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2 /* $Header: wfmluts.pls 120.3 2006/01/25 15:32:13 smayze ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * Provides notification mailer utility APIs to perform conversions of
5  * notification data.
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product OWF
8  * @rep:displayname Workflow Notification Mailer Utility
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:compatibility S
12  * @rep:ihelp FND/@mlrutilapi See the related online help
13  */
15 -- GLOBAL Package level variables that contain static data.
16 g_timezoneName varchar2(80);
17 g_gmt_offset varchar2(240);
18 g_install varchar2(60);
19 g_ntfDocText varchar2(30);
21 TYPE parserStack_t IS TABLE OF varchar2(2000) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
23 -- EncodeBLOB
24 --   Receives a BLOB input and encodes it to Base64 CLOB
25 -- IN
26 --   BLOB data
27 -- OUT
28 --   CLOB data
29 /*#
30  * Encodes the specified BLOB to base64 and returns the encoded data as
31  * a character large object (CLOB). You can use this procedure to store a
32  * BLOB in a PL/SQL CLOB document to be included in a notification
33  * message.
34  * @param pIDoc Input BLOB Document
35  * @param pODoc Output CLOB Document
36  * @rep:scope public
37  * @rep:lifecycle active
38  * @rep:displayname Encode BLOB Document to base64
39  * @rep:compatibility S
40  * @rep:ihelp FND/@mlrutilapi#a_encblob See the related online help
41  */
42 procedure EncodeBLOB(pIDoc  in     blob,
43                      pODoc  in out nocopy clob);
45 -- DecodeBLOB
46 --   Receives a CLOB input and decodes it from Base64 to BLOB
47 -- IN
48 --   CLOB data
49 -- OUT
50 --   BLOB data
51 procedure DecodeBLOB(pIDoc  in     clob,
52                      pODoc  in out nocopy blob);
53 -- StrParser
54 --   Parse a string and seperate the elements into a memeory table based on the
55 --   content of the seperators.
56 -- IN
57 --    str - The Varchar2 that is to be parsed
58 --    sep - The list of SINGLE character seprators that will
59 --          segment the str.
60 -- RETURN
61 --    parserStack_t a memory table of Varchar2
62 --
63 function strParser(str in varchar2, sep in varchar2) return parserStack_t;
65 -- ParseContentType
66 --   Parses document type returned by the PLSQL/PLSQLCLOB/PLSQLBLOB document
67 --   APIs and returns the parameters
68 -- IN
69 --   pContentType - Document Type
70 -- OUT
71 --   pMimeType - Content Type of the document
72 --   pFileName - File Name
73 --   pExtn     - File Extension
74 --   pEncoding - Content Encoding
76 procedure parseContentType(pContentType in varchar2,
77                            pMimeType out nocopy varchar2,
78                            pFileName out nocopy varchar2,
79                            pExtn out nocopy varchar2,
80                            pEncoding out nocopy varchar2);
82 -- getTimezone (PRIVATE)
83 --   Gets the server timezone message
84 -- IN
85 --   contentType - Document Type in varchar2
86 -- RETURN
87 --   timezone - Formatted timezone message in varchar2
89 function getTimezone(contentType in varchar2) return varchar2;
91 -- getGMTDeviation (PRIVATE)
92 --    Function to get the gmtDeviation in String time format, for example,
93 --  Pacific Time with 8 GMT offset would be displayed as '(GMT -8:00/-7:00)
94 --  Pacific Time' or '(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time' depending on whether the
95 --  day light savings is enabled or not.
96 -- IN
97 --   pName - Timezone name
98 -- RETURN
99 --   l_GMT_deviation - GMT deviation in varchar2 format
101 function getGMTDeviation(pName in varchar2) return varchar2;
103 end WF_MAIL_UTIL;