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1 PACKAGE dbms_snapshot IS
3   -- constants for snapshot version
4   reg_unknown	      CONSTANT NUMBER := 0;
5   reg_v7_snapshot     CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
6   reg_v8_snapshot     CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
7   reg_repapi_snapshot CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;
9   -- constants for register_mview(), parameter 'flag'
10   -- NOTE: keep these constants in sync with snap$.flag
11   --       and dba_registered_mviews
12   reg_rowid_mview            CONSTANT NUMBER := 16;
13   reg_primary_key_mview      CONSTANT NUMBER := 32;
14   reg_object_id_mview        CONSTANT NUMBER := 536870912;
15   reg_fast_refreshable_mview CONSTANT NUMBER := 1;
16   reg_updatable_mview        CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
18   ------------
19   --  OVERVIEW
20   --
21   --  These routines allow the user to refresh snapshots and purge logs.
23   ------------------------------------------------
25   --
26   --  refresh		         - refresh a given snapshot
27   --  refresh_all	         - refresh all snapshots that are due
28   --			           to be refreshed
29   --  refresh_dependent          - refresh all stale snapshots that depend
30   --                               on the specified master tables
31   --  refresh_all_mviews         - refresh all stale snapshots
32   --  get_mv_dependencies	 - gets the list of snapshots that depend
33   --                               on the specified tables/snapshots.
34   --  i_am_a_refresh             - return TRUE if local site is in the process
35   --                               of refreshing one or more snapshots
36   --  set_i_am_a_refresh         - set the refresh indicator
37   --  begin_table_reorganization - indicate the start of a table reorganization
38   --  end_table_reorganization   - indicate the end of a table reorganization
39   --  purge_log		         - purge log of unnecessary rows
40   --  purge_direct_load_log	 - purge direct loader log of unnecessary rows
41   --  register_snapshot          - register a snapshot with the master site
42   --  unregister_snapshot        - unregister a snapshot with the master site
43   --  purge_snapshot_from_log    - purge the snapshot log for a specific
44   --                               snapshot
45   --  pmarker			 - partition marker generator
46   --  explain_rewrite            - explain why a query failed to rewrite
47   --  explain_mview              - explain an mv or potential mv
48   --  estimate_mview_size        - estimate the size of a potential MV
50   ----------------------------
52   --
54   --  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
55   --  Transaction consistent refresh of an array of snapshots.
56   --  The max number of snapshots that can be consistently refreshed is 400.
57   --  The snapshots are refreshed atomically and consistently.
58   --  Atomically: all snapshots are refreshed or none are.
59   --  Consistently: all integrity constraints that hold among master tables
60   --                will hold among the snapshot tables.
61   --
62   --   LIST
63   --     A comma-separated list or PL/SQL table of the snapshots
64   --     to be refreshed.
65   --   METHOD
66   --     A string that contains a letter for each
67   --     of the snapshots in the array according to the following codes:
68   --     '?' -- use fast refresh when possible
69   --     'F' -- use fast refresh or raise an error if not possible
70   --     'C' -- perform a complete refresh, copying the entire snapshot from
71   --            the master
72   --     The default method for refreshing a snapshot is the method stored for
73   --     that snapshot in the data dictionary.
74   --   ROLLBACK_SEG
75   --     The name of the rollback segment to use while
76   --     refreshing snapshots.
78   --     If TRUE then push all changes made to an updatable snapshot to its
79   --     associated master before refreshing the snapshot.  Otherwise, these
80   --     changes may appear to be temporarily lost.
82   --     If TRUE, then allow the refresh to proceed
83   --     even if there are outstanding conflicts logged in the DefError
84   --     table for the snapshot's master.
85   --   PURGE_OPTION
86   --     How to purge the transaction queue if PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is true.
87   --     0 = don't
88   --     1 = cheap but imprecise (optimize for time)
89   --     2 = expensive but precise (optimize for space)
91   --     Max degree of parallelism for pushing deferred RPCs. This value
92   --     is considered only if PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is true.
93   --     0 = (old algorithm) serial propagation
94   --     1 = (new algorithm) parallel propagation with only 1 slave
95   --     n = (new algorithm) parallel propagation with n slaves
96   --   HEAP_SIZE
97   --     The max number of txns to be examined simultaneously for
98   --     parallel scheduling computation. This parameter is used only if
99   --     the value of the PARALLELISM parameter is greater than 0.
101   --     If TRUE, then perform the refresh operations for the specified
102   --     set of snapshots in a single transaction. This guarantees that either
103   --     all of the snapshots are successfully refresh or none of the snapshots
104   --     are refreshed.
105   --   NESTED
106   --     If TRUE, then perform nested refresh operations for the specified
107   --     set of MVs. Nested refresh operations refresh all the depending MVs
108   --     and the specified set of MVs based on a dependency order to ensure
109   --     the MVs are truly fresh with respect to the underlying base tables.
110   --   OUT_OF_PLACE
111   --     If TRUE and if atomic_refresh is FALSE, then perform out-of-place
112   --     refresh. Otherwise perform in-place refresh.
113   PROCEDURE refresh(list                 IN VARCHAR2,
114                     method               IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
115                     rollback_seg         IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
116                     push_deferred_rpc    IN BOOLEAN        := TRUE,
117                     refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
118                     purge_option         IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
119                     parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
120                     heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
121                     atomic_refresh       IN BOOLEAN        := TRUE,
122                     nested               IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
123                     out_of_place         IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE);
125   PROCEDURE refresh(tab                  IN OUT dbms_utility.uncl_array,
126                     method               IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
127                     rollback_seg         IN VARCHAR2       := NULL,
128                     push_deferred_rpc    IN BOOLEAN        := TRUE,
129                     refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
130                     purge_option         IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
131                     parallelism          IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
132                     heap_size            IN BINARY_INTEGER := 0,
133                     atomic_refresh       IN BOOLEAN        := TRUE,
134                     nested               IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE,
135                     out_of_place         IN BOOLEAN        := FALSE);
137   --  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
138   --  Execute all refresh jobs due to be executed
139   --  Requires ALTER ANY SNAPSHOT privilege
140   PROCEDURE refresh_all;
142   --  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
143   --  Refresh all local snapshots based on a specified local master table where
144   --    1) the table has been modified since it was last successfully refreshed
145   --    2) the snapshot is a member of dba_mview_analysis
146   --  NOTE:
147   --    A snapshot will be considered only if all of its tables are local.
148   --
150   --     Returns the number of failures that occurred during processing.
151   --   LIST
152   --     A comma-separated list of the master tables to consider.
153   --   TAB
154   --     A PL/SQL table of the master tables to consider.
155   --   METHOD
156   --     A string of refresh methods indicating how to refresh the dependent
157   --     snapshots.  All of the snapshots that depend on a particular table
158   --     are refreshed according to the refresh method associated with that
159   --     table.  If a table does not have a corresponding refresh method
160   --     (that is, more tables are specified than refresh methods), then any
161   --     snapshot that depends on that table is refreshed according to its
162   --     default refresh method.  The default refresh method for a snapshot
163   --     is stored in the data dictionary.
164   --     The refresh methods are represented by the following codes:
165   --     '?' -- use fast refresh if possible;  otherwise, use complete refresh
166   --     'F' -- use fast refresh if possible;  otherwise, raise an error
167   --     'C' -- use complete refresh to construct the entire snapshot from
168   --            the master tables
169   --   ROLLBACK_SEG
170   --     The name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing the snapshots.
172   --     If TRUE and if ATOMIC_REFRESH is FALSE, then an error will not be
173   --     raised if an error is encountered during the refresh.  Otherwise,
174   --     any error encountered during refresh will be raised.
176   --     If TRUE, then refresh all of the dependent snapshots in a single
177   --     transaction.  This guarantees that either all of the snapshots are
178   --     successfully refreshed or none of the snapshots are refreshed.
179   --     Otherwise, refresh each dependent snapshot in a separate transaction.
180   --   NESTED
181   --     If TRUE, then perform nested refresh operations for the specified
182   --     set of tables. Nested refresh operations refresh all the depending MVs
183   --     of the specified set of tables based on a dependency order to ensure
184   --     the MVs are truly fresh with respect to the underlying base tables.
185   --   OUT_OF_PLACE
186   --     If TRUE and if atomic_refresh is FALSE, then perform out-of-place
187   --     refresh. Otherwise perform in-place refresh.
188   PROCEDURE refresh_dependent(number_of_failures   OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
189                               list                  IN VARCHAR2,
190                               method                IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
191                               rollback_seg          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
192                               refresh_after_errors  IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
193                               atomic_refresh        IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
194                               nested                IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
195                               out_of_place          IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE);
197   PROCEDURE refresh_dependent(number_of_failures   OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
198                               tab                   IN dbms_utility.uncl_array,
199                               method                IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
200                               rollback_seg          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
201                               refresh_after_errors  IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
202                               atomic_refresh        IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
203                               nested                IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
204                               out_of_place          IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE);
206   --  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
207   --  Refresh all local snapshots based on a local master table where
208   --    1) the table has been modified since it was last successfully refreshed
209   --    2) the snapshot is a member of dba_mview_analysis
210   --  NOTE:
211   --    A snapshot will be considered only if all of its tables are local.
212   --
214   --     Returns the number of failures that occurred during processing.
215   --   METHOD
216   --     A single refresh method indicating how to refresh the dependent
217   --     snapshots.  If a refresh method is not specified, then any dependent
218   --     snapshot is refreshed according to its default refresh method.  The
219   --     default refresh method for a snapshot is stored in the data dictionary.
220   --     A refresh method is represented by the following codes:
221   --     '?' -- use fast refresh if possible;  otherwise, use complete refresh
222   --     'F' -- use fast refresh if possible;  otherwise, raise an error
223   --     'C' -- use complete refresh to construct the entire snapshot from
224   --            the master tables
225   --   ROLLBACK_SEG
226   --     The name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing the snapshots.
228   --     If TRUE and if ATOMIC_REFRESH is FALSE, then an error will not be
229   --     raised if an error is encountered during the refresh.  Otherwise,
230   --     any error encountered during refresh will be raised.
232   --     If TRUE, then refresh all of the dependent snapshots in a single
233   --     transaction.  This guarantees that either all of the snapshots are
234   --     successfully refreshed or none of the snapshots are refreshed.
235   --     Otherwise, refresh each dependent snapshot in a separate transaction.
236   --   OUT_OF_PLACE
237   --     If TRUE and if atomic_refresh is FALSE, then perform out-of-place
238   --     refresh. Otherwise perform in-place refresh.
239   PROCEDURE refresh_all_mviews(number_of_failures   OUT BINARY_INTEGER,
240                                method                IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
241                                rollback_seg          IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
242                                refresh_after_errors  IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE,
243                                atomic_refresh        IN BOOLEAN  := TRUE,
244                                out_of_place          IN BOOLEAN  := FALSE);
246   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
247   -- This procedure finds the list of materialized view that are directly
248   -- dependent on the list of tables or materialized views that has been
249   -- specified.
250   --
251   -- LIST :
252   --   A comma separated list of the tables/materialized views to consider
253   -- DEPLIST
254   --   The list of materialized views that are directly dependent on the
255   --   tables/materialized view that has been specified in "LIST".
256   --
257   PROCEDURE get_mv_dependencies(list		IN VARCHAR2,
258  				deplist	       OUT VARCHAR2);
260   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
261   -- This procedure disables or enables snapshot replication trigger at the
262   -- local snapshot site.
263   -- value = TRUE  -> disable all local replication triggers for snapshots
264   -- value = FALSE -> enable all local replication triggers for snapshots
265   PROCEDURE set_i_am_a_refresh(value IN BOOLEAN);
267   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
268   -- Returns TRUE if the local site is in the process of refreshing one or
269   -- more snapshots. Return FALSE otherwise.
270   FUNCTION i_am_a_refresh RETURN BOOLEAN;
272   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
273   -- This procedure must be called before a master table is reorganized. It
274   -- performs process to preserve snapshot data needed for refresh.
275   PROCEDURE begin_table_reorganization(tabowner IN VARCHAR2,
276                                        tabname  IN VARCHAR2);
278   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
279   -- This procedure myst be call after a master tanel is reorganized. It
280   -- ensures that the snapshot data for the master table is valid and that
281   -- the master table is in the proper state.
282   PROCEDURE end_table_reorganization(tabowner IN VARCHAR2,
283                                      tabname  IN VARCHAR2);
285   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
286   -- Purge the snapshot log for the specified master master of unecessary rows.
287   PROCEDURE purge_log(master IN VARCHAR2,
288                       num    IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
289                       flag   IN VARCHAR2       := 'NOP' );
291   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
292   -- Remove entries from the direct loader log after they are no longer
293   -- needed for any known snapshot.
294   PROCEDURE purge_direct_load_log;
296   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
297   -- Invoked at the master site by (remote) snapshot site 'snapsite' to
298   -- register snapshot 'snapname' at the master site. The invocation
299   -- is done using a synchronous RPC.
300   -- May also be invoked directly at the master site by the DBA to manually
304   --    snapowner   Owner of the snapshot
301   -- register a snapshot.
302   --
303   -- Input argugments:
305   --    snapname    Name of the snapshot
306   --    snapsite    Name of the snapshot site (should contain no double qoutes)
307   --    snapshot_id V7 snapshot identifier
308   --    flag        Attributes of the snapshot
309   --    qry_txt     Snapshot definition query
310   --    rep_type    Version of snapshot
311   PROCEDURE register_mview(mviewowner   IN VARCHAR2,
312                            mviewname    IN VARCHAR2,
313                            mviewsite    IN VARCHAR2,
314                            mview_id     IN DATE,
315                            flag         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
316                            qry_txt      IN VARCHAR2,
317 			   rep_type     IN BINARY_integer
318 			                   := dbms_snapshot.reg_unknown);
319   -- Input argugments:
320   --    snapowner   Owner of the snapshot
321   --    snapname    Name of the snapshot
322   --    snapsite    Name of the snapshot site (should contain no double qoutes)
323   --    snapshot_id snapshot identifier
324   --    flag        Attributes of the snapshot
325   --    qry_txt     Snapshot definition query
326   --    rep_type    Version of snapshot
327   PROCEDURE register_mview(mviewowner   IN VARCHAR2,
328                            mviewname    IN VARCHAR2,
329                            mviewsite    IN VARCHAR2,
330                            mview_id     IN BINARY_INTEGER,
331                            flag         IN BINARY_INTEGER,
332                            qry_txt      IN VARCHAR2,
333 			   rep_type     IN BINARY_integer
334 			                   := dbms_snapshot.reg_unknown);
336   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
337   -- Invoked at the master site by (remote) snapshot site 'snapsite' to
338   -- unregister snapshot 'snapname' at the master site. The invocation
339   -- is done using a synchronous RPC.
340   -- May also be invoked directly at the master site by the DBA to manually
341   -- register a snapshot.
342   --
343   -- Input argugments:
344   --    snapowner   Owner of the snapshot
345   --    snapname    Name of the snapshot
346   --    snapsite    Name of the snapshot site (should contain no double qoutes)
347   PROCEDURE unregister_mview(mviewowner IN VARCHAR2,
348                              mviewname  IN VARCHAR2,
349                              mviewsite  IN VARCHAR2);
351   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
352   -- This procedure is called on the master site to delete the rows in
353   -- snapshot refresh related data dictionary tables maintained at the
354   -- master site for the specified snapshot identified by its snapshot_id.
355   -- If the snapshot specified is the oldest snapshot to have refreshed
356   -- from any of the  master tables, then the snapshot log is also purged.
357   -- This procedure does not unregister the snapshot.
358   --
359   -- In case there is an error while purging one of the snapshot logs, the
360   -- successful purge operations of the previous snapshot logs are not rolled
361   -- back. This is to  minimize the size of the snapshot logs. In case of an
362   -- error, this procedure can be invoked again until all the snapshot
363   -- logs are purged.
364   PROCEDURE purge_mview_from_log(mview_id IN BINARY_INTEGER);
366   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
367   -- This procedure is called on the master site to delete the rows in
368   -- snapshot refresh related data dictionary tables maintained at the
369   -- master site for the specified snapshot. If the snapshot specified is
370   -- the oldest snapshot to have refreshed  from any of the master tables,
371   -- then the snapshot log is also purged. This procedure does not unregister
372   -- the snapshot.
373   --
374   -- In case there is an error while purging one of the snapshot logs, the
375   -- successful purge operations of the previous snapshot logs are not rolled
376   -- back. This is to  minimize the size of the snapshot logs. In case of an
377   -- error, this procedure can be invoked again until all the snapshot
378   -- logs are purged.
379   PROCEDURE purge_mview_from_log(mviewowner   IN VARCHAR2,
380                                  mviewname    IN VARCHAR2,
381                                  mviewsite    IN VARCHAR2);
386   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
387   -- Interface for EXPLAIN_MVIEW PROCEDURES
388   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
389   --
390   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
391   -- This procedure explains the various capabilities of a potential
392   -- materialized view or an existing materialized view and the reasons
393   -- why certain capabilities would not be possible for the materialized
394   -- view.  Specify a potential materialized view as a SQL SELECT statement.
395   -- Alternatively, specify an existing materialized view by giving the name
396   -- and the schema in which the materialized view was created ([schema.]mvname)
397   -- The output is placed in MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE.  Invoke the admin/utlxmv.sql
398   -- script to define MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE prior to invoking this procedure.
399   PROCEDURE explain_mview ( mv     IN VARCHAR2,
400                            stmt_id IN VARCHAR2 := NULL );
402   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
403   -- This procedure explains the various capabilities of a potential
407   -- Alternatively, specify an existing materialized view by giving the name
404   -- materialized view or an existing materialized view and the reasons
405   -- why certain capabilities would not be possible for the materialized
406   -- view.  Specify a potential materialized view as a SQL SELECT statement.
408   -- and the schema in which the materialized view was created ([schema.]mvname)
409   -- It accepts a CLOB instead of VARCHAR, so users can specify SQL string up
410   -- to 4G. The output is placed in MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE.  Invoke the
411   -- admin/utlxmv.sql script to define MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE prior to invoking
412   -- this procedure.
413   PROCEDURE explain_mview ( mv     IN CLOB,
414                            stmt_id IN VARCHAR2 := NULL );
416   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
417   -- This procedure explains the various capabilities of a potential
418   -- materialized view or an existing materialized view and the reasons
419   -- why certain capabilities would not be possible for the materialized
420   -- view.  Specify a potential materialized view as a SQL SELECT statement.
421   -- Alternatively, specify an existing materialized view by giving the name
422   -- and the schema in which the materialized view was created ([schema.]mvname)
423   -- The output is placed into an VARRAY.
424   PROCEDURE explain_mview ( mv        IN     VARCHAR2,
425                             msg_array IN OUT SYS.ExplainMVArrayType);
427   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
428   -- This procedure explains the various capabilities of a potential
429   -- materialized view or an existing materialized view and the reasons
430   -- why certain capabilities would not be possible for the materialized
431   -- view.  Specify a potential materialized view as a SQL SELECT statement.
432   -- Alternatively, specify an existing materialized view by giving the name
433   -- and the schema in which the materialized view was created ([schema.]mvname)
434   -- It accepts a CLOB instead of VARCHAR, so users can specify SQL string up to
435   -- 4G. The output is placed into an VARRAY.
436   PROCEDURE explain_mview ( mv        IN     CLOB,
437                             msg_array IN OUT SYS.ExplainMVArrayType);
439   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
440   -- End of user interface for EXPLAIN_MVIEW PROCEDURES
441   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
443   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
445   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
446   --
449   --
450   -- PURPOSE: Explain Rewrite user interface using a table for output
451   --
453   -- ==========
454   --
455   -- QUERY       : SQL select statement to be explained
456   -- MV          : Fully qualified MV name specified by the user (mv_owner.mv_name)
457   -- STATEMENT_ID: a unique id from the user to distinguish output messages
458   --
459   PROCEDURE Explain_Rewrite ( QUERY IN VARCHAR2,
460                               MV IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
461                               STATEMENT_ID IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
464   --
465   -- PURPOSE: Explain Rewrite user interface using a table for output. This
466   --          overloaded function uses CLOB instead of VARCHAR, so users can
467   --          specify a SQL query upto 4GB.
468   --
470   -- ==========
471   --
472   -- QUERY       : SQL select statement to be explained in CLOB
473   -- MV          : Fully qualified MV name specified by the user (mv_owner.mv_name)
474   -- STATEMENT_ID: a unique id from the user to distinguish output messages
475   --
476   PROCEDURE Explain_Rewrite ( QUERY IN CLOB,
477                               MV IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
478                               STATEMENT_ID IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
480   --
482   --
483   -- PURPOSE: Explain Rewrite user interface using a VARRAY for output
484   --
486   -- ==========
487   --
488   -- QUERY       : SQL select statement to be explained
489   -- MV          : Fully qualified MV name specified by the user (mv_owner.mv_name)
490   -- MSG_ARRAY   : name of the output array
491   --
492   PROCEDURE Explain_Rewrite ( QUERY IN VARCHAR2,
493                                    MV IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
494                                    MSG_ARRAY IN OUT SYS.RewriteArrayType);
496   --
498   --
499   -- PURPOSE: Explain Rewrite user interface using a VARRAY for output. This
500   --          overloaded function uses CLOB instead of VARCHAR, so users can
501   --          specify a SQL query upto 4GB.
502   --
504   -- ==========
505   --
506   -- QUERY       : SQL select statement to be explained in CLOB
507   -- MV          : Fully qualified MV name specified by the user (mv_owner.mv_name)
508   -- MSG_ARRAY   : name of the output array
509   --
510   PROCEDURE Explain_Rewrite ( QUERY IN CLOB,
511                                    MV IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
512                                    MSG_ARRAY IN OUT SYS.RewriteArrayType);
515   --
516   -- PURPOSE: Explain Rewrite user interface using a table for output for
517   -- using on EM
518   --
520   -- ==========
521   --
525   -- SQLID       : SQL_ID of the query from EM
522   -- QUERY       : SQL select statement to be explained
523   -- MV          : Fully qualified MV name specified by the user (mv_owner.mv_name)
524   -- STATEMENT_ID: a unique id from the user to distinguish output messages
526   --
528                               MV IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
529                               STATEMENT_ID IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
530                               SQLID IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
532   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
533   -- End of user interface for EXPLAIN_REWRITE PROCEDURES
534   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
536   -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
537   -- This estimates the size of a materialized view that you might create,
538   -- in bytes and number of rows.
539   -- PARAMETERS:
540   --      stmt_id: NUMBER
541   --            User-specified id
542   --      select_clause: VARCHAR2
543   --            SQL text for the defining query
544   --      num_row: NUMBER
545   --            Estimated number of rows
546   --      num_col: NUMBER
547   --            Estimated number of bytes
548   -- COMMENTS:
549   --      This procedure requires that 'utlxplan.sql' be executed
550   PROCEDURE estimate_mview_size (stmt_id         IN VARCHAR2,
551                                  select_clause   IN VARCHAR2,
552                                  num_rows        OUT NUMBER,
553                                  num_bytes       OUT NUMBER);
556   --- #######################################################################
558   ---
559   --- The following procedure provide internal functionality and should
560   --- not be called directly.
561   ---
562   --- #######################################################################
564   ---  These interfaces are obselete in V8 and are present only for
565   ---  providing backwards compatibility
567   PROCEDURE set_up(mowner   IN     VARCHAR2,
568                    master   IN     VARCHAR2,
569                    log      IN OUT VARCHAR2,
570 	           snapshot IN OUT DATE,
571                    snaptime IN OUT DATE);
573   PROCEDURE wrap_up(mowner IN VARCHAR2,
574                     master IN VARCHAR2,
575                     sshot  IN DATE,
576                     stime  IN DATE);
578   PROCEDURE get_log_age(oldest IN OUT DATE,
579                         mow    IN     VARCHAR2,
580                         mas    IN     VARCHAR2);
582   -- obselete interface, present for backward compatability
583   PROCEDURE drop_snapshot(mowner   IN VARCHAR2,
584                           master   IN VARCHAR2,
585                           snapshot IN DATE);
587   PROCEDURE testing;
589   -- Internal Procedure ONLY. DO NOT USE DIRECTLY
590   -- Note: added parameter 'resources' for internal parallel resource
591   -- load balancing
592   PROCEDURE refresh_mv (pipename       IN  VARCHAR2,
593                         mv_index       IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
594                         owner          IN  VARCHAR2,
595                         name           IN  VARCHAR2,
596                         method         IN  VARCHAR2,
597                         rollseg        IN  VARCHAR2,
598                         atomic_refresh IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
599                         out_of_place   IN  BINARY_INTEGER,
600                         env            IN BINARY_INTEGER,
601                         resources      IN BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT 0);
603   --- #######################################################################
604   --- #######################################################################
605   ---                        DEPRECATED PROCEDURES
606   ---
607   --- The following procedures will soon obsolete due to the materialized
608   --- view integration with snapshots. They are kept around for backwards
609   --- compatibility purposes.
610   ---
611   --- #######################################################################
612   --- #######################################################################
613   PROCEDURE register_snapshot(snapowner   IN VARCHAR2,
614                   snapname    IN VARCHAR2,
615                   snapsite    IN VARCHAR2,
616                   snapshot_id IN DATE,
617                   flag        IN BINARY_INTEGER,
618                   qry_txt     IN VARCHAR2,
619                   rep_type    IN BINARY_INTEGER := dbms_snapshot.reg_unknown);
621   PROCEDURE register_snapshot(snapowner   IN VARCHAR2,
622                   snapname    IN VARCHAR2,
623                   snapsite    IN VARCHAR2,
624                   snapshot_id IN BINARY_INTEGER,
625                   flag        IN BINARY_INTEGER,
626                   qry_txt     IN VARCHAR2,
627                   rep_type    IN BINARY_INTEGER := dbms_snapshot.reg_unknown);
629   PROCEDURE unregister_snapshot(snapowner IN VARCHAR2,
630                                 snapname  IN VARCHAR2,
631                                 snapsite  IN VARCHAR2);
633   PROCEDURE purge_snapshot_from_log(snapshot_id IN BINARY_INTEGER);
635   PROCEDURE purge_snapshot_from_log(snapowner   IN VARCHAR2,
636                                     snapname    IN VARCHAR2,
637                                     snapsite    IN VARCHAR2);
643 END dbms_snapshot;