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Line 381: * whereas the Last_Update_Date should be set to FND_API.G_MISS_DATE.

377: * fnd_profile_options_pkg.LOAD_ROW() since in this case there's an extra
378: * processing for the values passed to Last_Updated_By and Last_Update_Date
380: * In this case, the Creation_Date should be set to X_LAST_UPDATE_DATE
381: * whereas the Last_Update_Date should be set to FND_API.G_MISS_DATE.
382: * Similarly, Created_By is set to OWNER and Last_Updated_By to 'SEED'/1.
383: * This is to ensure that, 'fnd_load_util.upload_test()' succeeds for this
384: * dummy row and consequently this Dummy profile definition always gets
385: * updated with the actual definition when the profile ldt shipping the

Line 419: x_start_date_active => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,

415: x_resp_enabled_flag => 'N',
416: x_resp_update_allowed_flag => 'N',
417: x_user_enabled_flag => 'N',
418: x_user_update_allowed_flag => 'N',
419: x_start_date_active => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
420: x_sql_validation => NULL,
421: x_end_date_active => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
422: x_user_profile_option_name => X_PROFILE_OPTION_NAME,
423: x_description => NULL,

Line 421: x_end_date_active => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,

417: x_user_enabled_flag => 'N',
418: x_user_update_allowed_flag => 'N',
419: x_start_date_active => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
420: x_sql_validation => NULL,
421: x_end_date_active => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
422: x_user_profile_option_name => X_PROFILE_OPTION_NAME,
423: x_description => NULL,
424: x_creation_date => f_ludate,
425: x_created_by => f_luby,

Line 426: x_last_update_date => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,

422: x_user_profile_option_name => X_PROFILE_OPTION_NAME,
423: x_description => NULL,
424: x_creation_date => f_ludate,
425: x_created_by => f_luby,
426: x_last_update_date => FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
427: x_last_updated_by => fnd_load_util.owner_id('SEED'),
428: x_last_update_login => 0,
429: x_hierarchy_type => 'SECURITY',
430: x_server_enabled_flag => 'N',