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1 PACKAGE BODY itg_wf_utils AS
2 /* ARCS: $Header: itgwfutb.pls 120.3 2006/07/11 07:49:28 pvaddana noship $
3  * CVS:  itgwfutb.pls,v 1.19 2003/05/29 22:22:44 klai Exp
4  */
5   l_debug_level        NUMBER := to_number(nvl(fnd_profile.value('CLN_DEBUG_LEVEL'), '5'));
7   PROCEDURE create_outbound_collaboration(
8         itemtype        IN         VARCHAR2,
9         itemkey         IN         VARCHAR2,
10         actid           IN         NUMBER,
11         funcmode        IN         VARCHAR2,
12         resultout       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
13   ) IS
14         l_org_id                   NUMBER;
15         l_coll_id                  NUMBER;
17         l_return_status            VARCHAR2(1);
18         l_doc_id                   VARCHAR2(20);
19         l_rel_num                  VARCHAR2(100);
20         l_doc_num                  VARCHAR2(100);
21         l_xact_type                VARCHAR2(100);
22         l_xact_subtype             VARCHAR2(100);
23         l_cln_type                 VARCHAR2(100);
24         l_doc_type                 VARCHAR2(100);
25         l_xml_event_key            VARCHAR2(100);
26         l_buff                     VARCHAR2(2000);
27   BEGIN
28         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
29               itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Entering create_outbound_collaboration ---' ,2);
30         END IF;
32         IF funcmode = 'RUN' THEN
33                 IF NOT itg_x_utils.g_initialized THEN
34                         /* 4169685: REMOVE INSTALL DATA INSERTION FROM HR_LOCATIONS TABLE
35                          * Missing Trading Partner setup and/or Connector uninitialized.
36                          * Should never get here, since the workflow should not be activated.
37                          */
38                         resultout := 'ERROR';
39                         RETURN;
40                 END IF;
42                 l_org_id       := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_ORGANIZATION_ID');
43                 l_rel_num      := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_REL_NUM');
44                 l_doc_num      := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_DOC_NUM');
45                 l_xact_type    := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'ECX_TRANSACTION_TYPE');
46                 l_xact_subtype := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'ECX_TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE');
47                 l_doc_id       := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'ECX_DOCUMENT_ID');
48                 l_cln_type     := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_TYPE');
49                 l_doc_type     := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_DOC_TYPE');
50                 l_xml_event_key     := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'XML_EVENT_KEY');
52                 /* Refer to Bug no: 3896966, Collaborations need to be unique
53                  * for Blanket Po Releases, Introduced XML_EVENT_KEY,
54                  * XMLG_MESSAGE_ID in Workflow
55                  */
57                /*To fix Enhancement bug 5348827 for BPO Releases not being displayed on Collab history*/
58                 if l_rel_num is not null then
59                    l_doc_num := l_doc_num||':'||l_rel_num;
60                  end if;
61                 /* See CLNPOWFB.pls */
62                 CLN_CH_COLLABORATION_PKG.create_collaboration(
63                         x_return_status             => l_return_status,
64                         x_msg_data                  => l_buff,
65                         p_app_id                    => itg_x_utils.c_application_id,
66                         p_ref_id                    => NULL,
67                         p_org_id                    => l_org_id,
68                         p_rel_no                    => l_rel_num,
69                         p_doc_no                    => l_doc_num,
70                         p_doc_rev_no                => NULL,          /* NOTE: ??? */
71                         p_xmlg_transaction_type     => l_xact_type,
72                         p_xmlg_transaction_subtype  => l_xact_subtype,
73                         p_xmlg_document_id          => l_doc_id,
74                         p_partner_doc_no            => NULL,          /* NOTE: ??? */
75                         p_coll_type                 => l_cln_type,
76                         p_tr_partner_type           => itg_x_utils.c_party_type,
77                         p_tr_partner_id             => itg_x_utils.g_party_id,
78                         p_tr_partner_site           => itg_x_utils.g_party_site_id,
79                         p_resend_flag               => 'N',
80                         p_resend_count              => 0,
81                         p_doc_owner                 => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
82                         p_init_date                 => SYSDATE,
83                         p_doc_creation_date         => SYSDATE,  /* NOTE: value from record? */
84                         p_doc_revision_date         => SYSDATE,
85                         p_doc_type                  => l_doc_type,
86                         p_doc_dir                   => 'OUT',
87                         p_coll_pt                   => itg_x_utils.c_coll_pt,
88                         p_xmlg_msg_id               => NULL,
89                         p_unique1                   => null,
90                         p_unique2                   => NULL,
91                         p_unique3                   => NULL,
92                         p_unique4                   => NULL,
93                         p_unique5                   => NULL,
94                         p_sender_component          => NULL,
95                         p_rosettanet_check_required => FALSE,
96                         x_coll_id                   => l_coll_id,
97                         p_xml_event_key             => l_xml_event_key
98                 );
100                 IF l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
101                         resultout := 'ERROR';
102                 ELSE
103                         wf_engine.SetItemAttrNumber(itemtype, itemkey, 'CLN_ID', l_coll_id);
104                         resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_null;
105                 END IF;
107                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
108                       itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exting create_outbound_collaboration ---' ,2);
109                 END IF;
110                 RETURN;
111         END IF;
113         WHEN OTHERS THEN
114                 WF_CORE.CONTEXT('itg_wf_utils', 'create_outbound_collaboration',
115                                 itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode
116                                 );
117                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 6) THEN
118                       itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exting create_outbound_collaboration : ERROR---' ,6);
119                 END IF;
120                 RAISE;
121   END create_outbound_collaboration;
124   PROCEDURE update_outbound_collaboration(
125         itemtype        IN              VARCHAR2,
126         itemkey         IN              VARCHAR2,
127         actid           IN              NUMBER,
128         funcmode        IN              VARCHAR2,
129         resultout       OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
130   ) IS
131         l_org_id                        NUMBER;
132         l_coll_id                       NUMBER;
133         l_collaboration_dtl_id          NUMBER;
135         l_return_status                 VARCHAR2(1);
136         l_buff                          VARCHAR2(2000);
137         l_rel_num                       VARCHAR2(100);
138         l_doc_num                       VARCHAR2(100);
139         l_xact_type                     VARCHAR2(100);
140         l_xact_subtype                  VARCHAR2(100);
141         l_doc_id                        VARCHAR2(20);
142         l_cln_type                      VARCHAR2(100);
143         l_doc_type                      VARCHAR2(100);
144         l_ref_id                        VARCHAR2(100);
145         l_xml_event_key                 VARCHAR2(100);
146         l_xmlg_msg_id                   VARCHAR2(100);
148   BEGIN
149         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
150               itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Entering update_outbound_collaboration ---' ,2);
151         END IF;
153         IF funcmode = 'RUN' THEN
154                 IF NOT itg_x_utils.g_initialized THEN
155                         /* 4169685: REMOVE INSTALL DATA INSERTION FROM HR_LOCATIONS TABLE
156                          * Missing Trading Partner setup and/or Connector uninitialized.
157                          * Should never get here, since the workflow should not be activated.
158                          */
159                         resultout := 'ERROR';
160                         RETURN;
161                 END IF;
163                 l_cln_type      := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_TYPE');
164                 l_doc_type      := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_DOC_TYPE');
165                 l_coll_id       := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_ID');
166                 -- using ECX_PARAMETER5 for referenceid.
167                 l_ref_id        := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'ECX_PARAMETER5');
168                 l_xml_event_key := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'XML_EVENT_KEY');
169                 l_xmlg_msg_id   := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'XMLG_MESSAGE_ID');
171                 /* Refer to Bug no: 3896966, Collaborations need to be unique
172                  * for Blanket Po Releases, Introduced XML_EVENT_KEY,
173                  * XMLG_MESSAGE_ID in Workflow
174                  */
177                         x_return_status             => l_return_status,
178                         x_msg_data                  => l_buff,
179                         p_coll_id                   => l_coll_id,
180                         /* Returned from previous call */
181                         p_app_id                    => itg_x_utils.c_application_id,
182                         p_ref_id                    => l_ref_id,
183                         /* The value of <CONTROLAREA>.<SENDER>.<REFERENCEID> ? */
184                         p_rel_no                    => NULL,
185                         p_doc_no                    => NULL,
186                         p_doc_rev_no                => NULL,
187                         p_xmlg_transaction_type     => NULL,
188                         p_xmlg_transaction_subtype  => NULL,
189                         p_xmlg_document_id          => NULL,
190                         p_resend_flag               => NULL,
191                         p_resend_count              => NULL,
192                         p_disposition               => NULL,
193                         p_coll_status               => 'COMPLETED',
194                         p_doc_type                  => l_doc_type,
195                         p_doc_dir                   => 'OUT',
196                         p_coll_pt                   => itg_x_utils.c_xmlg_coll_pt,
197                         p_org_ref                   => NULL,
198                         p_doc_status                => 'SUCCESS',
199                         p_notification_id           => NULL,
200                         p_msg_text                  => 'Document successfully sent',
201                         p_tr_partner_type           => itg_x_utils.c_party_type,
202                         p_tr_partner_id             => itg_x_utils.g_party_id,
203                         p_tr_partner_site           => itg_x_utils.g_party_site_id,
204                         p_sender_component          => NULL,
205                         p_rosettanet_check_required => FALSE,
206                         p_xmlg_msg_id               => l_xmlg_msg_id,
207                         x_dtl_coll_id               => l_collaboration_dtl_id,
208                         p_xml_event_key             => l_xml_event_key
209                 );
211                 IF l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
212                         resultout := 'ERROR';
213                 ELSE
214                         resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_null;
215                 END IF;
217                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
218                       itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exting update_outbound_collaboration ---' ,2);
219                 END IF;
220                 RETURN;
221         END IF;
223         WHEN OTHERS THEN
224                 WF_CORE.CONTEXT('itg_wf_utils', 'update_outbound_collaboration',
225                       itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
227                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 6) THEN
228                       itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exting update_outbound_collaboration :ERROR---' ,6);
229                 END IF;
231                 RAISE;
232   END update_outbound_collaboration;
237   PROCEDURE update_outbound_collab_cbod(
238         itemtype  IN            VARCHAR2,
239         itemkey   IN            VARCHAR2,
240         actid     IN            NUMBER,
241         funcmode  IN            VARCHAR2,
242         resultout OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
243   ) IS
244         l_org_id                NUMBER;
245         l_coll_id               NUMBER;
246         l_collaboration_dtl_id  NUMBER;
248         l_rel_num               VARCHAR2(100);
249         l_doc_num               VARCHAR2(100);
250         l_xact_type             VARCHAR2(100);
251         l_xact_subtype          VARCHAR2(100);
252         l_doc_id                VARCHAR2(20);
253         l_cln_type              VARCHAR2(100);
254         l_doc_type              VARCHAR2(100);
255         l_xmlg_msg_id           VARCHAR2(100);
256         l_statuslvl             VARCHAR2(50);
257         l_msg_text              VARCHAR2(50);
258         l_coll_status           VARCHAR2(50);
259         l_lang                  VARCHAR2(50);
260         l_nls_lang              VARCHAR2(50);
261         l_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
262         l_buff                  VARCHAR2(2000);
263   BEGIN
264         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
265               itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Entering update_outbound_collab_cbod ---' ,2);
266         END IF;
268         IF funcmode = 'RUN' THEN
269                 l_lang  := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,'SESSION_LANGUAGE',TRUE);
271                 IF l_lang IS NOT NULL THEN
272                         BEGIN
273                                 select nls_language
274                                 into     l_nls_lang
275                                 from fnd_languages
276                                 where language_code = l_lang;
278                                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
279                                         itg_debug_pub.Add('NLS langauage '||l_nls_lang ,1);
280                                 END IF;
282                                 FND_GLOBAL.set_nls_context(p_nls_language => l_nls_lang);
284                                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
285                                         itg_debug_pub.Add('NLS context is switched' ,1);
286                                 END IF;
287                         EXCEPTION
288                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
289                                         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 5) THEN
290                                                 itg_debug_pub.Add('Error changing session language to '|| l_lang ,5);
291                                                 itg_debug_pub.Add(SQLCODE || ' - ' ||  SQLERRM ,5);
292                                         END IF;
293                         END;
294                 END IF;
296                 IF NOT itg_x_utils.g_initialized THEN
297                         /* 4169685: REMOVE INSTALL DATA INSERTION FROM HR_LOCATIONS TABLE
298                          * Missing Trading Partner setup and/or Connector uninitialized.
299                          * Should never get here, since the workflow should not be activated.
300                          */
301                         resultout := 'ERROR';
302                         RETURN;
303                 END IF;
305                 -- The CLN Collaboration history should complete/error when
306                 -- there is a failure in the collaboration.
307                 -- The success/failure of collaboration can be checked from
308                 -- the STATUSLVL item-attribute
310                 l_cln_type     := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_TYPE');
311                 l_doc_type     := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'CLN_DOC_TYPE');
312                 l_xmlg_msg_id  := wf_engine.GetActivityAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, actid, 'XMLG_MESSAGE_ID');
314                 l_coll_id      := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype, itemkey,  'PARAMETER10');
315                 l_statuslvl    := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype, itemkey, 'PARAMETER6');
317                 IF l_statuslvl = '00' THEN
318                         l_coll_status   := 'COMPLETED';
319                 ELSE
320                         l_coll_status   := 'ERROR';
321                 END IF;
323                 /* Refer to Bug no: 3902644, 'CBOD' Payload Collaborations not created.
324                  * Using the XMLG_MESSAGE_ID introduced in ITGSTD Workflow.
325                  */
328                         x_return_status             => l_return_status,
329                         x_msg_data                  => l_buff,
330                         p_coll_id                   => l_coll_id,
331                         /* Returned from previous call */
332                         p_app_id                    => itg_x_utils.c_application_id,
333                         p_ref_id                    => NULL,
334                         p_rel_no                    => NULL,
335                         p_doc_no                    => NULL,
336                         p_doc_rev_no                => NULL,
337                         p_xmlg_transaction_type     => NULL,
338                         p_xmlg_transaction_subtype  => NULL,
339                         p_xmlg_document_id          => NULL,
340                         p_resend_flag               => NULL,
341                         p_resend_count              => NULL,
342                         p_disposition               => NULL,
343                         p_coll_status               => l_coll_status, /*'COMPLETED',*/
344                         p_doc_type                  => l_doc_type,
345                         p_doc_dir                   => 'OUT',
346                         p_coll_pt                   => itg_x_utils.c_xmlg_coll_pt,
347                         p_org_ref                   => NULL,
348                         p_doc_status                => 'SUCCESS',
349                         p_notification_id           => NULL,
350                         p_msg_text                  => 'Document successfully sent',
351                         p_tr_partner_type           => itg_x_utils.c_party_type,
352                         p_tr_partner_id             => itg_x_utils.g_party_id,
353                         p_tr_partner_site           => itg_x_utils.g_party_site_id,
354                         p_sender_component          => NULL,
355                         p_rosettanet_check_required => FALSE,
356                         p_xmlg_msg_id               => l_xmlg_msg_id,
357                         x_dtl_coll_id               => l_collaboration_dtl_id
358                 );
360                 IF l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
361                         resultout := 'ERROR';
362                 ELSE
363                         resultout := wf_engine.eng_completed||':'||wf_engine.eng_null;
364                 END IF;
366                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
367                         itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exiting update_outbound_collab_cbod ---' ,2);
368                 END IF;
369                 RETURN;
370         END IF;
372         WHEN OTHERS THEN
373                 WF_CORE.CONTEXT('itg_wf_utils', 'update_outbound_collaboration cbod',
374                       itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
375                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 6) THEN
376                       itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exting update_outbound_collab_cbod :ERROR---' ,6);
377                 END IF;
378                 RAISE;
379   END update_outbound_collab_cbod;
383         --4335714
384         --This procedure converts the CBOD description description error code
385         --into a translated message in the language corresponding to the //language tag
386         --corresponding to the inbound xgm
387         --The langauage tag is passed in as parameter5 of the inbound xgm.
388         --Also the currrent nls session is set to langauge value, to allow CBOD XML generation
389         --to be done in the translated language.
390   PROCEDURE set_cbod_description(
391         itemtype                in varchar2,
392         itemkey                 in varchar2,
393         actid                   in number,
394         funcmode                in varchar2,
395         resultout               out nocopy varchar2)
396   IS
397         l_nls_language          varchar2(20);
398         l_lang                  varchar2(20);
399         l_error_code            varchar2(100);
400         l_error_msg             varchar2(100);
401         parameter7              varchar2(1000);
402         parameter5              varchar2(1000);
403         l_cbod_message          varchar2(2000);
404   BEGIN
405         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
406               itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Entering update_set_cbod_description ---' ,2);
407         END IF;
409         parameter5 := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,'PARAMETER5',TRUE);
410         parameter7 := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,'PARAMETER7',TRUE);
412         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
413                 itg_debug_pub.Add('Parameter5 - ' || parameter5 ,1);
414                 itg_debug_pub.Add('Parameter7 - ' || parameter7 ,1);
415         END IF;
417         BEGIN
418                 SELECT NLS_LANGUAGE
419                 INTO l_nls_language
420                 FROM FND_LANGUAGES
421                 WHERE LANGUAGE_CODE = parameter5
422                 AND installed_flag in ('B','I') ;
424                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
425                         itg_debug_pub.Add('l_nls_language - ' || l_nls_language ,1);
426                 END IF;
428                 l_lang     := FND_GLOBAL.CURRENT_LANGUAGE;
430                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
431                         itg_debug_pub.Add('l_lang         - ' || l_lang ,1);
432                 END IF;
434                 FND_GLOBAL.set_nls_context(p_nls_language => l_nls_language);
436                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
437                         itg_debug_pub.Add('set_nls_context SET' ,1);
438                 END IF;
440                 wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,'SESSION_LANGUAGE',l_lang);
442                 IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
443                         itg_debug_pub.Add('SetItemAttrText - SESSION_LANGUAGE SET ');
444                 END IF;
446         EXCEPTION
447                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
448                         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
449                                 itg_debug_pub.Add('Exception lang - '|| parameter5 || SQLCODE || '-' ||SQLERRM, 1);
450                         END IF;
451                         null; -- if any error, continue to use current session langauge.
452         END;
454         l_cbod_message := itg_x_utils.translateCBODDescMsg(p_msg_list=> parameter7);
456         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
457                 itg_debug_pub.Add('l_cbod_message' || l_cbod_message ,1);
458         END IF;
460         wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype,itemkey,'PARAMETER7',l_cbod_message);
461         resultout := 'COMPLETED';
463         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 2) THEN
464               itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exiting update_set_cbod_description ---' ,2);
465         END IF;
467                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
468                         WF_CORE.CONTEXT('itg_wf_utils', 'set_cbod_description',
469                       itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
470                         IF (l_Debug_Level <= 6) THEN
471                               itg_debug_pub.Add('--- Exting set_cbod_description :ERROR---' ,6);
472                         END IF;
474                         RAISE;
475                 END;
476   END itg_wf_utils;