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Line 1637: ,p_impact_status IN pa_ci_impacts.status_code%TYPE

1634: PROCEDURE Get_Included_Ci
1635: ( p_from_bv_id IN pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE
1636: ,p_to_bv_id IN pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE --DEFAULT NULL
1637: ,p_impact_status IN pa_ci_impacts.status_code%TYPE
1638: ,x_ci_rec_tab OUT NOCOPY pa_fin_plan_pvt.ci_rec_tab
1639: ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
1640: ,x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
1641: ,x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

Line 1661: pa_ci_impacts im ,

1657: decode(f.version_type,'REVENUE',f.impl_equipment_quantity,NULL) impl_rev_equip_qty,
1658: f.impl_agr_revenue impl_agr_revenue,
1659: pbv.rev_partially_impl_flag rev_partially_impl_flag
1660: from pa_fp_merged_ctrl_items f,
1661: pa_ci_impacts im ,
1662: pa_budget_versions pbv
1663: where f.plan_version_id = p_from_bv_id
1664: and pbv.budget_version_id=f.ci_plan_version_id
1665: and im.ci_id = f.ci_id

Line 1696: pa_ci_impacts im,

1692: decode(f.version_type,'REVENUE',f.impl_equipment_quantity,NULL) impl_rev_equip_qty,
1693: f.impl_agr_revenue impl_agr_revenue,
1694: pbv.rev_partially_impl_flag rev_partially_impl_flag
1695: from pa_fp_merged_ctrl_items f,
1696: pa_ci_impacts im,
1697: pa_budget_versions pbv
1698: where f.plan_version_id = p_from_bv_id
1699: and pbv.budget_version_id=f.ci_plan_version_id
1700: and im.ci_id = f.ci_id

Line 1785: --Modified for 3550073. Handled the FINPLAN_COST, FINPLAN_REVENUE records in pa_ci_impacts

1781: ,p_error_text => substr(SQLERRM,1,240));
1783: END Get_Included_Ci;
1785: --Modified for 3550073. Handled the FINPLAN_COST, FINPLAN_REVENUE records in pa_ci_impacts
1786: --Reset the rev_partially_impl flag for the CIs partially implemented in the old current working version
1787: PROCEDURE handle_ci_links
1788: ( p_source_bv_id IN pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE
1789: ,p_target_bv_id IN pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE

Line 1821: l_impact_type_code pa_ci_impacts.impact_type_code%TYPE;

1817: l_msg_count NUMBER;
1818: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
1819: l_msg_index_out number;
1820: l_stage NUMBER := null;
1821: l_impact_type_code pa_ci_impacts.impact_type_code%TYPE;
1823: BEGIN
1824: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1825: l_stage := 10;