_changes_made_flag		varchar(2) := 'N';
749 begin
750   open exist_to_book_cur;
751   fetch exist_to_book_cur into exist_to_book_flag;
752   close exist_to_book_cur;
755   if exist_to_book_flag = 'Y' then
756   /*  if bks_amortize_flag = 'YES' then
757       open pro_conv_cur;
758       fetch pro_conv_cur into check_flag;
760       if (pro_conv_cur%notfound) then
761         close pro_conv_cur;
762 	fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_CANNOT_AMORTIZE_PRORATE_CHE');
763     	app_exception.raise_exception;
764       end if;
766       close pro_conv_cur;
767     end if; */
769     open no_changes_made;
770     fetch no_changes_made into no_changes_made_flag;
771     close no_changes_made;
773     if no_changes_made_flag = 'Y' then
774       open no_changes_to_dep_flag_uom;
775       fetch no_changes_to_dep_flag_uom into check_flag;
777       if (no_changes_to_dep_flag_uom%found) then
778 	close no_changes_to_dep_flag_uom;
779         open no_changes_to_dep_flag;           -- fix for bug 563327
780         fetch no_changes_to_dep_flag into check_flag;
781         if (no_changes_to_dep_flag%found) then
782            close no_changes_to_dep_flag;
783            fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_SHARED_NO_CHANGES_TO_COMMIT');
784            app_exception.raise_exception;
785         else
786            open adjustment_reqd_flag;
787            fetch adjustment_reqd_flag into check_flag;
788            if (adjustment_reqd_flag%found) then
789                bks_adjustment_required_status := 'ADD';
790            end if;
791            close adjustment_reqd_flag;
792         end if;
794         close no_changes_to_dep_flag;
795       else
796         close no_changes_to_dep_flag_uom;
797       end if;                                   -- fix for bug 563327
798     else
799       open no_changes_to_dep_flag;
800       fetch no_changes_to_dep_flag into check_flag;
802       if (no_changes_to_dep_flag%notfound) then
803 	close no_changes_to_dep_flag;
804 	fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_BK_NO_MULTIPLE_CHANGES');
805     	app_exception.raise_exception;
806       end if;
808       close no_changes_to_dep_flag;
809     end if;
811   end if;
813 /*  exception
814     when others then
816 		CALLED_FN => 'fa_fin_adj1_pkg.check_changes_before_commit',
817 		CALLING_FN => bks_Calling_Fn,
818 		 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec); */
819 end check_changes_before_commit;