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Line 9: g_cafv_tbl_type okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_tbl_type;

5: --**START**--
6: --Define it globally, keep populating the table of records and finally make a
7: --call to bulk insert procedure
8: g_cfov_tbl_type okl_cash_flow_objects_pub.cfov_tbl_type;
9: g_cafv_tbl_type okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_tbl_type;
10: g_cflv_tbl_type okl_cash_flow_levels_pub.cflv_tbl_type;
11: g_qcov_tbl_type okl_trx_qte_cf_objects_pub.qcov_tbl_type;
12: gx_cfov_tbl_type okl_cash_flow_objects_pub.cfov_tbl_type;
13: gx_cafv_tbl_type okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_tbl_type;

Line 13: gx_cafv_tbl_type okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_tbl_type;

9: g_cafv_tbl_type okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_tbl_type;
10: g_cflv_tbl_type okl_cash_flow_levels_pub.cflv_tbl_type;
11: g_qcov_tbl_type okl_trx_qte_cf_objects_pub.qcov_tbl_type;
12: gx_cfov_tbl_type okl_cash_flow_objects_pub.cfov_tbl_type;
13: gx_cafv_tbl_type okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_tbl_type;
14: gx_cflv_tbl_type okl_cash_flow_levels_pub.cflv_tbl_type;
15: gx_qcov_tbl_type okl_trx_qte_cf_objects_pub.qcov_tbl_type;
16: g_cfov_counter NUMBER := 0;
17: g_cafv_counter NUMBER := 0;

Line 109: FROM okl_cash_flows caf

105: , stm.code sty_code
106: , caf.sts_code status
107: , caf.dnz_khr_id khr_id
108: , (nvl(sum(amount * number_of_periods),0) + nvl(sum(stub_amount),0)) Total
109: FROM okl_cash_flows caf
110: , okl_strm_type_b stm
111: , okl_cash_flow_levels cfl
112: WHERE dnz_qte_id = cp_qte_id
113: AND caf.sty_id = stm.id

Line 305: FROM okl_cash_flow_objects cfo, okl_cash_flows caf, OKL_TRX_QTE_CF_OBJECTS qco

301: cp_source_id IN NUMBER, cp_sts_code IN VARCHAR2,
302: cp_base_src_id IN NUMBER) IS
303: --SELECT cfo.id
304: SELECT 'x'
305: FROM okl_cash_flow_objects cfo, okl_cash_flows caf, OKL_TRX_QTE_CF_OBJECTS qco
306: WHERE cfo.id = caf.cfo_id
307: AND cfo.id = qco.cfo_id
308: AND cfo.oty_code = cp_oty_code
309: AND cfo.source_table = cp_source_table

Line 481: FROM okl_cash_flows

478: -- This cursor checks if a cash flow header has already been created for a stream type (payment type)
479: CURSOR l_cashflow_csr(cp_cfo_id IN NUMBER, cp_sty_id IN NUMBER) IS
480: SELECT id
481: FROM okl_cash_flows
482: WHERE cfo_id = cp_cfo_id
483: AND sty_id = cp_sty_id;
485: -- get the currency code for the contract for which the quote is created

Line 495: SUBTYPE cafv_rec_type IS okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_rec_type;

491: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
492: | SubType Declarations
493: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
495: SUBTYPE cafv_rec_type IS okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_rec_type;
496: SUBTYPE cflv_rec_type IS okl_cash_flow_levels_pub.cflv_rec_type;
498: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
499: | Local Variable Declarations and initializations |

Line 858: SUBTYPE cafv_rec_type IS okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_rec_type;

854: | Subype Declarations |
855: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
857: SUBTYPE cfov_rec_type IS okl_cash_flow_objects_pub.cfov_rec_type;
858: SUBTYPE cafv_rec_type IS okl_cash_flows_pub.cafv_rec_type;
859: SUBTYPE cflv_rec_type IS okl_cash_flow_levels_pub.cflv_rec_type;
860: SUBTYPE qcov_rec_type IS okl_trx_qte_cf_objects_pub.qcov_rec_type;
862: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

Line 1498: FROM okl_cash_flows caf, okl_cash_flow_levels cfl

1494: CURSOR l_cashflows_csr(cp_cfo_id IN NUMBER) IS
1495: -- SECHAWLA 20-SEP-04 3816891 : added nvl for due_arrears_yn
1496: SELECT caf.id, caf.sty_id, nvl(caf.due_arrears_yn, 'N') due_arrears_yn, cfl.start_date, caf.number_of_advance_periods,
1497: cfl.amount, cfl.number_of_periods, cfl.fqy_code, cfl.level_sequence, cfl.stub_days, cfl.stub_amount
1498: FROM okl_cash_flows caf, okl_cash_flow_levels cfl
1499: WHERE cfo_id = cp_cfo_id
1500: AND caf.id = cfl.caf_id
1501: AND caf.sts_code = G_CURRENT_STATUS
1502: AND caf.cft_code = G_CASH_FLOW_TYPE

Line 2184: FROM okl_cash_flow_objects cfo, okl_cash_flows caf, OKL_TRX_QTE_CF_OBJECTS qco

2181: -- get current payment objects of a particular type
2182: CURSOR l_currpymtobjects_csr(cp_oty_code IN VARCHAR2, cp_quote_id IN NUMBER) IS
2183: SELECT DISTINCT cfo.id, qco.base_source_id
2184: FROM okl_cash_flow_objects cfo, okl_cash_flows caf, OKL_TRX_QTE_CF_OBJECTS qco
2185: WHERE cfo.id = caf.cfo_id
2186: AND cfo.id = qco.cfo_id
2187: AND cfo.oty_code = cp_oty_code
2188: AND cfo.source_table = G_OBJECT_SRC_TABLE

Line 2197: FROM okl_cash_flows caf, okl_cash_flow_levels cfl

2193: -- get the payment lines for a given object
2194: CURSOR l_currpymtlines_csr(cp_obj_id IN NUMBER) IS
2195: SELECT caf.sty_id, caf.due_arrears_yn, cfl.start_date, caf.number_of_advance_periods, cfl.amount,
2196: cfl.number_of_periods, cfl.fqy_code, cfl.level_Sequence, cfl.stub_days, cfl.stub_amount
2197: FROM okl_cash_flows caf, okl_cash_flow_levels cfl
2198: WHERE caf.id = cfl.caf_id
2199: AND caf.cfo_id = cp_obj_id
2200: ORDER BY caf.sty_id, cfl.start_date;