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Line 98: In case of change in destination type for standard routing, the location

94: This Trigger is created to validate whether Localization setups exist for
95: the Organization/Location combination.
97: 2. 07/06/2004 Nagaraj.s for Bug#3655330. Version : 619.2
98: In case of change in destination type for standard routing, the location
99: would still be null as a result of which the setups are checked and the error
100: is thrown up. This scenario of change in destination type is not supported
101: by Localization yet and hence a message in such a scenario is :
102: Localization does not support change in destination type

Line 115: Modified the code not to error during RECEIVE trx of Standard Routing changed to Direct delivery

111: GL Sources and GL Categories got changed. Refer bug for the details
113: 6. 20-Feb-2007 CSahoo for Bug#5592114. File Version 120.3
114: Forward Porting of 11i BUG#5592023
115: Modified the code not to error during RECEIVE trx of Standard Routing changed to Direct delivery
116: + enhanced this trigger to execute for direct delivery case also
118: 14-may-07 kunkumar made changes for Budget and ST by IO and Build issues resolved

Line 197: lv_scenario := 'STANDARD_TO_DIRECT'; /* go ahead to validate the IL Setup */

193: THEN
194: IF pr_new.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE' THEN
195: RETURN;
196: ELSIF pr_new.transaction_type = 'DELIVER' THEN
197: lv_scenario := 'STANDARD_TO_DIRECT'; /* go ahead to validate the IL Setup */
198: END IF;
199: /*added this elsif block for bug#8551593*/
200: ELSIF v_destination_type_code= 'EXPENSE'
201: THEN

Line 211: if (pr_new.location_id is null /*and pr_new.SOURCE_DOCUMENT_CODE = 'REQ'*/ and nvl(lv_scenario, 'XX') <> 'STANDARD_TO_DIRECT') then

208: /*Start additions by mmurtuza for bug 14176672*/
209: lv_location_id := pr_new.location_id;
211: if (pr_new.location_id is null /*and pr_new.SOURCE_DOCUMENT_CODE = 'REQ'*/ and nvl(lv_scenario, 'XX') <> 'STANDARD_TO_DIRECT') then
213: /*Removed pr_new.SOURCE_DOCUMENT_CODE = 'REQ' from above if clause and added below if, elsif statements by mmurtuza for bug 15936238*/
215: if (pr_new.SOURCE_DOCUMENT_CODE = 'REQ') then

Line 241: if lv_scenario = 'STANDARD_TO_DIRECT' then

237: close chk_org_setup_is_present;
239: if nvl(v_orgn_setup_count,0) = 0 then
240: /* Start, added by CSahoo Bug#5592114 */
241: if lv_scenario = 'STANDARD_TO_DIRECT' then
242: open c_get_location_id(pr_new.organization_id, pr_new.subinventory);
243: fetch c_get_location_id into ln_location_id;
244: close c_get_location_id;

Line 271: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Cannot process records.The change of destination type for standard/inspection routing is not supported by Localization');

267: close c_fetch_shipment_line_info;
269: --3655330
270: if pr_new.source_document_code in ('PO') and v_destination_type_code='INVENTORY' then
271: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, 'Cannot process records.The change of destination type for standard/inspection routing is not supported by Localization');
272: app_exception.raise_exception( exception_type => 'APP' ,
273: exception_code => -20120 ,
274: exception_text => 'Localization does not support change in destination type'
275: );

Line 484: RMA Receipt/standard Delivery.

481: 10. 15/10/2003 Nagaraj.s for Bug#3162928. Version : 616.2
482: One more Condition is added in the Trigger to allow
483: "To handle Deliver RTR RTV" to fire in case of an
484: RMA Receipt/standard Delivery.
486: 11. 08/01/2004 Nagaraj.s for Bug#3354415. Version : 618.1
487: The call to ja_in_set_rcv_process_flags is now having one more parameter
488: p_attribute5. Hence this would result into an Dependency. This is being

Line 502: If the value is not one of the India Localization standard ones, then we entering the

499: if the attribute_category is a null value and attribute2 is a not null value
500: it is being set to NULL and passed on to the jai_rcv_tax_pkg.default_taxes_onto_line procedure.
502: If the value is not one of the India Localization standard ones, then we entering the
503: values in a JAI_CMN_ERRORS_T and are returing the control.
505: The 'INR' check which was commented is now un-commented so that code returns in cases where
506: in Non-INR set of books , no processing occurs..