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Line 584: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('WARNING','Process completed with warning(s). Please check the log file.');

581: /*
582: IF l_errflag = 'Y' THEN
583: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Process completed with warning(s). Please check the log file.' );
584: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('WARNING','Process completed with warning(s). Please check the log file.');
585: END IF;
586: */
587: --14078879

Line 645: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('ERROR','Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.');

642: WHEN l_ehc_exception THEN
643: Hr_Utility.set_location('..'||'SQL-ERRM :'||SQLERRM,410);
644: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.' );
645: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('ERROR','Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.');
646: WHEN others THEN
647: IF g_debug THEN
648: hr_utility.set_location('error raised assignment_action_code ',5);
649: END if;

Line 3246: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('WARNING','Process completed with warning(s). Please check the output file.');

3242: BEGIN
3243: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'DE-INITIALIZATION CODE START 1');
3244: IF l_errflag = 'Y' THEN
3245: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Process completed with warning(s). Please check the output file.' );
3246: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('WARNING','Process completed with warning(s). Please check the output file.');
3247: END IF;
3248: IF l_errflag_uhc1 = 'Y' OR l_errflag_uhc = 'Y' THEN
3249: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.' );
3250: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('ERROR','Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.');

Line 3250: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('ERROR','Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.');

3246: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('WARNING','Process completed with warning(s). Please check the output file.');
3247: END IF;
3248: IF l_errflag_uhc1 = 'Y' OR l_errflag_uhc = 'Y' THEN
3249: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.' );
3250: error_message := FND_CONCURRENT.SET_COMPLETION_STATUS('ERROR','Process completed with error(s). Please check the output file.');
3251: END IF;
3253: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'DE-INITIALIZATION CODE END 2');