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Line 181: from fa_adjustments adj

177: and userenv('LANG') = lk2.language
178: and exists
179: (
180: select 'x'
181: from fa_adjustments adj
182: where th1.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
183: and th1.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code
184: and th1.asset_id = adj.asset_id
185: )

Line 193: from fa_adjustments adj

189: and th2.event_id is null
190: and exists
191: (
192: select 'x'
193: from fa_adjustments adj
194: where th2.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
195: and th2.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code
196: and th2.asset_id = adj.asset_id
197: );

Line 245: from fa_adjustments adj,

241: gljh.je_batch_id,
242: adj.je_header_id,
243: nvl(adj.je_line_num, 0),
244: adj.distribution_id
245: from fa_adjustments adj,
246: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
247: fa_book_controls bc,
248: fa_lookups_tl lk,
249: gl_je_headers gljh

Line 307: from fa_adjustments adj,

303: gljh.je_batch_id,
304: dd.je_header_id,
305: nvl(dd.deprn_reserve_je_line_num, 0),
306: adj.distribution_id
307: from fa_adjustments adj,
308: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
309: fa_book_controls bc,
310: fa_lookups_tl lk,
311: gl_je_headers gljh,

Line 386: from fa_adjustments adj,

382: gljh.je_batch_id,
383: dd.je_header_id,
384: nvl(dd.deprn_reserve_je_line_num, 0),
385: adj.distribution_id
386: from fa_adjustments adj,
387: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
388: fa_book_controls bc,
389: fa_lookups_tl lk,
390: gl_je_headers gljh,

Line 2638: from fa_adjustments adj

2634: and userenv('LANG') = lk.language
2635: and exists
2636: (
2637: select 'x'
2638: from fa_adjustments adj
2639: where th.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
2640: and th.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code
2641: and th.asset_id = adj.asset_id
2642: )

Line 2715: from fa_adjustments adj

2711: and userenv('LANG') = lk.language
2712: and exists
2713: (
2714: select 'x'
2715: from fa_adjustments adj
2716: where th.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
2717: and bc.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code
2718: and th.asset_id = adj.asset_id
2719: );

Line 2766: from fa_adjustments adj,

2762: gljh.je_batch_id,
2763: adj.je_header_id,
2764: nvl(adj.je_line_num, 0),
2765: adj.distribution_id
2766: from fa_adjustments adj,
2767: fa_lookups_tl lk,
2768: gl_je_headers gljh,
2769: fa_book_controls bc,
2770: gl_sets_of_books glsob

Line 2827: from fa_adjustments adj,

2823: gljh.je_batch_id,
2824: dd.je_header_id,
2825: nvl(dd.deprn_reserve_je_line_num, 0),
2826: adj.distribution_id
2827: from fa_adjustments adj,
2828: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2829: fa_book_controls bc,
2830: fa_lookups_tl lk,
2831: gl_je_headers gljh,

Line 2905: from fa_adjustments adj,

2901: gljh.je_batch_id,
2902: dd.je_header_id,
2903: nvl(dd.deprn_reserve_je_line_num, 0),
2904: adj.distribution_id
2905: from fa_adjustments adj,
2906: gl_sets_of_books glsob,
2907: fa_book_controls bc,
2908: fa_lookups_tl lk,
2909: gl_je_headers gljh,

Line 4644: from fa_adjustments adj

4640: decode(th.event_id, -2, 'U',
4641: -3, 'U',
4642: 'P') process_status_code, -- Bug 6811554
4643: (select min(je_header_id)
4644: from fa_adjustments adj
4645: where adj.book_type_code = th.book_type_code
4646: and adj.asset_id = th.asset_id
4647: and adj.transaction_header_id = th.transaction_header_id
4648: and nvl(adj.je_header_id,-1) > 0) je_hdr_id, -- Bug 6811554

Line 4681: select /*+ index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) */

4677: and th.asset_id = ad.asset_id
4678: and ad.asset_type <> 'EXPENSED'
4679: and (exists
4680: (
4681: select /*+ index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) */
4682: 'x'
4683: from fa_adjustments adj
4684: where th.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
4685: and bc.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code

Line 4683: from fa_adjustments adj

4679: and (exists
4680: (
4681: select /*+ index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) */
4682: 'x'
4683: from fa_adjustments adj
4684: where th.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
4685: and bc.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code
4686: and th.asset_id = adj.asset_id
4687: ) or th.event_id = -3) -- Bug 9055709

Line 4745: from fa_adjustments adj

4741: decode(th.event_id, -2, 'U',
4742: -3, 'U',
4743: 'P') process_status_code, -- Bug 6811554
4744: (select min(je_header_id)
4745: from fa_adjustments adj
4746: where adj.book_type_code = th.book_type_code
4747: and adj.asset_id = th.asset_id
4748: and adj.transaction_header_id = th.transaction_header_id
4749: and nvl(adj.je_header_id,-1) > 0) je_hdr_id, -- Bug 6811554

Line 4783: select /*+ index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) */

4779: and th.asset_id = ad.asset_id
4780: and ad.asset_type <> 'EXPENSED'
4781: and (exists
4782: (
4783: select /*+ index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) */
4784: 'x'
4785: from fa_adjustments adj
4786: where th.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
4787: and bc.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code

Line 4785: from fa_adjustments adj

4781: and (exists
4782: (
4783: select /*+ index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) */
4784: 'x'
4785: from fa_adjustments adj
4786: where th.transaction_header_id = adj.transaction_header_id
4787: and bc.book_type_code = adj.book_type_code
4788: and th.asset_id = adj.asset_id
4789: ) or th.event_id = -3); -- Bug 9055709

Line 5446: select /*+ ordered index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) use_nl(cb) index(cb, fa_category_books_u1) index(AH FA_ASSET_HISTORY_N2)*/

5442: xla_gl_sl_link_id_s.currval, -- gl_sl_link_id
5443: 'XLAJEL' -- gl_sl_link_table
5444: )
5445: -- Bug 7498880: Added hint to use FA_ASSET_HISTORY_N2 index
5446: select /*+ ordered index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) use_nl(cb) index(cb, fa_category_books_u1) index(AH FA_ASSET_HISTORY_N2)*/
5447: adj.adjustment_line_id adj_line_id,
5448: decode(adj.debit_credit_flag,
5449: 'DR', adj.adjustment_amount, null) debit_amount,
5450: decode(adj.debit_credit_flag,

Line 5517: fa_adjustments adj,

5513: mult.adj_row adj_row
5514: from
5515: fa_xla_upg_events_gt ev,
5516: fa_xla_upg_headers_gt he,
5517: fa_adjustments adj,
5518: fa_lookups_tl lk,
5519: fa_lookups_tl lk2,
5520: gl_je_headers gljh,
5521: fa_deprn_detail dd,