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Line 684: from ap_invoices_all apinv,

680: sum(amount_remaining),
681: sum(amount_remaining)/nvl(appay.payment_cross_rate,1))) Paid_Inv_Amt, /* Bug# 8785535*/
682: apinv.invoice_Type_Lookup_code invoice_type, /*Added for bug 8293625 */
683: apinv.cancelled_date Cancelled_Date /*Added for bug 8293625 */
684: from ap_invoices_all apinv,
685: ap_payment_schedules_all appay,
686: po_vendors vend
687: where exIsts (select 1 from
688: ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd

Line 708: ap_invoices_all aia,

705: -- This cursor is to reduce the retainage amount from invoice amount.
706: Cursor C1_Rtng(p_Invoice_Id Number) Is
707: select nvl(sum(apd.amount),0) InvRtngAmount from
708: ap_invoices_all aia,
709: ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd
710: where aia.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
711: and nvl(aia.Cancelled_Date,Sysdate+1) = (Sysdate+1)
712: and apd.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id

Line 728: from ap_invoices_all apinv,

724: decode(apinv.payment_Currency_code,
725: apinv.invoice_Currency_code,
726: sum(amount_remaining),
727: sum(amount_remaining)/nvl(appay.payment_cross_rate,1))),0) Paid_Inv_Amt
728: from ap_invoices_all apinv,
729: ap_payment_schedules_all appay
730: where apinv.invoice_id = p_invoice_id and exIsts (select 1 from
731: ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd
732: where apd.project_id = P_project_Id

Line 805: ap_invoices_all aia,

801: select sum(apd.amount) ProjRtngAmount,
802: -- sum(retained_amount_remaining) Outstanding_Retained
803: sum(apd1.amount) RtngReleaseAmount
804: from
805: ap_invoices_all aia,
806: ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd,
807: ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd1, /* Bug# 8310848 */
808: po_dIstributions_all pod
809: where aia.invoice_id = p_invoice_id

Line 927: from ap_invoices_all app where app.invoice_id=p_invoice_id

923: app.exchange_rate_type,
924: (select user_conversion_type from GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES where conversion_type=app.exchange_rate_type) exchange_rate_type1,-- Bug 8904838
925: app.exchange_date,
926: app.exchange_rate
927: from ap_invoices_all app where app.invoice_id=p_invoice_id
928: and
929: exists (select 1 from
930: ap_invoice_dIstributions_all apd
931: where apd.project_id = P_project_Id