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Line 451: hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg

447: ,''PARTY_SITES'' entity
448: ,decode(addr_sg.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', addr_sg.action_flag) operation_flag
449: ,null party_type
450: FROM hz_locations l, hz_party_sites ps,
451: hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg
452: WHERE l.request_id = :p_request_id
453: and l.location_id = ps.location_id
454: and addr_sg.batch_id = :p_batch_id
455: and addr_sg.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag

Line 472: hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg, hz_imp_batch_details bd

468: ,''PARTY_SITES'' entity
469: ,decode(addr_sg.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', addr_sg.action_flag) operation_flag
470: ,null party_type
471: FROM hz_locations l, hz_party_sites ps,
472: hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg, hz_imp_batch_details bd
473: WHERE l.request_id = bd.main_conc_req_id
474: and bd.batch_id = addr_sg.batch_id
475: and l.location_id = ps.location_id
476: and addr_sg.batch_id = :p_batch_id

Line 707: FROM hz_imp_addresses_sg site_sg,

703: p_from_osr IN VARCHAR2,
704: p_to_osr IN VARCHAR2
705: ) IS
706: CURSOR c_loc IS SELECT ps.location_id,ps.created_by_module,site_sg.site_orig_system_reference
707: FROM hz_imp_addresses_sg site_sg,
708: hz_imp_addresses_int site_int,
709: hz_party_sites ps
710: WHERE site_sg.batch_id = p_batch_id
711: AND site_sg.batch_mode_flag = p_batch_mode_flag

Line 789: from hz_locations l,hz_imp_addresses_int addr_int, hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg,

785: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
787: cursor c_timezone_loc is
788: select l.location_id, l.country, l.state, l.city, l.postal_code
789: from hz_locations l,hz_imp_addresses_int addr_int, hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg,
790: hz_party_sites ps
791: where l.location_id = ps.location_id
792: and addr_sg.batch_id = p_batch_id
793: and addr_sg.batch_mode_flag = p_batch_mode_flag