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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 126

        /* Update hasFinalAuthorityYN as needed. */
        if(not tempRuleSatisfied and
           hasFinalAuthorityYN = ame_util.booleanTrue) then
          hasFinalAuthorityYN := ame_util.booleanFalse;
Line: 145

          /* Update source. */
          ame_util.appendRuleIdToSource(ruleIdIn => ruleIds(i),
                                        sourceInOut => source);
Line: 163

    insertCount integer;
Line: 175

        insertCount := i ; /* Pre increment */
Line: 178

            insertCount := insertCount + 1;
Line: 179

            if j <> insertCount then
              tempRuleId := allRuleIds(j);
Line: 185

              allRuleIds(j) := allRuleIds(insertCount);
Line: 186

              allRuleIndexes(j) := allRuleIndexes(insertCount);
Line: 187

              actionParameters(j) := actionParameters(insertCount);
Line: 188

              listModParameterTwos(j) := listModParameterTwos(insertCount);
Line: 189

              listModParameterOnes(j) := listModParameterOnes(insertCount);
Line: 190

              allRuleIds(insertCount) := tempRuleId;
Line: 191

              allRuleIndexes(insertCount) := tempRuleIndex;
Line: 192

              actionParameters(insertCount) := tempActionParameter;
Line: 193

              listModParameterTwos(insertCount) :=  tempListModParameterTwo;
Line: 194

              listModParameterOnes(insertCount) := tempListModParameterOne;
Line: 209

    COAInsertee ame_util.approverRecord2;
Line: 218

    insertionThreshhold integer;
Line: 253

Line: 258

Line: 259

        insertionThreshhold := 0;
Line: 270

          tempIndex := lastForwardeeIndexes(j) + insertionThreshhold;
Line: 336

              All the approvers inserted this way will have an approver category of 'A'.
            if finalAuthorityNotFound then
Line: 349

                /* get the next approver to be inserted */
                                    personIdIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).orig_system_id,
                                    jobLevelOut => tempJobLevel,
                                    supervisorIdOut => tempSupervisorId);
Line: 367

                extensionApprovers(extIndex).api_insertion := ame_util.oamGenerated;
Line: 400

                /* check to see if there is a COA insertion after this approver. If a COA
                   insertion is found, keep checking till no more COA insertions. The check
                   for final authority will need to be done again.  */
                  /* Initialize COAInsertee approverRecord2 */
                  COAInsertee := ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2;
Line: 406

                  /* Check if there are any COAInsertions */
                  ame_engine.getHandlerCOAInsertion(nameIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).name,
                             itemClassIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).item_class,
                             itemIdIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).item_id,
                             actionTypeIdIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).action_type_id,
                             groupOrChainIdIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).group_or_chain_id,
                             occurrenceIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).occurrence,
                             approvalStatusIn => extensionApprovers(extIndex).approval_status,
                             nameOut => COAInsertee.name,
                             origSystemOut => COAInsertee.orig_system,
                             origSystemIdOut => COAInsertee.orig_system_id,
                             displayNameOut => COAInsertee.display_name,
                             sourceOut => COAInsertee.source);
Line: 419

                  if COAInsertee.name is null then
Line: 423

                    extensionApprovers(extIndex).name := COAInsertee.name;
Line: 424

                    extensionApprovers(extIndex).orig_system := COAInsertee.orig_system;
Line: 425

                    extensionApprovers(extIndex).orig_system_id := COAInsertee.orig_system_id;
Line: 426

                    extensionApprovers(extIndex).display_name :=  COAInsertee.display_name;
Line: 449

                    extensionApprovers(extIndex).source := COAInsertee.source;
Line: 450

                    extensionApprovers(extIndex).api_insertion := ame_util.apiAuthorityInsertion;
Line: 507

              ame_engine.insertApprovers(firstIndexIn => lastForwardeeIndexes(j)+ insertionThreshhold + 1,
                                         approversIn => extensionApprovers);
Line: 509

              insertionThreshhold := insertionThreshhold + extensionApprovers.count;