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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 121

     select legislative_parameters,
       from pay_payroll_actions
      where payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 176

     select legislative_parameters,
       from pay_payroll_actions
      where payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 261

     sqlstr := 'select '||l_db_version||' distinct paa.assignment_id
                  from pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_payroll_actions    ppa
                 where :payroll_action_id is not null
                   and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'')
                   and ppa.consolidation_set_id = ' || ln_consolidation_set_id
              || ' and ppa.payroll_id = ' || ln_payroll_id
              || ' and ppa.effective_date between ''' || ld_deposit_start_date
              ||                            ''' and ''' || ld_deposit_end_date
              || ''' and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                order by paa.assignment_id';
Line: 274

     sqlstr := 'select '||l_db_version||' distinct paa.assignment_id
                  from pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_payroll_actions    ppa
                 where :payroll_action_id is not null
                   and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'')
                   and ppa.consolidation_set_id = ' || ln_consolidation_set_id
              || ' and ppa.effective_date between ''' || ld_deposit_start_date
              ||                            ''' and ''' || ld_deposit_end_date
              || ''' and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                order by paa.assignment_id';
Line: 309

     select 1
       from dual
      where exists
            (select 1
               from pay_action_interlocks pai_mag,
                    pay_assignment_actions paa_mag,
                    pay_payroll_actions    ppa_mag,
                    pay_org_payment_methods_f popm,
                    pay_pre_payments ppp,
                    pay_payment_types ppt
              where pai_mag.locked_action_id  = cp_prepayment_action_id
                and pai_mag.locking_Action_id = paa_mag.assignment_action_id
                and paa_mag.payroll_action_id = ppa_mag.payroll_action_id
                and ppa_mag.action_type       = 'M'

                and pai_mag.locked_action_id  = ppp.assignment_action_id
                and ppp.value > 0
                and  ppp.org_payment_method_id = popm.org_payment_method_id
                and ppa_mag.effective_date between popm.effective_start_date
                                               and popm.effective_end_date
                and popm.DEFINED_BALANCE_ID is not null
                and popm.payment_type_id       = ppt.payment_type_id
                and ppt.territory_code = 'US'
                and ppt.payment_type_name = 'NACHA'

                and ppa_mag.effective_date between cp_deposit_start_date
                                               and cp_deposit_end_date
                and ppa_mag.consolidation_set_id +0 = cp_consolidation_set_id
                and ppa_mag.ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID   = popm.org_payment_method_id);
Line: 340

     select 1
       from dual
      where not exists
                 (select 1
                   from pay_pre_payments ppp ,
                        pay_org_payment_methods_f popm
                   where ppp.assignment_action_id = cp_prepayment_action_id
                   and popm.ORG_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID = ppp.org_payment_method_id
                   and popm.defined_balance_id is not NULL );
Line: 396

      select paa.assignment_action_id
        from pay_action_interlocks paci,
             pay_assignment_actions paa,
             pay_payroll_actions ppa
       where paci.locking_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
         and paa.assignment_action_id = paci.locked_action_id
         and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
         and ppa.action_type in ('P', 'U');
Line: 413

      select paa_pre.assignment_action_id
        from pay_action_interlocks pai_run,
             pay_action_interlocks pai_pre,
             pay_assignment_actions paa_pre,
             pay_payroll_actions ppa_pre
       where pai_run.locking_action_id = cp_assignment_action_id
         and pai_pre.locked_action_id = pai_run.locked_action_id
         and paa_pre.assignment_Action_id = pai_pre.locking_action_id
         and ppa_pre.payroll_action_id = paa_pre.payroll_action_id
         and ppa_pre.action_type in ('P', 'U');
Line: 462

            SELECT '1'
            INTO   lv_rev_run_exists
            FROM   dual
            where exists
                   (Select  /*+ ORDERED */  1
                      from pay_action_interlocks   pai_run, --Pre > Run
                           pay_action_interlocks   pai_rev, --Run > Rev
                           pay_assignment_actions  paa_rev, --Rev
                           pay_payroll_actions     ppa_rev  --Rev
                     where pai_run.locking_action_id = ln_prepay_action_id
                       and pai_rev.locked_action_id = pai_run.locked_action_id
                       and paa_rev.assignment_action_id = pai_run.locking_action_id
                       and ppa_rev.payroll_action_id = paa_rev.payroll_action_id
                       and ppa_rev.action_type in ('V')
Line: 511

     select /*+ ORDERED */
            pay_payroll_actions    ppa_xfr,
            pay_assignment_actions paa_xfr,
            pay_action_interlocks  pai_pre
      where ppa_xfr.report_type = 'XFR_INTERFACE'
        and ppa_xfr.report_category = 'RT'
        and ppa_xfr.report_qualifier = 'FED'
	/* Bug : 7558310
        and cp_deposit_end_date between ppa_xfr.start_date
                                    and ppa_xfr.effective_date */
	and ppa_xfr.effective_date between cp_deposit_start_date and cp_deposit_end_date
        and pay_us_payroll_utils.get_parameter('TRANSFER_CONSOLIDATION_SET_ID',
                 = cp_consolidation_set_id
        and paa_xfr.payroll_action_id = ppa_xfr.payroll_action_id
        -- the statement below will make sure only Pre Payment Archive Actions are picked up
        and substr(paa_xfr.serial_number,1,1) not in ('V', 'B')
        and pai_pre.locking_Action_id = paa_xfr.assignment_action_id
        and (cp_payroll_id is null
                  = cp_payroll_id
        and paa_xfr.assignment_id between cp_start_person and cp_end_person
        and pay_us_employee_payslip_web.get_doc_eit(
                             cp_deposit_end_date) = 'Y'
        and pay_us_deposit_advice_pkg.check_if_assignment_paid(
                       cp_consolidation_set_id) = 'Y' --Bug 3512116
        and not exists
               (Select  /*+ ORDERED */  1
                  from pay_action_interlocks   pai_run, --Pre > Run
                       pay_action_interlocks   pai_rev, --Run > Rev
                       pay_assignment_actions  paa_rev, --Rev
                       pay_payroll_actions     ppa_rev  --Rev
                 where pai_run.locking_action_id = pai_pre.locked_action_id
                   and pai_rev.locked_action_id = pai_run.locked_action_id
                   and paa_rev.assignment_action_id = pai_run.locking_action_id
                   and ppa_rev.payroll_action_id = paa_rev.payroll_action_id
                   and ppa_rev.action_type in ('V')
         and exists ( select 1
             from   pay_action_information pai
              where  pai.action_context_id = paa_xfr.assignment_action_id
              and rownum < 2
           )     order by  paa_xfr.assignment_id desc;
Line: 628

         select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
           into ln_deposit_action_id
           from dual;
Line: 636

         hr_utility.trace('Inserted into paa');
Line: 640

         update pay_assignment_Actions
            set serial_number = ln_nacha_action_id
          where assignment_action_id = ln_deposit_action_id;
Line: 678

   sqlstr := 'select '||l_db_version||' paa.rowid
                from hr_all_organization_units  hou,
                     per_all_people_f           ppf,
                     per_all_assignments_f      paf,
                     pay_assignment_actions paa,
                     pay_payroll_actions    ppa
               where ppa.payroll_action_id = :pactid
                 and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                 and paa.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
                 and paf.effective_start_date =
                       (select max(paf1.effective_start_date)
                          from per_all_assignments_f paf1
                         where paf1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                           and paf1.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
                           and paf1.effective_end_date >= ppa.start_date
                 and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
                 and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                                   and ppf.effective_end_date
                 and hou.organization_id
                            = nvl(paf.organization_id, paf.business_group_id)
               order by hou.name,ppf.last_name,ppf.first_name
               for update of paa.assignment_id';
Line: 729

      select distinct act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions         act,
             pay_payroll_actions            ppa_dar,
             pay_payroll_actions            ppa_mag,
    	     pay_org_payment_methods_f      popm,
	         pay_all_payrolls_f             ppf,
             per_all_assignments_f          paf2,
             hr_assignment_sets             has,
             hr_assignment_set_amendments   hasa
      where  ppa_dar.payroll_action_id   = pactid
       and   has.assignment_set_id = p_assignment_set_id
       and   ppa_mag.effective_date between
             ppa_dar.start_date and ppa_dar.effective_date
       and   ppa_mag.consolidation_set_id = consetid
       and  ((    has.payroll_id is null
              and nvl(ppa_mag.payroll_id,ppf.payroll_id)  =
                  nvl(payid, nvl(ppa_mag.payroll_id,ppf.payroll_id))
              ) or
              nvl(ppa_mag.payroll_id,has.payroll_id)  = has.payroll_id
      and    ppa_mag.effective_date between
             ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
      and    ppf.Payroll_id >= 0
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = ppa_mag.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = 'C'
      and    ppa_mag.action_type            in ('M','P','U')
      and    decode(ppa_mag.action_type,'M',
		        popm.org_payment_method_id)  = popm.org_payment_method_id
      and    popm.defined_balance_id  is not null
      and    ppa_mag.effective_date between
             popm.effective_start_date and popm.effective_end_date
      and    hasa.assignment_set_id         = has.assignment_set_id
      and    hasa.assignment_id             = act.assignment_id
      and    hasa.include_or_exclude        = 'I'
      and    paf2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa_dar.effective_date between
             paf2.effective_start_date and paf2.effective_end_date
      and    paf2.payroll_id + 0             = ppf.payroll_id
      and    act.assignment_id between stperson and endperson
--  No run results.
      and   NOT EXISTS (SELECT ' '
                          FROM  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                                pay_org_payment_methods_f popm
                          WHERE ppp.assignment_action_id = decode(act.source_action_id,NULL
								  act.source_action_id) --Bug 3928576.Check only for master actions.
                          and    ppp.org_payment_method_id = popm.org_payment_method_id
                          and    popm.defined_balance_id IS NOT NULL)
-- and is not a reversal.
      and  not exists
             ( select  ''
                 from pay_action_interlocks   int2,
                      pay_action_interlocks   int3,
                      pay_assignment_actions  paa4,
                      pay_payroll_actions     ppa_run,  --- RUN
                      pay_payroll_actions     pact4,  --- Reversal
                      pay_assignment_actions  paa_run,  --- RUN
                      pay_assignment_actions  paa_pp   --- PREPAY
                where int3.locked_action_id   = act.assignment_action_id
                and   int3.locking_action_id  = paa_pp.assignment_action_id
                and   int2.locked_action_id   = paa_pp.assignment_action_id
                and   int2.locking_action_id   = paa_run.assignment_action_id
                and   paa_run.payroll_action_id = ppa_run.payroll_action_id
                and   ppa_run.action_type in ('R', 'Q')
                and   paa_run.assignment_action_id = int3.locked_action_id
                and   int3.locking_action_id = paa4.assignment_action_id
                and   pact4.payroll_action_id = paa4.payroll_action_id
                and   pact4.action_type       = 'V'
      order by act.assignment_id;
Line: 813

     select locked_action_id
       from pay_action_interlocks pai
      where pai.locking_action_id = cp_nacha_action_id;
Line: 818

     select assignment_action_id
       from pay_action_interlocks pai,
            pay_assignment_actions paa
      where pai.locking_action_id = cp_pre_pymt_action_id
        and paa.assignment_Action_id = pai.locked_action_id
        and paa.run_type_id is null
     order by action_sequence desc;
Line: 834

     select distinct ppp.source_action_id
       from pay_pre_payments ppp,
            pay_personal_payment_methods_f pppm
      where ppp.assignment_action_id = cp_pre_pymt_action_id
        and pppm.personal_payment_method_id = ppp.personal_payment_method_id
        and pppm.external_account_id is not null
        and cp_effective_date between pppm.effective_start_date
                                  and pppm.effective_end_date
        and nvl(ppp.value,0) <> 0
      order by ppp.source_action_id;
Line: 893

  l_paid_actions := 'select distinct '||l_db_version||' act.assignment_action_id,
      from   pay_assignment_actions         act,
             pay_payroll_actions            ppa_dar,
             pay_payroll_actions            ppa_mag,
             per_all_assignments_f          paf2,
	         pay_org_payment_methods_f      popm, --Bug 3009643
             pay_payrolls_f                 pay   --Bug 3343621
      where  ppa_dar.payroll_action_id          = :pactid
      and    ppa_mag.consolidation_set_id +0    = '|| nvl(ln_consolidation_set_id,0) ||'
      and    ppa_mag.effective_date between
                   ppa_dar.start_date and ppa_dar.effective_date
      and    act.payroll_action_id          = ppa_mag.payroll_action_id
      and    act.action_status              = ''C''
      and    ppa_mag.action_type            in (''M'',''P'',''U'')
      and    decode(ppa_mag.action_type,''M'',
		    popm.org_payment_method_id)  = popm.org_payment_method_id -- Bug 3009643
      and    popm.defined_balance_id  is not null                        -- Bug 3009643
      and    ppa_mag.effective_date between
             popm.effective_start_date and popm.effective_end_date --Bug 3009643
      and    nvl(ppa_mag.payroll_id,pay.payroll_id) = pay.payroll_id  --Bug 3343621
      and    ppa_mag.effective_date between
             pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date --Bug 3343621
      and    pay.payroll_id >= 0  --Bug 3343621
      and    paf2.assignment_id              = act.assignment_id
      and    ppa_dar.effective_date between
             paf2.effective_start_date and paf2.effective_end_date
      and    paf2.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
      and    act.assignment_id between :stperson and :endperson
      and (' || NVL(ln_payroll_id,-99999) || ' = -99999
             pay.payroll_id = ' || NVL(ln_payroll_id,-99999) ||'

--  No run results.
      and   NOT EXISTS (SELECT '' ''
                          FROM  pay_pre_payments ppp,
                                pay_org_payment_methods_f popm
                          WHERE ppp.assignment_action_id = decode(act.source_action_id,NULL
								  act.source_action_id) --Bug 3928576.Check only for master actions.
                          and    ppp.org_payment_method_id = popm.org_payment_method_id
                          and    popm.defined_balance_id IS NOT NULL)
-- and is not a reversal.
      and    not exists
               Select  ''''
                 from pay_action_interlocks   int2,
                      pay_action_interlocks   int3,
                      pay_assignment_actions  paa4,
                      pay_payroll_actions     ppa_run,  --- RUN
                      pay_payroll_actions     pact4,  --- Reversal
                      pay_assignment_actions  paa_run,  --- RUN
                      pay_assignment_actions  paa_pp   --- PREPAY
                      int3.locked_action_id   = act.assignment_action_id
                and   int3.locking_action_id  = paa_pp.assignment_action_id
                and   int2.locked_action_id   = paa_pp.assignment_action_id
                and   int2.locking_action_id   = paa_run.assignment_action_id
                and   paa_run.payroll_action_id = ppa_run.payroll_action_id
                and   ppa_run.action_type in (''R'', ''Q'')
                and   paa_run.assignment_action_id = int3.locked_action_id
                and   int3.locking_action_id = paa4.assignment_action_id
                and   pact4.payroll_action_id = paa4.payroll_action_id
                and   pact4.action_type       = ''V''
      order by  act.assignment_id DESC';
Line: 1005

		** we need to insert atleast one action for each of the rows that we
	        ** return from the cursor (i.e. one for each assignment/pre-payment action).
             hr_utility.trace(' ln_prev_pre_pymt_action_id is'
Line: 1025

                     ** we need to insert one action for each of the rows that we
                     ** return from the cursor (i.e. one for each assignment/pre-payment source).
                     hr_utility.trace(' ln_prev_source_action_id is'
Line: 1035

                        select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                          into ln_deposit_action_id
                          from dual;
Line: 1043

                        hr_utility.trace('Inserted into paa');
Line: 1047

                        hr_utility.trace('Inserted into interlock');
Line: 1049

                           hr_utility.trace('serial number updated if loop ');
Line: 1051

                           update pay_assignment_Actions
                              set serial_number = 'P'||ln_source_action_id
                             where assignment_action_id = ln_deposit_action_id;
Line: 1062

                            update pay_assignment_Actions
                               set serial_number = 'M'||ln_master_action_id
                              where assignment_action_id = ln_deposit_action_id;
Line: 1078

           select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into ln_deposit_action_id
             from dual;
Line: 1089

           hr_utility.trace(' NZ Inserted into paa');
Line: 1096

	   update pay_assignment_Actions
              set serial_number = 'M'||ln_master_action_id
            where assignment_action_id = ln_deposit_action_id;
Line: 1169

    SELECT /* 'Y' */
           distinct paa.assignment_id
    FROM pay_assignment_actions paa
        ,pay_payroll_actions	ppa
        ,hr_lookups             hrl
        ,pay_action_information pai
        ,per_time_periods       ptp
    WHERE /* paa.assignment_id             = c_assignment_id */
          ppa.effective_Date   BETWEEN   c_start_date
                               AND       c_end_date
    AND      ppa.report_type                = hrl.meaning
    AND	 hrl.lookup_type                = 'PAYSLIP_REPORT_TYPES'
    AND	 hrl.lookup_code                = c_legislation_code
    AND	 NVL(c_payroll_id,NVL(pay_payslip_report.get_parameter(ppa.legislative_parameters,c_pa_token),-1))
                                        = NVL(pay_payslip_report.get_parameter(ppa.legislative_parameters,c_pa_token),-1)
    AND	 c_consolidation_set_id     = pay_payslip_report.get_parameter(ppa.legislative_parameters,c_cs_token)

    AND  ppa.payroll_action_id          = paa.payroll_action_id
   -- AND  paa.source_action_id           IS NULL            --RLN P1 8941027
    AND	 pai.assignment_id              = paa.assignment_id
    AND      pai.action_context_type        = 'AAP'
    AND      pai.action_information_category    = 'EMPLOYEE DETAILS'
    AND	 pai.action_context_id          = paa.assignment_action_id
    AND      ptp.time_period_id             = pai.ACTION_INFORMATION16;
Line: 1214

    SELECT /* 'Y' */
         distinct paa.assignment_id
    FROM pay_assignment_actions         paa
        ,pay_payroll_actions            ppa
        ,hr_lookups                     hrl
        ,hr_assignment_set_amendments   hasa
        ,pay_action_information         pai
        ,per_time_periods               ptp
    WHERE ppa.effective_Date   BETWEEN	    c_start_date
                              AND		    c_end_date
    AND      ppa.report_type 	   			    = hrl.meaning
    AND	 hrl.lookup_type                    = 'PAYSLIP_REPORT_TYPES'
    AND	 hrl.lookup_code                    = c_legislation_code
    AND	 NVL(c_payroll_id,NVL(pay_payslip_report.get_parameter(ppa.legislative_parameters,c_pa_token),-1))
                                            = NVL(pay_payslip_report.get_parameter(ppa.legislative_parameters,c_pa_token),-1)
    AND	 c_consolidation_set_id             = pay_payslip_report.get_parameter(ppa.legislative_parameters,c_cs_token)
    AND      ppa.payroll_action_id	            = paa.payroll_action_id
    --AND      paa.source_action_id               IS NULL   --RLN P1 894102
    AND	 paa.assignment_id                  = hasa.assignment_id
    AND	 hasa.assignment_set_id             = c_assignment_set_id
    AND	 hasa.include_or_exclude            = 'I'
    AND	 pai.assignment_id                  = paa.assignment_id
    AND      pai.action_context_type            = 'AAP'
    AND      pai.action_information_category    = 'EMPLOYEE DETAILS'
    AND	 pai.action_context_id          = paa.assignment_action_id
    AND  ptp.time_period_id                 = pai.ACTION_INFORMATION16;
Line: 1254

    SELECT include_or_exclude
    FROM  hr_assignment_set_amendments
    WHERE assignment_set_id = c_assignment_set_id
    AND   assignment_id     = nvl(c_assignment_id,assignment_id);
Line: 1488

           lv_sqlstr := 'select '||l_db_version||' distinct paf.person_id
                        from pay_assignment_actions paa,
                             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                             per_assignments_f paf,
                             hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa
                       where :payroll_action_id is not null
                         and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'')
                         and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and ppa.consolidation_set_id = ' || ln_consolidation_set_id
                    || ' and ppa.payroll_id = ' || ln_payroll_id
                    || ' and ppa.effective_date between ''' || ld_deposit_start_date
                    ||                            ''' and ''' || ld_deposit_end_date
                    || ''' and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id'
                    || ' and paa.assignment_id = hasa.assignment_id'
                    || ' and hasa.assignment_set_id = ' || ln_assignment_set_id
                    || ' and hasa.include_or_exclude = ''I'''
                    || ' order by paf.person_id';
Line: 1506

           lv_sqlstr := 'select '||l_db_version||' distinct paf.person_id
                        from pay_assignment_actions paa,
                             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                             per_assignments_f paf
                       where :payroll_action_id is not null
                         and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'')
                         and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and ppa.consolidation_set_id = ' || ln_consolidation_set_id
                    || ' and ppa.payroll_id = ' || ln_payroll_id
                    || ' and ppa.effective_date between ''' || ld_deposit_start_date
                    ||                            ''' and ''' || ld_deposit_end_date
                    || ''' and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                      order by paf.person_id';
Line: 1523

           lv_sqlstr := 'select '||l_db_version||' distinct paf.person_id
                        from pay_assignment_actions paa,
                             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                             per_assignments_f paf,
                             hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa
                       where :payroll_action_id is not null
                         and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'')
                         and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and ppa.consolidation_set_id = ' || ln_consolidation_set_id
                    || ' and ppa.effective_date between ''' || ld_deposit_start_date
                    ||                            ''' and ''' || ld_deposit_end_date
                    || ''' and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id'
                    || ' and paa.assignment_id = hasa.assignment_id'
                    || ' and hasa.assignment_set_id = ' || ln_assignment_set_id
                    || ' and hasa.include_or_exclude = ''I'''
                    || ' order by paf.person_id';
Line: 1541

           lv_sqlstr := 'select '||l_db_version||' distinct paf.person_id
                        from pay_assignment_actions paa,
                             pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                             per_assignments_f paf
                       where :payroll_action_id is not null
                         and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'')
                         and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and ppa.consolidation_set_id = ' || ln_consolidation_set_id
                    || ' and ppa.effective_date between ''' || ld_deposit_start_date
                    ||                            ''' and ''' || ld_deposit_end_date
                    || ''' and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                      order by paf.person_id';