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Line 795: * in az_groups_v into the intermediate table.

791: * 1. Get all distinct processes of the given context type from
792: * az_processes_all_v into the intermediate table.
793: * 2. Find all distinct parent ids for the processes found in Step 1.
794: * 3. For each parent id in Step 2, get all distinct hierarchy ancestors
795: * in az_groups_v into the intermediate table.
796: *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
797: PROCEDURE get_context_processes(p_context IN VARCHAR2) IS
798: CURSOR processes_cursor IS
799: SELECT DISTINCT TO_CHAR(apv.display_order, '0000')||'.'||apv.item_type

Line 854: * in az_groups_v into the intermediate table.

850: * 1. Get all distinct processes of the given phase from az_processes_all_v
851: * and az_flow_phases_v into the intermediate table.
852: * 2. Find all distinct parent ids for the processes found in Step 1.
853: * 3. For each parent id in Step 2, get all distinct hierarchy ancestors
854: * in az_groups_v into the intermediate table.
855: *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
856: PROCEDURE get_implementation_processes(p_phase IN NUMBER)
857: IS
858: CURSOR processes_cursor IS

Line 926: FROM az_groups_v agv,

922: agv.display_name,
923: TO_CHAR(ag.display_order, '0000')||'.'|| agv.hierarchy_parent_id parent_node_id,
924: agv.status,
925: agv.hierarchy_parent_id h_parent_id
926: FROM az_groups_v agv,
927: az_groups ag
928: WHERE agv.group_id = p_group_id
929: AND agv.process_type = g_current_mode
930: AND ag.process_type = g_current_mode

Line 938: FROM az_groups_v agv

934: agv.display_name,
935: NULL parent_node_id,
936: agv.status,
937: NULL h_parent_id
938: FROM az_groups_v agv
939: WHERE agv.group_id = p_group_id
940: AND agv.process_type = g_current_mode
941: AND agv.hierarchy_parent_id IS NULL;

Line 1005: FROM az_groups_v agv,

1001: DECODE(agv.hierarchy_parent_id, '', '',
1002: TO_CHAR(ag.display_order, '0000')||'.'||
1003: agv.hierarchy_parent_id) parent_node_id,
1004: agv.hierarchy_parent_id h_parent_id
1005: FROM az_groups_v agv,
1006: az_groups ag
1007: WHERE agv.group_id = p_group_id
1008: AND agv.process_type = g_current_mode
1009: AND ag.process_type = g_current_mode

Line 1016: FROM az_groups_v agv

1012: SELECT TO_CHAR(agv.display_order, '0000')||'.'||agv.group_id node_id,
1013: agv.display_name,
1014: NULL,
1015: NULL
1016: FROM az_groups_v agv
1017: WHERE agv.group_id = p_group_id
1018: AND agv.process_type = g_current_mode
1019: AND agv.hierarchy_parent_id IS NULL;

Line 1073: * in az_groups_v into the intermediate table if the parent does not

1069: * az_product_flows into the intermediate table if the process does
1070: * not exist in the table.
1071: * 2. Find all distinct parent ids for the processes found in Step 1.
1072: * 3. For each parent id in Step 2, get all distinct hierarchy ancestors
1073: * in az_groups_v into the intermediate table if the parent does not
1074: * exist in the table.
1075: *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1076: PROCEDURE get_product_processes(p_application_id IN NUMBER)
1077: IS

Line 1186: * 1. If all statuses is chosen, get all group parents in az_groups_v into

1182: *
1183: * Private procedure. Called by status_report.
1184: * Populate groups with processes with a particular status into the
1185: * intermediate table. Performs the following steps:
1186: * 1. If all statuses is chosen, get all group parents in az_groups_v into
1187: * the intermediate table.
1188: * 2. Otherwise, find all distinct group parents that has a process with
1189: * the status. For each parent found, recursively get all its ancestors
1190: * into the table if the parent does not exist in the table.