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Line 364: -- on fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning

360: END IF;
361: --
362: -- update the descriptions and calculated columns in the interface table
363: -- a cursor is needed due to pragma restrictions
364: -- on fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning
365: --
366: IF (debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
367: -- dbms_output.put_line('Opening the update cursor');
368: NULL;

Line 374: l_balancing_description := fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_balancing_value_set, l_balancing);

370: OPEN c1;
371: LOOP
372: FETCH c1 INTO l_rowid, l_balancing, l_account;
373: exit when c1%notfound;
374: l_balancing_description := fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_balancing_value_set, l_balancing);
375: l_account_description := fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_account_value_set, l_account);
376: UPDATE gl_rx_trial_balance_itf SET
377: balancing_description = l_balancing_description,
378: account_description = l_account_description,

Line 375: l_account_description := fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_account_value_set, l_account);

371: LOOP
372: FETCH c1 INTO l_rowid, l_balancing, l_account;
373: exit when c1%notfound;
374: l_balancing_description := fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_balancing_value_set, l_balancing);
375: l_account_description := fa_rx_shared_pkg.get_flex_val_meaning(NULL, l_account_value_set, l_account);
376: UPDATE gl_rx_trial_balance_itf SET
377: balancing_description = l_balancing_description,
378: account_description = l_account_description,
379: prior_periods_net_dr = (begin_period_balance_dr - (begin_year_balance_dr + begin_adj_period_net_dr)),