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2 -- $Header: PAXBUBUS.pls 120.4.12020000.3 2013/04/19 09:55:45 krkondur ship $
5   ---------------------------------------------------------
7   ---------------------------------------------------------
9   g_entry_level_code             varchar2(1);
12   -- Verify_Budget_Rules API ------------------------------
13   --   Added this global, which is populated by the Budgets form via a function call to this package.
15   G_Bgt_Intg_Flag               VARCHAR2(1) :=NULL;
18   -- Get_Project_Currency_Info API ------------------------
19   -- These globals will be populated by the API when the p_project_id IN-parameter varies from the
20   -- G_Project_Id global.
22   G_Project_id   		pa_projects_all.project_id%TYPE := -1;
24   G_Projfunc_Currency_Code	pa_projects_all.projfunc_currency_code%TYPE := NULL;
26   G_Project_Currency_Code	pa_projects_all.project_currency_code%TYPE := NULL;
28   G_Txn_Currency_Code	        pa_projects_all.projfunc_currency_code%TYPE := NULL;
40   ---------------------------------------------------------
42   ---------------------------------------------------------
45    /****************************************************************
46    This function returns a value 'Y' if the UOM passed is a currency
47    UOM. Otherwise it returns 'N'.
48    ******************************************************************/
49   Function Check_Currency_Uom (x_uom_code in varchar2) return varchar2 ;
50 --	pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES  (Check_Currency_Uom, WNDS, WNPS );
52    /****************************************************************
53    This function returns the value of budget amount code associated
54    with the budget type. Budget Amount Code determines whether its a
55    cost or a revenue budget.
56    ******************************************************************/
57   Function get_budget_amount_code(x_budget_type_code in varchar2) return varchar2 ;
58 --	pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES  ( get_budget_amount_code, WNDS, WNPS );
62   procedure get_draft_version_id (x_project_id        in     number,
63                                   x_budget_type_code  in     varchar2,
64                                   x_budget_version_id in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
65                                   x_err_code          in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
66                                   x_err_stage         in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
67                                   x_err_stack         in out NOCOPY varchar2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
69   procedure get_baselined_version_id (x_project_id    in     number,
70                                   x_budget_type_code  in     varchar2,
71                                   x_budget_version_id in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
72                                   x_err_code          in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
73                                   x_err_stage         in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
74                                   x_err_stack         in out NOCOPY varchar2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
76   procedure get_original_version_id (x_project_id    in     number,
77                                   x_budget_type_code  in     varchar2,
78                                   x_budget_version_id in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
79                                   x_err_code          in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
80                                   x_err_stage         in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
81                                   x_err_stack         in out NOCOPY varchar2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
83   procedure get_default_resource_list_id (x_project_id    in     number,
84                                   x_budget_type_code  in     varchar2,
85                                   x_resource_list_id  in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
86                                   x_err_code          in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
87                                   x_err_stage         in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
88                                   x_err_stack         in out NOCOPY varchar2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
90   procedure get_default_entry_method_code (x_project_id       in     number,
91                                   x_budget_type_code          in     varchar2,
92                                   x_budget_entry_method_code  in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
93                                   x_err_code                  in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
94                                   x_err_stage                 in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
95                                   x_err_stack                 in out NOCOPY varchar2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
97   function get_budget_type_code (x_budget_type in varchar2) return varchar2;
99   function get_budget_entry_method_code (x_budget_entry_method in varchar2)
100 						return varchar2;
102   function get_change_reason_code (x_meaning in varchar2) return varchar2;
104   function check_proj_budget_exists (x_project_id             in number,
105                                      x_budget_status_code     IN varchar2,
106 				     x_budget_type_code       IN varchar2 default NULL,
107                                      x_fin_plan_type_id       IN NUMBER   default NULL,
108                                      x_version_type           IN VARCHAR2 default NULL
109                                     ) return number;
111   function check_task_budget_exists (x_task_id                in number,
112 				     x_budget_status_code     IN varchar2,
113 				     x_budget_type_code       IN varchar2 default NULL,
114                                      x_fin_plan_type_id       IN NUMBER   default NULL,
115                                      x_version_type           IN VARCHAR2 default NULL
116 				    ) return number;
118   function check_resource_member_level(x_resource_list_member_id in number,
119 				       x_parent_member_id in number,
120 				       x_budget_version_id in number,
121 				       x_task_id in number)
122 						return number;
124   /*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
125    | The get_proj_budget_amount is to get proper budget amount for the |
126    | given project, budget type, and budget version type.	       |
127    |								       |
128    | Parameters:						       |
129    |								       |
130    |	1. x_project_id		project id			       |
131    |	2. x_budget_type	budget type code		       |
132    |	3. x_which_version  	'DRAFT', 'ORIGINAL', or 'CURRENT'.     |
133    |	4. x_revenue_amount	budget revenue			       |
134    |	5. x_raw_cost		budget raw cost			       |
135    |	6. x_burdened_cost	budget burdened cost		       |
136    |	7. x_labor_quantity	budget labor quantity		       |
137    |								       |
138    | The (x_project_id, x_budget_type, x_which_version) input values   |
139    | must be given. The x_which_version value must be one of the       |
140    | above three values (DRAFT/ORIGINAL/CURRENT).		       |
141    |								       |
142    | If there is no budget for the given project or you pass in bad    |
143    | values, the procedure will return $0 budget amount back to the    |
144    | caller. The calling module should handle the error handling.      |
145    +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
146   procedure get_proj_budget_amount(
147 			      x_project_id 	in	number,
148 			      x_budget_type	in	varchar2,
149 			      x_which_version	in	varchar2,
150                               x_revenue_amount 	out 	NOCOPY real, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
151                               x_raw_cost  	out 	NOCOPY real, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
152                               x_burdened_cost  	out 	NOCOPY real, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
153                               x_labor_quantity 	out 	NOCOPY real); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
155   /*-------------------------------------------------------------------+
156    | The get_task_budget_amount is to get proper budget amount for the |
157    | given project, budget type, and budget version type.              |
158    |                                                                   |
159    | Parameters:                                                       |
160    |                                                                   |
161    |    1. x_project_id         project id                             |
162    |    2. x_task_id         	top task id or lowest level task id    |
163    |    3. x_budget_type        budget type code                       |
164    |	4. x_which_version  	'DRAFT', 'ORIGINAL', or 'CURRENT'.     |
165    |    5. x_revenue_amount     budget revenue                         |
169    |                                                                   |
166    |    6. x_raw_cost           budget raw cost                        |
167    |    7. x_burdened_cost      budget burdened cost                   |
168    |    8. x_labor_quantity     budget labor quantity                  |
170    | The (x_project_id, x_budget_type, x_which_version) input values   |
171    | must be given. The x_which_version value must be one of the       |
172    | above three values (DRAFT/ORIGINAL/CURRENT).                      |
173    |                                                                   |
174    | If a mid-level task id is given, it will return $0 budget amount. |
175    | The calling module should handle the error handling.              |
176    | If there is no budget for the given project or you pass in bad    |
177    | values, the procedure will return $0 budget amount back to the    |
178    | caller. The calling module should handle the error handling.      |
179    +-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
180   procedure get_task_budget_amount(
181 			      x_project_id 	in	number,
182 			      x_task_id 	in	number,
183 			      x_budget_type	in	varchar2,
184 			      x_which_version	in	varchar2,
185                               x_revenue_amount 	out 	NOCOPY real, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
186                               x_raw_cost  	out 	NOCOPY real, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
187                               x_burdened_cost  	out 	NOCOPY real, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
188                               x_labor_quantity 	out 	NOCOPY real); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
190   procedure delete_draft (x_budget_version_id   in     number,
191                           x_err_code            in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
192                           x_err_stage           in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
193                           x_err_stack           in out NOCOPY varchar2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
195   procedure create_draft (x_project_id                in      number,
196                           x_budget_type_code          in      varchar2,
197                           x_version_name              in      varchar2,
198                           x_description               in      varchar2,
199                           x_resource_list_id          in      number,
200                           x_change_reason_code        in      varchar2,
201                           x_budget_entry_method_code  in      varchar2,
202                           x_attribute_category        in      varchar2,
203                           x_attribute1                in      varchar2,
204                           x_attribute2                in      varchar2,
205                           x_attribute3                in      varchar2,
206                           x_attribute4                in      varchar2,
207                           x_attribute5                in      varchar2,
208                           x_attribute6                in      varchar2,
209                           x_attribute7                in      varchar2,
210                           x_attribute8                in      varchar2,
211                           x_attribute9                in      varchar2,
212                           x_attribute10               in      varchar2,
213                           x_attribute11               in      varchar2,
214                           x_attribute12               in      varchar2,
215                           x_attribute13               in      varchar2,
216                           x_attribute14               in      varchar2,
217                           x_attribute15               in      varchar2,
218                           x_budget_version_id         in out  NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
219                           x_err_code                  in out  NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
220                           x_err_stage                 in out  NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
221                           x_err_stack                 in out  NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
222 			  x_pm_product_code           in      varchar2 default null,
223 			  x_pm_budget_reference       in      varchar2 default null
224  				);
226   procedure create_line (x_budget_version_id   in     number,
227                          x_project_id          in     number,
228                          x_task_id             in     number,
229                          x_resource_list_member_id in number,
230 						 x_cbs_element_id 			in number default null,   --Bug 16604257
231                          x_description         in     varchar2,
232                          x_start_date          in     date,
233                          x_end_date            in     date,
234                          x_period_name         in     varchar2,
235                          x_quantity            in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
236                          x_unit_of_measure     in     varchar2,
237                          x_track_as_labor_flag in     varchar2,
238                          x_raw_cost            in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
239                          x_burdened_cost       in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
240                          x_revenue             in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
241                          x_change_reason_code  in     varchar2,
242                          x_attribute_category  in     varchar2,
243                          x_attribute1          in     varchar2,
244                          x_attribute2          in     varchar2,
245                          x_attribute3          in     varchar2,
246                          x_attribute4          in     varchar2,
247                          x_attribute5          in     varchar2,
248                          x_attribute6          in     varchar2,
249                          x_attribute7          in     varchar2,
250                          x_attribute8          in     varchar2,
251                          x_attribute9          in     varchar2,
255                          x_attribute13         in     varchar2,
252                          x_attribute10         in     varchar2,
253                          x_attribute11         in     varchar2,
254                          x_attribute12         in     varchar2,
256                          x_attribute14         in     varchar2,
257                          x_attribute15         in     varchar2,
258                          -- Bug Fix: 4569365. Removed MRC code.
259                          -- x_mrc_flag            in     varchar2, /* FPB2: MRC */
260 			 x_pm_product_code     in      varchar2 default null,
261 			 x_pm_budget_line_reference in varchar2 default null,
262 			 x_quantity_source             varchar2 default 'M',
263 			 x_raw_cost_source             varchar2 default 'M',
264 			 x_burdened_cost_source        varchar2 default 'M',
265 			 x_revenue_source              varchar2 default 'M',
266 			 x_resource_assignment_id   in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
267 		    	 x_err_code                 in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
268 		    	 x_err_stage	            in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
269 		    	 x_err_stack                in out NOCOPY varchar2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
270                          );
272   procedure summerize_project_totals (x_budget_version_id   in     number,
273                                       x_err_code            in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
274                                       x_err_stage           in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
275                                       x_err_stack           in out NOCOPY varchar2); --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
277 PROCEDURE Verify_Budget_Rules
278  (p_draft_version_id		IN 	NUMBER
279   , p_mark_as_original  	IN	VARCHAR2
280   , p_event			IN	VARCHAR2
281   , p_project_id		IN	NUMBER
282   , p_budget_type_code		IN	VARCHAR2
283   , p_resource_list_id		IN	NUMBER
284   , p_project_type_class_code	IN 	VARCHAR2
285   , p_created_by 		IN	NUMBER
286   , p_calling_module		IN	VARCHAR2
287   , p_fin_plan_type_id          IN      NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL
288   , p_version_type              IN      VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
289   , p_warnings_only_flag	OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
290   , p_err_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
291   , p_err_code             	IN OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
292   , p_err_stage			IN OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
293   , p_err_stack			IN OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
294 );
299 PROCEDURE Baseline_Budget
300 (p_draft_version_id	         IN	NUMBER
301 , p_project_id 		         IN 	NUMBER
302 , p_mark_as_original	         IN 	VARCHAR2
303 , p_fck_req_flag                 IN     VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
304 , p_verify_budget_rules	         IN     VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'N'
305 , x_msg_count                   OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER  --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
306 , x_msg_data                    OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
307 , x_return_status               OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
308 );
310   /****************************************************************
311    How to use API - get_project_task_totals:
312    This API can be used to get the totals at the Project Level
313    or at the task level. If x_task_id is passed as a null value then
314    project level totals are fetched. Otherwise task level totals are
315    fetched. For task level totals, first the task level is determined.
316    If the task level is top or intermediate level , then the amounts
317    are rolled from the child tasks.
318   ******************************************************************/
319   procedure get_project_task_totals(x_budget_version_id   in     number,
320                             x_task_id             in     number,
321                             x_quantity_total      in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
322                             x_raw_cost_total      in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
323                             x_burdened_cost_total in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
324                             x_revenue_total       in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
325                             x_err_code            in out NOCOPY number, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
326                             x_err_stage           in out NOCOPY varchar2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
327                             x_err_stack           in out NOCOPY varchar2) ; --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
331   Procedure set_entry_level_code(x_entry_level_code in varchar2);
333   Function get_entry_level_code return varchar2;
334 --        pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES  ( get_entry_level_code, WNDS, WNPS );
337   Procedure Get_Version_Approved_Code
338              (
339                p_budget_version_id	IN      NUMBER
340                , x_approved_code	OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
341                , x_msg_count		OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
342                , x_msg_data		OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
343                , x_return_status	OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
344               );
347   Procedure Get_Project_Currency_Info
348              (
349               p_project_id			IN      NUMBER
350               , x_projfunc_currency_code	OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
351               , x_project_currency_code         OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
352               , x_txn_currency_code		OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
353               , x_msg_count			OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
354               , x_msg_data			OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
355               , x_return_status                 OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
356              );
359   Procedure Get_Approved_FP_Info
360              (
361               p_project_id			IN      NUMBER
362               , x_ac_plan_type_id               OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
363               , x_ar_plan_type_id               OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
364               , x_ac_version_type               OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
365               , x_ar_version_type               OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
366               , x_msg_count			OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
367               , x_msg_data			OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
368               , x_return_status                 OUT     NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
369              );
371   FUNCTION check_baseline_funding( x_project_id   IN  NUMBER )
372              RETURN NUMBER;
375   -- R12 MOAC, 19-JUL-05, jwhite
376   -- Added the procedure to set single project/OU context.
377   -- Had to add x_err_code to list to accomodate historical procedure standard
378   -- used by the Budget Approval workflow.
380   Procedure Set_Prj_Policy_Context
381              (
382               p_project_id			IN            NUMBER
383               , x_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
384               , x_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
385               , x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
386               , x_err_code                      OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
387              );
392 END pa_budget_utils ;