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Line 65: per_all_people_f apf,

61: hr_locations_all hla,
62: hr_all_organization_units hou,
63: hr_all_organization_units_tl hout,
64: per_all_assignments_f paf ,
65: per_all_people_f apf,
66: per_addresses pav,
67: hr_organization_information hoi,
68: per_contracts_f pcf,
69: hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck,

Line 451: per_all_people_f peo

447: SELECT COUNT(asg.assignment_id)
448: FROM per_all_assignments_f asg,
449: per_assignment_status_types ast,
450: -- per_person_types_v pt,
451: per_all_people_f peo
452: WHERE asg.establishment_id=p_est_id
453: AND asg.person_id = peo.person_id
454: AND (ast.per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN')) -- AND p_include_suspended = 'Y')
455: AND asg.assignment_status_type_id = ast.assignment_status_type_id

Line 486: per_all_people_f peo2

483: FROM per_all_assignments_f asg2,
484: per_assignment_status_types ast2,
485: -- per_person_types_v pt2,
486: per_all_people_f peo2
487: WHERE asg2.establishment_id =p_est_id
488: AND asg2.person_id = peo.person_id
489: AND asg2.person_id = peo2.person_id
490: AND (ast2.per_system_status IN ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN') AND p_include_suspended = 'Y')

Line 542: per_all_people_f ppf

538: select pcf.effective_start_date,
539: pcf.effective_end_date
540: from per_contracts_f pcf ,
541: per_all_assignments_f paf,
542: per_all_people_f ppf
543: where ppf.person_id=f_person_id
544: and paf.person_id=ppf.person_id
545: and paf.contract_id(+)=pcf.contract_id
546: and pcf.effective_start_date=(select min(pcf1.effective_start_date)

Line 589: per_all_people_f apf where apf.person_id=lp_person_id;*/

585: PROCEDURE POPULATE_REPORT_DATA(p_employee_number IN varchar2,p_bg_id IN NUMBER ,p_asg_id NUMBER,p_asg_emp varchar2 ,p_effective_date varchar2 ,p_xfdf_blob OUT NOCOPY BLOB) IS
587: /* cursor c_get_data(lp_person_id number) is
588: select apf.full_name ,apf.last_name ,apf.first_name, apf.national_identifier,apf.original_date_of_hire from
589: per_all_people_f apf where apf.person_id=lp_person_id;*/
591: cursor c_asg_set1(l_asg_id number,l_bg_id number, p_effective_date date) is
592: select distinct paf.person_id ,l_asg_id ,pef.employee_number
593: from per_all_assignments_f paf,

Line 595: per_all_people_f pef

591: cursor c_asg_set1(l_asg_id number,l_bg_id number, p_effective_date date) is
592: select distinct paf.person_id ,l_asg_id ,pef.employee_number
593: from per_all_assignments_f paf,
594: hr_assignment_sets hs,
595: per_all_people_f pef
596: where hs.assignment_set_id=l_asg_id
597: and nvl(hs.payroll_id,paf.payroll_id)=paf.payroll_id
598: and hs.business_group_id=paf.business_group_id
599: and pef.person_id=paf.person_id

Line 612: per_all_people_f pef

608: cursor c_asg_set2(l_asg_id number,l_bg_id number, p_effective_date date) is
609: select distinct paf.person_id ,l_asg_id ,pef.employee_number
610: from per_all_assignments_f paf,
611: hr_assignment_sets hs,
612: per_all_people_f pef
613: where hs.assignment_set_id=l_asg_id
614: and hs.business_group_id=paf.business_group_id
615: and nvl(hs.payroll_id,paf.payroll_id)=paf.payroll_id
616: and pef.person_id=paf.person_id

Line 633: from per_all_assignments_f paf,hr_assignment_sets hs,per_all_people_f pef

630: /*
631: UNION
632: select paf.person_id ,l_asg_id ,pef.employee_number
633: from per_all_assignments_f paf,hr_assignment_sets hs,per_all_people_f pef
634: where hs.assignment_set_id=l_asg_id
635: and hs.payroll_id is null
636: and hs.business_group_id=paf.business_group_id
637: and pef.person_id=paf.person_id