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1 package body pay_fr_court_orders as
2 /* $Header: pyfrcord.pkb 120.1 2006/02/02 04:35:17 aparkes noship $ */
3 g_package    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(31):= 'pay_fr_court_orders.';
4 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
6 Function  : VALIDATION - This validates the current court orders run. It checks whether both P4 and P5
7                          court orders exist. If they do then return an error message.
8 Returns   : Error message
9 Called By : fr_court_orders.process
11 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
13 function validation return varchar2 is
14 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
15 begin
16   --
17   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||g_package||'validation', 10);
18   --
19   if total_order(40).number_of_orders > 0 and
20      total_order(50).number_of_orders > 0 then
21      hr_utility.set_location(g_package||'validation - FAILED', 15);
22      fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_74893_CO_P4S_P5S');
23      return fnd_message.get;
24   else
25      hr_utility.set_location(g_package||'valid - PASSED', 20);
26      return null;
27   end if;
28 end validation;
29 --<<***END***>>--
31 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
33 Function  : VALIDATION - This validates the current court orders run. It checks whether both P4 and P5
34                          court orders exist. If they do then return an error message.
35 Returns   : Error message
36 Called By : fr_court_orders.process
38 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
40 function net_pay_valid return varchar2 is
41 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
42 begin
43   --
44   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||g_package||'net_pay_valid', 10);
45   --
46   return g_net_pay_valid;
47   --
48   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||g_package||'net_pay_valid', 20);
49   --
50 end net_pay_valid;
51 --<<***END***>>--
53 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
54 Function  : PROCESSED - This function will check to see whether any court orders have already
55                         been processed - determines if the current element being processed
56                         is the first court order element for this payroll run.
57 Returns   : 'Y' or 'N' indicating whether court orders have already been processed
58 Called By : Fast Fomula FR_COURT_ORDER_PAYMENTS
59 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
61 function processed (p_assignment_action_id in number) return varchar2 is
62 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
63 begin
64   if g_assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id then
65      hr_utility.set_location(g_package||'processed = Y', 10);
66      return 'Y';
67   else
68      hr_utility.set_location(g_package||'processed = N', 10);
69      return 'N';
70   end if;
71 end processed;
72 --<<***END***>>--
74 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
75 Function  : CO_PAYMENT - This function simply returns the payment value for a given source id.
76 Returns   : Court Order Payment
77 Called By : get_payment
78 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
80 function co_payment (p_source_id in number) return number is
81 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
82 begin
83   return nvl(court_order(p_source_id).payment,0);
84   exception
85      when no_data_found then
86           return 0;
87 end co_payment;
88 --<<***END***>>--
90 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
91 Function  : GET_PAYMENT - Retrieves the payment for the current court order element being processed
92                           and also produces any informational messages about the payment.
93 Returns   : Payment
94             Any message relating to payment
95             Flag indicating whether a message is being returned
96 Called By : Fast Formula FR_COURT_ORDER_PAYMENTS
97 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
99 function get_payment(p_source_id         in number
100                     ,p_payment_reference in varchar2
101                     ,p_element_name      in varchar2
102                     ,p_message           out nocopy varchar2
103                     ,p_message_text      out nocopy varchar2
104                     ,p_stop              out nocopy varchar2 ) return number is
105   --
106   l_priority number;
107   l_payment  number := 0;
108   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109   procedure write_message (p_monthly_payment     in number
110                           ,p_outstanding_balance in number
111                           ,p_priority            in number
112                           ,p_element_name        in varchar2
113                           ,p_message_text        out nocopy varchar2
114                           ,p_payment             out nocopy number
115                           ,p_stop                out nocopy varchar2) is
116     --
117     l_payment         number(30,2) := co_payment(p_source_id);
118     l_paid_in_period  number(30,3) := nvl(court_order(p_source_id).balance_ptd,0);
119     l_value           number(30,2);
120     --
121   begin
122     --
123     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:Get_Payment - write_message', 16);
124     --
125     p_payment := l_payment - l_paid_in_period;
126     --
127     if p_priority in (20,30,40) then
128        l_value := p_outstanding_balance;
129     else
130        l_value := p_monthly_payment;
131     end if;
132     --
133     if l_payment < l_value then
134        if p_payment > 0 then
135           fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_74889_CO_SHORTFALL');
136           fnd_message.set_token('ELEMENT', p_element_name);
137           fnd_message.set_token('REFERENCE', p_payment_reference);
138           fnd_message.set_token('PAYMENT', l_payment);
139           fnd_message.set_token('OWED', l_value);
140           fnd_message.set_token('SHORTFALL', to_char(l_value - l_payment));
141           p_message_text := fnd_message.get;
142        else
143           fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_74890_CO_NO_PAYMENT');
144           fnd_message.set_token('ELEMENT', p_element_name);
145           fnd_message.set_token('REFERENCE', p_payment_reference);
146           p_message_text := fnd_message.get;
147        end if;
148     else
149        if l_payment >= p_outstanding_balance then
150           fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_74891_CO_PAID_OFF');
151           fnd_message.set_token('ELEMENT', p_element_name);
152           fnd_message.set_token('REFERENCE', p_payment_reference);
153           p_message_text := fnd_message.get;
154           p_stop := 'Y';
155        end if;
156     end if;
157     --
158     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:Get_Payment - write_message', 17);
159     --
160   end write_message;
161   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
162 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
163 begin
164   --
165   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||g_package||'get_payment element'||substr(p_element_name,1,20), 10);
166   --
167   if not court_order.exists(p_source_id) then
168      hr_utility.set_location('Element Source Id: '||substr(p_source_id,1,25)||' Not processed', 15);
169      p_message := 'Y';
170      fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_74892_CO_NOT_PROCESSED');
171      fnd_message.set_token('ELEMENT', p_element_name);
172      fnd_message.set_token('REFERENCE', p_payment_reference);
173      p_message_text := fnd_message.get;
174      return 0;
175   end if;
176   --
177   p_message_text := ' ';
178   p_message      := 'N';
179   p_stop         := 'N';
180   l_priority     := court_order(p_source_id).priority;
181   --
182   write_message(p_monthly_payment     => court_order(p_source_id).monthly_payment
183                ,p_outstanding_balance => court_order(p_source_id).outstanding_balance
184                ,p_priority            => l_priority
185                ,p_message_text        => p_message_text
186                ,p_element_name        => indirect_to_direct(p_element_name)
187                ,p_payment             => l_payment
188                ,p_stop                => p_stop);
189   --
190   if p_message_text <> ' ' then
191      hr_utility.set_location('Message = Y', 20);
192      p_message := 'Y';
193   end if;
194   --
195   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||g_package||'get_payment', 30);
196   --
197   return l_payment;
198   --
199 end get_payment;
200 --<<***END***>>--
202 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
203 Function  : MAP_NAMES - Matches direct -> indirect or indirect -> direct, depending on the calling
204                         function. It loops through pl/sql table map_element - which has been set up
205                         by sub-procedure initialise within procedure process. Once
206                         a matching value has been found then the corresponding indirect or direct
207                         element name is returned.
208 Returns   : Indirect or Direct Element Name
209 Called By : direct_to_indirect
210             indirect_to_direct
211 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
213 function map_names (p_direct_name   in varchar2
214                    ,p_indirect_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2 is
215 --
216 l_name varchar2(80) := null;
217 i      number       := 0;
218 --
219 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
220 begin
221   --
222   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||g_package||'map_names', 10);
223   --
224   i := map_element.first;
225   while i <= map_element.last loop
226       if p_direct_name is not null then
227          if map_element(i).direct_name = p_direct_name then
228             l_name := map_element(i).indirect_name;
229             exit;
230          end if;
231       elsif p_indirect_name is not null then
232          if map_element(i).indirect_name = p_indirect_name then
233             l_name := map_element(i).direct_name;
234             exit;
235          end if;
236       end if;
237       i := map_element.next(i);
238   end loop;
239   --
240   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||g_package||'map_names', 20);
241   --
242   return l_name;
243   --
244 end map_names;
245 --<<***END***>>--
247 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
248 Function  : DIRECT_TO_INDIRECT - Returns the name of the indirect element for a given direct element.
249 Returns   : Indirect Element Name
250 Called By : get_balance_value
251 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
253 function direct_to_indirect (p_direct_name in varchar2) return varchar2 is
254 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
255 begin
256   --
257   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||g_package||'direct_to_indirect', 10);
258   --
259   return map_names(p_direct_name => p_direct_name);
260   --
261 end direct_to_indirect;
262 --<<***END***>>--
264 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
265 Function  : INDIRECT_TO_DIRECT - Returns the name of the direct element for a given indirect element.
266 Returns   : Direct Element Name
267 Called By : get_payment
268 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
270 function indirect_to_direct (p_indirect_name in varchar2) return varchar2 is
271 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
272 begin
273   --
274   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||g_package||'indirect_to_direct', 10);
275   --
276   return map_names(p_indirect_name => p_indirect_name);
277   --
278 end indirect_to_direct;
279 --<<***END***>>--
281 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
282 Function  : GET_BALANCE_VALUE - This function returns the balance value of an indirect court orders
283                                 element given the source id and name of the corresponding direct
284                                 element and the name of the dimension.
285                                 N.B. The balance has the same name as the indirect element.
286 Returns   : Balance Value for a given defined balance
287 Called By : process
288 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
290 function get_balance_value(p_element_name    in varchar2
291                           ,p_dimension_name  in varchar2
292                           ,p_source_id       in number
293                           ,p_assignment_action_id in number) return number is
294 --
295 cursor csr_get_dimension_id (p_balance_name in varchar2) is
296   select db.defined_balance_id
297   from   pay_defined_balances  db,
298          pay_balance_types     bt,
299          pay_balance_dimensions bdim
300   where  bt.balance_name = p_balance_name
301   and    bt.legislation_code = 'FR'
302   and    bdim.dimension_name = p_dimension_name
303   and    bdim.legislation_code = 'FR'
304   and    db.balance_type_id = bt.balance_type_id
305   and    db.balance_dimension_id = bdim.balance_dimension_id;
306 --
307 l_defined_balance_id number;
308 l_result             number := null;
309 l_balance_name       varchar2(100);
310 --
311 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
312 begin
313   --
314   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||g_package||'get_balance_value', 10);
315   --
316   l_balance_name := direct_to_indirect(p_element_name);
317   --
318   open csr_get_dimension_id(l_balance_name);
319   fetch csr_get_dimension_id into l_defined_balance_id;
320   close csr_get_dimension_id;
321   --
322   pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID',p_source_id);
323   l_result := pay_balance_pkg.get_value (l_defined_balance_id, p_assignment_action_id);
324   --
325   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||g_package||'get_balance_value', 20);
326   --
327   return l_result;
328   --
329 end get_balance_value;
330 --<<***END***>>--
332 /*-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**
333 Function  : PROCESS - This function will process all the court order elements and store the results
334                       in two pl/sql tables. These tables can then be read by subsequent functions
335                       to retrieve payments for a particular court order element type.
336 Returns   : A return value - 0 if there is no error
337                              1 if there is an error
338 Called By : Fast Formula FR_COURT_ORDERS_PAYMENTS
339 **-->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**/
341 function process (p_assignment_action_id     in number
342                  ,p_date_earned              in date
343                  ,p_source_id                in number
344                  ,p_net_payment_ptd          in number
345                  ,p_rmi                      in number
346                  ,p_addl_threshold_per_dpndt in number
347                  ,p_addl_seizable            in number
348                  ,p_error_msg                out nocopy varchar2) return number is
349   --
350   i                      number := 0;
351   l_old_proc_order       number := 0;
355   l_funds                number := 0;
352   l_old_priority         number := 0;
353   l_last_priority        number := 0;
354   l_protected_amt        number := 0;
356   l_max_seizure          number := 0;
357   l_no_of_dpndts         number := 0;
358   l_max_shortfall        number := 0;
359   l_max_shortfall_order  number := 0;
360   l_shortfall            number := 0;
361   l_index                number := 0;
362   l_rem_seizable         number := 0;
363   l_payment              number := 0;
364   l_payment_pro          number := 0;
365   l_actual_total_payment number := 0;
366   l_remainder            number := 0;
367   l_total_remainder      number := 0;
368   l_total_payment        number := 0;
369   l_total_amount         number := 0;
370   l_all_payments         number := 0;
371   l_balance_itd          number;
372   l_balance_ptd          number;
373   co_paid_off            exception;
375   cv   COCurTyp;
376   cv_outstanding_balance number := 0;
377   cv_index               number := 0;
378   --
379   cursor csr_get_court_orders is
380     select decode(et.element_name
381                  ,'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE',10
382                  ,'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE_ARREARS',15
383                  ,'FR_TAX',20
384                  ,'FR_FINE',30
385                  ,'FR_MISCELLANEOUS',40
386                  ,'FR_SEIZURE',50)                                     PRIORITY
387           ,max(decode(iv.name
388                      ,'Monthly Payment',rrv.result_value))      MONTHLY_PAYMENT
389           ,max(decode(iv.name,'Amount',rrv.result_value))                AMOUNT
390           ,max(decode(iv.name
391                      ,'Processing Order',rrv.result_value))    PROCESSING_ORDER
392           ,et.element_name                                         ELEMENT_NAME
393           ,rr.source_id                                               SOURCE_ID
394           ,rr.run_result_id                                       RUN_RESULT_ID
395     from   pay_element_types_f      et
396           ,pay_run_results          rr
397           ,pay_run_result_values    rrv
398           ,pay_input_values_f       iv
399     where et.element_name        in ('FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE'
400                                     ,'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE_ARREARS'
401                                     ,'FR_TAX'
402                                     ,'FR_FINE'
403                                     ,'FR_MISCELLANEOUS'
404                                     ,'FR_SEIZURE')
405     and   et.legislation_code     = 'FR'
406     and   et.business_group_id   is null
407     and   p_date_earned     between et.effective_start_date
408                                 and et.effective_end_date
409     and   et.element_type_id      = rr.element_type_id
410     and   rr.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
411     and   rr.run_result_id        = rrv.run_result_id
412     and   rrv.input_value_id      = iv.input_value_id
413     and   iv.element_type_id      = et.element_type_id
414     and   p_date_earned     between iv.effective_start_date
415                                 and iv.effective_end_date
416     and   iv.name                in ('Monthly Payment'
417                                     ,'Amount'
418                                     ,'Processing Order')
419     and   rr.status              in ('P','PA')
420     group by decode(et.element_name
421                    ,'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE',10
422                    ,'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE_ARREARS',15
423                    ,'FR_TAX',20
424                    ,'FR_FINE',30
425                    ,'FR_MISCELLANEOUS',40
426                    ,'FR_SEIZURE',50)
427             ,et.element_name
428             ,rr.source_id
429             ,rr.run_result_id
430     order by 1, 4;
431   --
432   /* BUG 2245520 Changed cursor to reflect PQH dynamic dependant calc */
433   /* BUG 2481752 Cursor updated to reflect a fix by the PHQ team */
434     Cursor csr_no_of_dpndts is
435     select count(*)
437       , per_all_assignments_f  a
438       , pay_assignment_actions aa
439     where PCR.person_id = a.person_id
440     and    a.assignment_id = aa.assignment_id
441     and    aa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
442     and    p_date_earned
443           between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date
444     and  PCR.DEPENDENT_FLAG = 'Y'
445     and  ( pcr.date_start is NULL OR p_date_earned BETWEEN
446 		pcr.date_start AND NVL(pcr.date_end, p_date_earned) )
447     and  (pcr.date_start IS NOT NULL OR
448 		EXISTS (SELECT person_id
449 		  	FROM per_all_people_f
450 			WHERE person_id = pcr.contact_person_id
451 			AND p_date_earned BETWEEN
452 			effective_start_date AND effective_end_date));
454   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
455   function get_maximum_allowable_seizure (p_net_payment              in number
456                                          ,p_no_of_dependants         in number
457                                          ,p_addl_threshold_per_dpndt in number) return number is
458     --
459     l_seize_amount   number := 0;
460     l_addl_threshold number := 0;
461     l_seize_basis    number := 0;
462     l_low_value      number := 0;
463     l_high_value     number := 0;
464     l_effective_date date;
465     --
466     cursor csr_get_band_values is
467       select  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(cinst.value)   rate,
468               fnd_number.canonical_to_number(cinst2.value)  high_value,
469               fnd_number.canonical_to_number(cinst3.value)  low_value
470       from    pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst
471              ,pay_user_columns                   c
472              ,pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst2
473              ,pay_user_columns                   c2
477              ,pay_user_rows_f                    r
474              ,pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst3
475              ,pay_user_columns                   c3
476              ,pay_user_tables                    tab
478       where   tab.user_table_name              = 'FR_COURT_ORDER_BANDS'
479       and     tab.user_key_units               = 'N'
480       and     c.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
481       and     c.legislation_code               = 'FR'
482       and     c.user_column_name               = 'DEDUCTION_RATE'
483       and     cinst.user_column_id             = c.user_column_id
484       and     l_effective_date between cinst.effective_start_date and cinst.effective_end_date
485       and     cinst.legislation_code           = 'FR'
486       and     c2.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
487       and     c2.legislation_code               = 'FR'
488       and     c2.user_column_name               = 'Upper Bound'
489       and     cinst2.user_column_id             = c2.user_column_id
490       and     l_effective_date between cinst2.effective_start_date and cinst2.effective_end_date
491       and     cinst2.legislation_code           = 'FR'
492       and     c3.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
493       and     c3.legislation_code               = 'FR'
494       and     c3.user_column_name               = 'Lower Bound'
495       and     cinst3.user_column_id             = c3.user_column_id
496       and     l_effective_date between cinst3.effective_start_date and cinst3.effective_end_date
497       and     cinst3.legislation_code           = 'FR'
498       and     r.user_table_id = tab.user_table_id
499       and     r.user_row_id = cinst.user_row_id
500       and     r.user_row_id = cinst2.user_row_id
501       and     r.user_row_id = cinst3.user_row_id;
502 /*
503       --
504       -- Table structures changed - select below is if everything is in one row.
505       select  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(R.row_low_range_or_name) low_value
506              ,fnd_number.canonical_to_number(R.row_high_range)        high_value
507              ,cinst.value                                             rate
508       from    pay_user_column_instances_f        cinst
509              ,pay_user_columns                   c
510              ,pay_user_rows_f                    r
511              ,pay_user_tables                    tab
512       where   tab.user_table_name              = 'FR_COURT_ORDER_BANDS'
513       and     c.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
514       and     c.legislation_code               = 'FR'
515       and     c.user_column_name               = 'DEDUCTION_RATE'
516       and     cinst.user_column_id             = c.user_column_id
517       and     r.user_table_id                  = tab.user_table_id
518       and     l_effective_date between r.effective_start_date and r.effective_end_date
519       and     r.legislation_code               = 'FR'
520       and     tab.user_key_units               = 'N'
521       and     cinst.user_row_id                = r.user_row_id
522       and     l_effective_date between cinst.effective_start_date and cinst.effective_end_date
523       and     cinst.legislation_code           = 'FR';
524 */
525     --
526   begin
527     --
528     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:Process - get_maximum_allowable_seizure',10);
529     --
530     select effective_date
531     into   l_effective_date
532     from   fnd_sessions
533     where  session_id = userenv('SESSIONID');
534     --
535     /*=============================================================================
536       Work out the additional threshold - this is added to each band range
537       value, increasing the band range. This is determined by the no. of dependants
538       =============================================================================*/
539     l_addl_threshold := p_addl_threshold_per_dpndt * p_no_of_dependants;
540     --
541     hr_utility.set_location('Addl threshold is '||substr(l_addl_threshold,1,5), 15);
542     --
543     /*=============================================================================
544       Use a cursor to retreive all relevant values from User Defind Tables
545       The function hruserdt is not used because we want to loop thro' all values
546       and not just one - we don't know what the value actually is
547       =============================================================================*/
548     for r in csr_get_band_values loop
549         /*=============================================================================
550           Get the low and high value for each band and add additional threshold
551           This gives an annual figure which is divided by 12 to get monthly amount
552           Then determine how much of the net pay fits into each band selected but don't
553           mess the bottom value of zero
554           =============================================================================*/
555         if r.low_value = 0 then
556            l_low_value := 0;
557         else
558            l_low_value := (r.low_value + l_addl_threshold)/12;
559         end if;
560         l_high_value   := (r.high_value + l_addl_threshold)/12;
561         l_seize_basis  := least(greatest((p_net_payment - l_low_value),0),(l_high_value - l_low_value));
562         l_seize_amount := l_seize_amount + (l_seize_basis * r.rate);
563     end loop;
564     hr_utility.set_location('Seizable is '||substr(l_seize_amount,1,5),15);
565     --
566     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:Process - get_maximum_allowable_seizure',20);
567     return l_seize_amount;
568     --
569   end get_maximum_allowable_seizure;
570   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
571   procedure process_remainders (p_owed                 in number
572                                ,p_max_shortfall_order  in number
573                                ,p_total_remainder      in number
574                                ,p_actual_total_payment in out nocopy number) is
578      --
575   begin
576      --
577      hr_utility.set_location('Entering:Process - process_remainders',10);
579      if court_order(p_max_shortfall_order).payment + p_total_remainder
580         <= p_owed then
581         --
582         hr_utility.set_location('Adding remainder:'||substr(p_total_remainder,1,5),15);
583         court_order(p_max_shortfall_order).payment := court_order(p_max_shortfall_order).payment + p_total_remainder;
584         p_actual_total_payment := p_actual_total_payment + p_total_remainder;
585         --
586      end if;
587      --
588      hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:Process - process_remainders',20);
589      --
590   end process_remainders;
591   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
592   procedure init_totals (p_priority in number) is
593   begin
594       total_order(p_priority).monthly_payment      := 0;
595       total_order(p_priority).amount               := 0;
596       total_order(p_priority).outstanding_balance  := 0;
597       total_order(p_priority).payment              := 0;
598       total_order(p_priority).number_of_orders     := 0;
599       total_order(p_priority).start_pos            := 0;
600       total_order(p_priority).end_pos              := 0;
601   end init_totals;
602   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603   procedure initialise is
604   begin
605       hr_utility.set_location('Entering:Process - initialise' , 10);
606       --
607       -- Initialise the package global variables.
608       g_funds := 0;
609       g_net_pay_valid := 'Y';
610       --
611       total_order := total_order_null;
612       court_order := court_order_null;
613       court_order_index := court_order_index_null;
614       init_totals(10);
615       init_totals(15);
616       init_totals(20);
617       init_totals(30);
618       init_totals(40);
619       init_totals(50);
620       /*==========================================================================
621         Map direct element names to indirect element names. This mapping is
622         used by messages and when getting balance values for indirects.
623         ==========================================================================*/
624       map_element(10).direct_name   := 'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE';
625       map_element(10).indirect_name := 'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE_PAYMENT';
626       map_element(15).direct_name   := 'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE_ARREARS';
627       map_element(15).indirect_name := 'FR_FAMILY_MAINTENANCE_ARREARS_PAYMENT';
628       map_element(20).direct_name   := 'FR_FINE';
629       map_element(20).indirect_name := 'FR_FINE_PAYMENT';
630       map_element(30).direct_name   := 'FR_TAX';
631       map_element(30).indirect_name := 'FR_TAX_PAYMENT';
632       map_element(40).direct_name   := 'FR_MISCELLANEOUS';
633       map_element(40).indirect_name := 'FR_MISCELLANEOUS_PAYMENT';
634       map_element(50).direct_name   := 'FR_SEIZURE';
635       map_element(50).indirect_name := 'FR_SEIZURE_PAYMENT';
636       hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:Process - initialise' , 20);
637   end initialise;
638   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
639   procedure process_values (p_priority             in number
640                            ,p_funds                in number
641                            ,p_actual_total_payment out nocopy number) is
642     --
643     l_payment         number;
644     l_prorate         varchar2(1) := 'N';
645     l_sql_string      varchar2(32000);
646     l_index           number;
647     l_total_amount    number := 0;
648     l_total_payment   number := 0;
649     l_max_shortfall   number := 0;
650     l_shortfall       number := 0;
651     l_max_shortfall_order number := 0;
652     l_payment_pro     number;
653     l_total_remainder number;
654     --
655   begin
656     --
657     p_actual_total_payment := 0;
658     --
659     hr_utility.set_location('Entering:Process - process_values' , 10);
660     --
661     if total_order(p_priority).number_of_orders > 0 then
662        --
663        total_order(p_priority).payment := least(p_funds,total_order(p_priority).outstanding_balance);
664        hr_utility.set_location('Payment is '||substr(total_order(p_priority).payment,1,5), 10);
665        --
666        if total_order(p_priority).payment < total_order(p_priority).outstanding_balance then
667           l_prorate := 'Y';
668           hr_utility.set_location('Prorate = Y', 10);
669        end if;
670        --
671        l_sql_string := null;
672        --
673        hr_utility.set_location('Building Dynamic SQL',10);
674        for i in total_order(p_priority).start_pos..total_order(p_priority).end_pos loop
675            --
676            l_index := court_order_index(i).source_id;
677            --
678            l_sql_string := l_sql_string||' select '||court_order(l_index).outstanding_balance||' balance'
679                                        ||','||l_index ||' l_index'
680                                        ||' from dual';
681            --
682            if i < total_order(p_priority).end_pos then
683               l_sql_string := l_sql_string||' union all ';
684            end if;
685            --
686        end loop;
687        hr_utility.set_location('Built Dynamic stmt',10);
688        --
689        if l_sql_string is not null then
690           l_sql_string := l_sql_string||' order by balance';
691           --
692           if l_prorate = 'Y' then
693              l_total_payment := total_order(p_priority).payment;
694              l_total_amount  := total_order(p_priority).amount;
695           end if;
696           --
697           hr_utility.set_location('Opening Dynamic cursor',10);
698           open cv for l_sql_string;
702                if l_prorate = 'Y' then
699           loop
700                fetch cv into cv_outstanding_balance, cv_index;
701                exit when cv%notfound;
703                   --
704                   if l_total_amount = 0 then
705                      hr_utility.set_location('Divide by zero error l_total_amount (1)', 15);
706                   end if;
707                   l_payment_pro := l_total_payment/l_total_amount;
708                   l_payment     := least(floor(l_payment_pro * 100 * court_order(cv_index).amount)/100, court_order(cv_index).outstanding_balance);
709                   --
710                   l_total_amount  := l_total_amount - court_order(cv_index).amount;
711                   l_total_payment := l_total_payment - l_payment;
712                   --
713                else
714                   l_payment := court_order(cv_index).outstanding_balance;
715                end if;
716                --
717                l_shortfall := court_order(cv_index).outstanding_balance - l_payment;
718                if l_max_shortfall < l_shortfall then
719                   l_max_shortfall       := l_shortfall;
720                   l_max_shortfall_order := cv_index;
721                end if;
722                --
723                p_actual_total_payment                            := p_actual_total_payment + l_payment;
724                court_order(cv_index).payment := l_payment;
725                --
726           end loop;
727           close cv;
728           hr_utility.set_location('Closing dynamic cursor',10);
729           --
730        end if; -- if l_sql_string not null
731        --
732        l_total_remainder := total_order(p_priority).payment - p_actual_total_payment;
733        if l_total_remainder > 0 then
734           process_remainders(court_order(l_max_shortfall_order).outstanding_balance
735                             ,l_max_shortfall_order
736                             ,l_total_remainder
737                             ,p_actual_total_payment);
738        end if;
739        --
740     end if; -- no of Arrears > 0
741     --
742     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:Process - process_values' , 20);
743     --
744   end process_values;
745   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
746 --<<***BEGIN***>>--
747 begin
748   --
749   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:function Process' , 10);
750   --
751   initialise;
752   /*=============================================================================
753     Get the number of dependants. This is used in max seizable calculation.
754     =============================================================================*/
755   open csr_no_of_dpndts;
756   fetch csr_no_of_dpndts into l_no_of_dpndts;
757   close csr_no_of_dpndts;
758   --
759   hr_utility.set_location('. Dependants Found='||l_no_of_dpndts,15);
760   g_assignment_action_id := p_assignment_action_id;
761   l_protected_amt := p_rmi;
762   --
763   if (p_net_payment_ptd + p_addl_seizable) <= l_protected_amt then
764      hr_utility.set_location('Net Pay Not Valid return = 0' , 10);
765      g_net_pay_valid := 'N';
766      return 0;
767   end if;
768   --
769   g_funds         := (p_net_payment_ptd + p_addl_seizable) - l_protected_amt;
770   l_max_seizure   := get_maximum_allowable_seizure(p_net_payment_ptd,nvl(l_no_of_dpndts,0),p_addl_threshold_per_dpndt) + p_addl_seizable;
771   l_remainder     := g_funds - l_max_seizure;
772   --
773   /*=============================================================================
774     These are both set to 10 as I know that the first priority to be returned
775     by the cursor will be a P10 - and there will only be one of these
776     =============================================================================*/
777   l_old_priority   := 10;
778   l_last_priority  := 10;
779   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
780   --<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> Populate PL/SQL Tables <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>--
781   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
782   hr_utility.set_location('Populating PL/SQL tables',15);
783   i := 1;
784   for o in csr_get_court_orders loop
785       l_balance_itd := nvl(get_balance_value
786                              (o.element_name
787                              ,'FR Element-level ELE_ITD'
788                              ,o.source_id,p_assignment_action_id),0);
789       l_balance_ptd := nvl(get_balance_value
790                              (o.element_name
791                              ,'FR Element-level ELE_PTD'
792                              ,o.source_id,p_assignment_action_id),0);
793       --
794       begin
795         /*================================================================================================
796           If the current element being processed has an amount input value (ie not type P1) then check if
797           the total amount due has already been paid off. If it has then do not store this row and carry on.
798           Also check on Arrears and Seizure payments whether the total amount due would be exceeded by the
799           monthly payment value - if it would then set the monthly amount to the remaining that is owed,
800           as at the start of the period.
801           ================================================================================================*/
802         if o.priority <> 10 then
803            if l_balance_itd < fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.amount) then
804               if o.priority in (15,50) and
805                  ((l_balance_itd +
806                    nvl(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.monthly_payment),0)) >
807                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.amount))
808               then
809                  court_order(o.source_id).monthly_payment :=
813            else
810                     fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.amount) -
811                     (l_balance_itd - l_balance_ptd);
812               end if;
814               raise co_paid_off;
815            end if;
816         end if;
817         /*==============================================================================
818           If the monthly payment has not already been assigned above then assign it now.
819           ==============================================================================*/
820         if not court_order.exists(o.source_id) then
821            court_order(o.source_id).monthly_payment :=
822                              fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.monthly_payment);
823         end if;
824         court_order(o.source_id).amount :=
825            fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.amount);
826         court_order(o.source_id).outstanding_balance :=
827            court_order(o.source_id).amount - (l_balance_itd - l_balance_ptd);
828         court_order(o.source_id).balance_ptd := l_balance_ptd;
829         court_order(o.source_id).priority := o.priority;
830         --
831         court_order_index(i).source_id := o.source_id;
832         /*==============================================================================
833           Work out whether the priority should be incremented by 10 - this is only
834           applicable to P5's with a different/new processing sequence.
835           ==============================================================================*/
836         if o.priority = 50 then
837            if l_index < 50 then
838               l_index := 50;
839               l_old_proc_order :=
840                  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.processing_order);
841            end if;
842            if l_old_proc_order <>
843               fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.processing_order)
844            then
845               l_index := l_index + 10;
846            end if;
847         else
848            l_index := o.priority;
849         end if;
850         --
851         if l_old_priority < l_index then
852            l_last_priority := l_old_priority;
853         end if;
854         --
855         if total_order.exists(l_index) then
856            total_order(l_index).monthly_payment     := total_order(l_index).monthly_payment + court_order(o.source_id).monthly_payment;
857            total_order(l_index).amount              := total_order(l_index).amount + fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.amount);
858            total_order(l_index).number_of_orders    := total_order(l_index).number_of_orders+1;
859            total_order(l_index).outstanding_balance := total_order(l_index).outstanding_balance + court_order(o.source_id).outstanding_balance;
860            total_order(l_index).start_pos           := total_order(l_last_priority).end_pos + 1;
861            total_order(l_index).end_pos             := i;
862         else
863            /*=========================================================================================
864              This should only happen to priorities above 50 (ie for processing orders) as all values
865              below 50 have been initialised by procedure initialise. Cannot initialise for any value
866              above 50 because this depends upon the number of unique processing orders - which we
867              don't know as they are defined by the user.
868              =========================================================================================*/
869            if o.priority > 40 then
870               total_order(l_index).monthly_payment     :=
871                  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.monthly_payment);
872               total_order(l_index).payment             := 0;
873               total_order(l_index).amount              :=
874                  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.amount);
875               total_order(l_index).number_of_orders    := 1;
876               total_order(l_index).outstanding_balance := court_order(o.source_id).outstanding_balance;
877               total_order(l_index).start_pos           := total_order(l_last_priority).end_pos + 1;
878               total_order(l_index).end_pos             := i;
879            end if;
880         end if;
881         --
882         if o.priority = 50 then
883            l_old_proc_order :=
884                fnd_number.canonical_to_number(o.processing_order);
885         end if;
886         --
887         l_old_priority := l_index;
888         -- Row counter
889         i := i + 1;
890         --
891       exception
892         when co_paid_off then
893              null;
894       end;
895       --
896   end loop;
897   hr_utility.set_location('PL/SQL tables populated',15);
898   /*=====================================================================
899     Cannot have both P4's and P5's in same run - check if this is true.
900     =====================================================================*/
901   p_error_msg := validation;
902   if p_error_msg is not null then
903      hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:function Process return = 1' , 20);
904      return 1;
905   end if;
906   hr_utility.set_location('Validation successful',15);
907   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
908   --<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> Process Family Maintenance <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>--
909   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
910   if total_order(10).number_of_orders > 0 then
911      --
912      l_index := court_order_index(total_order(10).start_pos).source_id;
913      --
914      total_order(10).payment := least(g_funds,total_order(10).monthly_payment);
915      court_order(l_index).payment := total_order(10).payment;
916      --
917      l_actual_total_payment := total_order(10).payment;
918      --
919   end if;  -- if no of P1's > 0
920   --
924   l_actual_total_payment := 0;
921   hr_utility.set_location('P1 processing complete',15);
922   g_funds := g_funds - l_actual_total_payment;
923   l_all_payments := l_actual_total_payment;
925   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
926   --<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> Process Family Maintenance Arrears  <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>--
927   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
928   if total_order(15).number_of_orders > 0 then
929      --
930      l_index := court_order_index(total_order(15).start_pos).source_id;
931      --
932      total_order(15).payment := least(g_funds,total_order(15).monthly_payment);
933      court_order(l_index).payment := total_order(15).payment;
934      --
935      l_actual_total_payment := total_order(15).payment;
936      --
937   end if;  -- if no of P15's > 0
938   --
939   hr_utility.set_location('P15 processing complete',15);
940   --
941   g_funds := g_funds - l_actual_total_payment;
942   l_all_payments := l_all_payments + l_actual_total_payment;
943   --
944   l_actual_total_payment := 0;
945   l_max_shortfall := 0;
946   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
947   --<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> Process Taxes  <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>--
948   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
949   if g_funds > 0 then
950      process_values(p_priority             => 20
951                    ,p_funds                => g_funds
952                    ,p_actual_total_payment => l_actual_total_payment);
953   end if;
954   hr_utility.set_location('P2 processing complete',15);
955   --
956   g_funds := g_funds - l_actual_total_payment;
957   l_all_payments := l_all_payments + l_actual_total_payment;
958   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
959   --<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> Process Fines  <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>--
960   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
961   if g_funds > 0 then
962      if total_order(30).number_of_orders > 0 then
963         l_actual_total_payment := 0;
964         l_max_shortfall := 0;
965         /*=====================================================================================================
966           Calculate how much of the max seizable is left after P10, P15 and P20 payments have been calculated.
967           =====================================================================================================*/
968         l_rem_seizable := l_max_seizure - least(l_max_seizure,total_order(20).payment)
969                                         - greatest(((total_order(10).payment+total_order(15).payment) - l_remainder),0);
970         --
971         if l_rem_seizable > 0 then
972            g_funds := l_rem_seizable;
973            process_values(p_priority             => 30
974                          ,p_funds                => g_funds
975                          ,p_actual_total_payment => l_actual_total_payment);
976            g_funds := g_funds - l_actual_total_payment;
977            l_all_payments := l_all_payments + l_actual_total_payment;
978         end if;
979      end if;
980   end if;
981   hr_utility.set_location('P3 processing complete',15);
982   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
983   --<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> Miscellaneous  <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>--
984   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
985   if g_funds > 0 then
986      if total_order(40).number_of_orders > 0 then
987         --
988         l_rem_seizable := l_max_seizure - least(l_max_seizure,total_order(20).payment)
989                                         - greatest(((total_order(10).payment+total_order(15).payment) - l_remainder),0)
990                                         - total_order(30).payment;
991         --
992         if l_rem_seizable > 0 then
993            --
994            g_funds := l_rem_seizable;
995            l_index := court_order_index(total_order(40).start_pos).source_id;
996            --
997            total_order(40).payment := least(g_funds,total_order(40).amount);
998            court_order(l_index).payment := total_order(40).payment;
999            --
1000            l_actual_total_payment := total_order(40).payment;
1001            --
1002            g_funds := g_funds - l_actual_total_payment;
1003            --
1004         end if;
1005      end if;  -- if no of P40's > 0
1006   end if;
1007   hr_utility.set_location('P4 processing complete',15);
1008   /*=====================================================================
1009     Recalculate remaining seizable
1010     =====================================================================*/
1011   l_rem_seizable := l_max_seizure - least(l_max_seizure,total_order(20).payment)
1012                                   - greatest(((total_order(10).payment+total_order(15).payment) - l_remainder),0)
1013                                   - total_order(30).payment
1014                                   - total_order(40).payment;
1015   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1016   --<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> Process Seizure  <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>---
1017   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1018   if l_rem_seizable > 0 then
1019      /*===============================================================================
1020        Set i to 50 as it is known that the first P50 element will have this priority
1021        ===============================================================================*/
1022      g_funds := l_rem_seizable;
1023      i := 50;
1024      l_max_shortfall := 0;
1025      l_shortfall     := 0;
1026      --
1027      hr_utility.set_location('Processing P5 elements ..', 15);
1028      --
1029      while i <= total_order.last loop
1030            --
1031            l_actual_total_payment := 0;
1032            --
1033            if total_order(i).number_of_orders > 0 then
1034               --
1035               total_order(i).payment := least(g_funds,total_order(i).monthly_payment);
1036               l_total_payment := total_order(i).payment;
1037               l_total_amount  := total_order(i).monthly_payment;
1038               --
1039               if l_total_amount = 0 then
1040                  hr_utility.set_location('Divide by zero error l_total_amount (2)', 15);
1041               end if;
1042               --
1043               l_payment_pro   := l_total_payment/l_total_amount;
1044               /*===============================================================================
1045                 Go thro' each indivdual P50 element for the current processing order
1046                 ===============================================================================*/
1047               for c in total_order(i).start_pos..total_order(i).end_pos loop
1048                   --
1049                   l_index         := court_order_index(c).source_id;
1050                   l_payment       := floor(l_payment_pro * 100 * court_order(l_index).monthly_payment)/100;
1051                   --
1052                   l_shortfall := court_order(l_index).monthly_payment - l_payment;
1053                   if l_max_shortfall < l_shortfall then
1054                      l_max_shortfall       := l_shortfall;
1055                      l_max_shortfall_order := l_index;
1056                   end if;
1057                   --
1058                   l_actual_total_payment                       := l_actual_total_payment + l_payment;
1059                   court_order(l_index).payment := l_payment;
1060                   --
1061                   l_total_payment := l_total_payment - l_payment;
1062                   l_total_amount  := l_total_amount  - court_order(l_index).monthly_payment;
1063                   --
1064               end loop;
1065               --
1066               l_total_remainder := total_order(i).payment - l_actual_total_payment;
1067               if l_total_remainder > 0 then
1068                  process_remainders(court_order(l_max_shortfall_order).outstanding_balance
1069                                    ,l_max_shortfall_order
1070                                    ,l_total_remainder
1071                                    ,l_actual_total_payment);
1072               end if;
1073               g_funds := g_funds - l_actual_total_payment;
1074               --
1075            end if;
1076            /*===============================================================================
1077              Go on to next processing order (sub-priority)
1078              ===============================================================================*/
1079            i := i + 10;
1080            --
1081      end loop;
1082      --
1083      hr_utility.set_location('P5 processing complete',15);
1084      --
1085   end if; -- If rem_seizable > 0
1086   --
1087   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:function Process return = 0' , 10);
1088   return 0;
1089   --
1090 end process;
1091 --<<***END***>>--
1093 end pay_fr_court_orders;