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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 8

g_plsql_proc_insert varchar2(80);
Line: 15

         update_pact - update payroll action row.
         Updates relevant information on the payroll action row.
         This includes the action_population_status and the
         date_earned value.  This is obtained in accordance with
         the new period dates fix.
   procedure update_pact
      p_payroll_action_id           in number,
      p_action_population_status    in varchar2,
      p_action_type                 in varchar2,
      p_last_update_date            in date,
      p_last_updated_by             in number,
      p_last_update_login           in number
   ) is
      l_date_earned date;
Line: 37

          select /*+ USE_NL(locked_pact locked locking locks)*/
          into   l_date_earned
          from   pay_payroll_actions    locked_pact,
                 pay_assignment_actions locked,
                 pay_assignment_actions locking,
                 pay_action_interlocks  locks
          where  locking.payroll_action_id    = p_payroll_action_id
          and    locking.assignment_action_id = locks.locking_action_id
          and    locked.assignment_action_id  = locks.locked_action_id
          and    locked.payroll_action_id     = locked_pact.payroll_action_id;
Line: 54

        update pay_payroll_actions pac
        set    pac.action_population_status = p_action_population_status,
               pac.last_update_date         = p_last_update_date,
               pac.last_updated_by          = p_last_updated_by,
               pac.last_update_login        = p_last_update_login
        where  pac.payroll_action_id        = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 61

        update pay_payroll_actions pac
        set    pac.action_population_status = p_action_population_status,
               pac.last_update_date         = p_last_update_date,
               pac.last_updated_by          = p_last_updated_by,
               pac.last_update_login        = p_last_update_login,
               pac.date_earned              = l_date_earned
        where  pac.payroll_action_id        = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 69

        update pay_payroll_actions pac
        set    pac.action_population_status = p_action_population_status,
               pac.last_update_date         = p_last_update_date,
               pac.last_updated_by          = p_last_updated_by,
               pac.last_update_login        = p_last_update_login,
               pac.date_earned              = l_date_earned
        where  pac.payroll_action_id        = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 78

   end update_pact;
Line: 86

         pay_population_ranges. This is used to insert
         a chunk of assignments at a time.
   procedure get_next_pop_chunk_seq
      pactid      in            number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      atype       in            varchar2, -- action type.
      p_lckhandle in            varchar2, -- dbms_lock id
      lub         in            varchar2, -- last_updated_by.
      lul         in            varchar2, -- last_update_login.
      stperson       out nocopy number,  -- starting_person_id.
      endperson      out nocopy number,  -- ending_person_id.
      chunk          out nocopy number,  -- chunk_number.
      rand_chunk     out nocopy number   -- chunk_number.
   ) is
      actpopstat varchar2(30);
Line: 105

      dummy      number;       -- need because must select into something.
Line: 129

         select pac.action_population_status
         into   actpopstat
         from   pay_payroll_actions pac
         where  pac.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 141

               select rge.starting_person_id,
               into   stperson,
               from   pay_population_ranges rge
               where  rge.payroll_action_id = pactid
               and    rge.range_status      = 'U'
               and    rownum < 2;
Line: 171

                  select null
                  into   dummy
                  from   pay_population_ranges rge
                  where  rge.payroll_action_id = pactid
                  and    rownum < 2;
Line: 188

                     update_pact(pactid, 'A', atype,sysdate,lub,lul);
Line: 270

           We need to update the randonised status columns
        select pcs_rand.population_status,
          into chk_pop_status,
          from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
               pay_chunk_status    pcs_pop,
               pay_chunk_status    pcs_rand
         where pcs_pop.payroll_action_id  = pactid
           and pcs_pop.chunk_number       = p_next_chunk
           and pcs_rand.payroll_action_id = pcs_pop.payroll_action_id
           and pcs_rand.chunk_number      = pcs_pop.rand_chunk_number
           and ppa.payroll_action_id = pcs_pop.payroll_action_id;
Line: 295

            select rge.starting_person_id,
              from pay_population_ranges rge
             where rge.payroll_action_id = pactid
               and rge.chunk_number = p_next_chunk
               and rownum = 1;
Line: 354

      lub         in            varchar2, -- last_updated_by.
      lul         in            varchar2, -- last_update_login.
      stperson       out nocopy number,  -- starting_person_id.
      endperson      out nocopy number,  -- ending_person_id.
      chunk          out nocopy number,  -- chunk_number.
      rand_chunk     out nocopy number   -- chunk_number.
   ) is
     next_chunk number;
Line: 367

     dummy      number;       -- need because must select into something.
Line: 373

        select max(chunk_number)
          into next_chunk
          from pay_chunk_status
         where payroll_action_id = pactid
           and population_status = 'U';
Line: 400

             from pay_payroll_actions ppa
            where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 417

                  select null
                  into   dummy
                  from   pay_population_ranges rge
                  where  rge.payroll_action_id = pactid
                  and    rownum < 2;
Line: 434

                     update_pact(pactid, 'A', atype,sysdate,lub,lul);
Line: 497

      lub         in            varchar2, -- last_updated_by.
      lul         in            varchar2, -- last_update_login.
      chunk_type  in out nocopy varchar2, -- method for allocating chunk
      threads     in            number   default 1, -- Number of Threads
      slave_no    in            number   default 1, -- Slave no
      curr_chunk  in            number   default 1, -- current chunk
      max_chunks  in            number   default 9999, -- Max no of Chunks
      stperson       out nocopy number,  -- starting_person_id.
      endperson      out nocopy number,  -- ending_person_id.
      chunk          out nocopy number,  -- chunk_number.
      rand_chunk     out nocopy number   -- chunk_number.
   ) is
     next_chunk number;
Line: 530

        select action_population_status
          into pay_pop_status
          from pay_payroll_actions
         where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 537

          select population_status
            into chk_pop_status
            from pay_chunk_status
           where payroll_action_id = pactid
             and chunk_number = next_chunk;
Line: 593

         pay_population_ranges. This is used to insert
         a chunk of assignments at a time.
   procedure get_next_pop_chunk
      pactid      in            number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      atype       in            varchar2, -- action type.
      p_lckhandle in            varchar2, -- dbms_lock id
      lub         in            varchar2, -- last_updated_by.
      lul         in            varchar2, -- last_update_login.
      chunk_type  in out nocopy varchar2, -- method for allocating chunk
      threads     in            number   default 1, -- Number of Threads
      slave_no    in            number   default 1, -- Slave no
      curr_chunk  in            number   default 1, -- current chunk
      max_chunks  in            number   default 9999, -- Max no of Chunks
      stperson       out nocopy number,  -- starting_person_id.
      endperson      out nocopy number,  -- ending_person_id.
      chunk          out nocopy number,  -- chunk_number.
      rand_chunk     out nocopy number   -- chunk_number.
   ) is
      actpopstat varchar2(30);
Line: 617

      dummy      number;       -- need because must select into something.
Line: 701

       select PAC.current_chunk_number + 1,
       into   next_chunk,
       from   pay_payroll_actions PAC
       where  PAC.payroll_action_id = pactid
       for update of PAC.current_chunk_number;
Line: 725

           select pcs.population_status
             into chk_pop_status
             from pay_chunk_status pcs
            where pcs.payroll_action_id    = pactid
              and pcs.chunk_number         = next_chunk;
Line: 742

             update pay_payroll_actions pac
             set    pac.current_chunk_number = next_chunk
             where  pac.payroll_action_id    = pactid;
Line: 746

             update pay_chunk_status
                set process_status = 'P'
              where payroll_action_id       = pactid
                and chunk_number = next_chunk;
Line: 805

        select max(chunk_number)
          into next_chunk
          from pay_chunk_status
         where payroll_action_id = pactid
           and process_status = 'U'
           and population_status = 'C';
Line: 812

        select action_status,
          into pact_act_status,
          from pay_payrolL_actions
         where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 821

          select process_status
            into chk_status
            from pay_chunk_status
           where payroll_action_id = pactid
             and chunk_number = next_chunk
             for update of process_status;
Line: 842

               update pay_chunk_status
                  set process_status = 'P'
                where payroll_action_id = pactid
                  and chunk_number = next_chunk;
Line: 918

        select action_status, action_population_status
          into pact_act_status,
          from pay_payroll_actions
         where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 926

          select process_status
            into chk_status
            from pay_chunk_status
           where payroll_action_id = pactid
             and chunk_number = next_chunk
             for update of process_status;
Line: 947

               update pay_chunk_status
                  set process_status = 'P'
                where payroll_action_id = pactid
                  and chunk_number = next_chunk;
Line: 1005

         pay_population_ranges. This is used to insert
         a chunk of assignments at a time.
         There is a COMMIT in this procedure to release
         the locks and update tables.
   procedure get_next_proc_chunk
      pactid      in            number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      chunk_type  in out nocopy varchar2, -- method for allocating chunk
      threads     in            number   default 1, -- Number of Threads
      slave_no    in            number   default 1, -- Slave no
      curr_chunk  in out nocopy number    -- current chunk
   ) is
     -- Before we do any thing mark the previous chunk as complete
     if (curr_chunk <> 0) then
       update pay_chunk_status
          set process_status = 'C'
        where payroll_action_id = pactid
          and chunk_number = curr_chunk;
Line: 1079

         pay_population_ranges. This is used to insert
         a chunk of assignments at a time.

         This is a cover for get_next_pop_chunk
   procedure rangerow
      pactid    in            number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      lub       in            varchar2, -- last_updated_by.
      lul       in            varchar2, -- last_update_login.
      stperson     out nocopy number,  -- starting_person_id.
      endperson    out nocopy number,  -- ending_person_id.
      chunk        out nocopy number,  -- chunk_number.
      rand_chunk   out nocopy number,  -- chunk_number.
      atype     in            varchar2  -- action type.
   ) is
   l_chunk_type varchar2(30);
Line: 1118

         reinterlock - Re Inserts Interlocks.
         Simply re inserts interlock rows for a child action.
         This procedure recursively calls itself in case the child action
         has children of its own.
   procedure reinterlock_child
      p_pp_assact number,
      p_run_assact number,
      p_asg_id     number,
      p_pact_id    number,
      p_actype varchar2
   ) is
     cursor get_lockers (p_run_act number,
                         p_pre_act number,
                         p_asg_id number,
                         p_pact_id number)
     select paa.assignment_action_id
       from pay_assignment_actions paa
      where paa.source_action_id = p_run_act
        and paa.assignment_id = p_asg_id
        and paa.payroll_action_id = p_pact_id
        and not exists (select ''
                          from pay_action_interlocks pai2
                         where pai2.locking_action_id = p_pre_act
                           and pai2.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
Line: 1151

     select paa.assignment_action_id
       from pay_action_classifications pcl,
            pay_payroll_actions pac,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_action_interlocks  pai
      where pai.locked_action_id = p_run_act
        and pai.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
        and paa.assignment_action_id <> p_cost_act
        and pac.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
        and pcl.action_type = pac.action_type
        and pcl.classification_name = 'TRANSGL'
        and not exists (select ''
                          from pay_action_interlocks pai2
                         where pai2.locking_action_id = p_cost_act
                           and pai2.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
Line: 1200

         reinterlock - Re Inserts Interlocks.
         Simply re inserts interlock rows. Based on the primary (master) interlocked
   procedure reinterlock
      p_assact number,
      p_actype varchar2 default 'U'
   ) is
     cursor get_master_actions(p_act number)
     select paa.assignment_action_id,
       from pay_action_interlocks pai,
            pay_assignment_actions paa
      where pai.locking_action_id = p_act
        and pai.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
        and paa.source_action_id is null;
Line: 1237

         insint - insert interlock row.
         Simply inserts an interlock row. Does not commit.
   procedure insint
      lockingactid in number,
      lockedactid  in number
   ) is
      insert  into pay_action_interlocks (
      values (lockingactid,
Line: 1259

         insact - insert assignment action row.
         inserts row into pay_assignment_actions. Does not commit.
   procedure insact
      lockingactid in number,                -- locking_action_id.
      assignid     in number default null,   -- assignment_id
      pactid       in number,                -- payroll_action_id
      chunk        in number,                -- chunk_number
      greid        in number default null,   -- GRE id.
      prepayid     in number   default null, -- pre_payment_id.
      status       in varchar2 default 'U',  -- action_status.
      source_act   in number default null,   -- source_action_id
      object_id    in number default null,   -- object id
      object_type  in varchar2 default null, -- object type
      start_date   in date default null,     -- start date
      end_date     in date default null,     -- end date
      p_transient_action in boolean default false -- Transient Action
   ) is
   l_transient_action boolean;
Line: 1292

     select action_type,
       into l_action_type,
       from pay_payroll_actions
      where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 1309

        select temporary_action_flag
          into l_temp_act_flag
          from pay_report_format_mappings_f
         where report_type = l_report_type
           and report_qualifier = l_report_qualifier
           and report_category = l_report_category
           and l_eff_date between effective_start_date
                              and effective_end_date;
Line: 1336

      insert into pay_temp_object_actions (
      select lockingactid,
      from   dual;
Line: 1356

      insert into pay_assignment_actions (
      select lockingactid,
      from   dual;
Line: 1395

         ending person_id and inserts a chunk of assignment actions
         plus their associated interlock rows. This function for the
         cash action only.
   procedure proccash
      pactid    in number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      stperson  in number,   -- starting person_id of range.
      endperson in number,   -- ending person_id of range.
      chunk     in number,   -- current chunk_number.
      rand_chunk in number,   -- current chunk_number.
      itpflg    in varchar2, -- legislation type.
      use_pop_person in number -- use population_ranges person_id column
   ) is
      cursor cashpopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         itpflg    varchar2
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pop pos ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             pay_population_ranges          pop,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  +0   = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'CASHED'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id            = pa1.payment_type_id
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
          or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id       = ppp.pre_payment_id)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 1494

      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  +0   = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'CASHED'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id            = pa1.payment_type_id
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
          or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id       = ppp.pre_payment_id)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 1567

      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_population_ranges          pop,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  +0   = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'CASHED'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id            = pa1.payment_type_id
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
          or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id       = ppp.pre_payment_id)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 1666

         select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
         into   lockingactid
         from   dual;
Line: 1708

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             USE_NL(pos as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id      = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    act.payroll_action_id         = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status             in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name       = class
      and    pa2.action_type               = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id             = act.assignment_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and    exists (
                  select ''
                    from pay_pre_payments           ppp
                   where ppp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                     and ppp.organization_id is not null
                     and nvl(ppp.effective_date, pa2.effective_date)
                                          <= pa1.effective_date
                     and    not exists (
                            select null
                              from pay_contributing_payments
                             where contributing_pre_payment_id =
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ( 'C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as1.person_id)
      order by as1.person_id,as1.primary_flag desc ,as1.effective_start_date,act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 1771

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             USE_NL(pos as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id      = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    act.payroll_action_id         = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status             in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name       = class
      and    pa2.action_type               = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id             = act.assignment_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.chunk_number              = chunk
      and    pop.payroll_action_id         = pactid
      and    pos.person_id                 = pop.person_id
      and    exists (
                  select ''
                    from pay_pre_payments           ppp
                   where ppp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                     and ppp.organization_id is not null
                     and nvl(ppp.effective_date, pa2.effective_date)
                                          <= pa1.effective_date
                     and    not exists (
                            select null
                              from pay_contributing_payments
                             where contributing_pre_payment_id =
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ( 'C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as1.person_id)
      order by as1.person_id,as1.primary_flag desc ,as1.effective_start_date,act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 1865

         /* process the insert of assignment actions */
         /* logic prevents more than one action per assignment */
         if(prev_assignid is null OR prev_assignid <> assignid) then
            -- get a value for the action id that is locking.
            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
            into   lockingactid
            from   dual;
Line: 1910

      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             hr_organization_units      hou,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm,
             pay_contributing_payments      pcp
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    pa2.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = class
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    hou.organization_id            = pop.source_id
      and   (pa2.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    ppp.organization_id            = hou.organization_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id +0         = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    pcp.pre_payment_id             = ppp.pre_payment_id
      and   not exists (
         select /*+ ORDERED*/
                pay_assignment_actions ac2
         where ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
      order by hou.organization_id, ppp.pre_payment_id
      for update of hou.organization_id;
Line: 1972

            select 1
            into l_cp
            from pay_payroll_actions pa1
            where pa1.payroll_action_id = pactid
            and exists
                (select 1
                 from pay_payroll_actions pa2,
                      pay_contributing_payments pcp
                 where pa2.payroll_action_id = pcp.payroll_action_id
                 and   pa2.action_type       = 'PRU'
                 and   pa2.business_group_id = pa1.business_group_id);
Line: 2003

            /* process the insert of assignment actions */
            /* logic prevents more than one action per assignment */
            if(prev_prepayid is null OR prev_prepayid <> l_prepayid) then
               -- get a value for the action id that is locking.
               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
               into   lockingactid
               from   dual;
Line: 2055

            index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pop pos as1 as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = class
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    ppp.organization_id is null
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id +0         = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and   not exists (
         select /*+ ORDERED*/
         from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                pay_assignment_actions ac2
         where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
         and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
         and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
         and  not exists (
             select null
               from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                    pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                    pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
              where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
              and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status   not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2147

            index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos as1 as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = class
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    ppp.organization_id is null
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id +0         = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and   not exists (
         select /*+ ORDERED*/
         from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                pay_assignment_actions ac2
         where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
         and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
         and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
         and  not exists (
             select null
               from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                    pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                    pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
              where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
              and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status   not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2235

             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
             index(pos PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_N3)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop act pa2 as1 as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id + 0       = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = class
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id +0         = ptype
      and    ppp.organization_id is null
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and   not exists (
         select /*+ ORDERED*/
         from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                pay_assignment_actions ac2
         where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
         and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
         and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
         and  not exists (
             select null
               from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                    pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                    pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
              where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
              and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status   not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2327

      SELECT 1
        FROM hr_assignment_sets aset
       WHERE aset.assignment_set_id = pasgsetid
         and nvl(aset.payroll_id,ppayrollid) = ppayrollid
         and (not exists
                 (select 1
                    from hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa
                   where hasa.assignment_set_id = aset.assignment_set_id
                     and hasa.include_or_exclude = 'I')
              or exists
                 (select 1
                    from hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa
                   where hasa.assignment_set_id = aset.assignment_set_id
                     and hasa.assignment_id = pasgid
                     and hasa.include_or_exclude = 'I'))
         and not exists
                 (select 1
                    from hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa
                   where hasa.assignment_set_id = aset.assignment_set_id
                     and hasa.assignment_id = pasgid
                     and hasa.include_or_exclude = 'E')
         -- Ensure there exists a voided check for this payment.
         and exists
             (select 1
                from pay_action_interlocks lck1,
                     pay_assignment_actions chk_paa,
                     pay_payroll_actions chk_ppa,
                     pay_action_interlocks lck2,
                     pay_assignment_actions vd_paa,
                     pay_payroll_actions vd_ppa
               where lck1.locked_action_id = plockedid
                 and lck1.locking_action_id = chk_paa.assignment_action_id
                 and chk_paa.payroll_action_id = chk_ppa.payroll_action_id
                 and chk_ppa.action_type = 'H'
                 and lck2.locked_action_id = chk_paa.assignment_action_id
                 and lck2.locking_action_id = vd_paa.assignment_action_id
                 and vd_paa.payroll_action_id = vd_ppa.payroll_action_id
                 and vd_ppa.action_type = 'D');
Line: 2419

           select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
           into   lockingactid
           from   dual;
Line: 2458

         ending person_id and inserts a chunk of assignment actions
         plus their associated interlock rows. This function for the
         magnetic transfer action only.
   procedure procmag
      pactid    in number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      stperson  in number,   -- starting person_id of range.
      endperson in number,   -- ending person_id of range.
      chunk     in number,   -- current chunk_number.
      rand_chunk in number,   -- current chunk_number.
      itpflg    in varchar2, -- legislation type.
      ptype     in number,    -- payment_type_id.
      use_pop_person in number -- use population_ranges person_id column
   ) is
      cursor magpopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         itpflg    varchar2,
         ptype     number
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pop pos ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             pay_population_ranges          pop,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'MAGTAPE'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id         +0 = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac2
             where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
             and  not exists (
                 select null
                   from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                        pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                        pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
                  where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                    and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                    and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                    and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2571

      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'MAGTAPE'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id         +0 = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac2
             where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
             and  not exists (
                 select null
                   from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                        pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                        pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
                  where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                    and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                    and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                    and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2656

      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_population_ranges          pop,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'MAGTAPE'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id         +0 = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac2
             where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
             and  not exists (
                 select null
                   from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                        pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                        pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
                  where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                    and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                    and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                    and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2769

        select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
        into   lockingactid
        from   dual;
Line: 2803

         proc_prepay - insert actions for pre-payment action type.
         For the range defined by the starting and ending person_id,
         inserts a chunk of assignment actions and associated interlocks.
   procedure proc_prepay
      pactid        in number,
      stperson      in number,
      endperson     in number,
      chunk         in number,
      rand_chunk    in number,
      class         in varchar2,
      itpflg        in varchar2,
      mult_asg_flag in varchar2 default 'N',
      use_pop_person in number
   ) is
      cursor prepaypopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         class     varchar2,
         itpflg    varchar2
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pop pos as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.payroll_id           = pa1.payroll_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id         = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status             in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name       = class
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id      = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.action_type               = pcl.action_type
      and    nvl(pa2.future_process_mode, 'Y') = 'Y'
      and    as1.assignment_id             = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id           = as1.payroll_id
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number         = chunk
      and    pos.person_id            = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          in ('P', 'U'))
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ( 'C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by as1.person_id,as1.primary_flag desc ,as1.effective_start_date,act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2903

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.payroll_id           = pa1.payroll_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id         = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status             in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name       = class
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id      = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.action_type               = pcl.action_type
      and    nvl(pa2.future_process_mode, 'Y') = 'Y'
      and    as1.assignment_id             = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id           = as1.payroll_id
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          in ('P', 'U'))
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ( 'C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by as1.person_id,as1.primary_flag desc ,as1.effective_start_date,act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 2972

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
             index(pos PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_N3)
             index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop act as1 as2 pa2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.payroll_id           = pa1.payroll_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id         = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status             in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name       = class
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id      = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.action_type               = pcl.action_type
      and    nvl(pa2.future_process_mode, 'Y') = 'Y'
      and    as1.assignment_id             = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id           = as1.payroll_id
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id         = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number              = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                 = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          in ('P', 'U'))
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ( 'C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by as1.person_id,as1.primary_flag desc ,as1.effective_start_date,act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3075

            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
            into   lockingactid
            from   dual;
Line: 3089

         /* process the insert of assignment actions */
         /* logic prevents more than one action per assignment */
         if(prev_assignid is null OR prev_assignid <> assignid) then
            -- get a value for the action id that is locking.
            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
            into   lockingactid
            from   dual;
Line: 3120

         proc_costing - insert actions for non Costing action type.
         For the range defined by the starting and ending person_id,
         inserts a chunk of assignment actions and associated interlocks.
   procedure proc_costing
      pactid    in number,
      stperson  in number,
      endperson in number,
      chunk     in number,
      rand_chunk in number,
      class     in varchar2,
      itpflg    in varchar2,
      use_pop_person in number
   ) is
      cursor costingpopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         class     varchar2,
         itpflg    varchar2
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
	     index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             USE_NL(pos pop as1) */            -- Bug 14184691 Added hint index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    pop.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number         = chunk
      and    pos.person_id            = pop.person_id
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          in ('C', 'S'))
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3214

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
	     index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             USE_NL(pos as1) */              -- Bug 14184691 Added hint index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          in ('C', 'S'))
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3278

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
             index(pos PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_N3)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop act pa2 as2 as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number         = chunk
      and    pos.person_id            = pop.person_id
      and   (as2.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          in ('C', 'S'))
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3366

         /* process the insert of assignment actions */
         /* logic prevents more than one action per assignment */
         if(prev_assignid is null OR prev_assignid <> assignid) then
            -- get a value for the action id that is locking.
            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
            into   lockingactid
            from   dual;
Line: 3396

         proc_paymcosting - insert actions for Payment Costing action type.
         For the range defined by the starting and ending person_id,
         inserts a chunk of assignment actions and associated interlocks.
   procedure proc_paymcosting
      pactid    in number,
      stperson  in number,
      endperson in number,
      chunk     in number,
      rand_chunk in number,
      class     in varchar2,
      itpflg    in varchar2,
      use_pop_person in number
   ) is
      cursor pmcostingpopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         class     varchar2,
         itpflg    varchar2
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    pop.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number         = chunk
      and    pos.person_id            = pop.person_id
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          = 'CP')
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and ((pa2.action_type in ('P', 'U')
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('UNCLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom
                        where ppp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_payment = 'Y'
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type in ('H', 'M')
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where ppp.pre_payment_id = act.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type = 'E'
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where ppp.pre_payment_id = act.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   nvl(pom.exclude_manual_payment, 'N') = 'N'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type = 'D'
            and ((pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
                  and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_action_interlocks int,
                              pay_assignment_actions chq,
                              pay_payroll_actions pcq,
                              pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where int.locking_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   chq.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                        and   pcq.payroll_action_id = chq.payroll_action_id
                        and   pcq.action_type = 'H'
                        and   ppp.pre_payment_id = chq.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
             or (pa1.batch_process_mode in ('UNCLEARED', 'ALL')
                 and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_action_interlocks int,
                              pay_assignment_actions chq,
                              pay_payroll_actions pcq,
                              pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom
                        where int.locking_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   chq.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                        and   pcq.payroll_action_id = chq.payroll_action_id
                        and   pcq.action_type = 'H'
                        and   ppp.pre_payment_id = chq.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_payment = 'Y'
                        and   nvl(pom.cost_cleared_void_payment, 'N') = 'N'
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date)))))
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3561

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          = 'CP')
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and ((pa2.action_type in ('P', 'U')
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('UNCLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom
                        where ppp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_payment = 'Y'
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type in ('H', 'M')
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where ppp.pre_payment_id = act.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type = 'E'
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where ppp.pre_payment_id = act.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   nvl(pom.exclude_manual_payment, 'N') = 'N'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type = 'D'
            and ((pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
                  and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_action_interlocks int,
                              pay_assignment_actions chq,
                              pay_payroll_actions pcq,
                              pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where int.locking_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   chq.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                        and   pcq.payroll_action_id = chq.payroll_action_id
                        and   pcq.action_type = 'H'
                        and   ppp.pre_payment_id = chq.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
             or (pa1.batch_process_mode in ('UNCLEARED', 'ALL')
                 and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_action_interlocks int,
                              pay_assignment_actions chq,
                              pay_payroll_actions pcq,
                              pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom
                        where int.locking_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   chq.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                        and   pcq.payroll_action_id = chq.payroll_action_id
                        and   pcq.action_type = 'H'
                        and   ppp.pre_payment_id = chq.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_payment = 'Y'
                        and   nvl(pom.cost_cleared_void_payment, 'N') = 'N'
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date)))))
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3696

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
             index(pos PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_N3)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(act PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop act pa2 as2 as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number         = chunk
      and    pos.person_id            = pop.person_id
      and   (as2.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  int
             where  int.locked_action_id     = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id = int.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac2.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          = 'CP')
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and ((pa2.action_type in ('P', 'U')
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('UNCLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom
                        where ppp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_payment = 'Y'
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type in ('H', 'M')
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where ppp.pre_payment_id = act.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type = 'E'
            and pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
            and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where ppp.pre_payment_id = act.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   nvl(pom.exclude_manual_payment, 'N') = 'N'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
        or (pa2.action_type = 'D'
            and ((pa1.batch_process_mode in ('CLEARED', 'ALL')
                  and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_action_interlocks int,
                              pay_assignment_actions chq,
                              pay_payroll_actions pcq,
                              pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom,
                              pay_ce_reconciled_payments crp
                        where int.locking_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   chq.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                        and   pcq.payroll_action_id = chq.payroll_action_id
                        and   pcq.action_type = 'H'
                        and   ppp.pre_payment_id = chq.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_cleared_payment = 'Y'
                        and   crp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date))
             or (pa1.batch_process_mode in ('UNCLEARED', 'ALL')
                 and exists (select 1
                        from  pay_action_interlocks int,
                              pay_assignment_actions chq,
                              pay_payroll_actions pcq,
                              pay_pre_payments ppp,
                              pay_org_payment_methods_f pom
                        where int.locking_action_id = act.assignment_action_id
                        and   chq.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                        and   pcq.payroll_action_id = chq.payroll_action_id
                        and   pcq.action_type = 'H'
                        and   ppp.pre_payment_id = chq.pre_payment_id
                        and   pom.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                        and   pom.cost_payment = 'Y'
                        and   nvl(pom.cost_cleared_void_payment, 'N') = 'N'
                        and   pa2.effective_date between
                              pom.effective_start_date and pom.effective_end_date)))))
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3859

         /* process the insert of assignment actions */
         /* logic prevents more than one action per assignment */
         if(prev_assignid is null OR prev_assignid <> assignid OR
            prev_pactid <> lpactid) then
            -- get a value for the action id that is locking.
            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
            into   lockingactid
            from   dual;
Line: 3891

         proc_estcosts - insert actions for Estimate Costing action type.
         For the range defined by the starting and ending person_id,
         inserts a chunk of assignment actions
   procedure proc_estcosts
      pactid    in number,
      stperson  in number,
      endperson in number,
      chunk     in number,
      rand_chunk in number,
      class     in varchar2,
      itpflg    in varchar2,
      use_pop_person in number
   ) is
      cursor estcostingpopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         class     varchar2,
         itpflg    varchar2
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pop pos as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_all_payrolls_f         pay,
             per_time_periods           ptp,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pay.consolidation_set_id = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
      and    ptp.payroll_id           =  pay.payroll_id
      and    pa1.start_date between
             ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id           = as1.payroll_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number         = chunk
      and    pos.person_id            = pop.person_id
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 3984

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos as1) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_all_payrolls_f         pay,
             per_time_periods           ptp,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_assignment_actions     act,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id    = pactid
      and    pay.consolidation_set_id = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
      and    ptp.payroll_id           =  pay.payroll_id
      and    pa1.start_date between
             ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id    = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status        in ('C','S')
      and    pcl.classification_name  = class
      and    pa2.action_type          = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id        = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id           = as1.payroll_id
      and    pos.period_of_service_id = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 4062

         /* process the insert of assignment actions */
         /* logic prevents more than one action per assignment */
         if(prev_assignid is null OR prev_assignid <> assignid) then
            -- get a value for the action id that is locking.
            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
            into   lockingactid
            from   dual;
Line: 4087

         procbee - insert assignment actions for Batch Element Entry.
         Insert assignment actions for the Batch Element Entry process.
         The insert of assignment actions for Batch Element Entry is based
         on the followig logic: We select all the assignments within the
         specified range. One assignment action is then inserted
         for each of the assignment selected.
   procedure procbee
      pactid    in number,
      stperson  in number,
      endperson in number,
      chunk     in number,
      rand_chunk in number,
      use_pop_person in number
   ) is
      cursor beepopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number
      ) is
      select asg.assignment_id
        from pay_payroll_actions pac,
             pay_population_ranges pop,
             pay_batch_headers bth,
             pay_batch_lines btl,
             per_all_assignments_f asg
       where pac.payroll_action_id = pactid
         and pac.action_type = 'BEE'
         and pac.batch_id = bth.batch_id
         and bth.batch_id = btl.batch_id
         and btl.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
         and btl.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                    and asg.effective_end_date
         and pop.payroll_action_id = pactid
         and pop.chunk_number = chunk
         and asg.person_id = pop.person_id
       order by asg.assignment_id
         for update of asg.assignment_id, btl.batch_line_id;
Line: 4136

      select asg.assignment_id
        from pay_payroll_actions pac,
             pay_batch_lines btl,
             per_all_assignments_f asg
       where pac.payroll_action_id = pactid
         and pac.action_type = 'BEE'
         and pac.batch_id = btl.batch_id
         and btl.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
         and btl.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                    and asg.effective_end_date
         and asg.person_id between stperson and endperson
       order by asg.assignment_id
         for update of asg.assignment_id, btl.batch_line_id;
Line: 4171

         select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
         into   asgactid
         from   dual;
Line: 4192

         proctgl - insert assignment actions for Transfer to GL.
         Insert assignment actions for the Transfer to GL process.
         The insert of assignment actions for Transfer to GL is based
         on the followig logic: We select all the (Payroll Run)
         assignment actions that have been costed within the
         specified date range. One assignment action is then inserted
         for each of the assignment actions selected. In addition,
         an interlock row is inserted from the newly created TGL action
         to both the Costing action and to the Payroll Run actions that
         were costed by it. (Phew)
   procedure proctgl
      pactid    in number,
      stperson  in number,
      endperson in number,
      chunk     in number,
      rand_chunk in number,
      itpflg    in varchar2,
      use_pop_person in number
   ) is
      cursor tglpopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         itpflg    varchar2
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
	     index(ac2 PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             USE_NL(pop pos as1 as2) */              -- Bug 14184691 Added hint index(ac2 PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2,
             pay_assignment_actions     ac2,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1
      where  pa.payroll_action_id      = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa.start_date and pa.effective_date
      and    ac2.payroll_action_id      = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    ac2.action_status          = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name    = 'TRANSGL'
      and    pa2.action_type            = pcl.action_type
      and    as2.assignment_id          = ac2.assignment_id
      and    pa.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as1.assignment_id          = ac2.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    nvl(decode(pa2.action_type, 'EC', nvl(pa.payroll_id, as1.payroll_id),
                                         'CP', nvl(pa.payroll_id, as1.payroll_id),
                                as1.payroll_id), -999) = nvl(as1.payroll_id, -999)
      and    pos.period_of_service_id   = as2.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id      = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number           = chunk
      and    pos.person_id              = pop.person_id
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac3,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  in3
             where  in3.locked_action_id     = ac2.assignment_action_id
             and    ac3.assignment_action_id = in3.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac3.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          = pa.action_type)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status     not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as1.person_id)
      order by ac2.assignment_id, ac2.payroll_action_id, ac2.assignment_action_id
      for update of as2.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 4291

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
	     index(ac2 PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             USE_NL(pos as1 as2) */                       -- Bug 14184691 Added hint index(ac2 PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2,
             pay_assignment_actions     ac2,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1
      where  pa.payroll_action_id      = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa.start_date and pa.effective_date
      and    ac2.payroll_action_id      = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    ac2.action_status          = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name    = 'TRANSGL'
      and    pa2.action_type            = pcl.action_type
      and    as2.assignment_id          = ac2.assignment_id
      and    pa.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as1.assignment_id          = ac2.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    nvl(decode(pa2.action_type, 'EC', nvl(pa.payroll_id, as1.payroll_id),
                                         'CP', nvl(pa.payroll_id, as1.payroll_id),
                                as1.payroll_id), -999) = nvl(as1.payroll_id, -999)
      and    pos.period_of_service_id   = as2.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between
             stperson and endperson
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac3,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  in3
             where  in3.locked_action_id     = ac2.assignment_action_id
             and    ac3.assignment_action_id = in3.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac3.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          = pa.action_type)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status     not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as1.person_id)
      order by ac2.assignment_id, ac2.payroll_action_id, ac2.assignment_action_id
      for update of as2.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 4358

      select /*+ ORDERED
             index(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
             index(pos PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE_N3)
             index(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_N4)
             index(ac2 PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N51)
             index(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop as1 as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions        pa,
             pay_population_ranges      pop,
             per_periods_of_service     pos,
             per_all_assignments_f      as2,
             pay_assignment_actions     ac2,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa2,
             pay_action_classifications pcl,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1
      where  pa.payroll_action_id      = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id  = pa.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa.start_date and pa.effective_date
      and    ac2.payroll_action_id      = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    ac2.action_status          = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name    = 'TRANSGL'
      and    pa2.action_type            = pcl.action_type
      and    as2.assignment_id          = ac2.assignment_id
      and    pa.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as1.assignment_id          = ac2.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    nvl(decode(pa2.action_type, 'EC', nvl(pa.payroll_id, as1.payroll_id),
                                         'CP', nvl(pa.payroll_id, as1.payroll_id),
                                as1.payroll_id), -999) = nvl(as1.payroll_id, -999)
      and    pos.period_of_service_id   = as2.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id      = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number           = chunk
      and    pos.person_id              = pop.person_id
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac3,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa3,
                    pay_action_interlocks  in3
             where  in3.locked_action_id     = ac2.assignment_action_id
             and    ac3.assignment_action_id = in3.locking_action_id
             and    pa3.payroll_action_id    = ac3.payroll_action_id
             and    pa3.action_type          = pa.action_type)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status     not in ('C','S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as1.person_id)
      order by ac2.assignment_id, ac2.payroll_action_id, ac2.assignment_action_id
      for update of as2.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 4427

      select ac1.assignment_action_id
      from   pay_action_interlocks      in2,
             pay_assignment_actions     ac1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa1,
             pay_action_classifications pcl1,
             per_all_assignments_f      as1,
             pay_payroll_actions        pa
      where  pa.payroll_action_id      = pactid
      and    in2.locking_action_id     = costactid
      and    ac1.assignment_action_id  = in2.locked_action_id
      and    ac1.source_action_id is null
      and    pa1.payroll_action_id     = ac1.payroll_action_id
      and    pcl1.action_type          = pa1.action_type
      and    pcl1.classification_name  = 'COSTED'
      and    as1.assignment_id         = ac1.assignment_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa.payroll_id or pa.payroll_id is null)
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date;
Line: 4487

               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
               into   lockingactid
               from   dual;
Line: 4513

               select distinct(pa.action_type)
                 into pmnt_act_type
               from pay_action_interlocks  int,
                    pay_assignment_actions aa,
                    pay_payroll_actions    pa
               where int.locking_action_id = lockedactid
                 and aa.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                 and pa.payroll_action_id = aa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 4525

                  select count(*)
                    into not_paid
                    from pay_action_interlocks  int,
                         pay_pre_payments       ppp,
                         pay_org_payment_methods_f opm,
                         pay_assignment_actions paa,
                         pay_payroll_actions ppa
                    where int.locking_action_id  = lockedactid
                      and ppp.assignment_action_id = int.locked_action_id
                      and paa.assignment_action_id = ppp.assignment_action_id
                      and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id /* Bug 8619201 - Date eff. join */
                      and ppa.effective_date between opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
                      and opm.org_payment_method_id = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                      and opm.cost_payment = 'Y'
                      and opm.transfer_to_gl_flag = 'Y'
                      and not exists
                          (select 1
                           from pay_assignment_actions aa
                           where aa.pre_payment_id = ppp.pre_payment_id);
Line: 4552

               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
               into   lockingactid
               from   dual;
Line: 4577

         proqpp - insert assignment actions for QuickPay prepayment
         Insert assignment actions for the QuickPay prepayment process
         An assignment action is inserted for the assignment which is specified
         on the target_payroll_action_id column of the Quick Pay action.
         When this is done the action population status is set to complete
   procedure proqpp
      pactid in number,
      lub    in varchar2,
      lul    in varchar2
   ) is
      cursor qpcur ( pactid number ) is
      select ac1.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions ac1,
             pay_payroll_actions    pa1
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id        = pactid
      and    pa1.target_payroll_action_id = ac1.payroll_action_id
      and    not exists (
             select 1
             from   pay_assignment_actions ac2
             where  ac2.payroll_action_id = pactid
             and    ac2.assignment_id     = ac1.assignment_id)
      for update of ac1.assignment_action_id ;
Line: 4623

      select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
      into   lockingactid
      from   dual;
Line: 4635

      update_pact(pactid, 'C', atype, sysdate,lub,lul);
Line: 4642

         procarc - insert assignment actions for Archive process
         Insert assignment actions for the Archive process
         This dynamically calls legislative code to perform the insertion
         of the assignment actions, since it is the legislation that
         knows which assignments are to be included in the archive.
   procedure procarc(pactid    in  number,
                     stperson  in  number,
                     endperson in  number,
                     chunk     in  number
   sql_cur number;
Line: 4661

       select assignment_action_code
         into action_proc
         from pay_report_format_mappings_f prfm,
              pay_payroll_actions          ppa
        where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
          and ppa.report_type = prfm.report_type
          and ppa.report_qualifier = prfm.report_qualifier
          and ppa.report_category  = prfm.report_category
          and ppa.effective_date between prfm.effective_start_date
                                     and prfm.effective_end_date;
Line: 4703

         ending person_id and inserts a chunk of assignment actions
         plus their associated interlock rows. This function for the
         Bank or Post Office payment (PP) action only.
   procedure procpp
      pactid         in number,   -- payroll_action_id.
      stperson       in number,   -- starting person_id of range.
      endperson      in number,   -- ending person_id of range.
      chunk          in number,   -- current chunk_number.
      rand_chunk     in number,   -- current chunk_number.
      itpflg         in varchar2, -- legislation type.
      ptype          in number,   -- payment_type_id.
      use_pop_person in number    -- use population_ranges person_id column
   ) is
      cursor pppopcur
         pactid    number,
         chunk     number,
         itpflg    varchar2,
         ptype     number
      ) is
      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pop pos ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             pay_population_ranges          pop,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'PPPAYMENT'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id         +0 = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac2
             where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
             and  not exists (
                 select null
                   from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                        pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                        pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
                  where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                    and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                    and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                    and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 4816

      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(pa2 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N5)
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'PPPAYMENT'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pos.person_id between stperson and endperson
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id         +0 = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac2
             where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
             and  not exists (
                 select null
                   from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                        pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                        pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
                  where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                    and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                    and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                    and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 4901

      select /*+ ORDERED
             INDEX(as1 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_N4)
             INDEX(as2 PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK)
             index(opm PAY_ORG_PAYMENT_METHODS_F_PK)
             USE_NL(pos pop ppp opm as1 act as2) */
      from   pay_payroll_actions            pa1,
             pay_population_ranges          pop,
             per_periods_of_service         pos,
             per_all_assignments_f          as1,
             pay_assignment_actions         act,
             pay_payroll_actions            pa2,
             pay_action_classifications     pcl,
             per_all_assignments_f          as2,
             pay_pre_payments               ppp,
             pay_org_payment_methods_f      opm
      where  pa1.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pa2.consolidation_set_id +0    = pa1.consolidation_set_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             pa1.start_date and pa1.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = pa2.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    pcl.classification_name        = 'PPPAYMENT'
      and    pa2.action_type                = pcl.action_type
      and    as1.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             as1.effective_start_date and as1.effective_end_date
      and    as2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    pa2.effective_date between
             as2.effective_start_date and as2.effective_end_date
      and    as2.payroll_id + 0             = as1.payroll_id + 0
      and    pos.period_of_service_id       = as1.period_of_service_id
      and    pop.payroll_action_id          = pactid
      and    pop.chunk_number               = chunk
      and    pos.person_id                  = pop.person_id
      and   (as1.payroll_id = pa1.payroll_id or pa1.payroll_id is null)
      and    ppp.assignment_action_id       = act.assignment_action_id
      and    opm.org_payment_method_id      = ppp.org_payment_method_id
      and    pa1.effective_date between
             opm.effective_start_date and opm.effective_end_date
      and    opm.payment_type_id         +0 = ptype
      and   (opm.org_payment_method_id = pa1.org_payment_method_id
             or pa1.org_payment_method_id is null)
      and    not exists (
             select null
             from   per_all_assignments_f  as3,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac3
             where  itpflg                = 'N'
             and    ac3.payroll_action_id = pa2.payroll_action_id
             and    ac3.action_status    not in ('C', 'S')
             and    as3.assignment_id     = ac3.assignment_id
             and    pa2.effective_date between
                    as3.effective_start_date and as3.effective_end_date
             and    as3.person_id         = as2.person_id)
      and    not exists (
             select /*+ ORDERED*/
             from   pay_action_interlocks  int,
                    pay_assignment_actions ac2
             where  int.locked_action_id      = act.assignment_action_id
             and    ac2.assignment_action_id  = int.locking_action_id
             and    ac2.pre_payment_id        = ppp.pre_payment_id
             and  not exists (
                 select null
                   from pay_assignment_actions paa_void,
                        pay_action_interlocks  pai_void,
                        pay_payroll_actions    ppa_void
                  where pai_void.locked_action_id = ac2.assignment_action_id
                    and pai_void.locking_action_id = paa_void.assignment_action_id
                    and paa_void.payroll_action_id = ppa_void.payroll_action_id
                    and ppa_void.action_type = 'D')
      order by act.assignment_id
      for update of as1.assignment_id, pos.period_of_service_id;
Line: 5014

        select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
        into   lockingactid
        from   dual;
Line: 5037

         asact - insert assignment actions and interlocks
         Overall control of the insertion of assignment actions
         and interlocks for the non run payroll actions.
   procedure asact
      pactid in number,   -- payroll_action_id
      atype  in varchar2, -- action_type.
      itpflg in varchar2, -- independent time periods flag.
      ptype  in number,   -- payment_type_id.
      lub    in varchar2, -- last_updated_by.
      lul    in varchar2, -- last_update_login.
      use_pop_person in number -- use population_ranges person_id column
   ) is
      QPPREPAY constant varchar2(1) := 'U';
Line: 5088

        select nvl(multi_assignments_flag, 'N')
        into multi_asg_fg
        from pay_all_payrolls_f prl,
             pay_payroll_Actions pact
        where pact.payroll_action_id = pactid
        and   prl.payroll_id = pact.payroll_id
        and   pact.effective_date between prl.effective_start_date
                                      and prl.effective_end_date;
Line: 5101

            select parameter_value
            into   g_many_procs_in_period
            from   pay_action_parameters
            where  parameter_name = 'MANY_PROCS_IN_PERIOD';
Line: 5110

            select parameter_value
            into   g_plsql_proc_insert
            from   pay_action_parameters
            where  parameter_name = 'PLSQL_PROC_INSERT';
Line: 5116

               g_plsql_proc_insert := 'Y';
Line: 5126

         if g_plsql_proc_insert = 'Y' then
            if g_many_procs_in_period = 'N' then
               l_use_pop_person := 1;
Line: 5155

           update pay_population_ranges rge
           set    rge.range_status      = 'P'
           where  rge.payroll_action_id = pactid
           and    rge.chunk_number  = chunk;
Line: 5209

            delete from pay_population_ranges rge
            where  rge.payroll_action_id = pactid
            and    rge.chunk_number = chunk;
Line: 5221

               update pay_population_ranges rge
               set   rge.range_status = 'E'
               where rge.payroll_action_id = pactid
               and   rge.chunk_number  = chunk;
Line: 5226

               update_pact(pactid, 'E', itpflg,sysdate,stperson,endperson);
Line: 5250

select ppa.action_status
,      ppa.action_type
,      rfm.report_name
from   pay_payroll_actions ppa
,      pay_report_format_mappings_f rfm
where  ppa.payroll_action_id = p_pact_id
and    ppa.report_type = rfm.report_type(+)
and    ppa.report_qualifier = rfm.report_qualifier(+)
and    ppa.report_category = rfm.report_category(+);
Line: 5263

select paa.chunk_number
from   pay_assignment_actions paa
,      per_all_assignments_f paf
,      per_all_people_f ppf
where  paa.payroll_action_id = p_ppa_id
and    paa.assignment_id = p_paf_id
and    paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
and    paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
and    rownum = 1;
Line: 5279

select min(chunk_number)
from (select chunk_number, count(assignment_action_id) ct
      from   pay_assignment_actions
      where  payroll_action_id = p_ppa_id
      group by chunk_number) v1
where v1.ct = (select min(v2.ct) from (select count(assignment_action_id) ct
                                       from pay_assignment_actions
                                       where payroll_action_id = p_ppa_id
                                       group by chunk_number) v2);
Line: 5351

select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
into l_asg_act_id
from dual;
Line: 5357

  insert into pay_assignment_actions