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APPS.JAI_PA_TAX_PKG dependencies on FND_FILE

Line 167: Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Exiting with warning as parent request not completed with normal status');

163: v_message );
165: IF v_dev_phase = 'COMPLETE' THEN
166: IF v_dev_status <> 'NORMAL' THEN
167: Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Exiting with warning as parent request not completed with normal status');
168: Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Message from parent request :' || v_message);
169: retcode := 1;
170: err_buf := 'Exiting with warningr as parent request not completed with normal status';
171: RETURN;

Line 168: Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Message from parent request :' || v_message);

165: IF v_dev_phase = 'COMPLETE' THEN
166: IF v_dev_status <> 'NORMAL' THEN
167: Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Exiting with warning as parent request not completed with normal status');
168: Fnd_File.put_line(Fnd_File.LOG, 'Message from parent request :' || v_message);
169: retcode := 1;
170: err_buf := 'Exiting with warningr as parent request not completed with normal status';
171: RETURN;
172: END IF;

Line 240: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' fire tax default ' || pv_action || pv_process_message || pv_process_flag );

236: pv_action => pv_action,
237: pv_process_message => pv_process_message,
238: pv_process_flag => pv_process_flag
239: );
240: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' fire tax default ' || pv_action || pv_process_message || pv_process_flag );
241: end loop ;
242: end dflt_taxes_for_invoice_lines ;