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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 44

   , p_allow_delete                  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
   , x_detail_rec_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   , x_msg_count                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
   , x_msg_data                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ) IS

/*  Define local variables */
l_api_version			CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
Line: 74

   SELECT reservable_type
   FROM mtl_system_items
   WHERE inventory_item_id = item_id
   AND   organization_id = org_id;
Line: 81

   SELECT reservable_type
   FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
   WHERE organization_id = org_id
   AND   secondary_inventory_name = subinv_code;
Line: 87

   SELECT t.transaction_source_type_id
   FROM mtl_transaction_types t, mtl_txn_source_types st
   WHERE t.transaction_source_type_id = st.transaction_source_type_id
   AND   t.transaction_type_id = txn_type_id;
Line: 92

   SELECT delivery_detail_id
      ,   requested_quantity
      ,   requested_quantity2
      ,   source_line_id
   FROM wsh_delivery_details
   WHERE move_order_line_id = p_mo_line_rec.line_id
      AND released_status = 'S';
Line: 102

   SELECT nvl(sum(abs(trans_qty)), 0), nvl(sum(abs(trans_qty2)),0)
   FROM ic_tran_pnd
   WHERE line_id = source_line_id
     AND line_detail_id = delivery_detail_id
     AND delete_mark = 0 ;
Line: 110

SELECT  trans_id, line_id
FROM    ic_tran_pnd
WHERE   line_id =  p_mo_line_rec.txn_source_line_id
AND     line_detail_id IN (
               SELECT  delivery_detail_id
               FROM    wsh_delivery_details
               WHERE   move_order_line_id = p_mo_line_rec.line_id
               AND     source_line_id = p_mo_line_rec.txn_source_line_id
               AND     released_status IN ('R', 'S'))
AND     doc_type = 'OMSO'
AND     delete_mark = 0
AND     staged_ind = 0
AND     completed_ind = 0
AND     (lot_id >0 OR location <> 'l_IC$DEFAULT_LOCT');
Line: 133

l_p_allow_delete  VARCHAR2(3);
Line: 157

  l_p_allow_delete := p_allow_delete;
Line: 158

  GMI_Reservation_Util.PrintLn('l_p_allow_delete = ' || l_p_allow_delete);
Line: 163

  IF (UPPER(l_p_allow_delete) = 'YES')
     OR (l_p_allow_delete IS NULL AND UPPER(l_GML$DEL_ALC_BEFORE_AUTO) = 'YES')

        OPEN c_get_trans_id;
Line: 176

                ( 1
                , FND_API.G_FALSE
                , FND_API.G_FALSE
                , FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
                , l_tran_rec
                , l_tran_row
                , x_return_status
                , x_msg_count
                , x_msg_data
Line: 188

                GMI_Reservation_Util.PrintLn('return from DELETE PENDING TRANS x_return_status = ' || x_return_status);
Line: 192

                GMI_RESERVATION_UTIL.PrintLn('Error returned by Delete_Pending_Transaction');
Line: 375

   /*  Once the Reallocation done, need to update the MO_Line with the new detailed_qty */
   /* ============================================================================ */
   /*  Update the detailed quantity (and if possible, the sourcing information)  */
   /*  of the Move Order Line */
   /*  If the move order line is not fully detailed, update the  */
   /*  return status as appropriate. */
   GMI_Reservation_Util.PrintLn('ictrans count='||GMI_Reservation_Util.ic_tran_rec_tbl.COUNT);
Line: 405

gmi_reservation_util.println('Value of p_grouping_rule_id  in Process Line before update_row is '||p_grouping_rule_id);
Line: 406

   GMI_Reservation_Util.PrintLn('calling GMI_Move_Order_line_UTIL.Update_Row');
Line: 407
