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1 package body OKC_ASYNC_PUB as
2 /* $Header: OKCPASNB.pls 120.1 2005/12/14 22:14:25 npalepu noship $ */
5 --
8 procedure proc_call(
9 			--
10 			-- common API parameters
11 			--
12 				p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
13                      	p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
14                      	x_return_status	OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
15                      	x_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY	NUMBER,
16                      	x_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
17 			--
18 			-- specific parameters
19 			--
20 			   	p_proc		IN	VARCHAR2,
21 				p_period_days	IN 	NUMBER ,
22 				p_stop_date		IN 	DATE ,
23 				x_key_to_stop	OUT	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2
24 ) is
25 t OKC_ASYNC_PVT.par_tbl_typ;
26    --
27    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'proc_call';
28    --
30 begin
32   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
33      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
34      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
35   END IF;
37   t(1).par_type :=  'N';
38   t(1).par_name :=  'P_PERIOD_DAYS';
39   t(1).par_value :=  p_period_days;
40   t(2).par_type :=  'D';
41   t(2).par_name :=  'P_STOP_DATE';
42   t(2).par_value :=  p_stop_date;
43   OKC_ASYNC_PVT.wf_call(
44 				p_api_version	=> p_api_version,
45                      	p_init_msg_list	=> p_init_msg_list,
46                      	x_return_status	=> x_return_status,
47                      	x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
48                      	x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
49 			   	p_proc		=> substr(p_proc,1,4000),
50 				p_wf_par_tbl	=> t
51   );
52   if (x_return_status = 'S') then
53     select to_char(okc_wf_notify_s1.currval) into x_key_to_stop from dual;
54   end if;
55         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
56            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
57            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
58         END IF;
59 end;
61 procedure proc_stop(
62 			--
63 			-- common API parameters
64 			--
65 				p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
66                      	p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
67                      	x_return_status	OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
68                      	x_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY	NUMBER,
69                      	x_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
70 			--
71 				p_stop_date		IN 	DATE ,
72 				p_key_to_stop	IN	VARCHAR2
73 ) is
74 l_api_name                     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'PROC_STOP';
75 l_return_status varchar2(1);
76 l_wf_name varchar2(100);
77 l_end_date date;
78 cursor wf_active is
79   select end_date from WF_ITEMS
80   where item_type = l_wf_name
81    and item_key = p_key_to_stop
82 ;
83    --
84    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'proc_stop';
85    --
87 begin
89   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
90      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
91      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
92   END IF;
94   l_return_status := OKC_API.START_ACTIVITY(substr(l_api_name,1,26),
95                                               'OKC_ASYNC_PUB',
96                                               OKC_API.G_TRUE,
97                                               p_api_version,
98                                               p_api_version,
99                                               'PUB',
100                                               x_return_status);
101   IF (l_return_status = OKC_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
103   ELSIF (l_return_status = OKC_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
105   END IF;
106   l_wf_name := OKC_ASYNC_PVT.G_WF_NAME;
107   open wf_active;
108   fetch wf_active into l_end_date;
109   close wf_active;
110   if (l_end_date is not NULL) then
111     if (p_stop_date > sysdate) then
112       x_return_status := 'E';
113     else
114       x_return_status := 'S';
115     end if;
116     IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
117        okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
118     END IF;
119     return;
120   end if;
121 --
122   if ( trunc(NVL(p_stop_date,sysdate))
123 		-NVL(wf_engine.GetItemAttrNumber (itemtype 	=> L_WF_NAME,
124 	      				itemkey  	=> p_key_to_stop,
125   	      				aname 	=> 'P_PERIOD_DAYS'),0) <
126 	trunc(sysdate)+1) then
127     wf_engine.abortprocess(L_WF_NAME,p_key_to_stop);
128   else
129     wf_engine.SetItemAttrDate (itemtype 	=> L_WF_NAME,
130 	      				itemkey  	=> p_key_to_stop,
131   	      				aname 	=> 'P_STOP_DATE',
132 						avalue	=> trunc(p_stop_date) );
133   end if;
134   OKC_API.END_ACTIVITY(x_msg_count, x_msg_data);
136         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
137            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
138            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
139         END IF;
143        x_return_status := OKC_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS
144        (substr(l_api_name,1,26),
145         'OKC_ASYNC_PUB',
146         'OKC_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR',
147         x_msg_count,
148         x_msg_data,
149         'PUB');
150         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
151            okc_debug.Log('2000: Leaving ',2);
152            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
153         END IF;
155        x_return_status := OKC_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS
156        (substr(l_api_name,1,26),
157         'OKC_ASYNC_PUB',
159         x_msg_count,
160         x_msg_data,
161         'PUB');
162         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
163            okc_debug.Log('3000: Leaving ',2);
164            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
165         END IF;
167        x_return_status := OKC_API.HANDLE_EXCEPTIONS
168        (substr(l_api_name,1,26),
169         'OKC_ASYNC_PUB',
170         'OTHERS',
171         x_msg_count,
172         x_msg_data,
173         'PUB');
174         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
175            okc_debug.Log('4000: Leaving ',2);
176            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
177         END IF;
178 end proc_stop;
180 procedure msg_call(
181 			--
182 			-- common API parameters
183 			--
184 				p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
185                      	p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
186                      	x_return_status	OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
187                      	x_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY	NUMBER,
188                      	x_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
189 			--
190 			-- specific parameters
191 			--
192 				p_recipient		IN	VARCHAR2,
193 			   	p_msg_subj 		IN	VARCHAR2,
194 			   	p_msg_body		IN	VARCHAR2,
195 			--
196 			-- hidden notification attributes
197 			--
198 				p_ntf_type		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
199 				p_contract_id	IN	NUMBER ,
200 				p_task_id		IN	NUMBER ,
201 				p_extra_attr_num	IN	NUMBER ,
202 				p_extra_attr_text	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
203 				p_extra_attr_date	IN	DATE
204 ) is
205 t OKC_ASYNC_PVT.par_tbl_typ;
206    --
207    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'msg_call';
208    --
210 begin
212   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
213      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
214      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
215   END IF;
217   t(1).par_type :=  'C';
218   t(1).par_name :=  'MESSAGE0';
219   t(1).par_value :=  substr(p_msg_subj,1,4000);
220   t(2).par_type :=  'C';
221   t(2).par_name :=  'MESSAGE1';
222   t(2).par_value :=  substr(p_msg_body,1,4000);
223   t(3).par_type :=  'N';
224   t(3).par_name :=  'CONTRACT_ID';
225   t(3).par_value :=  p_contract_id;
226   t(4).par_type :=  'N';
227   t(4).par_name :=  'TASK_ID';
228   t(4).par_value :=  p_task_id;
229   t(5).par_type :=  'N';
230   t(5).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_NUM';
231   t(5).par_value :=  p_extra_attr_num;
232   t(6).par_type :=  'C';
233   t(6).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_TEXT';
234   t(6).par_value :=  substr(p_extra_attr_text,1,4000);
235   t(7).par_type :=  'D';
236   t(7).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_DATE';
237   t(7).par_value :=  p_extra_attr_date;
238   OKC_ASYNC_PVT.wf_call(
239 				p_api_version	=> p_api_version,
240                      	p_init_msg_list	=> p_init_msg_list,
241                      	x_return_status	=> x_return_status,
242                      	x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
243                      	x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
244 			   	p_s_recipient	=> p_recipient,
245 			   	p_ntf_type		=> substr(p_ntf_type,1,4000),
246 				p_wf_par_tbl	=> t
247   );
248         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
249            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
250            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
251         END IF;
253 end;
255 procedure proc_msg_call(
256 			--
257 			-- common API parameters
258 			--
259 				p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
260                      	p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
261                      	x_return_status	OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
262                      	x_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY	NUMBER,
263                      	x_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
264 			--
265 			-- specific parameters
266 			--
267 			   	p_proc			IN	VARCHAR2,
268                      	p_subj_first_msg		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
269 				p_s_recipient		IN	VARCHAR2, -- normal recipient
270 				p_e_recipient		IN	VARCHAR2, -- error recipient
271 			--
272 			-- hidden notification attributes
273 			--
274 				p_ntf_type		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
275 				p_contract_id	IN	NUMBER ,
276 				p_task_id		IN	NUMBER ,
277 				p_extra_attr_num	IN	NUMBER ,
278 				p_extra_attr_text	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
279 				p_extra_attr_date	IN	DATE
280 ) is
281 t OKC_ASYNC_PVT.par_tbl_typ;
282    --
283    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'proc_msg_call';
284    --
286 begin
288   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
289      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
290      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
291   END IF;
293   t(1).par_type :=  'N';
294   t(1).par_name :=  'CONTRACT_ID';
295   t(1).par_value :=  p_contract_id;
296   t(2).par_type :=  'N';
297   t(2).par_name :=  'TASK_ID';
298   t(2).par_value :=  p_task_id;
299   t(3).par_type :=  'N';
300   t(3).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_NUM';
301   t(3).par_value :=  p_extra_attr_num;
302   t(4).par_type :=  'C';
303   t(4).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_TEXT';
304   t(4).par_value :=  substr(p_extra_attr_text,1,4000);
305   t(5).par_type :=  'D';
306   t(5).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_DATE';
307   t(5).par_value :=  p_extra_attr_date;
308   OKC_ASYNC_PVT.wf_call(
309 				p_api_version	=> p_api_version,
310                      	p_init_msg_list	=> p_init_msg_list,
311                      	x_return_status	=> x_return_status,
312                      	x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
313                      	x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
314 				p_proc		=> substr(p_proc,1,4000),
315                      	p_subj_first_msg	=> p_subj_first_msg,
316 			   	p_s_recipient	=> p_s_recipient,
317 			   	p_e_recipient	=> p_e_recipient,
318 			   	p_ntf_type		=> substr(p_ntf_type,1,4000),
319 				p_wf_par_tbl	=> t
320   );
321         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
322            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
323            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
324         END IF;
326 end;
328 procedure resolver_call(
329 			--
330 			-- common API parameters
331 			--
332 				p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
333                      	p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
334                      	x_return_status	OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
335                      	x_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY	NUMBER,
336                      	x_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
337 			--
338 			-- wf attributes
339 			--
340 			   	p_resolver		IN	VARCHAR2,
341 			   	p_msg_subj 		IN	VARCHAR2,
342 			   	p_msg_body	 	IN	VARCHAR2,
343 				p_note		IN VARCHAR2 ,
344 				p_accept_proc	IN VARCHAR2,
345 				p_reject_proc	IN VARCHAR2,
346 				p_timeout_proc	IN VARCHAR2 ,
347 				p_timeout_minutes IN NUMBER ,--month default to force wf end
348 			--
349 			-- hidden notification attributes
350 			--
351 				p_ntf_type		IN VARCHAR2 ,
352 				p_contract_id	IN NUMBER ,
353 				p_task_id		IN NUMBER ,
354 				p_extra_attr_num	IN NUMBER ,
355 				p_extra_attr_text	IN VARCHAR2 ,
356 				p_extra_attr_date	IN DATE
357 ) is
358    --
359    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'resolver_call';
360    --
362 begin
364   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
365      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
366      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
367   END IF;
369   OKC_ASYNC_PVT.resolver_call(
370 				p_api_version	=> p_api_version,
371                      	p_init_msg_list	=> p_init_msg_list,
372                      	x_return_status	=> x_return_status,
373                      	x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
374                      	x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
375 --
376 			   	p_resolver		=> p_resolver,
377 			   	p_msg_subj_resolver => substr(p_msg_subj,1,4000),
378 			   	p_msg_body_resolver => substr(p_msg_body,1,4000),
379 				p_note		=> substr(p_note,1,4000),
380 				p_accept_proc	=> substr(p_accept_proc,1,4000),
381 				p_reject_proc	=> substr(p_reject_proc,1,4000),
382 				p_timeout_proc	=> substr(p_timeout_proc,1,4000),
383 				p_timeout_minutes => p_timeout_minutes,
384 --
385 				p_ntf_type		=> substr(p_ntf_type,1,4000),
386 				p_contract_id	=> p_contract_id,
387 				p_task_id		=> p_task_id,
388 				p_extra_attr_num	=> p_extra_attr_num,
389 				p_extra_attr_text	=> substr(p_extra_attr_text,1,4000),
390 				p_extra_attr_date	=> p_extra_attr_date
391 );
392         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
393            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
394            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
395         END IF;
397 end;
399 procedure send_doc(
400 			--
401 			-- common API parameters
402 			--
403 				p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
404                      	p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
405                      	x_return_status	OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
406                      	x_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY	NUMBER,
407                      	x_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
408 			--
409 			-- specific parameters
410 			--
411 			   	p_recipient		IN	VARCHAR2,
412 			   	p_msg_subj 		IN	VARCHAR2,
413 			   	p_msg_body		IN	VARCHAR2,
414 			   	p_proc		IN	VARCHAR2,
415 			--
416 			-- hidden notification attributes
417 			--
418 				p_ntf_type		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
419 				p_contract_id	IN	NUMBER ,
420 				p_task_id		IN	NUMBER ,
421 				p_extra_attr_num	IN	NUMBER ,
422 				p_extra_attr_text	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
423 				p_extra_attr_date	IN	DATE
424 ) is
425 t OKC_ASYNC_PVT.par_tbl_typ;
426    --
427    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'send_doc';
428    --
430 begin
432   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
433      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
434      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
435   END IF;
437   t(1).par_type :=  'C';
438   t(1).par_name :=  'MESSAGE0';
439   t(1).par_value :=  substr(p_msg_subj,1,4000);
440   t(2).par_type :=  'C';
441   t(2).par_name :=  'MESSAGE1';
442   t(2).par_value :=  substr(p_msg_body,1,4000);
443   t(3).par_type :=  'N';
444   t(3).par_name :=  'CONTRACT_ID';
445   t(3).par_value :=  p_contract_id;
446   t(4).par_type :=  'N';
447   t(4).par_name :=  'TASK_ID';
448   t(4).par_value :=  p_task_id;
449   t(5).par_type :=  'N';
450   t(5).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_NUM';
451   t(5).par_value :=  p_extra_attr_num;
452   t(6).par_type :=  'C';
453   t(6).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_TEXT';
454   t(6).par_value :=  substr(p_extra_attr_text,1,4000);
455   t(7).par_type :=  'D';
456   t(7).par_name :=  'EXTRA_ATTR_DATE';
457   t(7).par_value :=  p_extra_attr_date;
458   t(8).par_type :=  'C';
459   t(8).par_name :=  'P_DOC_PROC';
460   t(8).par_value :=  substr(p_proc,1,4000);
461   OKC_ASYNC_PVT.wf_call(
462 				p_api_version	=> p_api_version,
463                      	p_init_msg_list	=> p_init_msg_list,
464                      	x_return_status	=> x_return_status,
465                      	x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
466                      	x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
467 			   	p_s_recipient	=> p_recipient,
468 			   	p_ntf_type		=> substr(p_ntf_type,1,4000),
469 				p_wf_par_tbl	=> t
470   );
471         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
472            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
473            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
474         END IF;
476 end;
478 procedure loop_call(
479 		--
480 		-- common API parameters
481 		--
482 			p_api_version	IN	NUMBER,
483                  	p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
484                  	x_return_status	OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
485                  	x_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY	NUMBER,
486                  	x_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
487 		--
488 		-- specific parameters
489 		--
490 		   	p_proc			IN	VARCHAR2,
491 			p_s_recipient		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
492 			p_e_recipient		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
493 			p_timeout_minutes 	IN NUMBER ,
494 			p_loops 			IN NUMBER ,
495 	            p_subj_first_msg		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
496 		--
497 		-- hidden notification attributes
498 		--
499 			p_ntf_type		IN	VARCHAR2 ,
500 			p_contract_id	IN	NUMBER ,
501 			p_task_id		IN	NUMBER ,
502 			p_extra_attr_num	IN	NUMBER ,
503 			p_extra_attr_text	IN	VARCHAR2 ,
504 			p_extra_attr_date	IN	DATE
505 ) is
506    --
507    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'loop_call';
508    --
510 begin
512   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
513      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
514      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
515   END IF;
517   OKC_ASYNC_PVT.loop_call(
518 				p_api_version	=> p_api_version,
519                      	p_init_msg_list	=> p_init_msg_list,
520                      	x_return_status	=> x_return_status,
521                      	x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
522                      	x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
523 --
524 				p_proc		=> substr(p_proc,1,4000),
525 			   	p_s_recipient	=> p_s_recipient,
526 			   	p_e_recipient	=> p_e_recipient,
527 				p_timeout_minutes => p_timeout_minutes,
528 				p_loops		=> p_loops,
529 		            p_subj_first_msg  => p_subj_first_msg,
530 		--
531 		-- hidden notification attributes
532 		--
533 				p_ntf_type		=> substr(p_ntf_type,1,4000),
534 				p_contract_id	=> p_contract_id,
535 				p_task_id		=> p_task_id,
536 				p_extra_attr_num	=> p_extra_attr_num,
537 				p_extra_attr_text	=> substr(p_extra_attr_text,1,4000),
538 				p_extra_attr_date	=> p_extra_attr_date
539 );
540         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
541            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
542            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
543         END IF;
545 end;
548 --14-DEC-2005
549 --For Bug # 4699009, Added Overloaded LOOP_CALL API.
550 procedure loop_call(
551                 --
552                 -- common API parameters
553                 --
554                         p_api_version           IN      NUMBER,
555                         p_init_msg_list         IN      VARCHAR2 ,
556                         x_return_status         OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
557                         x_msg_count             OUT     NOCOPY  NUMBER,
558                         x_msg_data              OUT     NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
559                 --
560                 -- specific parameters
561                 --
562                         p_proc                  IN      VARCHAR2,
563                         p_proc_name             IN      VARCHAR2,
564                         p_s_recipient           IN      VARCHAR2 ,
565                         p_e_recipient           IN      VARCHAR2 ,
566                         p_timeout_minutes       IN      NUMBER ,
567                         p_loops                         IN NUMBER ,
568                     p_subj_first_msg            IN      VARCHAR2 ,
569                 --
570                 -- hidden notification attributes
571                 --
572                         p_ntf_type              IN      VARCHAR2 ,
573                         p_contract_id           IN      NUMBER ,
574                         p_task_id               IN      NUMBER ,
575                         p_extra_attr_num        IN      NUMBER ,
576                         p_extra_attr_text       IN      VARCHAR2 ,
577                         p_extra_attr_date       IN      DATE
578 ) is
579    --
580    l_proc varchar2(72) := '  OKC_ASYNC_PUB.'||'loop_call';
581    --
583 begin
585   IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
586      okc_debug.Set_Indentation(l_proc);
587      okc_debug.Log('10: Entering ',2);
588   END IF;
590   OKC_ASYNC_PVT.loop_call(      p_api_version      => p_api_version,
591                                 p_init_msg_list    => p_init_msg_list,
592                                 x_return_status    => x_return_status,
593                                 x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
594                                 x_msg_data         => x_msg_data,
595                                 p_proc             => substr(p_proc,1,4000),
596                                 p_proc_name        => p_proc_name,
597                                 p_s_recipient      => p_s_recipient,
598                                 p_e_recipient      => p_e_recipient,
599                                 p_timeout_minutes  => p_timeout_minutes,
600                                 p_loops            => p_loops,
601                                 p_subj_first_msg   => p_subj_first_msg,
602                 --
603                 -- hidden notification attributes
604                 --
605                                 p_ntf_type        => substr(p_ntf_type,1,4000),
606                                 p_contract_id     => p_contract_id,
607                                 p_task_id         => p_task_id,
608                                 p_extra_attr_num  => p_extra_attr_num,
609                                 p_extra_attr_text => substr(p_extra_attr_text,1,4000),
610                                 p_extra_attr_date => p_extra_attr_date
611                         );
612         IF (l_debug = 'Y') THEN
613            okc_debug.Log('1000: Leaving ',2);
614            okc_debug.Reset_Indentation;
615         END IF;
617 end LOOP_CALL;
620 end OKC_ASYNC_PUB;