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Line 10058: l_debug_level := TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE( 'GMF_CONC_DEBUG' ));

10055: BEGIN
10056: /* Moved various initialisations here to avoid GSCC warnings and errors */
10057: procedure_name := 'Rollup Lot Costs';
10058: l_debug_level := TO_NUMBER(FND_PROFILE.VALUE( 'GMF_CONC_DEBUG' ));
10059: l_debug_level_none := 0;
10060: l_debug_level_low := 1;
10061: l_debug_level_medium := 2;
10062: l_debug_level_high := 3;

Line 10074: l_cost_alloc_profile := NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_LOT_COST_ALLOC'), 0);

10070: l_item_id := p_item_id;
10071: l_lot_no := p_lot_no;
10072: l_orgn_id := p_orgn_id;
10074: l_cost_alloc_profile := NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_LOT_COST_ALLOC'), 0);
10075: cost_alloc_profile := l_cost_alloc_profile; -- Bug 13038249 l_cost_alloc_profile may get updated later.
10077: -- Run Incremental costing based on profile (how many times)
10078: l_incr_iter := NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_LOTCOST_ITERATION'), 0);

Line 10078: l_incr_iter := NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_LOTCOST_ITERATION'), 0);

10074: l_cost_alloc_profile := NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_LOT_COST_ALLOC'), 0);
10075: cost_alloc_profile := l_cost_alloc_profile; -- Bug 13038249 l_cost_alloc_profile may get updated later.
10077: -- Run Incremental costing based on profile (how many times)
10078: l_incr_iter := NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_LOTCOST_ITERATION'), 0);
10080: /*Bug 13808832 - This profile is an internal profile and is not currently shipped, i.e By default WIP batch txns are not processed */
10081: l_process_wip_batch:= NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_PROCESS_WIP_BATCH_LACP'), 0);
10082: /*Bug 13808832 - end*/

Line 10081: l_process_wip_batch:= NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_PROCESS_WIP_BATCH_LACP'), 0);

10077: -- Run Incremental costing based on profile (how many times)
10078: l_incr_iter := NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_LOTCOST_ITERATION'), 0);
10080: /*Bug 13808832 - This profile is an internal profile and is not currently shipped, i.e By default WIP batch txns are not processed */
10081: l_process_wip_batch:= NVL( FND_PROFILE.VALUE('GMF_PROCESS_WIP_BATCH_LACP'), 0);
10082: /*Bug 13808832 - end*/
10084: -- umoogala 05-Dec-2003
10085: IF p_final_run_flag = 'Y' THEN

Line 10095: l_user_id := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID');

10091: l_login_id := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
10092: l_prog_appl_id := FND_GLOBAL.PROG_APPL_ID;
10093: l_program_id := FND_GLOBAL.CONC_PROGRAM_ID;
10094: l_request_id := FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID;
10095: l_user_id := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID');
10096: SELECT user_name INTO l_user
10097: FROM fnd_user
10098: WHERE user_id = l_user_id;