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Line 3433: FROM fte_freight_costs_temp ffct, wsh_freight_cost_types wfct

3429: CURSOR c_trip_sum(c_trip_id NUMBER, c_request_id NUMBER,
3430: c_lane_id NUMBER, c_schedule_id NUMBER)
3431: IS
3432: SELECT ffct.total_amount, ffct.currency_code
3433: FROM fte_freight_costs_temp ffct, wsh_freight_cost_types wfct
3434: WHERE ffct.freight_cost_type_id = wfct.freight_cost_type_id
3435: AND wfct.name='SUMMARY'
3436: AND ffct.trip_id = c_trip_id
3437: AND ffct.comparison_request_id = c_request_id

Line 3761: FROM fte_freight_costs_temp ffct, wsh_freight_cost_types wfct

3757: CURSOR c_trip_sum(c_trip_id NUMBER, c_request_id NUMBER,
3758: c_lane_id NUMBER, c_schedule_id NUMBER)
3759: IS
3760: SELECT ffct.total_amount, ffct.currency_code
3761: FROM fte_freight_costs_temp ffct, wsh_freight_cost_types wfct
3762: WHERE ffct.freight_cost_type_id = wfct.freight_cost_type_id
3763: AND wfct.name='SUMMARY'
3764: AND ffct.trip_id = c_trip_id
3765: AND ffct.comparison_request_id = c_request_id