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2 -- $Header: xlarppcl.pkh 120.12 2011/05/11 12:29:05 vgopiset ship $
3 /*===========================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 2003 Oracle Corporation BelmFont, California, USA           |
5 |                          ALL rights reserved.                              |
6 +============================================================================+
7 | FILENAME                                                                   |
8 |    xlarppcl.pkh                                                            |
9 |                                                                            |
10 | PACKAGE NAME                                                               |
11 |     xla_period_close_exp_pkg                                               |
12 |                                                                            |
13 | DESCRIPTION                                                                |
14 | This package generates an XML extract for the Period Close Validation      |
15 | program unit. A dynamic query is created based on the parameters that are  |
16 | input and data template is used to generate XML. The extract is            |
17 | called either when the user submits a concurrent request or when a General |
18 | Ledger Period is closed.                                                   |
19 |                                                                            |
20 | HISTORY                                                                    |
21 |     26/07/2005  VS Koushik            Created                              |
22 |     15/02/2006  VamsiKrishna Kasina   Changed the package to use           |
23 |                                       Data Template.                       |
24 |     30/03/2011  VGOPISET              Bug11830219 to change XTE to use the |
25 |                                       XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES_UPG so that |
26 |                                       Trx Security is not applied          |
27 +===========================================================================*/
28 --
29 -- To be used in query as bind variable
30 --
32 p_application_id                 NUMBER;
33 p_je_source                      VARCHAR2(80);
34 p_ledger_id                      NUMBER;
35 p_ledger                         VARCHAR2(30);
36 p_period_from                    VARCHAR2(30);
37 p_period_to                      VARCHAR2(30);
38 p_dummy_param_1                  NUMBER;
39 p_event_class                    VARCHAR2(30);
40 p_event_class_code               VARCHAR2(30);
41 p_dummy_param_2                  NUMBER;
42 p_je_category                    VARCHAR2(30);
43 p_je_category_name               VARCHAR2(30);
44 p_mode                           VARCHAR2(1);
46 p_je_source_name                 VARCHAR2(25);
47 p_object_type_code               VARCHAR2(1);
48 C_RETURN_CODE                    NUMBER;
49 --p_trx_identifiers               VARCHAR2(32000):= ' '; commented by preeti/6204675
50 --added by preeti/6204675
51 p_trx_identifiers_1                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
52 p_trx_identifiers_2                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
53 p_trx_identifiers_3                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
54 p_trx_identifiers_4                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
55 p_trx_identifiers_5                VARCHAR2(32000):= ' ';
56  -- end preeti/6204675
58 p_ledger_ids                     VARCHAR2(2000):= ' ';
59 p_event_filter                   VARCHAR2(2000):= ' ';
61 p_header_filter                  VARCHAR2(2000):= ' ';
62 p_je_source_filter               VARCHAR2(2000):= ' ';
64 C_EVENTS_COLS_QUERY              VARCHAR2(10000):= ' ';
66 C_EVENTS_FROM_QUERY              VARCHAR2(10000):= ' ';
68 C_HEADERS_COLS_QUERY             VARCHAR2(10000):= ' ';
69 C_HEADERS_FROM_QUERY             VARCHAR2(10000):= ' ';
71 CURSOR period_close_cur_evt(p_application_id NUMBER,p_ledger_id NUMBER,p_period_name VARCHAR2)
72 IS
74 SELECT xte.ledger_id            LEDGER_ID,
75        xte.source_id_int_1      SOURCE_ID_INT_1,
76        xte.security_id_int_1    SECURITY_ID_INT_1,
77        xte.entity_code          ENTITY_CODE,
78        xte.legal_entity_id      LEGAL_ENTITY_ID,
79        xle.event_status_code    EVENT_STATUS_CODE,
80        xle.process_status_code  PROCESS_STATUS_CODE,
81        xle.application_id       APPLICATION_ID,
82        xle.event_id             EVENT_ID,
83        xle.event_number         EVENT_NUMBER,
84        xle.on_hold_flag         ON_HOLD_FLAG,
85        xle.event_type_code      EVENT_TYPE_CODE,
86        xle.event_date           EVENT_DATE,
87        xte.transaction_number   TRANSACTION_NUMBER,
88        xle.last_update_date     LAST_UPDATE_DATE ,
89        xle.creation_date        CREATION_DATE,
90        xle.transaction_date     TRANSACTION_DATE
92 FROM   xla_events xle,
93        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, --bug11830219 changed from XTE to UPG synonym
94        xla_ledger_options xlo,
95        gl_period_statuses glp
96 WHERE  xle.entity_id = xte.entity_id
97        AND xle.application_id = xte.application_id
98        AND xle.event_date BETWEEN glp.start_date
99                                   AND glp.end_date
100        AND xle.application_id = p_application_id
101        AND xle.event_status_code IN ('I',
102                                      'U')
103        AND xle.process_status_code IN ('I',
104                                        'U',
105                                        'R',
106                                        'D',
107                                        'E')
108        AND xle.application_id = xlo.application_id
109        AND xlo.capture_event_flag = 'Y'
110        AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
111                    FROM   gl_ledger_relationships glr1,
112                           gl_ledger_relationships glr2
113                    WHERE  glr1.target_ledger_id = xlo.ledger_id
114                           AND glr2.target_ledger_id = p_ledger_id
115                           AND glr2.source_ledger_id = glr1.source_ledger_id
116                           AND glr2.application_id = glr1.application_id
117                           AND (glr1.target_ledger_id = xte.ledger_id
118                                 OR glr1.primary_ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)
119                           AND (glr1.relationship_type_code = 'SUBLEDGER'
120                                 OR (glr1.target_ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY'
121                                     AND glr1.relationship_type_code = 'NONE'))
122                           AND glr2.application_id = 101)
123        AND xte.application_id = p_application_id
124        AND glp.period_name = p_period_name
125        AND glp.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
126        AND glp.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
127        AND glp.application_id = p_application_id;
129 CURSOR period_close_cur_header(p_application_id NUMBER,p_ledger_id NUMBER,p_period_name VARCHAR2)
130 IS
131 SELECT aeh.ledger_id           LEDGER_ID,
132        aeh.ae_header_id        AE_HEADER_ID,
133        xte.source_id_int_1     SOURCE_ID_INT_1,
134        xte.entity_code         ENTITY_CODE,
135        xte.security_id_int_1   SECURITY_ID_INT_1,
136        xte.transaction_number  TRANSACTION_NUMBER,
137        xte.legal_entity_id     LEGAL_ENTITY_ID,
138        xle.event_type_code     EVENT_TYPE_CODE,
139        xle.event_date          EVENT_DATE,
140        xle.last_update_date    LAST_UPDATE_DATE ,
141        xle.creation_date       CREATION_DATE,
142        xle.transaction_date    TRANSACTION_DATE,
143        aeh.event_id            EVENT_ID,
144        aeh.application_id      APPLICATION_ID,
145        aeh.accounting_entry_status_code            ACCOUNTING_ENTRY_STATUS_CODE,
146        aeh.gl_transfer_status_code                 GL_TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE
147 FROM   xla_ae_headers aeh,
148        xla_events xle,
149        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, --bug11830219 changed from XTE to UPG synonym
150        gl_period_statuses glp
152                FROM   gl_ledger_relationships glr1,
153                       gl_ledger_relationships glr2
154                WHERE  aeh.ledger_id = glr2.target_ledger_id
155                       AND glr2.source_ledger_id = glr1.source_ledger_id
156                       AND glr2.application_id = glr1.application_id
157                       AND glr1.target_ledger_id = p_ledger_id
158                       AND glr1.application_id = 101)
159        AND xte.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
160        AND xte.application_id = aeh.application_id
161        AND aeh.gl_transfer_status_code IN ('N',
162                                            'E')
163        AND xle.event_status_code = 'P'
164        AND xle.event_id = aeh.event_id
165        AND xle.application_id = aeh.application_id
166        AND aeh.accounting_date BETWEEN glp.start_date
167                                        AND glp.end_date
168        AND xte.application_id = p_application_id
169        AND glp.period_name = p_period_name
170        AND glp.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
171        AND glp.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
172        AND glp.application_id = p_application_id;
176 CURSOR period_close_evt_date_cur(p_application_id NUMBER,p_ledger_id NUMBER,p_start_date DATE,p_end_date DATE)
177 IS
179 SELECT xte.ledger_id            LEDGER_ID,
180        xte.source_id_int_1      SOURCE_ID_INT_1,
181        xte.security_id_int_1    SECURITY_ID_INT_1,
182        xte.entity_code          ENTITY_CODE,
183        xte.legal_entity_id      LEGAL_ENTITY_ID,
184        xle.event_status_code    EVENT_STATUS_CODE,
185        xle.process_status_code  PROCESS_STATUS_CODE,
186        xle.application_id       APPLICATION_ID,
187        xle.event_id             EVENT_ID,
188        xle.event_number         EVENT_NUMBER,
189        xle.on_hold_flag         ON_HOLD_FLAG,
190        xle.event_type_code      EVENT_TYPE_CODE,
191        xle.event_date           EVENT_DATE,
192        xte.transaction_number   TRANSACTION_NUMBER,
193        xle.last_update_date     LAST_UPDATE_DATE ,
194        xle.creation_date        CREATION_DATE,
195        xle.transaction_date     TRANSACTION_DATE
197 FROM   xla_events xle,
198        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte, --bug11830219 changed from XTE to UPG synonym
199        xla_ledger_options xlo
200 WHERE  xle.entity_id = xte.entity_id
201        AND xle.application_id = xte.application_id
202        AND xle.event_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
203        AND xle.application_id = p_application_id
204        AND xle.event_status_code IN ('I',
205                                      'U')
206        AND xle.process_status_code IN ('I',
207                                        'U',
208                                        'R',
209                                        'D',
210                                        'E')
211        AND xle.application_id = xlo.application_id
212        AND xlo.capture_event_flag = 'Y'
213        AND EXISTS (SELECT 1
214                    FROM   gl_ledger_relationships glr1,
215                           gl_ledger_relationships glr2
216                    WHERE  glr1.target_ledger_id = xlo.ledger_id
217                           AND glr2.target_ledger_id = p_ledger_id
218                           AND glr2.source_ledger_id = glr1.source_ledger_id
219                           AND glr2.application_id = glr1.application_id
220                           AND (glr1.target_ledger_id = xte.ledger_id
221                                 OR glr1.primary_ledger_id = xte.ledger_id)
222                           AND (glr1.relationship_type_code = 'SUBLEDGER'
223                                 OR (glr1.target_ledger_category_code = 'PRIMARY'
224                                     AND glr1.relationship_type_code = 'NONE'))
225                           AND glr2.application_id = 101)
226        AND xte.application_id = p_application_id;
228 CURSOR period_close_hdr_date_cur(p_application_id NUMBER,p_ledger_id NUMBER,p_start_date DATE,p_end_date DATE)
229 IS
230 SELECT aeh.ledger_id           LEDGER_ID,
231        aeh.ae_header_id        AE_HEADER_ID,
232        xte.source_id_int_1     SOURCE_ID_INT_1,
233        xte.entity_code         ENTITY_CODE,
234        xte.security_id_int_1   SECURITY_ID_INT_1,
235        xte.transaction_number  TRANSACTION_NUMBER,
236        xte.legal_entity_id     LEGAL_ENTITY_ID,
237        xle.event_type_code     EVENT_TYPE_CODE,
238        xle.event_date          EVENT_DATE,
239        xle.last_update_date    LAST_UPDATE_DATE ,
240        xle.creation_date       CREATION_DATE,
241        xle.transaction_date    TRANSACTION_DATE,
242        aeh.event_id            EVENT_ID,
243        aeh.application_id      APPLICATION_ID,
244        aeh.accounting_entry_status_code            ACCOUNTING_ENTRY_STATUS_CODE,
245        aeh.gl_transfer_status_code                 GL_TRANSFER_STATUS_CODE
246 FROM   xla_ae_headers aeh,
247        xla_events xle,
248        xla_transaction_entities_upg xte --bug11830219 changed from XTE to UPG synonym
250                FROM   gl_ledger_relationships glr1,
251                       gl_ledger_relationships glr2
252                WHERE  aeh.ledger_id = glr2.target_ledger_id
253                       AND glr2.source_ledger_id = glr1.source_ledger_id
254                       AND glr2.application_id = glr1.application_id
255                       AND glr1.target_ledger_id = p_ledger_id
256                       AND glr1.application_id = 101)
257        AND xte.entity_id = aeh.entity_id
258        AND xte.application_id = aeh.application_id
259        AND aeh.gl_transfer_status_code IN ('N',
260                                            'E')
261        AND xle.event_status_code = 'P'
262        AND xle.event_id = aeh.event_id
263        AND xle.application_id = aeh.application_id
264        AND aeh.accounting_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date
265        AND xte.application_id = p_application_id;
270 FUNCTION  check_period_close(p_application_id   IN NUMBER
271                             ,p_period_name      IN VARCHAR2
272                             ,p_ledger_id        IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
274 END xla_period_close_exp_pkg;