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Line 1624: hz_party_sites p,

1620: from csf_debrief_lines cdl,
1621: csf_debrief_headers csf,
1622: jtf_task_assignments jta,
1623: jtf_tasks_b jtb,
1624: hz_party_sites p,
1625: hz_locations loc
1626: where csf.debrief_header_id = p_debrief_line_rec.debrief_header_id
1627: and debrief_line_id = l_debrief_line_id
1628: and csf.debrief_header_id = cdl.debrief_header_id

Line 2289: hz_party_sites p,

2285: from csf_debrief_lines cdl,
2286: csf_debrief_headers csf,
2287: jtf_task_assignments jta,
2288: jtf_tasks_b jtb,
2289: hz_party_sites p,
2290: hz_locations loc
2291: where csf.debrief_header_id = l_debrief_line_rec.debrief_header_id
2292: and debrief_line_id = l_debrief_line_id
2293: and csf.debrief_header_id = cdl.debrief_header_id

Line 3487: from hz_party_sites hps,

3483: log('task_assignment_post_update','update csp_planning_parameters');
3484: update csp_planning_parameters cpp
3485: set hz_location_id =
3486: (select hps.location_id
3487: from hz_party_sites hps,
3488: jtf_tasks_b jtb,
3489: jtf_task_assignments jta
3490: where hps.party_site_id = jtb.address_id
3491: and jta.task_id = jtb.task_id

Line 3510: from hz_party_sites hps, csp_rs_cust_relations crcr,

3506: log('task_assignment_post_update','update csp_planning_parameters in else');
3507: update csp_planning_parameters cpp
3508: set hz_location_id =
3509: (select min(hps.location_id)
3510: from hz_party_sites hps, csp_rs_cust_relations crcr,
3511: hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa,hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua
3512: where crcr.customer_id = hcasa.cust_account_id
3513: and hcasa.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id
3514: and crcr.resource_type = l_resource_type_code