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1 PACKAGE it_bank_details_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2  -- $Header: peitbank.pkh 120.1 2007/12/13 12:42:39 rbabla ship $
3  --
4  --
5  -- Validates the bank account number.
6  --
7  -- The format is as follows CIN-ABI-CAB-Acc where
8  --
9  -- CIN = check digit
10  -- ABI = 5 digits representing the bank
11  -- CAB = 5 digits representing the branch
12  -- Acc = up to 12 characters representing the account no
13  -- Validate IBAN account number too
14  FUNCTION validate_account_number
15  (p_account_number IN VARCHAR2,
16   p_is_iban_acc IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
17 END it_bank_details_pkg;