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2 /* $Header: AHLVDIUS.pls 120.2 2008/01/29 14:05:24 sathapli ship $ */
4 ---------------------------------
5 -- Define Record Type for Node --
6 ---------------------------------
7 TYPE Disp_Type_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
8       	CODE        VARCHAR2(30),
9         MEANING       VARCHAR2(80));
11 TYPE Disp_Type_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Disp_Type_Rec_Type
14 -- Start of Comments  --
15 -- Define Record Type for the filter structure in disposition overview page --
16 TYPE disp_filter_rec_type IS RECORD (
17   path_position_id            NUMBER,
18   path_position_ref           VARCHAR2(80),
19   item_group_id               NUMBER,
20   item_group_name             VARCHAR2(80),
21   inv_item_id                 NUMBER,
22   item_number                 VARCHAR2(40),
23   condition_id                NUMBER,
24   condition_code              VARCHAR2(80), --Actually not code, but meaning
25   item_type_code              VARCHAR2(30),
26   item_type                   VARCHAR2(80), --May not be used
27   immediate_disp_code         VARCHAR2(30),
28   immediate_disp              VARCHAR2(80), --May not be used
29   secondary_disp_code         VARCHAR2(30),
30   secondary_disp              VARCHAR2(80), --May not be used
31   disp_status_code            VARCHAR2(30),
32   disp_status                 VARCHAR2(80)); --May not be used
33 -- Define Record Type for the disposition list in disposition overview page --
34 TYPE disp_list_rec_type IS RECORD (
35   disposition_id             NUMBER,
36   part_change_id             NUMBER,
37   path_position_id           NUMBER,
38   path_position_ref          VARCHAR2(80),
39   item_group_id              NUMBER,
40   item_group_name            VARCHAR2(80),
41   immediate_disp_code        VARCHAR2(30),
42   immediate_disp             VARCHAR2(80),
43   secondary_disp_code        VARCHAR2(30),
44   secondary_disp             VARCHAR2(80),
45   disp_status_code           VARCHAR2(30),
46   disp_status                VARCHAR2(80),
47   condition_id               NUMBER,
48   condition_code             VARCHAR2(80),
49   off_inv_item_id            NUMBER,
50   off_item_number            VARCHAR2(120), --very rarely it will contains item_group_name
51   off_instance_id            NUMBER,
52   off_instance_number        VARCHAR2(30),
53   off_serial_number          VARCHAR2(30),
54   off_lot_number             MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.LOT_NUMBER%TYPE,
55   off_quantity               NUMBER,
56   off_uom                    VARCHAR2(3),
57   on_inv_item_id             NUMBER,
58   on_item_number             VARCHAR2(40),
59   on_instance_id             NUMBER,
60   on_instance_number         VARCHAR2(30),
61   on_serial_number           VARCHAR2(30),
62   on_lot_number              MTL_LOT_NUMBERS.LOT_NUMBER%TYPE,
63   on_quantity                NUMBER,
64   on_uom                     VARCHAR2(3));
66 -- Define Table Type for the disposition list in disposition overview page --
67 TYPE disp_list_tbl_type IS TABLE OF disp_list_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
69 -- Define procedure get_disposition_list
70 -- Procedure name: get_disposition_list
71 -- Type: Private
72 -- Function: API to get all dispositions for a job. This API is used  to replace the
73 --           disposition view which is too complicated to build
74 -- Pre-reqs:
75 --
76 -- Parameters:
77 --   p_workorder_id    IN NUMBER Required, to identify the job
78 --   p_start_row       IN NUMBER specify the start row to populate into search result table
79 --   p_rows_per_page   IN NUMBER specify the number of row to be populated in the search result table
80 --   p_disp_filter_rec IN disp_filter_rec_type, to store the record structure with which
81 --                        to restrict the disposition list result
82 --   x_results_count   OUT NUMBER, row count from the query, this number can be more than the
83 --                        number of row in search result table
84 --   x_disp_list_tbl   OUT disp_list_tbl_type, to store the disposition list result
85 -- Version: Initial Version   1.0
86 --
87 -- End of Comments  --
89 PROCEDURE get_disposition_list(
90   p_api_version           IN  NUMBER := 1.0,
91   p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
92   --p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
93   p_validation_level      IN  NUMBER := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
94   x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
95   x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
96   x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
97   p_workorder_id          IN  NUMBER,
98   p_start_row             IN  NUMBER,
99   p_rows_per_page         IN  NUMBER,
100   p_disp_filter_rec       IN  disp_filter_rec_type,
101   x_results_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
102   x_disp_list_tbl         OUT NOCOPY disp_list_tbl_type);
104 ------------------------
105 -- Declare Procedures --
106 ------------------------
107 -- Start of Comments --
108 --  Procedure name    : Get_Part_Change_Disposition
109 --  Type        : Private
110 --  Function    : Fetch the disposition for part change UI
111 --  Pre-reqs    :
112 --  Parameters  : p_parent_instance_id: parent csi item instance_id
113 --                p_workorder_id: workorder_id
114 --                p_unit_config_header_id: top unit header id
115 --                p_relationship_id: position for installation/removal
116 --                x_disposition_rec: returning disposition record
117 --                x_imm_disp_type_tbl: returning immediate disposition type
118 --                x_sec_disp_type_tbl: returning secondary dispositions
119 --
120 --                SATHAPLI::FP OGMA Issue# 105 - Non-Serialized Item Maintenance, 17-Dec-2007
121 --                p_instance_id: Added to support IB Trees. Pass the instance id to get the disposition for the given instance.
122 --
123 --
124 --  End of Comments.
126 PROCEDURE Get_Part_Change_Disposition (
127     p_api_version         IN           NUMBER,
128     p_init_msg_list       IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
129     p_commit              IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
130     p_validation_level    IN           NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
131     x_return_status       OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
132     x_msg_count           OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER,
133     x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
134     p_workorder_id          IN NUMBER,
135     --p_unit_config_header_id IN NUMBER, replaced by p_workorder_id by Jerry on 09/20/04
136     p_parent_instance_id    IN NUMBER,
137     p_relationship_id       IN NUMBER,
138     p_instance_id           IN NUMBER,
139     x_disposition_rec     OUT NOCOPY AHL_PRD_DISPOSITION_PVT.disposition_rec_type,
140     x_imm_disp_type_tbl    OUT NOCOPY Disp_Type_Tbl_Type,
141     x_sec_disp_type_tbl    OUT NOCOPY Disp_Type_Tbl_Type);
142 -- Start of Comments --
143 --  Procedure name    : Create_Disp_Mtl_Requirement
144 --  Type              : Public
145 --  Function          : Public API to create a Material requirements for a Disposition.
146 --                      If the disposition has neither an item nor a Position Path, an
147 --                      exception is raised. If the disposition is for a position that is
148 --                      empty, this API gets the item group for the position and picks one
149 --                      item from the item group and creates a material requirement for that item.
150 --                      If the requirement was created successfully, a message is returned
151 --                      via x_msg_data indicating the item, the quantity and the UOM of the
152 --                      requirement created.
153 --  Pre-reqs    :
154 --  Parameters  :
155 --
156 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
157 --      p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER       Required
158 --      p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
159 --      p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
160 --      p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER       Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
161 --
162 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
163 --      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
164 --      x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER       Required
165 --      x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
166 --
167 --  Create_Disp_Mtl_Requirement Parameters:
168 --      p_disposition_id                IN      NUMBER       Required
169 --         The Id of disposition for which to create the material requirement.
170 --
171 --  Version :
172 --      Initial Version   1.0
173 --
174 --  End of Comments.
176 PROCEDURE Create_Disp_Mtl_Requirement (
177     p_api_version         IN           NUMBER,
178     p_init_msg_list       IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
179     p_commit              IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
180     p_validation_level    IN           NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
181     x_return_status       OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
182     x_msg_count           OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
183     x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
184     p_disposition_id      IN           NUMBER
185 );
187 ------------------------
188 -- Start of Comments --
189 --  Procedure name    : Get_Available_Disp_Types
190 --  Type        : Private
191 --  Function    : Fetch the available disposition types for given disposition
192 --  Pre-reqs    :
193 --  Parameters  : p_disposition_id: The disposition id to fetch against
194 --                x_imm_disp_type_tbl: returning immediate disposition type
195 --                x_sec_disp_type_tbl: returning secondary dispositions
196 --
197 --
198 --  End of Comments.
200 PROCEDURE Get_Available_Disp_Types (
201     p_api_version         IN           NUMBER,
202     p_init_msg_list       IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
203     p_commit              IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
204     p_validation_level    IN           NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
205     x_return_status       OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
206     x_msg_count           OUT  NOCOPY    NUMBER,
207     x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
208     p_disposition_id        IN NUMBER,
209     x_imm_disp_type_tbl    OUT NOCOPY Disp_Type_Tbl_Type,
210     x_sec_disp_type_tbl    OUT NOCOPY Disp_Type_Tbl_Type);
213 -- Start of Comments --
214 --  Procedure name    : Create_SR_Disp_Link
215 --  Type              : Private
216 --  Function          : Private API to create a SR Link between the Disposition
217 --                      and the new SR object
218 --  Pre-reqs    :
219 --  Parameters  :
220 --
221 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
222 --      p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER       Required
223 --      p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
224 --      p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2     Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
225 --      p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER       Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
226 --
227 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
228 --      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
229 --      x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER       Required
230 --      x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2     Required
231 --
232 --  Create_SR_Disp_Link Parameters:
233 --      p_disposition_id                IN      NUMBER       Required
234 --      p_service_request_id            IN      Number       Required
235 --         The Id of disposition for which to create the material requirement.
236 --
237 --  Version :
238 --      Initial Version   1.0
239 --
240 --  End of Comments.
242 PROCEDURE Create_SR_Disp_Link (
243     p_api_version         IN           NUMBER,
244     p_init_msg_list       IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
245     p_commit              IN           VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
246     p_validation_level    IN           NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
247     x_return_status       OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
248     x_msg_count           OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
249     x_msg_data            OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
250     p_service_request_id  IN           NUMBER,
251     p_disposition_id      IN           NUMBER,
252     x_link_id             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
253 );
255 -- Function to determine if the incident specified is the
256 -- primary Non Conformance for the disposition specified.
257 -- If it is the primary NC, 'Y' is returned.
258 -- If not, 'N' is returned.
259 -- 'N' is returned in case of any invalid inputs also.
260 FUNCTION Get_Primary_SR_Flag(p_disposition_id IN NUMBER,
261                              p_incident_id    IN NUMBER)
264 -- Function to get the Unit Config Header Id from the workorder Id
265 -- Tries to get the instance from the Workorder's Visit Task First.
266 -- If not possible, gets the instance from the Visit.
267 -- This instance is matched against top nodes of UCs and the matching
268 -- UC's header id is returned.
269 -- If no match is found, null is returned.
270 FUNCTION Get_WO_Unit_Id(p_workorder_id IN NUMBER)
273 -- Function added by Jerry on 01/05/2005 for fixing bug 4093642
274 -- If the installation part change occurrs after the disposition was termindated,
275 -- then even if the removal part change against which the disposition was created,
276 -- is linked with this installation part change id, then this kind of link doesn't
277 -- make sense and we should break it
278 FUNCTION install_part_change_valid(p_disposition_id IN NUMBER)