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1 package body AP_LOGGING_PKG as
2 /* $Header: apdologb.pls 120.3 2004/10/27 23:52:36 pjena noship $ */
3                                                                          --
4 --                     _______
5 --                    |       |
6 --                    |       |
7 --                    |       |
8 --           _________|       |_________
9 --           \                         /
10 --            \  AP Debugging/Logging /
11 --             \     thru pipes      /
12 --              \       _____       /
13 --               \     |     |     /
14 --                \    |     |    /
15 --                 \___|     |___/
16 --                  \           /
17 --                   \  BEGIN  /
18 --                    \       /
19 --                     \     /
20 --                      \   /
21 --                       \ /
22 --                        v
23 --
24 --
25 -- Procedures for server side PL/SQL debugging/logging:
26 --
27 -- The following procedures enable logging through the Oracle Piping system
28 -- sending messages to the SGA that can be read by a different session.
29 -- The messages can be automatically indented respecting the nesting level
30 -- of the PL/SQL blocks from within they have been issued.
31 --
32                                                                           --
33                 /*----------------------------*
34                  | Private Objects Definition |
35                  *----------------------------*/
36                                                                           --
37 function Adjusted_Size         (MaxSize IN number)
38 return number
39 is
41   -- Opening a pipe with potential size 60% larger than needed avoids
42   -- locking issues in memory:
43   return(round(MaxSize * 1.6));
44 END Adjusted_Size;
45                                                                           --
46                                                                           --
47 function Build_Stat_String     (SizeUsed     IN     number
48                                ,MaxSize      IN     number
49                                )
50 return varchar2
51 is
53   if (maxsize > 0) then
54     return (substr(to_char(nvl(SizeUsed,0),'09999'),2)||'/'||
55             substr(to_char(MaxSize,'09999'),2)||'='||
56             substr(to_char(100*nvl(SizeUsed,0)/MaxSize,'099'),2)||'%'
57            );
58   else
59     return ('00000/00000=000%');  -- "Null size" string
60   end if;
61 END Build_Stat_String;
62                                                                           --
63                                                                           --
64 procedure Send_Message_To_Pipe (PipeName     IN     varchar2
65                                ,Msg          IN     varchar2
66                                ,Result       OUT NOCOPY    number
67                                ,StatString   OUT NOCOPY    varchar2
68                                ,SizeUsed     IN OUT NOCOPY number
69                                ,LinesEntered IN OUT NOCOPY number
70                                )
71 is
72                                                                           --
73 -- Sends a message to a named pipe, updating memory usage statistics
74 -- when successfully sent.
75                                                                           --
76   ctr             number(1)    := 2; -- Assumes not enough space in pipe
77   maxsize         number(5)    := Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Max_Size;
78   oldsizeused     number(5)    := SizeUsed;
79   oldlinesentered number(5)    := LinesEntered;
80                                                                           --
82                                                                           --
83   -- Possible OUT/Success values for Result parameter:
84   -- -1 (unknown error)
85   --  0 (normal completion)
86   --  1 (timeout error due to lock on pipe)
87   --  2 (pipe full)
88                                                                           --
89   if (SizeUsed+length(Msg) <= maxsize) then
90     dbms_pipe.pack_message(Msg);
91     ctr := dbms_pipe.send_message(PipeName
92                                  ,1  /* One second timeout */
93                                  ,Adjusted_Size(maxsize)
94                                  );
95     if (ctr = 0) then
96                                                                           --
97       SizeUsed     := SizeUsed + length(Msg);
98       LinesEntered := LinesEntered + 1;
99       StatString   := Build_Stat_String(SizeUsed, maxsize);
100                                                                           --
101     end if;
102                                                                           --
103   end if;
104                                                                           --
105   Result := ctr;
106                                                                           --
108                                                                           --
109   -- In case of ANY error, stop the queue and restore settings:
110   when OTHERS then
111     Result                               := -1; -- Unknown error
112     LinesEntered                         := oldlinesentered;
113     StatString                           := Build_Stat_String(oldsizeused
114                                                              ,maxsize
115                                                              );
116     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Currently_Logging := FALSE;
117                                                                           --
118 END Send_Message_To_Pipe;
119                                                                           --
120 procedure Pop_One_Level
121 is
122   ctr number := length(Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack);
124   if (
125       (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level > 0)
126       and
127       (instr(Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack,'+') > 0)
128      ) then
129     while (ctr > 0) loop
130       exit when (substr(Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack, ctr, 1) = '+');
131       ctr := ctr - 1;
132     end loop;
133     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack := replace(Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack
134                                              ,substr
135                                               (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack
136                                               ,ctr
137                                               )
138                                              ,''
139                                              );
140     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level := Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level - 1;
141   end if;
142 END Pop_One_Level;
143                                                                           --
144 procedure Push_One_Level (P_Message_Location IN varchar2)
145 is
147   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack   := Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack||
148                                       '+'||P_Message_Location;
149   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level := Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level + 1;
150 END Push_One_Level;
151                                                                           --
152 function Get_Location_Level (P_Message_Location IN varchar2)
153 return number
154 is
155   ctr number;
156   lvl number         := Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level;
157   stk varchar2(5000) := Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack;
159   if (
160       (lvl > 0)
161       and
162       (instr(stk, '+') > 0)
163       and
164       (instr(stk, P_Message_Location) > 0)
165      ) then
166     while (lvl > 0) loop
167       ctr := length(stk);
168       while (
169              (ctr > 0)
170              and
171              (instr(stk, '+') > 0)
172             ) loop
173         exit when (substr(stk, ctr, 1) = '+');
174         ctr := ctr - 1;
175       end loop;
176       stk := replace(stk, substr(stk,ctr), '');
177       exit when (instr(nvl(stk,'+'), P_Message_Location) = 0);
178       lvl := lvl - 1;
179     end loop;
180   else
181     lvl := 0;
182   end if;
183                                                                           --
184   return(lvl);
185                                                                           --
186 END Get_Location_Level;
187                                                                           --
188                                                                           --
189                 /*---------------------------*
190                  | Public Objects Definition |
191                  *---------------------------*/
192                                                                           --
193 procedure Ap_Begin_Log (P_Calling_Module IN     varchar2
194                        ,P_Max_Size       IN     number
195                        )
196 is
197 /*
198    Copyright (c) 1995 by Oracle Corporation
200    NAME
201      Ap_Begin_Log
203      This opens a piping area in memory for debugging/logging purposes
204    NOTES
205      Procedure to be conditionally executed from the application firing
206      the PL/SQL object
207    HISTORY                            (YY/MM/DD)
208      atassoni.it                       95/07/05  Creation
209 */
210                                                                           --
211   session_name      varchar2(30)   := dbms_pipe.unique_session_name;
212   header_message    varchar2(2000) := '>> Opened '||session_name||
213                                       ' for '||P_Calling_Module||
214                                       ' on '||
215                                       to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss')||
216                                       ' - size: '||to_char(P_Max_Size);
217                                                                           --
219                                                                           --
220   -- Start clearing old messages under the same pipe, if present
221   dbms_pipe.purge(session_name);
222                                                                           --
223   -- Set the logging packaged variables:
224   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name         := session_name;
225   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Max_Size          := P_Max_Size;
226   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Used_Size         := 0;
227   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Lines_Entered     := 0;
228   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level     := 0;
229   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack       := null;
230   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Currently_Logging := TRUE;
231                                                                           --
232   -- Initiates the pipe inserting the header as first message:
233   Send_Message_To_Pipe (session_name
234                        ,header_message
235                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Log_Return_Code
236                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Stat
237                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Used_Size
238                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Lines_Entered
239                        );
240                                                                           --
242                                                                           --
243   when OTHERS then
244     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name         := session_name;
245     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Max_Size          := 0;
246     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Used_Size         := 0;
247     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Lines_Entered     := 0;
248     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level     := 0;
249     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack       := null;
250     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Log_Return_Code   := -1;
251     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Stat              := Build_Stat_String(0,0);
252     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Currently_Logging := FALSE;
253                                                                           --
254 END Ap_Begin_Log;
255                                                                           --
256                                                                           --
257 procedure Ap_End_Log
258 is
259 /*
261    Copyright (c) 1995 by Oracle Corporation
263    NAME
264      Ap_End_Log
266      This procedure issues the close message to the piping area in memory
267      identified by the actual value of Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name
268    NOTES
269      Procedure to be conditionally executed from the application firing
270      the PL/SQL object
271    HISTORY                            (YY/MM/DD)
272      atassoni.it                       95/07/05  Creation
273 */
274                                                                           --
275   footer_message varchar2(240)   := '<< Closed '||
276                                     Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name||
277                                     ' on '||
278                                     to_char(sysdate,'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss')||
279                                     ' - used: ';
281                                                                           --
282   footer_message := footer_message||Build_Stat_String
283                                     (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Used_Size+
284                                      length(footer_message)+16
285                                     ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Max_Size
286                                     );
287                                                                           --
288   -- Terminates the pipe trying to insert the footer as last message:
289   Send_Message_To_Pipe (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name
290                        ,footer_message
291                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Log_Return_Code
292                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Stat
293                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Used_Size
294                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Lines_Entered
295                        );
296                                                                           --
297   -- Extinguish piping to this name
298   Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Currently_Logging := FALSE;
299                                                                           --
300 END Ap_End_Log;
301                                                                           --
302                                                                           --
303 function Ap_Pipe_Name
304 return varchar2
305 is
307   return (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name);
308 END Ap_Pipe_Name;
309                                                                           --
310                                                                           --
311 procedure Ap_Pipe_Name_23 (P_Pipe_name        OUT NOCOPY    varchar2)
312 is
314   P_Pipe_name := Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name;
315 END Ap_Pipe_Name_23;
316                                                                           --
317                                                                           --
318 function Ap_Log_Return_Code
319 return number
320 is
322   return (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Log_Return_Code);
323 END Ap_Log_Return_Code;
324                                                                           --
325                                                                           --
326 procedure Ap_Begin_Block  (P_Message_Location IN     varchar2)
327 is
329                                                                           --
330   Push_One_Level (P_Message_Location);
331   Ap_Logging_Pkg.Ap_Log ('BEGIN '||P_Message_Location, P_Message_Location);
332                                                                           --
333 END Ap_Begin_Block;
334                                                                           --
335                                                                           --
336 procedure Ap_End_Block  (P_Message_Location IN     varchar2)
337 is
339                                                                           --
340   Ap_Logging_Pkg.Ap_Log ('END '||P_Message_Location, P_Message_Location);
341   Pop_One_Level;
342                                                                           --
343 END Ap_End_Block;
344                                                                           --
345                                                                           --
346 procedure Ap_Indent
347 is
349                                                                           --
350   Push_One_Level (to_char(Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level+1));
351                                                                           --
352 END Ap_Indent;
353                                                                           --
354                                                                           --
355 procedure Ap_Outdent
356 is
361 END Ap_Outdent;
358                                                                           --
359   Pop_One_Level;
360                                                                           --
362                                                                           --
363                                                                           --
364 procedure Ap_Log          (P_Message          IN     varchar2
365                           ,P_Message_Location IN     varchar2
366                                                      default null
367                           )
369 is
370 /*
371    Copyright (c) 1995 by Oracle Corporation
373    NAME
374      Ap_Log
376      This procedure sends a debug/log message to the specified pipe
377      Each message is automatically indented to the right on a
378      P_Message_Location basis through the current DBG_Debug_Stack value.
379    NOTES
380      This procedure issues the message to the piping area in memory
381      identified by the actual value of Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name
383    HISTORY                            (YY/MM/DD)
384      atassoni.it                       95/07/05  Creation
385 */
386                                                                           --
387   current_level number;
388   message       varchar2(5000) := P_Message;
389   location      varchar2(30)   := P_Message_Location;
390   NOTHING_TO_DO exception;
391                                                                           --
393                                                                           --
394   if (NOT nvl(Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Currently_Logging, FALSE)) then
395     raise NOTHING_TO_DO;
396   end if;
397                                                                           --
398   if (P_Message_Location is null) then
399     -- No location passed in: assign a default one as level#
400     if (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Debug_Stack is null) then
401       location := '1';
402     else
403       location := to_char(Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level);
404     end if;
405   end if;
406                                                                           --
407   current_level := Get_Location_Level (location);
408                                                                           --
409   if (current_level = 0) then
410     -- The location is not in the stack. Create one more level:
411     Push_One_Level (location);
412   else
413     -- The location is already in the stack. Bring the stack to that level:
414     loop
415       exit when (current_level = Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level);
416       Pop_One_Level;
417     end loop;
418   end if;
419                                                                           --
420   -- Insert the message at current indentation level:
421   Send_Message_To_Pipe (Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Pipe_Name
422                        ,lpad(message
423                             ,length(message)+2*Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Message_Level
424                             )
425                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Log_Return_Code
426                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Stat
427                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Used_Size
428                        ,Ap_Logging_Pkg.DBG_Lines_Entered
429                        );
430                                                                           --
432                                                                           --
433   when NOTHING_TO_DO then null;
434                                                                           --
435 END Ap_Log;
436                                                                           --
437 --                     _______
438 --                    |       |
439 --                    |       |
440 --                    |       |
441 --           _________|       |_________
442 --           \                         /
443 --            \  AP Debugging/Logging /
444 --             \     thru pipes      /
445 --              \                   /
446 --        ___________   ___       __   ___________
447 --       / _________/  / . \     / /  / _________ \
448 --      / /______  \  / / \ \   / /  / /        / /
449 --     / _______/   \/ /   \ \ / /  / /        / /
450 --    / /_________  / /     \ ` /  / /________/ /
451 --   /___________/ /_/       \_/  /___________,'
452 --                     \     /
453 --                      \   /
454 --                       \ /
455 --                        v
456                                                                           --
457                                                                           --