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4    g_module_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (2)   := 'PN';
2 /* $Header: PNLAMWFB.pls 120.1.12020000.2 2013/03/26 22:19:45 smahapat ship $ */
5    g_debug                  VARCHAR2 (255)
6                             := NVL (fnd_profile.VALUE ('PN_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
8                              -- Start of comments
9    --
10    -- Procedure Name : raise_business_event
11    -- Description   : Generic procedure for raising business events
12    -- Business Rules :
13    -- Parameters    : p_transaction_id, p_event_name,p_lease_id,p_old_approval_status,p_new_approval_status,p_old_lease_status,p_new_lease_status
14    -- Version      : 1.0
15    --Hstory         :SREEDHAR MAYA created.
16    -- End of comments
17    PROCEDURE raise_business_event (
18       p_transaction_id     IN   NUMBER,
19       p_event_name         IN   VARCHAR2,
20       p_lease_id           IN   pn_leases_all.lease_id%TYPE,
21       p_old_lease_status   IN   pn_leases_all.lease_status%TYPE,
22       p_new_lease_status   IN   pn_leases_all.lease_status%TYPE
23    )
24    IS
25       l_parameter_list   wf_parameter_list_t;
26       l_event_key        VARCHAR2 (240);
27       l_seq              NUMBER;
29       -- Cursor for event key
30       CURSOR pn_key_cur
31       IS
32          SELECT pn_wf_item_s.NEXTVAL
33            FROM DUAL;
34    BEGIN
35       OPEN pn_key_cur;
37       FETCH pn_key_cur
38        INTO l_seq;
40       CLOSE pn_key_cur;
42       wf_debug ('Value of l_seq' || l_seq);
43       --defining event key value
44       l_event_key := p_event_name || l_seq;
45       --Adding all the input parameters to the varray list for wf_event.raise parameter
46       wf_event.addparametertolist ('TRANSACTION_ID',
47                                    p_transaction_id,
48                                    l_parameter_list
49                                   );
50       wf_event.addparametertolist ('LEASE_ID', p_lease_id, l_parameter_list);
51       wf_event.addparametertolist ('OLD_LEASE_STATUS',
52                                    p_old_lease_status,
53                                    l_parameter_list
54                                   );
55       wf_event.addparametertolist ('NEW_LEASE_STATUS',
56                                    p_new_lease_status,
57                                    l_parameter_list
58                                   );
60       -- MOAC checking
61       IF p_event_name IN ('oracle.apps.pn.lease.leasestatus')
62       THEN
63          wf_event.addparametertolist ('ORG_ID',
64                                       mo_global.get_current_org_id,
65                                       l_parameter_list
66                                      );
67       END IF;
69       -- Raise Event
70       wf_event.RAISE (p_event_name      => p_event_name,
71                       p_event_key       => l_event_key,
72                       p_parameters      => l_parameter_list
73                      );
74       -- Clear parameter list
75       l_parameter_list.DELETE;
77       WHEN OTHERS
78       THEN
79          fnd_message.set_token ('PN_AM_WF.RAISE_BUSINESS_EVENT ERROR',
80                                 SQLERRM
81                                );
82          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
84          IF pn_key_cur%ISOPEN
85          THEN
86             CLOSE pn_key_cur;
87          END IF;
88    END raise_business_event;
90     -- Start of comments
91    --
92    -- Procedure Name : get_approver
93    -- Description : Called from the Generic Approvals WF and is recursively executed
94    --                  until all approvers have been located or until an approvwer
95    --                  rejects a request.
96    -- Business Rules :
97    -- Parameters  : itemtype, itemkey, actid, funcmode, resultout
98    -- Version  : 1.0
100    -- End of comments
101    PROCEDURE get_approver (
102       itemtype    IN              VARCHAR2,
103       itemkey     IN              VARCHAR2,
104       actid       IN              NUMBER,
105       funcmode    IN              VARCHAR2,
106       resultout   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
107    )
108    IS
109       l_trx_type         VARCHAR2 (240);
110       l_app_id           NUMBER;
111       l_approver_rec     ame_util.approverrecord;
112       l_approver         wf_users.NAME%TYPE;
113       l_name             wf_users.description%TYPE;
114       l_transaction_id   VARCHAR2 (100);
115       l_result           VARCHAR2 (30);
116       l_user_id          NUMBER;
117    BEGIN
118       IF (funcmode = 'RUN')
119       THEN
120          -- Get OAM parameter values from Approvals WF
121          l_trx_type :=
122             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
123                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
124                                        aname         => 'TRX_TYPE_ID'
125                                       );
126          l_app_id :=
127             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
128                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
129                                        aname         => 'APPLICATION_ID'
130                                       );
131          l_transaction_id :=
132             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
133                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
134                                        aname         => 'TRANSACTION_ID'
135                                       );
136          -- Call OAM api to get approval details
137          ame_api.getnextapprover (applicationidin        => l_app_id,
138                                   transactionidin        => l_transaction_id,
139                                   transactiontypein      => l_trx_type,
140                                   nextapproverout        => l_approver_rec
141                                  );
143          IF l_approver_rec.person_id IS NOT NULL
144          THEN                                           -- populate attributes
145             l_user_id := ame_util.personidtouserid (l_approver_rec.person_id);
146             wf_debug ('User Id of approver' || l_user_id);
147             get_notification_agent (itemtype           => itemtype,
148                                     itemkey            => itemkey,
149                                     actid              => actid,
150                                     funcmode           => funcmode,
151                                     p_user_id          => l_user_id,
152                                     x_name             => l_approver,
153                                     x_description      => l_name
154                                    );
155             wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
156                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
157                                        aname         => 'APPROVER',
158                                        avalue        => l_approver
159                                       );
160             wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
161                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
162                                        aname         => 'FIRST_NAME',
163                                        avalue        => l_approver_rec.first_name
164                                       );
165             wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
166                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
167                                        aname         => 'LAST_NAME',
168                                        avalue        => l_approver_rec.last_name
169                                       );
170             wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype      => itemtype,
171                                          itemkey       => itemkey,
172                                          aname         => 'USER_ID',
173                                          avalue        => l_approver_rec.user_id
174                                         );
175             wf_engine.setitemattrnumber (itemtype      => itemtype,
176                                          itemkey       => itemkey,
177                                          aname         => 'PERSON_ID',
178                                          avalue        => l_approver_rec.person_id
179                                         );
180             wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
181                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
182                                        aname         => 'API_INSERTION',
183                                        avalue        => l_approver_rec.api_insertion
184                                       );
185             wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
186                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
187                                        aname         => 'AUTHORITY',
188                                        avalue        => l_approver_rec.authority
189                                       );
190             resultout := 'COMPLETE:FOUND';
191          ELSE
192             l_result :=
193                wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
194                                           itemkey       => itemkey,
195                                           aname         => 'RESULT'
196                                          );
197             wf_debug ('RESULT' || l_result);
199             IF l_result IS NULL
200             THEN
201                -- There were no appovers, set RESULT to APPROVE
202                wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
203                                           itemkey       => itemkey,
204                                           aname         => 'RESULT',
205                                           avalue        => 'APPROVED'
206                                          );
207             END IF;
209             resultout := 'COMPLETE:NOT_FOUND';
210          END IF;
212          RETURN;
213       END IF;
215       --
216       -- CANCEL mode
217       --
218       IF (funcmode = 'CANCEL')
219       THEN
220          --
221          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
222          RETURN;
223       --
224       END IF;
226       --
227       -- TIMEOUT mode
228       --
229       IF (funcmode = 'TIMEOUT')
230       THEN
231          --
232          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
233          RETURN;
234       --
235       END IF;
237       WHEN OTHERS
238       THEN
239          wf_core.CONTEXT ('PN_AM_WF',
240                           'GET_APPROVER',
241                           itemtype,
242                           itemkey,
243                           actid,
244                           funcmode
245                          );
246          RAISE;
247    END get_approver;
249     -- Start of comments
250    --
251    -- Procedure Name : update_status
252    -- Description   : To update lease status based on whether the lease is approved/rejected
253    -- Business Rules :
254    -- Parameters    : itemtype,itemkey,actid,funcmode,resultout
255    -- Version      : 1.0
256    --History       :Vaishali Telang Created
257    -- End of comments
258    PROCEDURE update_status (
259       itemtype    IN              VARCHAR2,
260       itemkey     IN              VARCHAR2,
261       actid       IN              NUMBER,
262       funcmode    IN              VARCHAR2,
263       resultout   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
264    )
265    IS
266       l_result                   VARCHAR2 (20);
267       l_transaction_id           VARCHAR2 (20);
268       l_lease_status             VARCHAR2 (20);
269       l_commencement_date        DATE;
270       l_requestid                NUMBER;
271       l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'UPDATE_STATUS';
272       l_api_name_full   CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (61)
273                                            := 'PN_AM_WF' || '.' || l_api_name;
274       l_org_id          CONSTANT NUMBER       := mo_global.get_current_org_id;
275    BEGIN
276       IF (funcmode = 'RUN')
277       THEN
278          l_result :=
279             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
280                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
281                                        aname         => 'RESULT'
282                                       );
283          wf_debug ('RESULT' || l_result);
284          l_transaction_id :=
285             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
286                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
287                                        aname         => 'TRANSACTION_ID'
288                                       );
289          wf_debug ('TRANSACTION_ID' || l_transaction_id);
291          SELECT plda.lease_commencement_date, pla.lease_status
292            INTO l_commencement_date, l_lease_status
293            FROM pn_leases_all pla, pn_lease_details_all plda
294           WHERE pla.lease_id = plda.lease_id
295             AND pla.lease_id = l_transaction_id
296             AND pla.org_id = plda.org_id;
298          IF l_result = 'APPROVED'
299          THEN
300             UPDATE pn_leases_all
301                SET status = 'F'
302              WHERE lease_id = l_transaction_id;
304             l_requestid :=
305                submit_program (l_api_name_full,
306                                l_org_id,
307                                l_transaction_id,
308                                l_lease_status,
309                                l_commencement_date
310                               );
312             IF (l_requestid = 0)
313             THEN
314                fnd_message.set_name ('PN', 'PN_SUBSCHEDULES_ERR');
315                fnd_message.set_token ('API_NAME',
316                                          l_api_name_full
317                                       || '-SubmitSchedulesConcProgram'
318                                      );
319                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
320                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
321             END IF;
323             wf_debug ('Value of request_id' || l_requestid);
324          ELSIF l_result = 'REJECT'
325          THEN
326             UPDATE pn_leases_all
327                SET status = 'D'
328              WHERE lease_id = l_transaction_id;
329          END IF;
331          -- ensure the the statuses have been cleared out for reuse.
332          UPDATE ame_temp_old_approver_lists
333             SET approval_status = NULL
334           WHERE transaction_id = l_transaction_id;
336          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
337          RETURN;
338       END IF;
340       --
341       -- CANCEL mode
342       --
343       IF (funcmode = 'CANCEL')
344       THEN
345          --
346          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
347          RETURN;
348       --
349       END IF;
351       --
352       -- TIMEOUT mode
353       --
354       IF (funcmode = 'TIMEOUT')
355       THEN
356          --
357          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
358          RETURN;
359       --
360       END IF;
362       COMMIT;
364       WHEN OTHERS
365       THEN
366          wf_core.CONTEXT ('PN_AM_WF',
367                           'UPDATE_STATUS',
368                           itemtype,
369                           itemkey,
370                           actid,
371                           funcmode
372                          );
373          RAISE;
374    END update_status;
376 -- Start of comments
377   --
378   -- Procedure Name : call_lease_approval_wf
379   -- Description   : call the workflow when the status is final/submitted
380   -- Business Rules :
381   -- Parameters    : p_transaction_id, p_lease_id
382   -- Version      : 1.0
383   --History       :Vaishali Telang Created
384   -- End of comments
385    PROCEDURE call_lease_approval_wf (
386       p_transaction_id   IN   NUMBER,
387       p_lease_id         IN   NUMBER
388    )
389    IS
390       -- Selects the nextval from sequence, used later for defining event key
391       l_key                 VARCHAR2 (240);
392       l_seq                 NUMBER;
393       l_itemtype            VARCHAR2 (30)   := 'PNAPPRWF';
394       l_process             VARCHAR2 (30)   := 'PN_PROC';
395       l_requester           VARCHAR2 (30);
396       l_lease_number        VARCHAR2 (4000);
397       l_trx_type            VARCHAR2 (1000);
398       l_app_id              NUMBER;
399       l_commencement_date   DATE;
400       l_termination_date    DATE;
402       CURSOR pn_key_csr
403       IS
404          SELECT pn_wf_item_s.NEXTVAL
405            FROM DUAL;
407       CURSOR get_app_id_csr
408       IS
409          SELECT application_id
410            FROM fnd_application
411           WHERE application_short_name = 'PN';
413       l_org_id              NUMBER;
414    BEGIN
415       SELECT transaction_type_id
416         INTO l_trx_type
417         FROM ame_calling_apps
418        WHERE application_name = 'PN approval workflow';
420       SELECT f.user_name, pla.lease_num, plda.lease_commencement_date,
421              plda.lease_termination_date
422         INTO l_requester, l_lease_number, l_commencement_date,
423              l_termination_date
424         FROM pn_leases_all pla, pn_lease_details_all plda, fnd_user f
425        WHERE pla.lease_id = plda.lease_id
426          AND pla.lease_id = p_lease_id
427          AND pla.last_updated_by = f.user_id
428          AND pla.org_id = plda.org_id;
430       OPEN pn_key_csr;
432       FETCH pn_key_csr
433        INTO l_seq;
435       CLOSE pn_key_csr;
437       OPEN get_app_id_csr;
439       FETCH get_app_id_csr
440        INTO l_app_id;
442       CLOSE get_app_id_csr;
444       l_key := l_itemtype || l_seq;
445       wf_engine.createprocess (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
446                                itemkey       => l_key,
447                                process       => l_process
448                               );
449       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
450                                  itemkey       => l_key,
451                                  aname         => 'REQUESTOR',
452                                  avalue        => l_requester
453                                 );
454       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
455                                  itemkey       => l_key,
456                                  aname         => 'LEASE_NUMBER',
457                                  avalue        => l_lease_number
458                                 );
459       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
460                                  itemkey       => l_key,
461                                  aname         => 'TRANSACTION_ID',
462                                  avalue        => p_transaction_id
463                                 );
464       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
465                                  itemkey       => l_key,
466                                  aname         => 'APPLICATION_ID',
467                                  avalue        => l_app_id
468                                 );
469       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
470                                  itemkey       => l_key,
471                                  aname         => 'LEASE_COMMENCEMENT_DATE',
472                                  avalue        => l_commencement_date
473                                 );
474       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
475                                  itemkey       => l_key,
476                                  aname         => 'LEASE_TERMINATION_DATE',
477                                  avalue        => l_termination_date
478                                 );
479       l_org_id :=
480          wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
481                                     itemkey       => l_key,
482                                     aname         => 'ORG_ID'
483                                    );
484       wf_debug ('Value of ORG_ID' || l_org_id);
485       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
486                                  itemkey       => l_key,
487                                  aname         => 'ORG_ID',
488                                  avalue        => l_org_id
489                                 );
490       wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => l_itemtype,
491                                  itemkey       => l_key,
492                                  aname         => 'TRX_TYPE_ID',
493                                  avalue        => l_trx_type
494                                 );
495       wf_engine.startprocess (itemtype => l_itemtype, itemkey => l_key);
497       WHEN OTHERS
498       THEN
499          IF pn_key_csr%ISOPEN
500          THEN
501             CLOSE pn_key_csr;
502          END IF;
503    END call_lease_approval_wf;
505     -- Start of comments
506    --
507    -- Procedure Name : set_approval_status
508    -- Description : Called from the Generic Approvals WF to set the approval status
509    --                  and is recursively executed
510    --                  until all approvers have been located or until an approvwer
511    --                  rejects a request.
512    -- Business Rules :
513    -- Parameters  : itemtype, itemkey, actid, funcmode, resultout
514    -- Version  : 1.0
515    --
516    -- End of comments
517    PROCEDURE set_approval_status (
518       itemtype    IN              VARCHAR2,
519       itemkey     IN              VARCHAR2,
520       actid       IN              NUMBER,
521       funcmode    IN              VARCHAR2,
522       resultout   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
523    )
524    IS
525       l_app_id           NUMBER;
526       l_trx_type         VARCHAR2 (100);
527       l_approved_yn      VARCHAR2 (30);
531    BEGIN
528       l_approver_rec     ame_util.approverrecord;
529       l_user_id          NUMBER;
530       l_transaction_id   VARCHAR2 (100);
532       SAVEPOINT set_atts;
534       IF (funcmode = 'RUN')
535       THEN
536          -- Get current approval status
537          l_approved_yn :=
538             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
539                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
540                                        aname         => 'RESULT'
541                                       );
542          wf_debug ('RESULT' || l_approved_yn);
544          IF l_approved_yn = 'APPROVED'
545          THEN
546             l_approver_rec.approval_status := 'APPROVE';
547          ELSE
548             l_approver_rec.approval_status := 'REJECT';
549          END IF;
551          -- All OAM attributes
552          l_transaction_id :=
553             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
554                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
555                                        aname         => 'TRANSACTION_ID'
556                                       );
557          l_trx_type :=
558             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
559                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
560                                        aname         => 'TRX_TYPE_ID'
561                                       );
562          wf_debug ('TRANSACTION TYPE ID' || l_trx_type);
563          l_app_id :=
564             wf_engine.getitemattrnumber (itemtype      => itemtype,
565                                          itemkey       => itemkey,
566                                          aname         => 'APPLICATION_ID'
567                                         );
568          l_approver_rec.last_name :=
569             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
570                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
571                                        aname         => 'LAST_NAME'
572                                       );
573          l_approver_rec.first_name :=
574             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
575                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
576                                        aname         => 'FIRST_NAME'
577                                       );
578          l_user_id :=
579             wf_engine.getitemattrnumber (itemtype      => itemtype,
580                                          itemkey       => itemkey,
581                                          aname         => 'USER_ID'
582                                         );
584          IF l_user_id = -1
585          THEN
586             l_approver_rec.user_id := NULL;
587          ELSE
588             l_approver_rec.user_id := l_user_id;
589          END IF;
591          l_approver_rec.person_id :=
592             wf_engine.getitemattrnumber (itemtype      => itemtype,
593                                          itemkey       => itemkey,
594                                          aname         => 'PERSON_ID'
595                                         );
596          l_approver_rec.api_insertion :=
597             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
598                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
599                                        aname         => 'API_INSERTION'
600                                       );
601          l_approver_rec.authority :=
602             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
603                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
604                                        aname         => 'AUTHORITY'
605                                       );
606          ame_api.updateapprovalstatus (applicationidin        => l_app_id,
607                                        transactionidin        => l_transaction_id,
608                                        approverin             => l_approver_rec,
609                                        transactiontypein      => l_trx_type
610                                       );
611          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
612          RETURN;
613       END IF;
615       --
616       -- CANCEL mode
617       --
618       IF (funcmode = 'CANCEL')
619       THEN
620          --
621          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
622          RETURN;
623       --
624       END IF;
626       --
627       -- TIMEOUT mode
628       --
629       IF (funcmode = 'TIMEOUT')
630       THEN
631          --
632          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
633          RETURN;
634       --
635       END IF;
637       WHEN OTHERS
638       THEN
639          wf_core.CONTEXT ('PN_AM_WF',
640                           'SET_APPROVAL_STATUS',
641                           itemtype,
642                           itemkey,
643                           actid,
644                           funcmode
645                          );
646          RAISE;
647    END set_approval_status;
649     -- Start of comments
650    --
651    -- Procedure Name : set_status_on_exit
652    -- Description : Called from the Generic Approvals WF to set the Result
653    --                  attribute when requet timed out
654    -- Business Rules :
655    -- Parameters  : itemtype, itemkey, actid, funcmode, resultout
656    -- Version  : 1.0
657    --
658    -- End of comments
659    PROCEDURE set_status_on_exit (
660       itemtype    IN              VARCHAR2,
664       resultout   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
661       itemkey     IN              VARCHAR2,
662       actid       IN              NUMBER,
663       funcmode    IN              VARCHAR2,
665    )
666    IS
667    -- for debug logging
668    BEGIN
669       SAVEPOINT set_atts;
671       IF (funcmode = 'RUN')
672       THEN
673          wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
674                                     itemkey       => itemkey,
675                                     aname         => 'RESULT',
676                                     avalue        => 'REJECT'
677                                    );
678          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
679          RETURN;
680       END IF;
682       --
683       -- CANCEL mode
684       --
685       IF (funcmode = 'CANCEL')
686       THEN
687          --
688          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
689          RETURN;
690       --
691       END IF;
693       --
694       -- TIMEOUT mode
695       --
696       IF (funcmode = 'TIMEOUT')
697       THEN
698          --
699          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
700          RETURN;
701       --
702       END IF;
704       WHEN OTHERS
705       THEN
706          wf_core.CONTEXT ('PN_AM_WF',
707                           'SET_STATUS_ON_EXIT',
708                           itemtype,
709                           itemkey,
710                           actid,
711                           funcmode
712                          );
713          RAISE;
714    END set_status_on_exit;
716      -- Start of comments
717    --
718    -- Procedure Name : GET_NOTIFICATION_AGENT
719    -- Description : Used by WF procedures where internal notifications are sent.
720    --                  Determines the user_name and description of the notification
721    --                  agent.
722    -- Business Rules :
723    -- Parameters  : itemtype, itemkey, actid, funcmode, resultout, p_user_id,
724    --                  x_name, x_description
725    -- Version  : 1.0
727    -- End of comments
728    PROCEDURE get_notification_agent (
729       itemtype        IN              VARCHAR2,
730       itemkey         IN              VARCHAR2,
731       actid           IN              NUMBER,
732       funcmode        IN              VARCHAR2,
733       p_user_id       IN              NUMBER,
734       x_name          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
735       x_description   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
736    )
737    IS
738       CURSOR wf_roles_csr (c_emp_id NUMBER, c_system VARCHAR2)
739       IS
740          SELECT NAME, display_name
741            FROM wf_roles
742           WHERE orig_system_id = c_emp_id AND orig_system = c_system;
744       CURSOR fnd_users_csr (c_user_id NUMBER)
745       IS
746          SELECT user_name, description, employee_id
747            FROM fnd_user
748           WHERE user_id = c_user_id;
750       l_user   VARCHAR2 (50);
751       l_desc   VARCHAR2 (100);
752       l_emp    NUMBER;
753    BEGIN
754       /* The logic for retrieving a wf user follows this hierarchy:
755          [Step 1] First check if p_user_id is for an FND user.
756          [Step 2] If FND user found, then find if attached to a HR person
757          [Step 3] If Step 2 is TRUE then get user where orig system is 'PER'
758                   based on the HR person id (l_emp)
759          [Step 4] If Step 2 TRUE but l_emp is NULL therefore not attached
760                   to a HR person, use the FND user as is.
761          [Step 5] If FND user not found, then check if the p_user_id passed
762                   is indeed for a HR person that is attached to an FND user.
763          [Step 6] If FND user not found and PER user not found, check if the
764                   p_user_id pertains to a HR person not attached to an FND user.
765          [Step 7] Finally, this is an invalid user, user the sysadmin user.
767       */
768       -- 1st Check fnd users
769       OPEN fnd_users_csr (p_user_id);
771       FETCH fnd_users_csr
772        INTO l_user, l_desc, l_emp;
774       IF fnd_users_csr%NOTFOUND
775       THEN
776          -- 2nd check if id passed belongs to an employee rather then fnd user
777          OPEN wf_roles_csr (p_user_id, 'PER');
779          FETCH wf_roles_csr
780           INTO l_user, l_desc;
782          IF wf_roles_csr%NOTFOUND
783          THEN
784             CLOSE wf_roles_csr;
786             -- Maybe a HR user not attached to FND user
787             OPEN wf_roles_csr (p_user_id, 'HZ_PARTY');
789             FETCH wf_roles_csr
790              INTO l_user, l_desc;
792             CLOSE wf_roles_csr;
793          ELSE
794             CLOSE wf_roles_csr;
795          END IF;
796       END IF;
798       CLOSE fnd_users_csr;
800       -- if l_emp is not null then the user is attached to an employee
801       IF l_emp IS NOT NULL
802       THEN
803          OPEN wf_roles_csr (l_emp, 'PER');
805          FETCH wf_roles_csr
806           INTO l_user, l_desc;
808          CLOSE wf_roles_csr;
809       END IF;
811       wf_debug ('NOTIFICATION AGENT USER ID' || l_user);
813       -- if l_user is still null, no user info was found
817          l_desc := 'System Administrator';
814       IF l_user IS NULL
815       THEN
816          l_user := 'SYSADMIN';
818       END IF;
820       x_name := l_user;
821       x_description := l_desc;
823       WHEN OTHERS
824       THEN
825          wf_core.CONTEXT ('PN_AM_WF',
826                           'GET_NOTIFICATION_AGENT',
827                           itemtype,
828                           itemkey,
829                           actid,
830                           funcmode
831                          );
832          RAISE;
833    END get_notification_agent;
835     -- Start of comments
836    --
837    -- Procedure Name : validate_lease_request
838    -- Description : Called from the Generic Approvals WF for validating approval request
839    -- Business Rules :
840    -- Parameters  : itemtype, itemkey, actid, funcmode, resultout
841    -- Version  : 1.0
842    --
843    -- End of comments
844    PROCEDURE validate_lease_request (
845       itemtype    IN              VARCHAR2,
846       itemkey     IN              VARCHAR2,
847       actid       IN              NUMBER,
848       funcmode    IN              VARCHAR2,
849       resultout   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
850    )
851    IS
852       l_trx_type      VARCHAR2 (1000);
853       l_app_id        NUMBER;
854       l_knt           NUMBER;
855       l_parent_type   VARCHAR2 (300);
856       l_parent_key    VARCHAR2 (300);
858       -- Validate the Transaction Type Id from OAM
859       CURSOR c_validate_trx_type_csr (c_trx_type VARCHAR2)
860       IS
861          SELECT COUNT (*)
862            FROM ame_calling_apps
863           WHERE transaction_type_id = c_trx_type;
864    BEGIN
865       IF (funcmode = 'RUN')
866       THEN
867          l_trx_type :=
868             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
869                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
870                                        aname         => 'TRX_TYPE_ID'
871                                       );
872          l_app_id :=
873             wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype      => itemtype,
874                                        itemkey       => itemkey,
875                                        aname         => 'APPLICATION_ID'
876                                       );
878          OPEN c_validate_trx_type_csr (l_trx_type);
880          FETCH c_validate_trx_type_csr
881           INTO l_knt;
883          CLOSE c_validate_trx_type_csr;
885          IF l_knt <> 0 AND l_app_id IS NOT NULL
886          THEN
887             resultout := 'COMPLETE:VALID';
888          ELSE
889             resultout := 'COMPLETE:INVALID';
890          END IF;
892          RETURN;
893       END IF;
895       --
896       -- CANCEL mode
897       --
898       IF (funcmode = 'CANCEL')
899       THEN
900          --
901          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
902          RETURN;
903       --
904       END IF;
906       --
907       -- TIMEOUT mode
908       --
909       IF (funcmode = 'TIMEOUT')
910       THEN
911          --
912          resultout := 'COMPLETE:';
913          RETURN;
914       --
915       END IF;
917       WHEN OTHERS
918       THEN
919          IF c_validate_trx_type_csr%ISOPEN
920          THEN
921             CLOSE c_validate_trx_type_csr;
922          END IF;
924          wf_core.CONTEXT ('PN_AM_WF',
925                           'VALIDATE_LEASE_REQUEST',
926                           itemtype,
927                           itemkey,
928                           actid,
929                           funcmode
930                          );
931          RAISE;
932    END validate_lease_request;
934     -- Start of comments
935    --
936    -- Procedure Name : wf_debug
937    -- Description : to log debug messages
938    -- Business Rules :
939    -- Parameters  : p_log_message,p_log_level
940    -- Version  : 1.0
941    --
942    -- End of comments
943    PROCEDURE wf_debug (
944       p_log_message   IN   VARCHAR2,
945       p_log_level     IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 3
946    )
947    IS
948    BEGIN
949       IF g_debug = 'Y'
950       THEN
951          pn_debug.g_err_stage := p_log_message;
952          pn_debug.WRITE (g_module_name, pn_debug.g_err_stage, p_log_level);
953       ELSE
954          NULL;
955       END IF;
956    END wf_debug;
958    FUNCTION submit_program (
959       p_api_name                  IN   VARCHAR2,
960       p_org_id                    IN   NUMBER,
961       p_lease_id                  IN   NUMBER,
962       p_lease_status              IN   VARCHAR2,
963       p_lease_commencement_date   IN   DATE
964    )
966    AS
967       l_requestid   NUMBER;
968    BEGIN
969       pn_mo_cache_utils.fnd_req_set_org_id (p_org_id);
970       l_requestid :=
971          fnd_request.submit_request ('PN',
972                                      'PNSCHITM',
973                                      NULL,
974                                      NULL,
978                                      'ABS',
975                                      FALSE,
976                                      p_lease_id,
977                                      --p_lease_status,--Fix for bug#14632702
979                                      'MAIN',
980                                      NULL,
981                                      NULL,
982                                      'N',
983                                      p_lease_commencement_date,
984                                      NULL,
985                                      NULL,
986                                      CHR (0),
987                                      '',
988                                      '',
989                                      '',
990                                      '',
991                                      '',
992                                      '',
993                                      '',
994                                      '',
995                                      '',
996                                      '',
997                                      '',
998                                      '',
999                                      '',
1000                                      '',
1001                                      '',
1002                                      '',
1003                                      '',
1004                                      '',
1005                                      '',
1006                                      '',
1007                                      '',
1008                                      '',
1009                                      '',
1010                                      '',
1011                                      '',
1012                                      '',
1013                                      '',
1014                                      '',
1015                                      '',
1016                                      '',
1017                                      '',
1018                                      '',
1019                                      '',
1020                                      '',
1021                                      '',
1022                                      '',
1023                                      '',
1024                                      '',
1025                                      '',
1026                                      '',
1027                                      '',
1028                                      '',
1029                                      '',
1030                                      '',
1031                                      '',
1032                                      '',
1033                                      '',
1034                                      '',
1035                                      '',
1036                                      '',
1037                                      '',
1038                                      '',
1039                                      '',
1040                                      '',
1041                                      '',
1042                                      '',
1043                                      '',
1044                                      '',
1045                                      '',
1046                                      '',
1047                                      '',
1048                                      '',
1049                                      '',
1050                                      '',
1051                                      '',
1052                                      '',
1053                                      '',
1054                                      '',
1055                                      '',
1056                                      '',
1057                                      '',
1058                                      '',
1059                                      '',
1060                                      '',
1061                                      '',
1062                                      '',
1063                                      '',
1064                                      '',
1065                                      '',
1066                                      '',
1067                                      '',
1068                                      '',
1069                                      '',
1070                                      '',
1071                                      '',
1072                                      '',
1073                                      '',
1074                                      '',
1075                                      '',
1076                                      ''
1077                                     );
1079       --pvt_debug(g_pkg_name||'-SUBMIT_PROGRAM:Request ID'||l_requestid,3);
1080       IF (l_requestid = 0)
1081       THEN
1082          fnd_message.set_name ('PN', 'PN_SUBSCHEDULES_ERR');
1083          fnd_message.set_token ('API_NAME',
1084                                 p_api_name || '-SubmitSchedulesConcProgram'
1085                                );
1086          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
1087          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
1088       END IF;
1090       RETURN l_requestid;
1091    END submit_program;
1092 END pn_am_wf;