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Line 86: l_table_name := 'OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL';

82: END IF;
84: l_script_name := 'wshupoe_01';
85: --l_table_owner := 'ONT';
86: l_table_name := 'OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL';
87: l_worker_id := p_logical_worker_id;
88: l_num_workers := p_numworkers;
89: l_batch_size := p_batch_commit_size;
90: l_rows_processed := 0;

Line 152: update /*+ ROWID (oel) */ oe_order_lines_all oel

148: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name,'l_new_carrier_id',l_new_carrier_id);
149: END IF;
151: -- Update Closed Order Lines, Interfaced to Shpg. and Not cancelled
152: update /*+ ROWID (oel) */ oe_order_lines_all oel
153: set oel.freight_carrier_code = l_new_freight_code
154: , oel.last_updated_by = -2950631
155: , oel.last_update_date = sysdate
156: where oel.open_flag = 'N'

Line 176: and exists (select /*+ ROWID (oel) */ 'x' from oe_order_lines_all oel -- Getting Only Shpg. Interfaced Lines

172: where oeh.open_flag = 'N'
173: and nvl(oeh.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'
174: and oeh.freight_carrier_code = v_notupg.freight_code
175: and oeh.shipping_method_code = v_notupg.ship_method_code
176: and exists (select /*+ ROWID (oel) */ 'x' from oe_order_lines_all oel -- Getting Only Shpg. Interfaced Lines
177: where oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
178: and oel.rowid BETWEEN l_start_rowid AND l_end_rowid
179: and oel.open_flag = 'N'
180: and nvl(oel.cancelled_flag, 'N') = 'N'