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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

|     01-Mar-2005  Shishir Joshi   Inserting -1 value for set of books when |
|                                  inserting rows into the                  |
|                                  gl_interface_confrol table per Deborah's |
|                                  recommendation. JI is modified to        |
|                                  support intercompany functionality.      |
|     15-Apr-2005  Swapna Vellani  Added mutl-table Journal Import.         |
|     04-Aug-2005  Wynne Chan      Bug 4458381 - Public Sector Enhancements |
|     07-Oct-2005  Shishir Joshi   Trial Balance chnages. Bug 4630945       |
|     30-Nov-2005  Vinay Kumar     Bug4769315 Added filter on application_id|
|     13-Jan-2005  Vinay Kumar     Modified the logic to pick JE to transfer|
|                                  and signature of gl_transfer_main        |
|                                  Bug 4945075 Acoid creating n1_index and  |
|                                    n2_index on GL INTERFACE Table         |
|     03-Mar-2006  Vinay Kumar     Bug 5041325 Removed the procedure        |
|                                   update_gl_sl_link                       |
|     09-Mar-2006  S. Singhania    Bug 5056632.                             |
|                                    - Modified validate_input_parameters.  |
|                                    - Added paramter p_caller to           |
|                                      gl_tranfer_main                      |
|                                    - Modified select_journal_entries.     |
|                                    - Modified logic to get group_ids      |
|     02-Jun-2006 Vinay Kumar     Bug 5254655  Fix for Standalone Transfer  |
|                                      to GL                                |
|     22-Aug-2006 Ejaz Sayyed     Bug#5437400 - update gl_transfer_date in  |
|                                 set_transfer_status procedure and         |
|                                  in select_journal_entries procedure,     |
|                                 set trnsfr status code 'S'for combined mod|
|                                 and remove parameter p_ledger_id          |
|     22-Aug-2006 V. Swapna        Bug 5438564. Comment out the call to     |
|                                  validate_accounting_periods to handle    |
|                                  a performance issue.                     |
|     4-Sep-2008   rajose          bug#7320079 To pass the je_source_name   |
|                                  while spawning data manager. This helps  |
|                                  in finding the application from          |
|				   which the data manager has been spawned. |
|     12-Aug-2009  rajose          bug#8691650  Phase 2                     |
|     01-Sep-2010  VGOPISET        10047096 Perf changes in the UPDATE of   |
|                                  XLA_AE_HEADERS in Select_Journal_Entries |
|     26-NOV-2010  Narayanan M.S.  Bug#10124492 Headers with gl_transfer_sta|
|                                  tus_code as 'NT' will not be reset to 'N'|
|                                  or 'Y'                                   |
|                                  Bug#9839301 Modified procedure           |
|                                  get_ledger_options to use table          |
|                                  gl_access_set_assignments instead of     |
|                                  gl_access_sets to derive the access_set_id|
|     11-Mar-2011 Narayanan M.S.   Bug 11855000 Funds check Enhancement     |
|     20-May-2011 VGOPISET         Bug12542507 changes for failure of this  |
|                                  GL Transfer post 12.2 edition changes    |
|    28-SEP-2011  Narayanan M.S.   Bug 12965313. Performance fix for GL.    |
|                                  Passing value 'TRUE' for the paramter    |
|                                  'create_n3_index' when creating temporary|
|                                  interface table.                         |
-- Constants

Line: 377

This function inserts data in gl_bc_packets and on success
returns a positive packet_id.

FUNCTION reserve_funds
(p_group_id number,
p_application_id number)

	CURSOR c_get_arrival_seq IS
    SELECT gl_bc_packet_arrival_order_s.nextval
    FROM dual;
Line: 393

    SELECT gl_bc_packets_s.NEXTVAL
    FROM dual;
Line: 468

			 SELECT enable_budgetary_control_flag, ledger_category_code
				INTO  g_budgetary_control_flag, l_ledger_category
			 FROM   gl_ledgers led
			 WHERE  led.ledger_id = g_ledger_id_tab(i);
Line: 486

			  insert into gl_bc_packets
				, p_application_id
				, xah.ledger_id
				, xs.je_source_name
				, xah.je_category_name
				, xal.code_combination_id
				, xah.balance_type_code
				, xah.period_name
				, gps.period_year
				, gps.period_num
				, gps.quarter_num
				, xal.currency_code
				, 'C'
				, sysdate
				, xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
				, xal.encumbrance_type_id
				, xah.budget_version_id
				, xal.entered_dr
				, xal.entered_cr
				, xal.accounted_dr
				, xal.accounted_cr
				, xah.event_id
				, xal.ae_header_id
				, xal.ae_line_num
				, ses.sid
				, ses.serial#
				, xah.accounting_date
				, xah.group_id
				, xah.entity_id
				, Case
					When xal.accounted_dr is not null Then 'D'
					Else 'I'
				 FROM xla_ae_headers      xah
					, xla_ae_lines       xal
					, xla_subledgers     xs
					, gl_period_statuses gps
					, v$session          ses
				WHERE xal.application_id = xah.application_id
				  AND xal.ae_header_id   = xah.ae_header_id
				  AND xs.application_id  = xah.application_id
				  AND gps.application_id = 101
				  AND gps.ledger_id      = xah.ledger_id
				  AND gps.period_name    = xah.period_name
				  AND ses.audsid         = userenv('SESSIONID')
				  and xah.group_id = p_group_id
				  and xah.gl_transfer_status_code = 'S'
				  and xah.application_id = p_application_id
				  and xah.ledger_id = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
				  and xah.funds_status_code is null
				  and xah.balance_type_code in ('A', 'E')
				  and exists
				  (select 1 from xla_events xe
				  where xe.entity_id = xah.entity_id
				  and xe.application_id = xah.application_id
				  and xe.budgetary_control_flag = 'Y')
Line: 579

				trace(p_msg    => 'Num of rows inserted: '|| l_bc_count,
					  p_module => l_log_module,
					  p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 585

			--Insert data into gl_bc_packet_arrival_order

			  IF (NVL(l_bc_count,0) > 0)  THEN
				 insert into gl_bc_packet_arrival_order
					 'Y', -- FC mode will be 'C' for funds check, 'R' for reserve. For reserve, affect_funds_flag should be set to 'Y'
Line: 608

					trace(p_msg    => 'Num of rows inserted into gl_bc_packet_arrival_order table: '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT,
						  p_module => l_log_module,
						  p_level  => C_LEVEL_EVENT);
Line: 616

				   -- update xla_ae_headers as funds reserved
				   g_reserve_flag := true;
Line: 619

				   update xla_ae_headers xah
				   set xah.funds_status_code = 'S'
				   where xah.ledger_id = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
				   and xah.application_id = p_application_id
				   and xah.group_id = p_group_id
				   and xah.gl_transfer_status_code = 'S'
				   and xah.funds_status_code is null
				   and xah.balance_type_code in ('A', 'E')
				   and exists
						   select 1 from gl_bc_packets glc
						   where glc.group_id = xah.group_id
						   and glc.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
						   and glc.packet_id = l_packet_id
						   and glc.event_id  = xah.event_id
						   and glc.application_id = xah.application_id
Line: 639

					  trace('No of headers updated as funds reserved = ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT
Line: 643

					--update the funding budget version_id
					 UPDATE gl_bc_packets bp
						SET bp.funding_budget_version_id =
						  (SELECT DECODE(pk.actual_flag, 'B', pk.budget_version_id, bo.funding_budget_version_id)
							 FROM gl_budget_assignments ba,
							gl_budgets b                  ,
							gl_budget_versions bv         ,
							gl_period_statuses ps         ,
							gl_bc_packets pk              ,
							gl_budorg_bc_options bo
							WHERE ba.ledger_id(+)          = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
						  AND ba.currency_code(+)          = DECODE(PK.currency_code, 'STAT', 'STAT', pk.currency_code)
						  AND ba.code_combination_id (+)   = PK.code_combination_id
						  AND bo.range_id(+)               = ba.range_id
						  AND bo.funding_budget_version_id = bv.budget_version_id
						  AND bv.budget_name               = b.budget_name
						  AND ((b.budget_type              = 'payment'
								AND pk.actual_flag              IN ('P', 'F')
								OR (b.budget_type                = 'standard'
									AND pk.actual_flag NOT          IN ('P', 'F')
						  AND ps.application_id            = 101
						  AND ps.ledger_id                 = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
						  AND ps.period_name               = pk.period_name
						  AND ps.start_date               >=
								(SELECT p1.start_date
								   FROM gl_period_statuses p1
								  WHERE p1.period_name = b.first_valid_period_name
								AND p1.application_id  = ps.application_id
								AND p1.ledger_id       = ps.ledger_id
						  AND ps.end_date <=
							(SELECT p2.end_date
							   FROM gl_period_statuses p2
							  WHERE p2.period_name = b.last_valid_period_name
							AND p2.application_id  = ps.application_id
							AND p2.ledger_id       = ps.ledger_id
						  AND pk.rowid = bp.rowid
						  WHERE bp.packet_id              = l_packet_id
						AND bp.template_id               IS NULL
						AND bp.funding_budget_version_id IS NULL
Line: 691

					  trace('No of rows updated in GL_BC_PACKETS with funding_budget_version_id = ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT
Line: 734

| INSERT ROWS INTO THE GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL                          |
|                                                                    |
PROCEDURE insert_interface_control(p_ledger_id NUMBER
                                   ,p_table_name VARCHAR2) IS

   l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 743

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.insert_interface_control';
Line: 746

Line: 761

   INSERT INTO gl_interface_control
    Decode(g_budgetary_control_flag, 'N', NULL, -3),
    'S' --8429053, 8691650 Commented
       --decode(g_gl_interface_table_name, 'GL_INTERFACE',NULL,'S') --8429053
Line: 786

      trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT|| ' rows inserted into the interface control table' ,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_Log_module);
Line: 790

Line: 797

      trace('Insert into the GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL failed',C_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED,l_Log_module);
Line: 801

END insert_interface_control;
Line: 822

PROCEDURE insert_transfer_log ( p_ledger_id NUMBER) IS

   l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 827

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.insert_transfer_log';
Line: 830

Line: 834

      trace('Inserting a row into the transfer to GL log table.',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_Log_module);
Line: 837

   INSERT INTO xla_transfer_logs
      ,'INCOMPLETE'                            -- Incomplete
Line: 873

Line: 882

        (p_location => 'xla_transfer_pkg.insert_transfer_log');
Line: 883

END insert_transfer_log;
Line: 982

      UPDATE xla_transfer_logs
      SET    gllezl_request_id  = l_gllezl_request_id
      WHERE  group_id           = g_group_id;
Line: 1012

      SELECT ledger_id
       FROM  xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr
      WHERE  xlr.primary_ledger_id         = p_ledger_id
        AND  xlr.relationship_enabled_flag = 'Y'
                       FROM xla_ledger_options xlo
                      WHERE application_id = p_application_id
                        AND DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
                                   ,xlo.ledger_id) = xlr.ledger_id
                        AND DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
                                   ,'N') = 'N'
                        AND DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code
                                   ,xlo.enabled_flag) = 'Y')
      ORDER BY DECODE(xlr.ledger_category_code,
Line: 1055

   INTO   l_ledger_name
   FROM   gl_ledgers led
   WHERE  led.ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1117

      trace('Total number of ledgers selected = '|| g_all_ledgers_tab.COUNT,C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE,l_Log_module);
Line: 1162

      SELECT xlo.transfer_to_gl_mode_code
      INTO   g_transfer_summary_mode
      FROM   xla_ledger_options xlo
      WHERE  xlo.application_id = g_application_id
      AND    xlo.ledger_id      = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1173

            ,p_value_1        => 'The ledger setup is not complete. Please run Update Subledger Accounting Options program for your application '||
                                 'ledger_id = '||p_ledger_id||
                                 ' application_id = '|| g_application_id
            ,p_token_2        => 'LOCATION'
            ,p_value_2        => 'xla_events_pkg.get_ledger_options');
Line: 1186

            /*SELECT access_set_id
            INTO   l_access_set_id
            FROM   gl_access_sets aset, gl_ledgers led
            WHERE  aset.chart_of_accounts_id = led.chart_of_accounts_id
            AND    led.ledger_id             = p_ledger_id
            AND    aset.access_set_id IN (g_access_set_id, g_sec_access_set_id)
            AND    ROWNUM = 1;*/
Line: 1193

            SELECT access_set_id
            INTO   l_access_set_id
            FROM   gl_access_set_assignments gasa
            WHERE  gasa.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
            AND    gasa.access_set_id IN (g_access_set_id, g_sec_access_set_id)
            AND    ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 1215

      SELECT implicit_access_set_id
      INTO   l_access_set_id
      FROM   gl_ledgers led
      WHERE  led.ledger_id = p_ledger_id;
Line: 1321

          select DECODE(g_application_id,707, ' AND NVL(xte.security_id_int_1,'|| g_security_id_int_1||') = ' ||g_security_id_int_1,
                                                                  ' AND xte.security_id_int_1 = '|| g_security_id_int_1)
                                                                  into   g_transaction_security from dual ;
Line: 1484

      SELECT group_id
      FROM   xla_transfer_logs xtb1
      WHERE  application_id = g_application_id
        AND  request_id NOT IN
            ( SELECT xtb.request_id
                        FROM   xla_transfer_logs       xtb
                              ,fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
                        WHERE  xtb.application_id       = g_application_id
                        AND    xtb.transfer_status_code = 'INCOMPLETE'
                       --AND    xtb.gllezl_request_id IS NOT NULL
                        AND    xtb.request_id           = fcr.request_id
                        AND    fcr.phase_code IN ('R','P','I'));
Line: 1515

	  -- Delete rows from gl_bc_packets and update gl_interface control with packet_id as -1
    IF g_application_id = 200 THEN

		 FORALL i IN g_group_id_tab.FIRST..g_group_id_tab.LAST
			 UPDATE xla_Ae_headers xah
			 set funds_status_code = null
			 where group_id = g_group_id_tab(i)
			 and funds_status_code = 'S'
			 and exists
				select 1 from gl_bc_packets glc
				where glc.group_id = xah.group_id
				and glc.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
				and glc.event_id  = xah.event_id
				and glc.application_id = xah.application_id
				and glc.status_code = 'C'
Line: 1535

				trace('No of headers updated as unreserved in recover_batch  = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1540

			 DELETE gl_bc_packet_arrival_order
			 where packet_id in
			 (select packet_id from gl_bc_packets
			 WHERE  group_id = g_group_id_tab(i)
			 and status_code = 'C')
Line: 1548

				trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || 'Rows deleted from the gl_bc_packet_arrival_order in recover_batch',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1552

			 DELETE gl_bc_packets
			 WHERE  group_id = g_group_id_tab(i)
			 and status_code = 'C'
Line: 1558

				trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || 'Rows deleted from the gl_bc_packets in recover_batch',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1572

        UPDATE xla_ae_headers
        SET    group_id                = NULL
              ,gl_transfer_status_code = 'N'
              ,gl_transfer_date        = NULL
              ,program_update_date     = SYSDATE
              ,program_id              = g_program_id
              ,request_id              = g_request_id
        WHERE  group_id = g_group_id_tab(i)
		--Added for 10124492
		AND gl_transfer_status_code <> 'NT';
Line: 1585

        trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' Headers updated.',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1592

        DELETE xla_transfer_logs
        WHERE  group_id = g_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 1601

         DELETE xla_transfer_ledgers
         WHERE  group_id = g_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 1610

            trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || 'Rows deleted from the XLA_TRANSFER_LEDGERS',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1621

      /* bug#8691650 use the g_group_id_tab to delete batches which needs to be recovered */
      IF l_first_time_recover THEN
         FOR i IN g_group_id_tab.FIRST .. g_group_id_tab.LAST

            IF (C_LEVEL_EVENT >= g_log_level) THEN
              trace('First time recover calling gl_journal_import_sla_pkg.delete_batches',C_LEVEL_EVENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1630

                (x_je_source_name => g_je_source_name
                ,x_group_id       => g_group_id_tab(i)
Line: 1646

              trace('Calling gl_journal_import_sla_pkg.delete_batches',C_LEVEL_EVENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1648

                (x_je_source_name => g_je_source_name
                ,x_group_id       => g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).group_id
Line: 1703

      trace('Number of ledgers selected for a period validation = ' ||g_all_ledgers_tab.count,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 1720

   SELECT actual_flag,budget_flag,encumbrance_flag
   INTO   l_actual_flag, l_budget_flag, l_encum_flag
               ,MAX(DECODE(NVL(ALLOW_BUDGETS_FLAG,'N'),'Y','Y','Z')) budget_flag
               ,MAX(DECODE(NVL(ALLOW_encumbrance_FLAG,'N'),'Y','Y','Z')) encumbrance_flag
         FROM   xla_event_class_attrs
         WHERE  application_id     = g_application_id
         GROUP BY allow_actuals_flag, allow_budgets_flag, allow_encumbrance_flag
         ORDER BY actual_flag,budget_flag,encumbrance_flag)
Line: 1745

         'SELECT DISTINCT aeh.period_name
         FROM   xla_ae_headers aeh
               ,gl_period_statuses gps
               ,TABLE (CAST(:1 AS XLA_NUMBER_ARRAY_TYPE))led
         WHERE  aeh.application_id                  = :2                --g_application_id
         AND    aeh.ledger_id                       = led.column_value
         AND    aeh.entity_id                       = :3                --g_entity_id
         AND    aeh.gl_transfer_status_code         = ''N''
         AND    aeh.accounting_entry_status_code    = ''F''
         AND    aeh.balance_type_code               = ''A''
         AND    gps.application_id                  = 101
         AND    gps.ledger_id                       = aeh.ledger_id
         AND    gps.period_name                     = aeh.period_name
         AND    NVL(gps.adjustment_period_flag,''N'') = ''N''
         AND    gps.closing_status IN (''C'',''N'',''P'')';
Line: 1810

         SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_year
         FROM    xla_ae_headers           aeh
               ,gl_period_statuses       gps
               ,gl_budget_period_ranges  gbp
               ,gl_budget_versions       gbv
               ,TABLE (CAST(:1 AS XLA_NUMBER_ARRAY_TYPE))led
         WHERE aeh.application_id      = :2
         AND   aeh.ledger_id           = led.column_value
         AND   aeh.balance_type_code   = ''B''
         AND   aeh.entity_id           = :3 --g_entity_id
         AND   aeh.gl_transfer_status_code         = ''N''
         AND   aeh.accounting_entry_status_code    = ''F''
         AND   gps.application_id                  = 101
         AND   gps.ledger_id                       = aeh.ledger_id
         AND   gps.period_name                     = aeh.period_name
         AND   NVL(gps.adjustment_period_flag,''N'') = ''N''
         AND   gps.period_year                     = gbp.period_year
         AND   aeh.budget_version_id               = gbp.budget_version_id
         AND   gbp.open_flag                       <> ''O''
         AND   gbv.budget_version_id               = aeh.budget_version_id ';
Line: 1871

           ' SELECT DISTINCT aeh.ledger_id
           FROM    xla_ae_headers        aeh
                  ,gl_period_statuses         gps
                  ,gl_ledgers                 gll
                  ,TABLE (CAST(:1 AS XLA_NUMBER_ARRAY_TYPE))led
            WHERE aeh.application_id      = :2                  --g_application_id
            AND   aeh.entity_id           = :3                  --g_entity_id
            AND   aeh.ledger_id           = led.column_value
            AND   aeh.balance_type_code   = ''E''
            AND   aeh.ledger_id           = gll.ledger_id
            AND   aeh.gl_transfer_status_code         = ''N''
            AND   aeh.accounting_entry_status_code    = ''F''
            AND   gps.application_id                  = 101
            AND   gps.ledger_id                       = aeh.ledger_id
            AND   gps.period_name                     = aeh.period_name
            AND   gps.period_year                     > gll.latest_encumbrance_year ';
Line: 1928

        'SELECT DISTINCT aeh.period_name
        FROM    xla_ae_headers             aeh
               ,gl_period_statuses         gps
               ,xla_transaction_entities   xte
               ,xla_event_types_b          xet
               ,xla_event_class_attrs      xec
               ,xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr
               ,TABLE (CAST(:1 AS XLA_NUMBER_ARRAY_TYPE))led
         WHERE xte.entity_id           = aeh.entity_id
         AND   aeh.application_id      = :2 --g_application_id
         AND   aeh.ledger_id           = led.column_value
         AND   aeh.accounting_date    <= :3 --g_end_date
         AND   aeh.balance_type_code   = ''A''
         AND   aeh.ledger_id           = xlr.ledger_id
         AND   xte.entity_code         = xec.entity_code
         AND   xte.application_id      = xec.application_id
         AND   xec.application_id      = xet.application_id
         AND   xec.entity_code         = xet.entity_code
         AND   xec.event_class_code    = xet.event_class_code
         AND   xec.event_class_group_code
                                       = NVL(:4,xec.event_class_group_code)
         AND   xet.event_type_code     = aeh.event_type_code
         AND   xet.application_id      = aeh.application_id
         AND   xet.entity_code         = xte.entity_code
         AND   aeh.gl_transfer_status_code         = ''N''
         AND   aeh.accounting_entry_status_code    = ''F''
         AND   gps.application_id                  = 101
         AND   gps.ledger_id                       = aeh.ledger_id
         AND   gps.period_name                     = aeh.period_name
         AND   NVL(gps.adjustment_period_flag,''N'') = ''N''
         AND   gps.closing_status IN (''C'',''N'',''P'')'
         || g_transaction_security;
Line: 2008

        SELECT DISTINCT gps.period_year
        FROM    xla_ae_headers           aeh
               ,xla_transaction_entities xte
               ,xla_event_types_b        xet
               ,xla_event_class_attrs    xec
               ,gl_period_statuses       gps
               ,gl_budget_period_ranges  gbp
               ,gl_budget_versions       gbv
               ,TABLE (CAST(:1 AS XLA_NUMBER_ARRAY_TYPE))led
         WHERE xte.entity_id           = aeh.entity_id
         AND   aeh.application_id      = :2
         AND   aeh.ledger_id           = led.column_value
         AND   aeh.accounting_date    <= :3 --g_end_date
         AND   aeh.balance_type_code   = ''B''
         AND   xte.entity_code         = xec.entity_code
         AND   xte.application_id      = xec.application_id
         AND   xec.application_id      = xet.application_id
         AND   xec.entity_code         = xet.entity_code
         AND   xec.event_class_code    = xet.event_class_code
         AND   xec.event_class_group_code
                                       = NVL(:4,xec.event_class_group_code)
         AND   xet.event_type_code     = aeh.event_type_code
         AND   xet.application_id      = aeh.application_id
         AND   xet.entity_code         = xte.entity_code
         AND   aeh.gl_transfer_status_code         = ''N''
         AND   aeh.accounting_entry_status_code    = ''F''
         AND   gps.application_id                  = 101
         AND   gps.ledger_id                       = aeh.ledger_id
         AND   gps.period_name                     = aeh.period_name
         AND   NVL(gps.adjustment_period_flag,''N'') = ''N''
         AND   gps.period_year                     = gbp.period_year
         AND   aeh.budget_version_id               = gbp.budget_version_id
         AND   gbp.open_flag                       <> ''O''
         AND   gbv.budget_version_id               = aeh.budget_version_id '
         || g_transaction_security;
Line: 2084

           ' SELECT DISTINCT aeh.ledger_id
           FROM    xla_ae_headers        aeh
                  ,gl_period_statuses         gps
                  ,xla_transaction_entities   xte
                  ,xla_event_types_b          xet
                  ,xla_event_class_attrs      xec
                  ,gl_ledgers                 gll
                  ,TABLE (CAST(:1 AS XLA_NUMBER_ARRAY_TYPE))led
            WHERE xte.entity_id           = aeh.entity_id
            AND   aeh.application_id      = :2 --g_application_id
            AND   aeh.ledger_id           = led.column_value
            AND   aeh.accounting_date    <= :3 --g_end_date
            AND   aeh.balance_type_code   = ''E''
            AND   aeh.ledger_id           = gll.ledger_id
            AND   xte.entity_code         = xec.entity_code
            AND   xte.application_id      = xec.application_id
            AND   xec.application_id      = xet.application_id
            AND   xec.entity_code         = xet.entity_code
            AND   xec.event_class_code    = xet.event_class_code
            AND   xec.event_class_group_code = NVL(:4,xec.event_class_group_code)
            AND   xet.event_type_code     = aeh.event_type_code
            AND   xet.application_id      = aeh.application_id
            AND   xet.entity_code         = xte.entity_code
            AND   aeh.gl_transfer_status_code         = ''N''
            AND   aeh.accounting_entry_status_code    = ''F''
            AND   gps.application_id                  = 101
            AND   gps.ledger_id                       = aeh.ledger_id
            AND   gps.period_name                     = aeh.period_name
            AND   gps.period_year                     > gll.latest_encumbrance_year '
            || g_transaction_security;
Line: 2169

  THE PROCEDURE selects AND marks THE journal entries
-- removed parameter p_ledger_id
PROCEDURE select_journal_entries IS
    l_statement   VARCHAR2(4000);
Line: 2178

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.select_journal_entries';
Line: 2182

Line: 2185

      trace('Number of ledgers selected = ' || g_ledger_id_tab.COUNT,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2199

            UPDATE /*+ index(xah, XLA_AE_HEADERS_N1) */
               xla_ae_headers xah
            SET    gl_transfer_date             = sysdate,
                   gl_transfer_status_code      = 'S'
            WHERE  application_id               = g_application_id
            AND    ledger_id                    = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
            AND    group_id                     = g_group_id
            AND    gl_transfer_status_code      = 'N'
            AND    accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
	    -- added Bug#8691650
            AND EXISTS
                  SELECT 1 FROM xla_ae_lines xal
                  WHERE xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
                  AND  xah.application_id = xal.application_id
		  -- added hint for perf bug#10047096
		  SELECT /*+ no_unnest */ 1 FROM xla_events xle
                  WHERE xah.event_id = xle.event_id
                  AND  xah.application_id = xle.application_id
		  AND xle.event_status_code  = 'P'
		  AND xle.process_status_code = 'P'
Line: 2230

            trace('Selecting journal entris for the document ' || g_entity_id,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2233

            UPDATE xla_ae_headers aeh
            SET    program_update_date          = SYSDATE,
                   program_id                   = g_program_id,
                   request_id                   = g_request_id,
                   group_id                     = g_group_id,
                   gl_transfer_date             = sysdate,
                   gl_transfer_status_code      = 'S'
            WHERE  application_id               = g_application_id
            AND    ledger_id                    = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
            AND    gl_transfer_status_code      = 'N'
            AND    entity_id                    = g_entity_id
            AND    accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
            -- added Bug#8691650
            AND EXISTS
                  SELECT 1 FROM xla_ae_lines xal
                  WHERE aeh.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
                  AND  aeh.application_id = xal.application_id
		  SELECT 1 FROM xla_events xle
                  WHERE aeh.event_id = xle.event_id
                  AND  aeh.application_id = xle.application_id
		  AND xle.event_status_code  = 'P'
		  AND xle.process_status_code = 'P'
Line: 2266

            trace('Selecting journal entries for the accounting batch id ' || g_accounting_batch_id,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2269

           UPDATE xla_ae_headers aeh
           SET    program_update_date          = SYSDATE,
                  program_id                   = g_program_id,
                  group_id                     = g_group_id,
                  gl_transfer_date             = SYSDATE,
                  gl_transfer_status_code      = 'S'
           WHERE  application_id               = g_application_id
           AND    ledger_id                    = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
           AND    gl_transfer_status_code      = 'N'
           AND    accounting_batch_id          = g_accounting_batch_id
           AND    accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
	    -- added Bug#8691650
            AND EXISTS
                  SELECT 1 FROM xla_ae_lines xal
                  WHERE aeh.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
                  AND  aeh.application_id = xal.application_id
		  SELECT 1 FROM xla_events xle
                  WHERE aeh.event_id = xle.event_id
                  AND  aeh.application_id = xle.application_id
		  AND xle.event_status_code  = 'P'
		  AND xle.process_status_code = 'P'
Line: 2303

           UPDATE xla_ae_headers aeh
           SET    program_update_date          = SYSDATE,
                  program_id                   = g_program_id,
                  request_id                   = g_request_id,
                  gl_transfer_date             = sysdate,
                  gl_transfer_status_code      = 'S',
                  group_id                     = g_group_id
           WHERE  application_id               = g_application_id
           AND    ledger_id                    = g_ledger_id_tab(i)
           AND    entity_id                    = g_entity_id
           AND    gl_transfer_status_code      = 'N'
           AND    accounting_entry_status_code = 'F'
 	    -- added Bug#8691650
           AND EXISTS
                  SELECT 1 FROM xla_ae_lines xal
                  WHERE aeh.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
                  AND  aeh.application_id = xal.application_id
		  SELECT 1 FROM xla_events xle
                  WHERE aeh.event_id = xle.event_id
                  AND  aeh.application_id = xle.application_id
		  AND xle.event_status_code  = 'P'
		  AND xle.process_status_code = 'P'
Line: 2339

	 -- added extra conditions to make the below update and
	 -- gl_interface insert query in SYNC.

	 -- For bug12542507 commented the below hint
	 -- /*+ leading(aeh,xet,xte) use_hash(xet,xec,xeca) use_nl(xte)
         --     swap_join_inputs(xet) swap_join_inputs(xec) swap_join_inputs(xeca) */

         l_statement :=
               ' UPDATE
               (SELECT /*+ leading(aeh) use_nl(xte) */ -- added for bug12542507
                aeh.program_update_date -- added hint per performance change 7259699
                FROM   xla_ae_headers           aeh
                      ,xla_transaction_entities xte
                      --,xla_event_types_b        xet
                      --,xla_event_class_attrs    xeca
                      --,xla_event_classes_b      xec -- commented for bug12542507 and made it as IN clause
                WHERE xte.entity_id           = aeh.entity_id
                AND   xte.application_id      = :1 --g_application_id
                AND   aeh.application_id      = xte.application_id
                AND   aeh.ledger_id           = :2 --g_ledger_id_tab(i)
		AND   aeh.je_category_name    in (select je_category_name from gl_je_categories) --8417930
		AND   EXISTS(select 1 from gl_period_statuses glp
				where glp.application_id = 101
			        and glp.ledger_id = aeh.ledger_id
				and glp.period_name = aeh.period_name) --8417930
                AND   aeh.accounting_date    <= :3 --g_end_date
                /* AND   xte.entity_code         = xec.entity_code
                AND   xeca.application_id      = xec.application_id
                AND   xeca.event_class_code    = xec.event_class_code
                AND   xeca.entity_code         = xec.entity_code
                AND   xeca.event_class_group_code = Nvl(:4,xeca.event_class_group_code)
                AND   xec.event_class_code     = xet.event_class_code
                AND   xet.event_type_code      = aeh.event_type_code
                AND   xet.application_id       = aeh.application_id
                AND   xec.application_id       = xet.application_id
                AND   xet.event_class_code     = xec.event_class_code */ --commented for bug12542507 and made it as IN clause as below
		AND   (aeh.application_id , aeh.event_type_code) IN ( 	SELECT xet.application_id  , xet.event_type_code
									FROM  xla_event_types_b        xet
									     ,xla_event_class_attrs    xeca
									     ,xla_event_classes_b      xec
									WHERE 1 = 1
									AND   xeca.event_class_group_code = Nvl(:4,xeca.event_class_group_code)
									AND   xeca.application_id      = :5
									AND   xeca.application_id      = xec.application_id
									AND   xeca.event_class_code    = xec.event_class_code
									AND   xeca.entity_code         = xec.entity_code
									AND   xec.event_class_code     = xet.event_class_code
									AND   xec.application_id       = xet.application_id
                AND   aeh.gl_transfer_status_code         = ''N''
                AND   aeh.accounting_entry_status_code    = ''F''
                AND EXISTS
                   SELECT 1 FROM xla_ae_lines xal
                   WHERE aeh.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
                   AND  aeh.application_id = xal.application_id
                AND EXISTS
		  SELECT 1 FROM xla_events xle
                  WHERE aeh.event_id = xle.event_id
                  AND  aeh.application_id = xle.application_id
		  AND xle.event_status_code  = ''P''
		  AND xle.process_status_code = ''P''
                || g_transaction_security
                || ' ) SET program_update_date = SYSDATE
                 ,program_id                   = :6 --g_program_id
                 ,request_id                   = :7 --g_request_id
                 ,gl_transfer_date             = Sysdate
                 ,group_id                     = :8 --g_group_id
                 ,gl_transfer_status_code      = ''S''';
Line: 2447

         trace('Total journal entries selected = ' || l_je_count,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2479

Line: 2489

      (p_location => 'xla_transfer_pkg.select_journal_entries');
Line: 2490

END select_journal_entries;
Line: 2525

   SELECT js.je_source_name
   INTO   g_je_source_name
   FROM   gl_je_sources  js
         ,xla_subledgers xsl
   WHERE  xsl.application_id = g_application_id
   AND    js.je_source_name  = xsl.je_source_name;
Line: 2552








PROCEDURE insert_gl_interface IS
  l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 2576

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.insert_gl_interface';
Line: 2580

Line: 2622

      l_statement := 'INSERT INTO '||g_gl_interface_table_name||
        status,                           ledger_id
       ,user_je_source_name,              user_je_category_name
       ,date_created,                     created_by
       ,code_combination_id,              stat_amount
       ,je_header_id,                     group_id
       ,period_name,                      jgzz_recon_ref
   SELECT /*+ ordered index(aeh,xla_ae_headers_n1) use_nl(jc,led,ael,gps) */
           ''NEW'',                        aeh.ledger_id
           ,:1     ,                       decode(:2,''Y'',jc.je_category_key
          ,DECODE(:3, ''P'' , gps.end_date , aeh.accounting_date)
          ,DECODE(aeh.balance_type_code , ''E'' , led.currency_code , ael.currency_code)
          ,SYSDATE,                        :4
          ,ael.encumbrance_type_id         -- 4458381
          ,ael.code_combination_id,        ael.statistical_amount
          ,DECODE(aeh.balance_type_code, ''E'', ael.accounted_dr, ael.entered_dr) -- 4458381
          ,DECODE(aeh.balance_type_code, ''E'', ael.accounted_cr, ael.entered_cr) -- 4458381
          ,:5                               -- Reference1
          ,DECODE(reference_date , NULL , NULL
           DECODE(:6 , ''A'' , TO_CHAR(aeh.accounting_date ,''DD-MON-YYYY'')
                  ,''P'' ,aeh.period_name
                  ,''D'' ,aeh.ae_header_id
                  ,''E'' ,TO_CHAR(aeh.accounting_date ,''DD-MON-YYYY'') -- added E/F lookup code for bug8681466
                  ,''F'' ,aeh.period_name)  --Reference4
          ,DECODE(DECODE(:8,''D'',''D'',''E'',''D'',''F'',''D'',''S'')||ael.gl_transfer_mode_code --added bug 8846459 to show line description
                  aeh.ae_header_id||''-''||ael.ae_line_num) -- Reference11
          ,aeh.ae_header_id,             :11
          ,aeh.period_name,              ael.jgzz_recon_ref
                   decode(aeh.funds_status_code, ''A'', ''Y'', ''S'', ''Y'', ''P'', ''Y'', NULL)
   FROM   xla_ae_headers     aeh
         ,xla_ae_lines       ael
         ,gl_je_categories   jc
         ,gl_period_statuses gps
         ,gl_ledgers         led
   WHERE ael.application_id        = aeh.application_id
   AND   ael.ae_header_id          = aeh.ae_header_id
   AND   aeh.group_id              = :12
   AND   aeh.application_id        = :13                --4769315
   AND   aeh.je_category_name      = jc.je_category_name
   AND   gps.application_id        = 101
   AND   gps.ledger_id             = aeh.ledger_id
   AND   led.ledger_id             = gps.ledger_id
   AND   aeh.period_name           = gps.period_name
   AND   aeh.gl_transfer_status_code = ''S''';
Line: 2726

Following columns have been removed from the above Insert and Select


   IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
      trace('l_statement = ' || l_statement,C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2763

      trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || '   rows are inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2768

      trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || '   rows are inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2779

      trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || '   rows are inserted into the GL_INTERFACE table',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 2783

Line: 2790

      (p_location => 'xla_transfer_pkg.gl_interface_insert');
Line: 2791

END insert_gl_interface;
Line: 2877

               trace('selecting from gl interface '|| g_gl_interface_table_name,C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE,l_log_module);
Line: 2883

          'select  status   from ' ||g_gl_interface_table_name||
          ' where user_je_source_name= :1
           and group_id = :2
           and request_id = :4
           -- and status like ''E%''
	   and status <> ''PROCESSED'' AND status NOT LIKE ''W%''
           and rownum=1 ' into l_gl_status
           using g_user_source_name,g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).group_id, g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).gllezl_request_id;
Line: 2950

                delete from gl_interface
                where user_je_source_name = g_user_source_name
                and group_id = g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).group_id;
Line: 2961

                        trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || 'Rows deleted from GL_INTERFACE Table',C_LEVEL_ERROR,l_log_module);
Line: 2995

 |  Updates the transfer to GL status to yes to indicate that journal entries|
 |  have been transferred successfully.                                      |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS                                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE set_transfer_status IS
   l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 3024

      SET    gl_transfer_status_code = 'Y',
             gl_transfer_date        = sysdate -- bug#5437400
      WHERE  group_id                = g_group_id_tab(i)
        AND  application_id          = g_application_id  --4769315
		--Added for 10124492
		AND gl_transfer_status_code <> 'NT';
Line: 3045

 |    delete_transfer_log                                                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |  Deletes the transfer to GL log.                                          |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS                                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE delete_transfer_log IS
   l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 3064

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.delete_transfer_log';
Line: 3068

Line: 3078

      DELETE xla_transfer_logs
      WHERE group_id = g_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 3082

Line: 3087

     (p_location => 'xla_transfer_pkg.delete_transfer_log');
Line: 3088

END delete_transfer_log;
Line: 3092

 |    insert_secondary_ledgers                                               |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |  Keeps track of journal entries transferred for secondary ledgers         |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS                                                                 |
 |    p_secondary_ledger_id -- Secondary ledger identifier                   |                    |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE insert_secondary_ledgers ( p_secondary_ledger_id  IN NUMBER ) IS
   l_log_module  VARCHAR2(240);
Line: 3111

      l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.insert_secondary_ledgers';
Line: 3115

Line: 3119

Line: 3121

   INSERT INTO xla_transfer_ledgers
Line: 3152

     (p_location => 'xla_transfer_pkg.insert_secondary_ledgers');
Line: 3153

END insert_secondary_ledgers;
Line: 3160

 |  The procedure performs the finishing tasks after inserting journal       |
 |  entries into the GL interface table.                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXTERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED                                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS                                                                 |
 |     p_submit_gl_post  Submit GL post                                      |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |

PROCEDURE complete_batch(p_submit_gl_post VARCHAR2) IS
   l_req_id      NUMBER;
Line: 3197

	Need to update gl_bc_packets here because when GL posting happens,
	data from gl_bc_packets gets flushed. Hence we update the
	gl_bc_packets as funds reserved and then call keep_batches
	where gl posting happens if customer has provided
	post_to_gl parameter as Yes.

   IF g_application_id = 200 then

	   If (g_reserve_flag) then
		   IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
			  trace('Updating  gl_bc_packets ',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 3211

			  UPDATE gl_bc_packets
			  SET    status_code = 'A'
			  , result_code = 'P01'
			  WHERE  group_id                = g_group_id_tab(i)
				AND  application_id          = g_application_id
				and status_code = 'C';
Line: 3219

			  trace('No of rows updated as Reserved in GL_BC_PACKETS   ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT,C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE,l_log_module);
Line: 3246

            trace('Inserting a row into the XLA_TRANSFER_LEDGERS table.',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 3249

            (p_secondary_ledger_id => g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).ledger_id
Line: 3274

Line: 3339

     INTO l_cnt
     FROM xla_tb_definitions_b    xtd
         ,xla_tb_defn_je_sources  xjs
    WHERE xtd.definition_code = xjs.definition_code
      AND xjs.je_source_name  = p_je_source_name
      and xtd.ledger_id       = p_ledger_id;
Line: 3520

Line: 3561

Line: 3572

            SELECT gl_journal_import_s.NEXTVAL
            INTO   g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).interface_run_id
            FROM   dual;
Line: 3576

            SELECT gl_journal_import_s.NEXTVAL
            INTO   g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).interface_run_id
            FROM   dual;
Line: 3614

               trace('Ledgers selected for the processing',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 3627

            trace('Inserting an entry into the audit table',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 3632

Line: 3639

Line: 3669

Line: 3672

                     (p_ledger_id        => g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).ledger_id
                     ,p_table_name       => g_gl_interface_table_name
Line: 3705

                  DELETE FROM gl_interface
  	          WHERE user_je_source_name = g_user_source_name
 	          AND group_id = g_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 3720

			--When get_gllezl_status returns false, data that are newly inserted
			--into GL_INTERFACE table are not deleted. Added below code to
			--delete those data in GL_INTERFACE.

                        If g_gl_interface_table_name = 'GL_INTERFACE' Then

			  --bug#8691650 delete for all the group ids in a loop

			   FORALL i IN g_group_id_tab.FIRST..g_group_id_tab.LAST
                     	   delete from gl_interface
			   where user_je_source_name = g_user_source_name
			   and group_id = g_group_id_tab(i);
Line: 3734

				delete from gl_interface
				where user_je_source_name = g_user_source_name
				and group_id = g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).group_id
				and request_id = g_request_id;
Line: 3746

					trace(SQL%ROWCOUNT || 'Rows deleted from GL_INTERFACE Table',C_LEVEL_ERROR,l_log_module);
Line: 3831

	Need to update gl_bc_packets here because Journal import is disabled
	and funds in gl bc packets needs to be marked as reserved.

   IF g_application_id = 200 then
	   If (g_reserve_flag) then
		   IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
			  trace('Updating  gl_bc_packets ',C_LEVEL_STATEMENT,l_log_module);
Line: 3841

			  UPDATE gl_bc_packets
			  SET    status_code = 'A'
			  WHERE  group_id                = g_group_id_tab(i)
				AND  application_id          = g_application_id
				and status_code = 'C';
Line: 3848

			  trace('No of rows updated as Reserved in GL_BC_PACKETS   ='||SQL%ROWCOUNT,C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE,l_log_module);
Line: 3902

Line: 3913

      UPDATE xla_ae_headers
        SET    group_id                = NULL
              ,gl_transfer_status_code = 'N'
              ,gl_transfer_date        = NULL
              ,program_update_date     = SYSDATE
              ,program_id              = g_program_id
              ,request_id              = g_request_id
        WHERE  group_id = g_primary_ledgers_tab(i).group_id;
Line: 3922
