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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

   select oke_k_fund_allocations_s.nextval
   into   l_funding_allocation_id
   from   dual;
Line: 54

      select currency_code
      from   oke_k_funding_sources
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id;
Line: 107

      select p.projfunc_currency_code
      from   pa_projects_all p
      where  project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 161

      select project_id,
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations
      where  fund_allocation_id = p_fund_allocation_id;
Line: 247

       select 'x'
       from   pa_tasks
       where  task_id = p_task_id
       and    top_task_id = p_task_id
       and    project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 323

       select 'x'
       from   okc_k_lines_b
       where  id = p_k_line_id
       and    dnz_chr_id = p_object_id;
Line: 383

      select rowid, nvl(agreement_version, 0)
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations
      where  fund_allocation_id = p_fund_allocation_id;
Line: 455

      select 'x'
      from   oke_k_funding_sources
      where  object_id = p_object_id
      and    funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id;
Line: 526

      select 'x'
      from   oke_k_funding_sources
      where  funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id
      FOR UPDATE OF funding_source_id NOWAIT;
Line: 620

      select 'x'
      from   oke_k_lines
      where  k_line_id = p_k_line_id;
Line: 625

      select pa_flag
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations
      where  fund_allocation_id = p_fund_allocation_id;
Line: 630

      select project_id, task_id
      from   oke_k_lines
      where  k_line_id = p_k_line_id;
Line: 635

      select 'x'
      from   dual
      where  p_project_id in
      (select to_number(sub_project_id)
      from   pa_fin_structures_links_v
      start with parent_project_id = x_project_id
      connect by parent_project_id = prior sub_project_id
Line: 645

      select 'x'
      from   dual
      where  p_project_id in
      ( select to_number(sub_project_id)
      from   pa_fin_structures_links_v
      START WITH (parent_project_id, parent_task_id)
              IN (SELECT x_project_id, task_id FROM pa_tasks
                   WHERE project_id = x_project_id
                     AND top_task_id = nvl(x_task_id, top_task_id))
      connect by parent_project_id = prior sub_project_id);
Line: 657

      select project_id,
      from   oke_k_lines
      where  k_line_id = x_line_id;
Line: 788

      select 'x'
      from   pa_project_customers p,
             pa_projects_all a,
      	     oke_k_funding_sources f,
      	     pa_project_types_all l,
      	     hz_cust_accounts h
      where  p.project_id = p_project_id
      and    nvl(a.template_flag, '-99') <> 'Y'
      and    f.funding_source_id = p_funding_source_id
      and    p.customer_id = h.cust_account_id
      and    h.party_id = f.k_party_id
      and    a.project_id = p.project_id
      and    a.project_type = l.project_type
      and    l.project_type_class_code = 'CONTRACT';
Line: 804

      select project_id,
      from   oke_k_lines_v
      where  header_id = p_object_id
      and    k_line_id = p_k_line_id;
Line: 811

      select project_id
      from   oke_k_headers
      where  k_header_id = p_object_id;
Line: 817

      select 'x'
      from   dual
      where  p_project_id in
      (select to_number(sub_project_id)
      from    pa_fin_structures_links_v
      start with parent_project_id = x_project_id
      connect by parent_project_id = prior sub_project_id
      union all
      select x_project_id
      from   dual
Line: 834

      select 'x'
      from   dual
      where  x_project_id in
      (select  a.parent_project_id
      from    pa_fin_structures_links_v a
      start with sub_project_id = p_project_id
      connect by sub_project_id = prior parent_project_id
      union all
      select p_project_id
      from   dual
Line: 848

      select 'x'
      from   dual
      where  p_project_id in
      ( select to_number(sub_project_id)
      from    pa_fin_structures_links_v
      start with parent_project_id = x_project_id
      and parent_task_id = x_task_id
      connect by parent_project_id = prior sub_project_id
      union all
      select x_project_id
      from   dual
Line: 865

      select 'x'
      from   dual
      where  (x_project_id,x_task_id) in
      ( select a.parent_project_id,a.parent_task_id
      from    pa_fin_structures_links_v a
      start with sub_project_id = p_project_id
       connect by sub_project_id = prior parent_project_id
      union all
      select p_project_id,x_task_id
      from   dual
Line: 878

      select buy_or_sell
      from   oke_k_headers_v
      where  k_header_id = p_object_id;
Line: 883

      select project_id,
      from   oke_k_lines
      where  k_line_id = x_line_id;
Line: 1035

      select 'x'
      from   pa_tasks
      where  task_id    = p_task_id
      and    task_id    = top_task_id;
Line: 1096

      select 'x'
      from   fnd_lookup_values
      where  lookup_type   = 'FUND_TYPE'
      and    language = userenv('LANG')
      and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
      and    lookup_code = upper(p_fund_type);
Line: 1159

      select 'x'
      from   fnd_lookup_values
      where  lookup_type = 'FUNDING_STATUS'
      and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
      and    language = userenv('LANG')
      and    lookup_code = upper(p_funding_status);
Line: 1222

      select 'x'
      from   pa_lookups
      where  lookup_type = 'FUNDING CATEGORY TYPE'
      and    lookup_code = upper(p_funding_category);
Line: 1293

      select 'x'
      from   gl_daily_conversion_types
      where  UPPER(conversion_type) = UPPER(p_conversion_type);
Line: 1575

      select *
      from   oke_k_fund_allocations
      where  fund_allocation_id = p_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id
      FOR UPDATE OF fund_allocation_id NOWAIT;
Line: 1581

      select major_version + 1
      from   okc_k_vers_numbers
      where  chr_id = p_allocation_in_rec.object_id;
Line: 1691

      			  p_msg_name			=>	'OKE_API_NO_UPDATE'						,
      			  p_token1			=>	'VALUE'								,
      			  p_token1_value		=>	'task_id'
Line: 1706

      			  p_msg_name			=>	'OKE_API_NO_UPDATE'						,
      			  p_token1			=>	'VALUE'								,
      			  p_token1_value		=>	'project_id'
Line: 1720

      			  p_msg_name			=>	'OKE_API_NO_UPDATE'						,
      			  p_token1			=>	'VALUE'								,
      			  p_token1_value		=>	'k_line_id'
Line: 1737

      			  p_msg_name			=>	'OKE_API_NO_UPDATE'						,
      			  p_token1			=>	'VALUE'								,
      			  p_token1_value		=>	'start_date_active'
Line: 1936

      			  p_msg_name			=>	'OKE_API_NO_UPDATE'						,
      			  p_token1			=>	'VALUE'								,
      			  p_token1_value		=>	'funding_category'
Line: 2552

   OKE_FUNDINGALLOCATION_PVT.insert_row(X_Rowid				=>	l_rowid							,
   					X_Fund_Allocation_Id		=>	l_fund_allocation_id					,
 		    		        X_Funding_Source_Id		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.funding_source_id			,
		     			X_Object_Id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.object_id				,
		    		        X_K_Line_Id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.k_line_id				,
		     			X_Project_Id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.project_id				,
		     			X_Task_Id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.task_id				,
		     	                X_Previous_Amount		=>	0							,
		     			X_Amount			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.amount				,
		     			X_Hard_Limit			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.hard_limit				,
		    			X_Fund_Type			=>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.fund_type)			,
		     			X_Funding_Status		=>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.funding_status)		,
		     			X_Fiscal_Year			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.fiscal_year				,
		     			X_Reference1			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.reference1				,
		     			X_Reference2			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.reference2				,
		     			X_Reference3			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.reference3				,
					X_PA_CONVERSION_TYPE		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.PA_CONVERSION_TYPE			,
					X_PA_CONVERSION_DATE		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.PA_CONVERSION_DATE			,
					X_PA_CONVERSION_RATE		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_conversion_rate			,
					X_Insert_Update_Flag		=>	'Y'							,
                     			X_Start_Date_Active		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.start_date_active			,
                     			X_End_Date_Active		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.end_date_active			,
                     			X_Last_Update_Date              =>	sysdate							,
                     			X_Last_Updated_By               =>	L_USERID						,
                    			X_Creation_Date                 =>	sysdate							,
                     			X_Created_By                    =>	L_USERID						,
                     			X_Last_Update_Login             =>	L_LOGINID						,
                     			--X_Attribute_Category            =>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute_category)	,
                     			X_Attribute_Category            =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute_category		,
                     			X_Attribute1                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute1			,
                     			X_Attribute2                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute2			,
                     			X_Attribute3                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute3			,
                     			X_Attribute4                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute4			,
                     			X_Attribute5                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute5			,
                     			X_Attribute6                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute6			,
                     			X_Attribute7                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute7			,
                     			X_Attribute8                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute8			,
                     			X_Attribute9                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute9			,
                     			X_Attribute10                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute10			,
                     			X_Attribute11                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute11			,
                     			X_Attribute12                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute12			,
                     			X_Attribute13                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute13			,
                     			X_Attribute14                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute14			,
                     			X_Attribute15                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute15			,
                     			X_Revenue_Hard_Limit		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.revenue_hard_limit			,
                     			X_Funding_Category		=>      upper(l_allocation_in_rec.funding_category)		,
                     			--X_PA_Attribute_Category         =>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category)	,
                     			X_PA_Attribute_Category         =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category		,
                     			X_PA_Attribute1                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute1			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute2                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute2			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute3                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute3			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute4                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute4			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute5                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute5			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute6                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute6			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute7                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute7			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute8                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute8			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute9                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute9			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute10                =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute10
Line: 2674

PROCEDURE update_allocation(p_api_version		IN		NUMBER						,
   			    p_init_msg_list		IN		VARCHAR2 :=OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			    p_commit			IN		VARCHAR2 :=OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			    p_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER						,
   			    p_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2					,
			    p_allocation_in_rec		IN		ALLOCATION_REC_IN_TYPE				,
			    p_allocation_out_rec	OUT NOCOPY	ALLOCATION_REC_OUT_TYPE				,
			    p_validation_flag		IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_TRUE			,
			    p_return_status		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
 			   ) is

   l_api_name		CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_allocation';
Line: 2800

   OKE_FUNDINGALLOCATION_PVT.update_row(X_Fund_Allocation_Id		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.fund_allocation_id			,
		       		    	X_Amount			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.amount				,
		       		    	X_Previous_Amount		=>	l_previous_amount					,
		       		    	X_Object_id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.object_id				,
		       		    	X_k_line_id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.k_line_id				,
		       		    	X_project_id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.project_id				,
		       		    	x_task_id			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.task_id				,
		       		    	X_Hard_Limit			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.hard_limit				,
		       		    	X_Fund_Type			=>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.fund_type)			,
		       		    	X_Funding_Status		=>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.funding_status)		,
		       		    	X_Fiscal_Year			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.fiscal_year				,
		       		    	X_Reference1			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.reference1				,
		       		    	X_Reference2			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.reference2				,
		       		    	X_Reference3			=>	l_allocation_in_rec.reference3				,
					X_Pa_Conversion_Type		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_conversion_type			,
					X_Pa_Conversion_Date		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_conversion_date			,
					X_Pa_Conversion_Rate		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_conversion_rate			,
					X_Insert_Update_Flag		=>	'Y'							,
                       		    	X_Start_Date_Active		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.start_date_active			,
                       		    	X_End_Date_Active		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.end_date_active			,
                       		    	X_Last_Update_Date              =>	sysdate							,
                       		    	X_Last_Updated_By               =>	L_USERID						,
                       		    	X_Last_Update_Login             =>	L_LOGINID						,
                       		    	--X_Attribute_Category            =>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute_category)	,
                       		    	X_Attribute_Category            =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute_category		,
                       		    	X_Attribute1                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute1			,
                       		    	X_Attribute2                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute2			,
                       		    	X_Attribute3                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute3 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute4                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute4 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute5                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute5 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute6                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute6 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute7                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute7 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute8                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute8 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute9                    =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute9			,
                       		    	X_Attribute10                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute10 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute11                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute11 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute12                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute12 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute13                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute13 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute14                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute14 			,
                       		    	X_Attribute15                   =>	l_allocation_in_rec.oke_attribute15 			,
                       		    	X_Revenue_Hard_Limit		=>	l_allocation_in_rec.revenue_hard_limit			,
                       		    	X_Funding_Category		=>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.funding_category)		,
                       		    	--X_PA_Attribute_Category         =>	upper(l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category)	,
                       		    	X_PA_Attribute_Category         =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute_category		,
                     			X_PA_Attribute1                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute1			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute2                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute2			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute3                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute3			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute4                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute4			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute5                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute5			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute6                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute6			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute7                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute7			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute8                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute8			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute9                 =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute9			,
                     			X_PA_Attribute10                =>	l_allocation_in_rec.pa_attribute10
Line: 2900

END update_allocation;
Line: 2915

PROCEDURE delete_allocation(p_api_version		IN		NUMBER						,
		            p_commit			IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			    p_init_msg_list		IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
   			    p_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER						,
   			    p_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2					,
			    p_fund_allocation_id	IN		NUMBER						,
			  --  p_agreement_flag		IN		VARCHAR2 := OKE_API.G_FALSE			,
			    p_return_status		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
			   ) is

   l_api_name		CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_allocation';
Line: 2939

      select org_id
      from   pa_projects_all p,
             oke_k_fund_allocations f
      where  f.project_id = p.project_id
      and    fund_allocation_id = p_fund_allocation_id;
Line: 2947

        select major_version + 1,
               nvl(created_in_version, -99)
        from   okc_k_vers_numbers b,
               oke_k_fund_allocations a
        where  b.chr_id = a.object_id
        and    a.fund_allocation_id = p_fund_allocation_id;
Line: 2955

      select project_funding_id, org_id, pm_funding_reference
      from   pa_project_fundings p,
      	     pa_agreements_all a
      where  p.pm_product_code = G_PRODUCT_CODE
      and    a.agreement_id = p.agreement_id
      and    substr(pm_funding_reference, 1, x_length + 1) = p_fund_allocation_id || '.';
Line: 3008

      			   p_msg_name		=>	'OKE_VER_NO_ALLOCATION_DELETE'
Line: 3022

   OKE_FUNDINGALLOCATION_PVT.delete_row(x_rowid		=>	l_rowid);
Line: 3047

      PA_AGREEMENT_PUB.delete_funding(p_api_version_number		=> 	p_api_version					,
   				      p_commit				=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				      p_init_msg_list			=>	OKE_API.G_FALSE					,
   				      p_msg_count			=>	p_msg_count					,
   				      p_msg_data			=>	p_msg_data					,
   				      p_return_status			=>	p_return_status					,
   				      p_pm_product_code			=>	G_PRODUCT_CODE					,
   				      p_pm_funding_reference		=>	l_project_funding.pm_funding_reference		,
   				      p_funding_id			=>	l_project_funding.project_funding_id		,
   				      p_check_y_n			=>	'Y'
Line: 3113

END delete_allocation;