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APPS.PA_UTILS dependencies on PA_CC_UTILS

Line 2115: if pa_cc_utils.g_debug_mode then

2111: l_debug_mode varchar2(1);
2113: begin
2115: if pa_cc_utils.g_debug_mode then
2116: l_debug_mode := 'Y';
2117: else
2118: l_debug_mode := 'N';
2119: end if;

Line 2125: pa_cc_utils.set_curr_function('get_rate_source_cost_method');

2121: if ( l_debug_mode = 'Y' ) THEN
2122: pa_debug.set_process( x_process => 'PLSQL'
2123: ,x_debug_mode => l_debug_mode
2124: );
2125: pa_cc_utils.set_curr_function('get_rate_source_cost_method');
2126: pa_cc_utils.log_message('Start ');
2127: end if;
2129: open get_emp_override_rule;

Line 2126: pa_cc_utils.log_message('Start ');

2122: pa_debug.set_process( x_process => 'PLSQL'
2123: ,x_debug_mode => l_debug_mode
2124: );
2125: pa_cc_utils.set_curr_function('get_rate_source_cost_method');
2126: pa_cc_utils.log_message('Start ');
2127: end if;
2129: open get_emp_override_rule;
2130: fetch get_emp_override_rule bulk collect into

Line 2527: pa_cc_utils.log_message('start of check_cm_on_related_items');

2523: -- then traverse the related items up and down to figure out if the items are costed.
2524: -- If they're costed then the same costing method should be used on the current item.
2525: --
2526: -- Need to put some examples.
2527: pa_cc_utils.log_message('start of check_cm_on_related_items');
2529: if p_exp_item_id is not null then
2530: open check_item_activity(p_exp_item_id);
2531: fetch check_item_activity into l_module_code, l_order;

Line 2537: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to null');

2533: end if;
2535: if l_module_code is null and p_xfer_item_id is null then -- item is newly created/interfaced. so no entry in activity table
2536: x_costing_method := null;
2537: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to null');
2538: elsif l_module_code = 'PAXREVTXN' then
2539: x_costing_method := 'CURRENT';
2540: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to current');
2541: elsif l_module_code = 'PAXPRRPE' then -- traverse the related items to find the costing method.

Line 2540: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to current');

2536: x_costing_method := null;
2537: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to null');
2538: elsif l_module_code = 'PAXREVTXN' then
2539: x_costing_method := 'CURRENT';
2540: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to current');
2541: elsif l_module_code = 'PAXPRRPE' then -- traverse the related items to find the costing method.
2542: open c_traverse_tree(p_xfer_item_id);
2543: fetch c_traverse_tree bulk collect into l_item_id_tbl, l_cdf_tbl, l_module_code_tbl,
2544: l_costing_method_tbl, l_order_tbl;

Line 2554: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. xfer item costed first. EI: ' || l_item_id_tbl(i) || ', CM: ' ||x_costing_method);

2550: x_costing_method := null;
2551: for i in l_item_id_tbl.first..l_item_id_tbl.last loop
2552: if (l_item_id_tbl(i) > p_exp_item_id OR p_exp_item_id is null) and l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'Y' then
2553: x_costing_method := l_costing_method_tbl(i);
2554: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. xfer item costed first. EI: ' || l_item_id_tbl(i) || ', CM: ' ||x_costing_method);
2555: exit;
2556: elsif l_module_code_tbl(i) = 'PAXREVTXN' and l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'Y' then
2557: x_costing_method := l_costing_method_tbl(i);
2558: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. item reversal pgm. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);

Line 2558: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. item reversal pgm. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);

2554: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. xfer item costed first. EI: ' || l_item_id_tbl(i) || ', CM: ' ||x_costing_method);
2555: exit;
2556: elsif l_module_code_tbl(i) = 'PAXREVTXN' and l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'Y' then
2557: x_costing_method := l_costing_method_tbl(i);
2558: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. item reversal pgm. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);
2559: exit;
2560: elsif l_module_code_tbl(i) = 'PAXREVTXN' and l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'N' then
2561: x_costing_method := 'CURRENT';
2562: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. item reversal pgm. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);

Line 2562: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. item reversal pgm. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);

2558: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. item reversal pgm. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);
2559: exit;
2560: elsif l_module_code_tbl(i) = 'PAXREVTXN' and l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'N' then
2561: x_costing_method := 'CURRENT';
2562: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. item reversal pgm. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);
2563: exit;
2564: elsif l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'Y' then
2565: l_previous_indx := i;
2566: elsif l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'N' and l_costing_method_tbl(i) is not null then

Line 2568: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);

2564: elsif l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'Y' then
2565: l_previous_indx := i;
2566: elsif l_cdf_tbl(i) = 'N' and l_costing_method_tbl(i) is not null then
2567: x_costing_method := l_costing_method_tbl(i);
2568: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);
2569: exit;
2570: end if;
2571: end loop;
2572: end if; -- l_item_id_tbl.count > 0

Line 2578: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. parent costed. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);

2575: if x_costing_method is null and l_previous_indx > -1 then
2576: if l_module_code_tbl(l_previous_indx) = 'PAXPRRPE' then
2577: x_costing_method := l_costing_method_tbl(l_previous_indx);
2578: pa_cc_utils.log_message('check_cm: costing method set to related item .. parent costed. CM: ' ||x_costing_method);
2579: end if;
2580: end if;
2582: exception