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Line 177: from eam_pm_schedulings eps,eam_pm_scheduling_rules epr where

173: raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
174: end if;
176: select decode(eps.RESCHEDULING_POINT,6,epr.meter_id ,null) into l_base_meter_id
177: from eam_pm_schedulings eps,eam_pm_scheduling_rules epr where
178: eps.pm_schedule_id = epr.pm_schedule_id and rownum = 1
179: and eps.pm_schedule_id = sugg_rec.pm_schedule_id;
181: -- Now process the suggestion and fill out the parameters for the

Line 342: select planner_maintenance into l_planner_code from eam_pm_schedulings

338: if(p_planner_code is not null) then -- WO Defaults ER 16094794
339: l_eam_wo_tbl(i).planner_type := p_planner_code;
340: else
341: BEGIN
342: select planner_maintenance into l_planner_code from eam_pm_schedulings
343: where pm_schedule_id = sugg_rec.pm_schedule_id;
344: l_eam_wo_tbl(i).planner_type := l_planner_code;
345: -- test_mesg('in planner code');
346: Exception

Line 1395: from eam_forecasted_work_orders fwo,eam_pm_schedulings eps

1391: l_forecast_total := eam_wb_utils.get_forecast_total;
1393: for c1 in (
1394: select fwo.cycle_id,fwo.seq_id,eps.maintenance_object_id,eps.maintenance_object_type,fwo.activity_association_id
1395: from eam_forecasted_work_orders fwo,eam_pm_schedulings eps
1396: where fwo.pm_schedule_id=eps.pm_schedule_id and fwo.pm_forecast_id in (
1397: ( select * from table( cast ( current_forecasts_index as system.eam_wipid_tab_type
1398: )
1399: )

Line 1423: eam_forecasted_work_orders fwo,eam_pm_schedulings eps

1419: end if;
1421: if l_total = 0 then
1422: select count(1) into l_cnt from
1423: eam_forecasted_work_orders fwo,eam_pm_schedulings eps
1424: where fwo.pm_schedule_id = eps.pm_schedule_id and group_id = p_pm_group_id
1425: and (cycle_id >0 and seq_id >0 and (( cycle_id=l_cycle_id and seq_id <= l_seq_id) or cycle_id < l_cycle_id ))
1426: and action_type NOT IN(3,4)
1427: and maintenance_object_id =l_maint_id