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Line 7130: hz_code_assignments_pkg.insert_row(x_code_assignment_id => l_code_assignment_id,

7126: 'l_return_status' || l_return_status);
7128: IF (l_valid = 'Y') THEN
7130: hz_code_assignments_pkg.insert_row(x_code_assignment_id => l_code_assignment_id,
7131: x_owner_table_name => 'ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE',
7132: x_owner_table_id => p_fiscal_class_rec.tax_profile_id,
7133: x_owner_table_key_1 => NULL,
7134: x_owner_table_key_2 => NULL,

Line 7155: UPDATE hz_code_assignments

7151: -- The HZ code is so designed that if the status is passed as NULL
7152: -- then it is set as 'A' and the VO that shows the data for Fiscal
7153: -- Classifications on the Supplier Profile page ignores these records
7154: -- So updating the status to NULL
7155: UPDATE hz_code_assignments
7156: SET status = NULL
7157: WHERE code_assignment_id = l_code_assignment_id;
7159: ELSE

Line 7237: FROM hz_code_assignments

7233: SELECT code_assignment_id,
7234: ROWID
7235: INTO l_code_assignment_id,
7236: l_rowid
7237: FROM hz_code_assignments
7238: WHERE owner_table_name = 'ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE'
7239: AND owner_table_id = p_fiscal_class_rec.tax_profile_id
7240: AND class_category = l_classification_type;

Line 7249: hz_code_assignments_pkg.update_row(x_rowid => l_rowid,

7245: x_msg_data := 'POS_INVALID_FISCAL_CLASS';
7246: RETURN;
7247: END;
7249: hz_code_assignments_pkg.update_row(x_rowid => l_rowid,
7250: x_code_assignment_id => l_code_assignment_id,
7251: x_owner_table_name => 'ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE',
7252: x_owner_table_id => p_fiscal_class_rec.tax_profile_id,
7253: x_owner_table_key_1 => NULL,

Line 7275: UPDATE hz_code_assignments

7271: -- The HZ code is so designed that if the status is passed as NULL
7272: -- then it is set as 'A' and the VO that shows the data for Fiscal
7273: -- Classifications on the Supplier Profile page ignores these records
7274: -- So updating the status to NULL
7275: UPDATE hz_code_assignments
7276: SET status = NULL
7277: WHERE code_assignment_id = l_code_assignment_id;
7279: ELSE

Line 7930: FROM hz_code_assignments

7926: .classification_type_code_name;
7928: SELECT 'U'
7929: INTO l_fiscal_class_rec_tab(cntr).insert_update_flag
7930: FROM hz_code_assignments
7931: WHERE owner_table_name = 'ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE'
7932: AND owner_table_id = l_fiscal_class_rec_tab(cntr)
7933: .tax_profile_id
7934: AND class_category = l_classification_type;

Line 8705: FROM hz_code_assignments hca

8701: --Getting Bank Branch Type Object Version Number
8702: BEGIN
8703: SELECT hca.object_version_number
8704: INTO l_new_branch_rec.typ_object_version_number
8705: FROM hz_code_assignments hca
8706: WHERE hca.class_category = 'BANK_BRANCH_TYPE'
8707: AND hca.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
8708: AND hca.owner_table_id = l_branch_id
8709: --AND hca.primary_flag='Y'