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1 package body ben_agf_cache as
2 /* $Header: benagfch.pkb 115.4 2002/12/23 12:36:02 nhunur ship $ */
3 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |			Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation		       |
7 |			   Redwood Shores, California, USA		       |
8 |			        All rights reserved.			       |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 --
11 History
12         Date             Who        Version    What?
13         -- --             ---        -------    -----
14         30 Oct 98        mhoyes     115.0      created
15         09 Mar 99        G Perry    115.2      IS to AS.
16         04 Mar 99        mhoyes     115.3      Implemented Hashing.
17 */
18 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19   --
20   g_package varchar2(50) := 'ben_agf_cache.';
21   --
22   -- Declare globals
23 --
24 -- age factor
25 --
26 g_cache_agf_lookup ben_cache.g_cache_lookup_table;
27 g_cache_agf_inst ben_agf_cache.g_cache_agf_instor;
28 --
29 procedure agf_writecache
30 (p_effective_date in date
31 --
32 ,p_refresh_cache in boolean default FALSE
33 )
34 is
35 --
36 l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'agf_writecache';
37 --
38 l_torrwnum       binary_integer;
39 --
40 l_prev_hv        number;
41 l_hv             number;
42 l_not_hash_found boolean;
43 --
44 cursor c_agf_look is
45 select agf.age_fctr_id, agf.business_group_id
46 from ben_age_fctr agf
47 where exists
48 (select null
49 from ben_age_fctr agf
50 where
51 agf.age_fctr_id = agf.age_fctr_id)
52 order by agf.age_fctr_id;
53 --
54 cursor c_agf_inst is
55 select agf.age_fctr_id,
56 agf.mx_age_num,
57 agf.mn_age_num,
58 agf.no_mn_age_flag,
59 agf.no_mx_age_flag
60 from ben_age_fctr agf
61 order by agf.age_fctr_id
62 , agf.age_fctr_id;
63 --
64 begin
65 --
66 for objlook in c_agf_look loop
67   --
68   l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(objlook.age_fctr_id);
69   --
70   -- Check if hashed value is already allocated
71   --
72   if g_cache_agf_lookup.exists(l_hv) then
73     --
74     l_not_hash_found := false;
75     --
76     -- Loop until un-allocated has value is derived
77     --
78     while not l_not_hash_found loop
79       --
80       l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv);
81       --
82       -- Check if the hash index exists, if not we can use it
83       --
84       if not g_cache_agf_lookup.exists(l_hv) then
85         --
86         -- Lets store the hash value in the index
87         --
88         l_not_hash_found := true;
89         exit;
90         --
91       else
92         --
93         l_not_hash_found := false;
94         --
95       end if;
96     --
97     end loop;
98     --
99   end if;
100   --
101   g_cache_agf_lookup(l_hv).id    := objlook.age_fctr_id;
102   g_cache_agf_lookup(l_hv).fk_id := objlook.business_group_id;
103   --
104 end loop;
105 --
106 l_torrwnum := 0;
107 l_prev_hv  := -1;
108 --
109 for objinst in c_agf_inst loop
110   --
111   l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(objinst.age_fctr_id);
112   --
113   -- Check if hashed value is already allocated
114   --
115   if g_cache_agf_inst.exists(l_hv) then
116     --
117     l_not_hash_found := false;
118     --
119     -- Loop until un-allocated has value is derived
120     --
121     while not l_not_hash_found loop
122       --
123       l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv);
124       --
125       -- Check if the hash index exists, if not we can use it
126       --
127       if not g_cache_agf_inst.exists(l_hv) then
128         --
129         -- Lets store the hash value in the index
130         --
131         l_not_hash_found := true;
132         exit;
133         --
134       else
135         --
136         l_not_hash_found := false;
137         --
138       end if;
139     --
140     end loop;
141     --
142   end if;
143   --
144 --
145 -- Check for first row
146 --
147 if l_prev_hv = -1 then
148 --
149 g_cache_agf_lookup(l_hv).starttorele_num := l_torrwnum;
150 --
151 elsif l_hv <> l_prev_hv then
152 --
153 g_cache_agf_lookup(l_prev_hv).endtorele_num := l_torrwnum-1;
154 g_cache_agf_lookup(l_hv).starttorele_num := l_torrwnum;
155 --
156 end if;
157 --
158 -- Populate the cache instance details
159 --
160 g_cache_agf_inst(l_torrwnum).age_fctr_id := objinst.age_fctr_id;
161 g_cache_agf_inst(l_torrwnum).mx_age_num := objinst.mx_age_num;
162 g_cache_agf_inst(l_torrwnum).mn_age_num := objinst.mn_age_num;
163 g_cache_agf_inst(l_torrwnum).no_mn_age_flag := objinst.no_mn_age_flag;
164 g_cache_agf_inst(l_torrwnum).no_mn_age_flag := objinst.no_mn_age_flag;
165 --
166 l_torrwnum := l_torrwnum+1;
167 l_prev_hv := l_hv;
168 --
169 end loop;
170 --
171 g_cache_agf_lookup(l_prev_hv).endtorele_num := l_torrwnum-1;
172 --
173 end agf_writecache;
174 --
175 procedure agf_getcacdets
176 (p_effective_date in date
177 ,p_business_group_id in number
178 ,p_age_fctr_id in number
179 --
180 ,p_refresh_cache in boolean default FALSE
181 --
182 ,p_inst_set out nocopy ben_agf_cache.g_cache_agf_instor
183 ,p_inst_count out nocopy number
184 )
185 is
186 --
187 l_proc varchar2(72) := g_package||'agf_getcacdets';
188 --
189 l_torrwnum       binary_integer;
190 l_insttorrw_num  binary_integer;
191 --
192 l_index          binary_integer;
193 l_hv             binary_integer;
194 l_not_hash_found boolean;
195 --
196 begin
197 --
198 -- Flush the cache
199 --
200 if p_refresh_cache then
201 --
202 g_cache_agf_lookup.delete;
203 g_cache_agf_inst.delete;
204 --
205 end if;
206 --
207 -- Populate the global cache
208 --
209 if g_cache_agf_lookup.count = 0
210 then
211 --
212 -- Build the cache
213 --
214 ben_agf_cache.agf_writecache
215 (p_effective_date => p_effective_date
216 --
217 ,p_refresh_cache => p_refresh_cache
218 );
219 --
220 end if;
221   --
222   l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_age_fctr_id);
223   --
224   -- Check if hashed value is already allocated
225   --
226   if g_cache_agf_lookup.exists(l_hv) then
227     --
228     -- If it does exist make sure its the right one
229     --
230     if g_cache_agf_lookup(l_hv).id <> p_age_fctr_id then
231       --
232       l_not_hash_found := false;
233       --
234       -- Loop until un-allocated has value is derived
235       --
236       while not l_not_hash_found loop
237         --
238         l_hv := ben_hash_utility.get_next_hash_index(p_hash_index => l_hv);
239         --
240         -- Check if the hash index exists, if not we can use it
241         --
242         if not g_cache_agf_lookup.exists(l_hv) then
243           --
244           -- Lets store the hash value in the index
245           --
246           l_not_hash_found := true;
247           exit;
248           --
249         else
250           --
251           l_not_hash_found := false;
252           --
253         end if;
254         --
255       end loop;
256     --
257     end if;
258     --
259   end if;
260   --
261 --
262 -- Get the instance details
263 --
264 l_torrwnum := 0;
265 --
266 for l_insttorrw_num in g_cache_agf_lookup(l_hv).starttorele_num ..
267 g_cache_agf_lookup(l_hv).endtorele_num loop
268 --
269 p_inst_set(l_torrwnum) := g_cache_agf_inst(l_insttorrw_num);
270 l_torrwnum := l_torrwnum+1;
271 --
272 end loop;
273 --
274 p_inst_count := l_torrwnum;
275 --
276 exception
277 when no_data_found then
278 --
279 p_inst_count := 0;
280 --
281 end agf_getcacdets;
282 --
283 end ben_agf_cache;