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Line 435: from aso_quote_line_details a, aso_quote_lines_all b

431: cursor c_config_dtl(p_qte_line_id number) is
432: select a.quote_line_id, b.item_type_code, a.config_header_id, a.config_revision_num,a.component_code,
433: a.config_item_id, a.ref_line_id, a.top_model_line_id, a.ato_line_id, a.component_sequence_id,
434: b.ship_model_complete_flag
435: from aso_quote_line_details a, aso_quote_lines_all b
436: where b.quote_line_id = p_qte_line_id
437: and b.quote_line_id = a.quote_line_id
438: and a.ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';

Line 449: from aso_quote_lines_all

445: and config_item_id = p_config_item_id;
447: cursor c_smc(p_quote_line_id number) is
448: select ship_model_complete_flag
449: from aso_quote_lines_all
450: where quote_line_id = p_quote_line_id;
452: cursor c_quote_number(p_quote_header_id number) is
453: select quote_number, cust_account_id

Line 501: from aso_quote_lines_all

497: and nvl(config_model_type,'X') <> 'N' ;
499: cursor get_no_of_lines(p_qte_header_id number) is
500: select count(quote_line_id)
501: from aso_quote_lines_all
502: where quote_header_id = p_qte_header_id;
504: cursor c_get_warehouse (p_qte_line_id number, p_qte_header_id number ) is
505: select ship_from_org_id

Line 2434: from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b

2430: l_qte_line_dtl_tbl ASO_QUOTE_PUB.qte_line_dtl_tbl_type := ASO_QUOTE_PUB.G_MISS_QTE_LINE_DTL_TBL;
2432: Cursor get_line_details(l_qte_header_id NUMBER) IS
2433: SELECT b.config_header_id,b.config_revision_num,b.quote_line_id
2434: from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b
2435: where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
2436: and a. quote_header_id = l_qte_header_id
2437: and b.ref_line_id is null
2438: and b.ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';

Line 2442: from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b

2438: and b.ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';
2440: Cursor get_line_id(l_config_header_id Number,l_config_revision_num Number) IS
2441: select a.quote_line_id
2442: from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b
2443: where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
2444: and b.config_header_id = l_config_header_id
2445: and b.config_revision_num = l_config_revision_num
2446: and ref_type_code = 'CONFIG'

Line 2451: from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b

2447: and ref_line_id is null;
2449: Cursor get_no_of_lines(l_qte_header_id NUMBER) IS
2450: select count(a.quote_line_id)
2451: from aso_quote_lines_all a, aso_quote_line_details b
2452: where a.quote_line_id = b.quote_line_id
2453: and a. quote_header_id = l_qte_header_id
2454: and b.ref_line_id is null
2455: and b.ref_type_code = 'CONFIG';