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APPS.BEN_PLI_BUS dependencies on BEN_PL_F

Line 36: , ben_pl_f pl

32: cursor csr_leg_code is
33: select pbg.legislation_code
34: from per_business_groups pbg
35: , ben_pl_extra_info pli
36: , ben_pl_f pl
37: where pli.pl_extra_info_id = p_pl_extra_info_id
38: and pl.pl_id = pli.pl_id
39: and pbg.business_group_id = pl.business_group_id;
40: --

Line 220: from ben_pl_f

216: --
218: cursor c_valid_pl (id number) is
219: select 'x'
220: from ben_pl_f
221: where pl_id = id;
224: --