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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

    select name
    from   per_abs_attendance_reasons
    where  abs_attendance_reason_id = p_abs_attendance_reason_id;
Line: 210

  elsif p_absence_event_type = 'DELETE' then
    --Check that the new value of absence type id has been defaulted.
    --NOTE When an absence is deleted, the absence_type_id new value will be
    --defaulted. To record an absence delete a seperate life event reason has
    --to be setup. To prevent a absence start change from being logged on a
    --delete, an additional check is introduced to ensure that new value is not
    --equal to the default.
    hr_utility.set_location('Absence Event Type = DELETE', 90);
Line: 252

  select effective_date
  from   fnd_sessions
  where  session_id = userenv('SESSIONID');
Line: 257

  select trunc(sysdate)
  from   dual;
Line: 261

    select ler.ler_id,
           -- ABSENCES
    from   ben_ler_f ler
    where  ler.business_group_id = nvl(p_new.business_group_id,p_old.business_group_id)
    and    l_session_date
           between ler.effective_start_date
           and     ler.effective_end_date
    -- ABSENCES : for OSB customers trigger the absence
    -- life events.
    and    (l_status = 'I' or ler.typ_cd in ( 'ABS','CHECKLIST' ))
    and    ((exists
            (select 1
             from   ben_per_info_chg_cs_ler_f psl,
                    ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl
             where  source_table = 'PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES'
             and    psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id = lpl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
             and    lpl.business_group_id = psl.business_group_id
             and    lpl.business_group_id = ler.business_group_id
             and    l_session_date between psl.effective_start_date
             and    psl.effective_end_date
             and    l_session_date
                    between lpl.effective_start_date
             and    lpl.effective_end_date
             and    lpl.ler_id = ler.ler_id)
    or      (exists
            (select 1
             from   ben_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_f rpc,
                    ben_ler_rltd_per_cs_ler_f lrp
             where  source_table = 'PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES'
             and    lrp.business_group_id = rpc.business_group_id
             and    lrp.business_group_id = ler.business_group_id
             and    l_session_date
                    between rpc.effective_start_date
                    and     rpc.effective_end_date
             and    l_session_date
                    between lrp.effective_start_date
                    and     lrp.effective_end_date
             and    rpc.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id = lrp.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
             and    lrp.ler_id = ler.ler_id)
  order by ler.ler_id;
Line: 310

    select psl.source_column,
           psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_rl, psl.rule_overrides_flag, nvl(lpl.chg_mandatory_cd,'Y')
    from   ben_ler_per_info_cs_ler_f lpl,
           ben_per_info_chg_cs_ler_f psl
    where  lpl.ler_id = p_ler_id
    and    lpl.business_group_id = nvl(p_new.business_group_id,p_old.business_group_id)
    and    lpl.business_group_id  = psl.business_group_id
    and    l_session_date
           between psl.effective_start_date
           and     psl.effective_end_date
    and    l_session_date
           between lpl.effective_start_date
           and     lpl.effective_end_date
    and    psl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id = lpl.per_info_chg_cs_ler_id
    and    source_table = 'PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES'
    select rpc.source_column,
           rpc.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_rl per_info_chg_cs_ler, rpc.rule_overrides_flag, nvl(lrp.chg_mandatory_cd,'Y')
    from   ben_ler_rltd_per_cs_ler_f lrp,
           ben_rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_f rpc
    where  lrp.ler_id = p_ler_id
    and    lrp.business_group_id = nvl(p_new.business_group_id,p_old.business_group_id)
    and    lrp.business_group_id  = rpc.business_group_id
    and    l_session_date
           between rpc.effective_start_date
           and     rpc.effective_end_date
    and    l_session_date
           between lrp.effective_start_date
           and     lrp.effective_end_date
    and    rpc.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id = lrp.rltd_per_chg_cs_ler_id
    and    source_table = 'PER_ABSENCE_ATTENDANCES'
    order  by 1;
Line: 353

    select 'Y'
    from   ben_ptnl_ler_for_per
    where  person_id = p_person_id
    and    ler_id = p_ler_id
    and    ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd = 'DTCTD'
    and    lf_evt_ocrd_dt = p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
    and    nvl(trgr_table_pk_id,-1) = nvl(p_trgr_table_pk_id,-1);
Line: 362

    select person_id
    from   per_contact_relationships
    where  contact_person_id = p_person_id
    and    business_group_id = nvl(p_new.business_group_id,p_old.business_group_id)
    and    l_session_date
           between nvl(date_start,l_session_date)
           and     nvl(date_end,l_session_date)
    and    personal_flag = 'Y'
    order  by person_id;
Line: 495

              l_lf_evt_oper_cd = 'DELETE') or
             (p_new.absence_attendance_id is not null and
              l_lf_evt_oper_cd in ('START','END'))
         ) then
        --l_absences_rule_output := 'N';
Line: 862
