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2 /* $Header: WMSTKPTS.pls 120.2.12020000.2 2012/07/11 02:41:22 jianpyu ship $ */
6   (
7    move_order_line_id  NUMBER,
8    wip_entity_id NUMBER,
9    operation_seq_num NUMBER := NULL,
10    repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER :=NULL,
11    wip_issue_flag VARCHAR2(1):= NULL
12    );
16 crdk_wip_info_table crdk_wip_tb;
17 crdk_wip_table_index NUMBER := 0;
19 -- for bug 14176228
20 g_item_qty_tree             VARCHAR2(1000) :=NULL;
22 /* Used to create move order line
23  * p_wms_process_flag - Flag to indicate processing status for putaways.
24  * 1 means Ok to process,2 means Do not Allocate, 3 means Allocate but
25  * do not process. To be used by Receiving and WIP
26  */
28 PROCEDURE Create_MO_Line
29   (p_org_id                     IN NUMBER,
30    p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER,
31    p_qty                        IN NUMBER,
32    p_uom                        IN VARCHAR2,
33    p_lpn                        IN NUMBER,
34    p_project_id                 IN NUMBER,
35    p_task_id                    IN NUMBER,
36    p_reference                  IN VARCHAR2,
37    p_reference_type_code        IN NUMBER,
38    p_reference_id               IN NUMBER,
39    p_header_id                  IN NUMBER,
40    p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2,
41    p_revision                   IN VARCHAR2,
42    p_inspection_status          IN NUMBER:=NULL,
43    p_txn_source_id              IN NUMBER:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
44    p_transaction_type_id        IN NUMBER:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
45    p_transaction_source_type_id IN NUMBER:= FND_API.g_miss_num,
46    p_wms_process_flag           IN NUMBER:=NULL,
47    x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
48    x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
49    x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
50    p_from_cost_group_id         IN NUMBER := NULL,
51    p_sec_qty                    IN NUMBER := NULL,   -- Added for OPM convergance
52    p_sec_uom                    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, -- Added for OPM convergance
53    x_line_id                    OUT nocopy NUMBER    -- Added for R12 MOL Consolidation
54    );
56 PROCEDURE create_mo
57   (p_org_id                     IN NUMBER,
58    p_inventory_item_id          IN NUMBER,
59    p_qty                        IN NUMBER,
60    p_uom                        IN VARCHAR2,
61    p_lpn                        IN NUMBER,
62    p_project_id                 IN NUMBER:=NULL,
63    p_task_id                    IN NUMBER:=NULL,
64    p_reference                  IN VARCHAR2:=NULL,
65    p_reference_type_code        IN NUMBER:=NULL,
66    p_reference_id               IN NUMBER:=NULL,
67    p_lot_number                 IN VARCHAR2,
68    p_revision                   IN VARCHAR2,
69    p_header_id                  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
70    p_sub                        IN VARCHAR:=NULL,
71    p_loc                        IN NUMBER:=NULL,
72    x_line_id                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
73    p_inspection_status          IN NUMBER:=NULL,
74    p_txn_source_id              IN NUMBER:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
75    p_transaction_type_id        IN NUMBER:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
76    p_transaction_source_type_id IN NUMBER:= FND_API.g_miss_num,
77    p_wms_process_flag           IN NUMBER:=NULL,
78    x_return_status              OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
79    x_msg_count                  OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
80    x_msg_data                   OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
81    p_from_cost_group_id         IN NUMBER:=NULL,
82    p_transfer_org_id            IN NUMBER :=  NULL,
83    p_sec_qty                    IN NUMBER := NULL,  -- Added for OPM convergance
84    p_sec_uom                    IN VARCHAR2 := NULL -- Added for OPM convergance
85   );
88 -- Bug# 2752119
89 -- Added an extra input parameter called p_check_for_crossdock
90 -- which will default to 'Y' = Yes.
91 -- This is needed when we are performing an Express Drop and need
92 -- to validate against the rules.  In that case, it is possible that
93 -- a crossdocking opportunity exists but the user chose to ignore it
94 -- and proceed with the express drop.  We should not call the
95 -- crossdocking API's at all in that case since it might split the
96 -- move order lines.
98 -- ATF_J:
99 -- Added new parameter p_move_order_Line_ID
100 -- support item putaway load.
101 -- Detailing should happen for LPN/item combination, not
102 -- entire LPN, therefore suggestions_PUB needs to be called
103 -- for move order line ID.
105 -- Nested LPN support
106 -- Added new parameter p_commit since this procedure would be called from a
107 -- wrapper and we may not commit always
109 PROCEDURE Suggestions_PUB
110  ( p_lpn_id			  IN  NUMBER            ,
111    p_org_id                       IN  NUMBER            ,
112    p_user_id                      IN  NUMBER            ,
113    p_eqp_ins                      IN  VARCHAR2          ,
114    x_number_of_rows               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
115    x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
116    x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
117    x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
118    x_crossdock		          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
119    p_status                       IN  NUMBER := 3       ,
120    p_check_for_crossdock          IN  VARCHAR2 := 'Y'   ,
121    p_move_order_line_id           IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL   ,
122    p_commit                       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y'  ,
123    p_drop_type                    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , -- Added for Nested LPN changes
124    p_subinventory                 IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , -- Added for Nested LPN changes
125    p_locator_id                   IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL   );  -- Added for Nested LPN changes
128 -- Bug# 2795096
129 -- Added an extra input parameter called p_commit
130 -- which will default to 'Y' = Yes.
131 -- This is needed when we are performing a consolidated drop
132 -- where complete_putaway is called for each and every MMTT line
133 -- within the same commit cycle.  Previously it would perform a
134 -- commit at the end of the call to complete_putaway.  This doesn't
135 -- work for consolidated drops since if one of the MMTT lines fails
136 -- in the call to complete_putaway, we'd like to rollback all of the
137 -- changes done.  Thus we should not call a commit until complete_putaway
138 -- has been successfully called for every MMTT line.
140 -- FP-J Lot/Serial Support Enhancement
141 -- Added a new parameter p_product_transaction_id which stores
142 -- the product_transaction_id column value in MTLI/MSNI for lots and serials
143 -- that were created from the putaway drop UI. This value would be populated
144 -- only if there were a quantity discrepancy in the UI
145 PROCEDURE Complete_Putaway
146   ( p_lpn_id                  IN  NUMBER                          ,
147     p_org_id                  IN  NUMBER                          ,
148     p_temp_id                 IN  NUMBER                          ,
149     p_item_id                 IN  NUMBER                          ,
150     p_rev                     IN  VARCHAR2                        ,
151     p_lot                     IN  VARCHAR2                        ,
152     p_loc                     IN  NUMBER                          ,
153     p_sub                     IN  VARCHAR2                        ,
154     p_qty                     IN  NUMBER                          ,
155     p_uom                     IN  VARCHAR2                        ,
156     p_user_id                 IN  NUMBER                          ,
157     p_disc                    IN  VARCHAR2                        ,
158     x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                 ,
159     x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER                   ,
160     x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2                 ,
161     p_entire_lpn              IN  VARCHAR2 := 'N'                 ,
162     p_to_lpn                  IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.g_miss_char ,
163     p_qty_reason_id           IN  NUMBER                          ,
164     p_loc_reason_id           IN  NUMBER                          ,
165     p_process_serial_flag     IN  VARCHAR2                        ,
166     p_commit                  IN  VARCHAR2 := 'Y'                 ,
167     p_product_transaction_id  IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL             ,
168     p_lpn_mode                IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL            ,
169     p_new_txn_header_id       IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL            ,
170     p_secondary_quantity      IN  NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL            , --OPM Convergence
171     p_secondary_uom           IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL           , --OPM Convergence
172     p_primary_uom             IN  VARCHAR2
173     );
175  -- No OPM changes needed here since this is not used  Post J
176 PROCEDURE Discrepancy
177   (p_lpn_id		 IN  NUMBER
178    ,  p_org_id           IN  NUMBER
179    ,  p_temp_id          IN  NUMBER
180    ,  p_qty              IN  NUMBER
181    ,  p_uom              IN  VARCHAR2
182    ,  p_user_id          IN  NUMBER
183    ,  x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
184    );
186 /* Will Check to see if lpn is eligible for putaway
187 x_ret =0 is success,
188   x_ret=1 indicates lpn needs inspection,
189   x_ret=2 means that it is incomplete
190   x_ret=3 means that no mols exist and it is not a inventory lpn
191   */
192 PROCEDURE check_lpn_validity
193   (    p_org_id                       IN   NUMBER
194        ,  p_lpn_id IN NUMBER
195        ,  x_ret OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
196        ,  x_return_status                        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
197        ,  x_msg_count                            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER
198        ,  x_msg_data                             OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
199        ,  x_context OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
200        , p_user_id        IN   NUMBER
201       );
204 PROCEDURE archive_task
205   (  p_temp_id				  IN NUMBER
206      ,  p_org_id                       IN   NUMBER
207      ,  x_return_status                        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
208      ,  x_msg_count                            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER
209      ,  x_msg_data                             OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
210      );
213 PROCEDURE archive_task
214   (  p_temp_id			       IN  NUMBER
215      ,  p_org_id                       IN  NUMBER
216      ,  x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
217      ,  x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
218      ,  x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
219      ,  p_delete_mmtt_flag             IN  VARCHAR2
220      ,  p_txn_header_id                IN  NUMBER
221      ,  p_transfer_lpn_id              IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
222      );
225 PROCEDURE putaway_cleanup
226   (  p_temp_id				  IN NUMBER
227      ,  p_org_id                       IN   NUMBER
228      ,  x_return_status                        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
229      ,  x_msg_count                            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER
230      ,  x_msg_data                             OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
231      );
234 PROCEDURE validate_putaway_to_lpn
235   (p_org_id           IN    NUMBER,
236    p_to_lpn           IN    VARCHAR2,
237    p_from_lpn         IN    VARCHAR2,
238    p_sub              IN    VARCHAR2,
239    p_loc_id           IN    NUMBER,
240    x_return_status    OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
241    x_msg_count        OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
242    x_msg_data         OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
243    x_return           OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
244    p_crossdock        IN    VARCHAR2 default NULL );
246 /* This API will check the status of the mmtt lines
247  This will be called from the suggestions_api, as part of the putaway
248    process We need to do this at the mmtt line level rather than just
249    checking the lpn contents because the transaction type id might differ
250    in each MOL. Returns x_mtl_status 0 if everything is fine, 1 otherwise*/
252 PROCEDURE check_mmtt_mtl_status
253   (  p_temp_id				       IN    VARCHAR2
254      ,  p_org_id                               IN    NUMBER
255      , x_mtl_status                            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER
256      ,  x_return_status                        OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
257      ,  x_msg_count                            OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER
258      ,  x_msg_data                             OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2
259      );
262 PROCEDURE cleanup_partial_putaway_LPN
263   (x_return_status          OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
264    x_msg_count              OUT   NOCOPY NUMBER,
265    x_msg_data               OUT   NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
266    p_lpn_id                 IN    NUMBER);
269 --      Name: validate_against_rules
270 --
271 --      Input parameters:
272 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
273 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
274 --       p_subinventory        User suggeested sub
275 --       p_locator_id          User suggested loc
276 --       p_user_id             User ID
277 --       p_eqp_ins             Equipment Instance
278 --       p_project_id          Project ID
279 --       p_task_id             Task ID
280 --
281 --      Output parameters:
282 --       x_return_status
283 --           if the validate_against_rules API succeeds, the value is
284 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
285 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
286 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
287 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
288 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
289 --       x_msg_count
290 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
291 --               in the buffer
292 --       x_msg_data
293 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
294 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
295 --       x_validation_passed
296 --           if rules validation passed, the value is 'Y' else 'N'
297 --
298 --      Functions: This API validates the user suggested sub/loc during
299 --                 a user directed putaway process.  It will return the
300 --                 status of this validation whether it passed or not.
301 PROCEDURE validate_against_rules
302   (p_organization_id     IN   NUMBER            ,
303    p_lpn_id              IN   NUMBER            ,
304    p_subinventory        IN   VARCHAR2          ,
305    p_locator_id          IN   NUMBER            ,
306    p_user_id             IN   NUMBER            ,
307    p_eqp_ins             IN   VARCHAR2          ,
308    p_project_id          IN   NUMBER            ,
309    p_task_id             IN   NUMBER            ,
310    x_return_status       OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
311    x_msg_count           OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
312    x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
313    x_validation_passed   OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
316 --      Name: create_user_suggestions
317 --
318 --      Input parameters:
319 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
320 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
321 --       p_subinventory        User suggeested sub
322 --       p_locator_id          User suggested loc
323 --       p_user_id             User ID
324 --       p_eqp_ins             Equipment Instance
325 --
326 --      Output parameters:
327 --       x_return_status
328 --           if the validate_against_rules API succeeds, the value is
329 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
330 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
331 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
332 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
333 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
334 --       x_msg_count
335 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
336 --               in the buffer
337 --       x_msg_data
338 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
339 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
340 --       x_number_of_rows
341 --           This returned the number of user suggestions (MMTT records) created
342 --
343 --      Functions: This API will create manual user suggestions.  This is
344 --                 called during a user directed putaway process when the
345 --                 rules engine isn't called for a suggestion.  Therefore,
346 --                 we need to manually create MMTT, MTLT, and WDT records
347 --                 since the procedure Suggestions_PUB in this package is
348 --                 not called in that flow.
349 PROCEDURE create_user_suggestions
350   (p_organization_id     IN   NUMBER            ,
351    p_lpn_id              IN   NUMBER            ,
352    p_subinventory        IN   VARCHAR2          ,
353    p_locator_id          IN   NUMBER            ,
354    p_user_id             IN   NUMBER            ,
355    p_eqp_ins             IN   VARCHAR2          ,
356    x_return_status       OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
357    x_msg_count           OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
358    x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
359    x_number_of_rows      OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER);
361 --      Name: validate_lot_serial_status
362 --
363 --      Input parameters:
364 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
365 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
366 --
367 --      Output parameters:
368 --       x_return_status
369 --           if the validate_lot_serial_status API succeeds, the value is
370 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
371 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
372 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
373 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
374 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
375 --       x_msg_count
376 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
377 --               in the buffer
378 --       x_msg_data
379 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
380 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
381 --       x_validation_passed
382 --           if lot serial status validation passed, the value is 'Y' else 'N'
383 --       x_invalid_value
387 --      Functions: This API validates the lot and serial statuses of the
384 --           if validation fails, which lot or serial number has an invalid
385 --                material status
386 --
388 --                 items packed within an LPN during a user directed
389 --                 putaway process.  It will make sure that the lots and
390 --                 serials have material statuses which allow the given
391 --                 putaway transaction. It will return the status of this
392 --                 validation whether it passed or not.  If validation
393 --                 fails, this will also output the lot or serial number
394 --                 that has an invalid lot/serial material status for the
395 --                 given transaction.
396 PROCEDURE validate_lot_serial_status
397   (p_organization_id      IN   NUMBER            ,
398    p_lpn_id               IN   NUMBER            ,
399    x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
400    x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
401    x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
402    x_validation_passed    OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
403    x_invalid_value        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
405 --      Name: revert_loc_suggested_capacity
406 --
407 --      Input parameters:
408 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
409 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
410 --
411 --      Output parameters:
412 --       x_return_status
413 --           if the validate_lot_serial_status API succeeds, the value is
414 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
415 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
416 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
417 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
418 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
419 --       x_msg_count
420 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
421 --               in the buffer
422 --       x_msg_data
423 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
424 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
425 --
426 --      Functions: -- This API reverts the updates of the suggested volume,
427 --                    weight and units capacity of all locators when a user
428 --                    directed putaway occurs.  If the rules engine is
429 --                    called, and the user chooses a locator different
430 --                    from the one suggested, the suggested locator
431 --                    capacities must be reverted back to their prior values.
432 --                    This will basically call the procedure,
433 --                    INV_LOC_WMS_UTILS.revert_loc_suggested_capacity
434 --                    for each MMTT suggestion created for the given LPN
435 PROCEDURE revert_loc_suggested_capacity
436   (x_return_status     OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2  ,
437    x_msg_count         OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER    ,
438    x_msg_data          OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2  ,
439    p_organization_id   IN   NUMBER           ,
440    p_lpn_id            IN   NUMBER);
442 --      Name: check_for_crossdock
443 --
444 --      Input parameters:
445 --       p_organization_id     Organization ID
446 --       p_lpn_id              LPN ID
447 --
448 --      Output parameters:
449 --       x_return_status
450 --           if the validate_lot_serial_status API succeeds, the value is
451 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
452 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
453 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
454 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
455 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
456 --       x_msg_count
457 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages
458 --               in the buffer
459 --       x_msg_data
460 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
461 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
462 --       x_crossdock
463 --           Returns 'Y' if there is a crossdock opportunity,
464 --                   'N' if no crossdocking or procedure call errored out
465 --
466 --      Functions: -- This API will check for crossdocking
467 --                    opportunities in the Express Putaway Page.  When
468 --                    performing an express user directed drop, we want to
469 --                    make sure that if there is a crossdocking
470 --                    opportunity, we should let the user be aware of that.
471 --                    The user can then decide if they still want to
472 --                    putaway the LPN or let the rules direct them to a
473 --                    putaway location.
474 --
475 PROCEDURE check_for_crossdock
476   (p_organization_id      IN   NUMBER            ,
477    p_lpn_id               IN   NUMBER            ,
478    x_return_status        OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
479    x_msg_count            OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER     ,
480    x_msg_data             OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   ,
481    x_crossdock		  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2
482    );
484 FUNCTION insert_msni_helper
485   (p_txn_if_id       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
486    , p_serial_number   IN            VARCHAR2
487    , p_item_id         IN            NUMBER
488    , p_org_id          IN            NUMBER
489    , p_product_txn_id  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
492 END WMS_Task_Dispatch_put_away;