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Line 136: -- asg_pub_item table

132: return false;
133: end raise_row_deferred;
135: -- Sort the publication item list by weight stored in
136: -- asg_pub_item table
137: PROCEDURE sort_by_weight(p_pub_name IN VARCHAR2,
138: x_pub_items_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY vc2_tbl_type)
139: IS
140: l_pub_items_tbl vc2_tbl_type;

Line 144: SELECT /*+ index (asg_pub_item, asg_pub_item_n1) */ name

140: l_pub_items_tbl vc2_tbl_type;
141: l_all_pub_items vc2_tbl_type;
142: counter PLS_INTEGER;
143: CURSOR c_pub_items(p_pub_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
144: SELECT /*+ index (asg_pub_item, asg_pub_item_n1) */ name
145: FROM asg_pub_item
146: WHERE pub_name = p_pub_name
147: ORDER BY nvl(table_weight, 0);
148: BEGIN

Line 145: FROM asg_pub_item

141: l_all_pub_items vc2_tbl_type;
142: counter PLS_INTEGER;
143: CURSOR c_pub_items(p_pub_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
144: SELECT /*+ index (asg_pub_item, asg_pub_item_n1) */ name
145: FROM asg_pub_item
146: WHERE pub_name = p_pub_name
147: ORDER BY nvl(table_weight, 0);
148: BEGIN

Line 160: -- Get the ordered list of pub items from the asg_pub_item table

156: FOR curr_index in 1..x_pub_items_tbl.count LOOP
157: l_pub_items_tbl(curr_index) := x_pub_items_tbl(curr_index);
158: END LOOP;
160: -- Get the ordered list of pub items from the asg_pub_item table
161: counter := 1;
162: FOR cpi in c_pub_items(p_pub_name) LOOP
163: l_all_pub_items(counter) := cpi.name;
164: counter := counter +1;

Line 393: FROM asg_pub_item

390: -- OK, all inq records to be processed have the same tranid$$
391: -- We need to update dmltype$$ now
392: SELECT primary_key_column INTO l_pk_columns
393: FROM asg_pub_item
394: WHERE name = p_curr_pubitem;
396: l_pk_list := asg_download.get_listfrom_string(l_pk_columns);
397: FOR curr_index IN 1..l_pk_list.count LOOP

Line 510: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||

506: 'SELECT store ' ||
507: 'FROM ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq '||
508: 'WHERE clid$$cs = :1 AND ' ||
509: ' tranid$$ = :2 AND ' ||
510: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||
511: ' ORDER BY store';
513: l_cursor_id1 := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
514: DBMS_SQL.PARSE (l_cursor_id1, l_select_store_sqlstring, DBMS_SQL.v7);

Line 697: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||

693: 'SELECT store ' ||
694: 'FROM ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq '||
695: 'WHERE clid$$cs = :1 AND ' ||
696: ' tranid$$ = :2 AND '||
697: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||
698: ' ORDER BY store';
700: l_cursor_id1 := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
701: DBMS_SQL.PARSE (l_cursor_id1, l_select_store_sqlstring, DBMS_SQL.v7);

Line 785: ' FROM asg_pub_item ' ||

781: 'WHERE clid$$cs = :1 AND ' ||
782: ' tranid$$ = :2 AND ' ||
783: ' store in ' ||
784: ' (SELECT name ' ||
785: ' FROM asg_pub_item ' ||
786: ' WHERE pub_name = :3) ' ||
787: ' ORDER BY store';
789: l_cursor_id1 := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;

Line 819: ' FROM asg_pub_item ' ||

815: 'WHERE device_user_name = :user_name AND ' ||
816: ' deferred_tran_id = :tranid AND ' ||
817: ' object_name IN ' ||
818: ' (SELECT name ' ||
819: ' FROM asg_pub_item ' ||
820: ' WHERE pub_name = :pubname) AND ' ||
821: ' object_name not in ' ||
822: ' (SELECT store ' ||
823: ' FROM ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq ' ||

Line 883: ' FROM asg_pub_item ' ||

879: ' WHERE device_user_name = :3 AND ' ||
880: ' deferred_tran_id = :4) AND ' ||
881: ' store in ' ||
882: ' (SELECT name ' ||
883: ' FROM asg_pub_item ' ||
884: ' WHERE pub_name = :5) ' ||
885: ' ORDER BY store';
887: l_cursor_id1 := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;

Line 1380: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||

1376: 'SELECT store ' ||
1377: 'FROM ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq '||
1378: 'WHERE clid$$cs = :1 AND ' ||
1379: ' tranid$$ = :2 AND ' ||
1380: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||
1381: ' ORDER BY store';
1383: l_cursor_id1 := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
1384: DBMS_SQL.PARSE (l_cursor_id1, l_select_store_sqlstring, DBMS_SQL.v7);

Line 1558: ' WHERE store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ';

1554: -- Get the list of users with dirty data
1555: l_select_users_sqlstring :=
1556: 'SELECT distinct clid$$cs clientid ' ||
1557: 'FROM ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq ' ||
1558: ' WHERE store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ';
1560: l_cursor_id := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
1561: DBMS_SQL.PARSE (l_cursor_id, l_select_users_sqlstring, DBMS_SQL.v7);
1562: DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (l_cursor_id, 1, l_user_name, 100);

Line 1919: ' FROM asg_pub ap, asg_pub_item api ' ||

1915: l_delete_inq_sqlstring :=
1916: 'DELETE from ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq ' ||
1917: 'WHERE store in ' ||
1918: ' (SELECT api.name ' ||
1919: ' FROM asg_pub ap, asg_pub_item api ' ||
1920: ' WHERE ap.custom = ''Y'' AND ' ||
1921: ' ap.name = api.pub_name)';
1922: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_delete_inq_sqlstring;

Line 1929: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||

1925: 'SELECT count(*) ' ||
1926: 'FROM ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq ci ' ||
1927: 'WHERE clid$$cs = :1 AND ' ||
1928: ' tranid$$ = :2 AND ' ||
1929: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) ' ||
1930: 'AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM asg_users_inqinfo ' ||
1931: ' WHERE device_user_name = ci.clid$$cs AND TRANID =ci.tranid$$) ' ;
1932: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_select_inqcnt_sqlstring
1933: INTO l_inq_count

Line 1983: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) '||

1979: 'SELECT store ' ||
1980: 'FROM ' || asg_base.G_OLITE_SCHEMA || '.c$inq ci '||
1981: 'WHERE clid$$cs = :1 AND ' ||
1982: ' tranid$$ = :2 AND ' ||
1983: ' store in (select item_id from asg_pub_item) '||
1984: ' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM asg_users_inqarchive ' ||
1985: ' WHERE device_user_name = ci.clid$$cs AND TRANID =ci.tranid$$) '||
1986: ' ORDER BY store';