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Line 672: nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_TREAT_CWK_AS_EMP'), 'N') = 'Y'));

668: and p_date_start between
669: ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
670: and (ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
671: or (ppf.current_npw_flag = 'Y' and
672: nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_TREAT_CWK_AS_EMP'), 'N') = 'Y'));
673: --
674: begin
675: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
676: --

Line 708: if nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' then

704: -- business group of the event, or that cross business group profile
705: -- option is enabled.
706: --
708: if nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' then
709: if (p_business_group_id <> l_business_group_id) then
710: --
711: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_289312_PERSON_NOT_IN_BG');
712: hr_utility.raise_error;

Line 798: if nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' then

794: --
795: -- Check that the business group of the organization is the same as the
796: -- business group of the event or the organization is global.
797: --
798: if nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_CROSS_BUSINESS_GROUP'), 'N') = 'N' then
799: if (p_business_group_id <> nvl(l_business_group_id, p_business_group_id)) then
800: --
801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_289314_ORG_NOT_IN_THIS_BG');
802: hr_utility.raise_error;