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Line 118: FROM qp_list_lines

114: IS
115: CURSOR c_listLines(cp_listLineId NUMBER)
116: IS
117: SELECT list_line_id, list_header_id , list_line_type_code, price_break_type_code, list_line_no
118: FROM qp_list_lines
119: WHERE list_line_id = cp_listLineId;
120: /*
121: Cursor works fine but the implementation is not satisfying, need to relook into the end date query
122: */

Line 134: FROM ozf_offer_adjustments_b a, ozf_offers b , qp_list_lines c , qp_list_headers_b d

130: ) endDate
131: --greatest(nvl(d.start_date_active, a.effective_date - 5 ),nvl(d.start_date_active, a.effective_date - 5 ), a.effective_date - 1 ) endDate
132: , b.offer_type, b.qp_list_header_id
133: , c.start_date_active lineStartDate, d.start_date_active headerStartDate, a.effective_date adjEffectiveDate, b.custom_setup_id
134: FROM ozf_offer_adjustments_b a, ozf_offers b , qp_list_lines c , qp_list_headers_b d
135: WHERE
136: a.list_header_id = b.qp_list_header_id
137: AND b.qp_list_header_id = c.list_header_id
138: AND c.list_header_id = d.list_header_id

Line 166: -- call process_qp_list_lines

162: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
163: -- retrieve end_date into local record
164: -- initialize record
165: -- populate record
166: -- call process_qp_list_lines
167: --l_modifier_line_tbl.delete;
168: OPEN c_endDate(cp_offerAdjustmentId => p_offerAdjustmentId , cp_listLineId => p_listLineId);
169: FETCH c_endDate INTO l_endDate;
170: CLOSE c_endDate;

Line 334: qp_list_lines c

330: , accum_attribute
331: --, accum_attr_run_src_flag
332: , list_line_type_code
333: FROM
334: qp_list_lines c
335: WHERE c.list_line_id = cp_listLineId;
336: i NUMBER := null;
337: l_modifiers_tbl Qp_Modifiers_Pub.modifiers_tbl_type;
338: BEGIN

Line 561: FROM qp_rltd_modifiers a, ozf_qp_discounts b , ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers c , qp_list_lines d

557: IS
558: CURSOR c_discountLines(cp_listLineId NUMBER , cp_offerAdjustmentId NUMBER)
559: IS
560: SELECT a.from_rltd_modifier_id, a.to_rltd_modifier_id, b.offer_discount_line_id , nvl(c.modified_discount,d.operand) discount , d.arithmetic_operator
561: FROM qp_rltd_modifiers a, ozf_qp_discounts b , ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers c , qp_list_lines d
562: WHERE a.to_rltd_modifier_id = b.list_line_id(+)
563: and b.offer_discount_line_id = c.offer_discount_line_id(+)
564: AND a.to_rltd_modifier_id = d.list_line_id
565: AND a.from_rltd_modifier_id = cp_listLineId

Line 741: -- populate the qp_list_lines using the tiers and adjustment tiers

737: l_pricing_attr_tbl QP_MODIFIERS_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Tbl_Type;
738: BEGIN
739: -- initialize return status, nested tables
740: -- for given adjustment id get the adjustment tiers
741: -- populate the qp_list_lines using the tiers and adjustment tiers
742: -- create the QP list lines
743: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
744: x_modifier_line_tbl.delete;
745: x_pricing_attr_tbl.delete;

Line 742: -- create the QP list lines

738: BEGIN
739: -- initialize return status, nested tables
740: -- for given adjustment id get the adjustment tiers
741: -- populate the qp_list_lines using the tiers and adjustment tiers
742: -- create the QP list lines
743: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
744: x_modifier_line_tbl.delete;
745: x_pricing_attr_tbl.delete;
746: l_modifier_line_tbl.delete;

Line 917: Creates new qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes

913: END LOOP;
914: END map_ozf_qp_lines;
916: /**
917: Creates new qp_list_lines and qp_pricing_attributes
918: for a given offer_adjustment_id
919: */
920: PROCEDURE create_new_qp_lines
921: (

Line 935: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_qp_discounts c , qp_list_lines d

931: l_pricing_attr_tbl QP_MODIFIERS_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Tbl_Type;
932: CURSOR c_tierHeader(cp_offerAdjustmentId NUMBER)
933: IS
934: SELECT distinct parent_discount_line_id , c.list_line_id
935: FROM ozf_offer_adjustment_tiers a, ozf_offer_discount_lines b , ozf_qp_discounts c , qp_list_lines d
936: WHERE a.offer_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
937: AND b.parent_discount_line_id = c.offer_discount_line_id
938: AND c.list_line_id = d.list_line_id
939: AND d.list_line_type_code = 'PBH'

Line 1004: Creates relation between two qp_list_lines for a given offer_adjustment_id

1000: -- passback the created modifier lines and pricing attributes.
1001: END create_new_qp_lines;
1003: /**
1004: Creates relation between two qp_list_lines for a given offer_adjustment_id
1005: */
1006: PROCEDURE relate_lines
1007: (
1008: p_from_list_line_id IN NUMBER

Line 1110: End Date the QP List lines corresponding to the tier definitions changed.

1106: BEGIN
1107: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1108: /*
1109: Corresponding to the discount changes, update the tier definitions.
1110: End Date the QP List lines corresponding to the tier definitions changed.
1111: Create new QP List lines with the updated tier definitions.(1)[1]
1112: Create new discount-tier mapping(1)
1113: *Create new product-product mapping
1114: */

Line 1111: Create new QP List lines with the updated tier definitions.(1)[1]

1107: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1108: /*
1109: Corresponding to the discount changes, update the tier definitions.
1110: End Date the QP List lines corresponding to the tier definitions changed.
1111: Create new QP List lines with the updated tier definitions.(1)[1]
1112: Create new discount-tier mapping(1)
1113: *Create new product-product mapping
1114: */
1115: update_adj_vo_tiers

Line 1214: Old exclusions are not included in the new qp_list_lines created. Need to take care of that

1211: END adjust_old_discounts;
1213: /**
1214: Old exclusions are not included in the new qp_list_lines created. Need to take care of that
1215: */
1216: PROCEDURE create_new_products
1217: (
1218: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Line 1314: FROM qp_list_lines

1310: , pricing_group_sequence
1311: , incompatibility_grp_code
1312: , product_precedence
1313: , proration_type_code
1314: FROM qp_list_lines
1315: WHERE list_header_id = cp_listHeaderId
1316: AND rownum < 2;
1317: BEGIN
1318: --x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;

Line 1735: 1. All the qp_list_lines are created with the offer_discount_line_id stored in the comments.

1731: /**
1732: This procedure creates the OZF qp mapping given the offDiscountProductId.
1733: This is a procedure for mapping a single product in OZF to the corresponding structure in QP
1734: The logic and assumptions used here are:
1735: 1. All the qp_list_lines are created with the offer_discount_line_id stored in the comments.
1736: 2. The offDiscountProductId passed in is mapped to all the pricing_attribute_id 's passed in
1737: */
1738: PROCEDURE map_ozf_qp_data
1739: (

Line 1869: FROM ozf_offer_discount_products a, ozf_qp_discounts b , qp_list_lines c

1865: i NUMBER;
1866: CURSOR c_qpListLines(cp_offDiscountProductId NUMBER)
1867: IS
1868: SELECT b.list_line_id, a.product_attribute, a.product_attr_value , c.list_header_id
1869: FROM ozf_offer_discount_products a, ozf_qp_discounts b , qp_list_lines c
1870: WHERE a.offer_discount_line_id = b.offer_discount_line_id
1871: AND b.list_line_id = c.list_line_id
1872: AND a.off_discount_product_id = p_offDiscountProductId;

Line 1885: -- retrieve all the qp_list_lines corresponding to the discount structure to which the exclusion is added.

1881: V_PRICING_ATTR_tbl QP_MODIFIERS_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Tbl_Type;
1882: V_PRICING_ATTR_val_tbl QP_MODIFIERS_PUB.Pricing_Attr_Val_Tbl_Type;
1883: BEGIN
1884: -- initialize
1885: -- retrieve all the qp_list_lines corresponding to the discount structure to which the exclusion is added.
1886: -- exclude this new product from all the qp discount structures.
1887: -- map the newly created qp_pricing_attributes to this exclusion product.
1888: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1889: l_pricing_attr_tbl.delete;

Line 2150: Get the Discount table id for the new product and create QP list lines using the Discount table.(1)[1]

2146: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
2147: /*
2148: New Products are added to Particular discount tables, so discount table id is stored .
2149: Create new Product in OZF Tables
2150: Get the Discount table id for the new product and create QP list lines using the Discount table.(1)[1]
2151: Create new discount-tier mapping.(1)
2152: */
2153: create_new_products
2154: (